34 research outputs found

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on leisure activities

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    HTF - Katedra učitelstvíHussite Theological FacultyHusitská teologická fakult

    Philip Larkin as a love poet

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    This thesis has tried to show that most of Philip Larkin's poems have something to say about love. However, whether it allows us to call Larkin a love poet or not is difficult to say. Perhaps Larkin did not write enough about love to be called a love poet; or perhaps he wrote too much. He did not write enough in the sense that there are no long (or short) lists of poems about a beloved person or about being in love. And he wrote too much in the sense that love is so important in the poetry that it cannot be isolated only in a few love poems. Larkin did not treat love as a special category of occurrences which could be separated from everything else that belongs to people's lives (and deaths). Therefore one could not speak of Larkin as of a love poet as well as one could not speak of Larkin as a nature poet or as a poet of deprivation. Larkin diligently escapes all such simplifying categories by his rich and complex body of work. The only thing one could say without any further specification is that Larkin is a poet, and the greater poet for escaping all the limiting categories. We certainly can be glad that "poetry chose [him]" (RW 62)

    Trainee program at ŠKODA AUTO company in the context of intercultural management

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    Práce se zabývá problematikou interkulturních kompetencí jako základního předpokladu pro vedení multikulturních pracovních skupin. Zaměřuje se zejména na absolventy trainee programu společnosti ŠKODA AUTO a.s. a získávání těchto kompetencí během ročního ŠKODA Trainee programu. Na základě informací z provedeného šetření jsou v práci navrženy možné aktivity, které by pro větší rozvoj interkulturních kompetencí bylo možné v průběhu programu zařadit.The thesis deals with the issue of intercultural competencies as a basic assumption for managing a multicultural work group. It focuses mainly on graduates of the ŠKODA AUTO a.s. trainee program and acquiring these competencies during the one-year ŠKODA Trainee program. Based on the information from the conducted investigation, possible activities are suggested in the thesis, which could be included during the program for more intensive development of intercultural competencies.Dopravní fakulta Jana PerneraProblematiku řešenou ve svém diplomové práci dokázala diplomantka odpovídajícím způsobem obhájit. Prokázala schopnost samostatné práce. Reakce na poznámky, resp. připomínky oponenta měla velmi dobře připraveny. Na doplňkové otázky reagovala pohotově, se znalostí věci a bez závažných nepřesností je zodpověděla.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Psychological aspects of dealing with traumatic amputation

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    This bachelor's thesis is concerned with dealing with traumatic incident by people with amputate lower limb. Thesis is divided into theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical one explains definition of amputation and its effect on life of individual. Also interprets the term of trauma, phases of dealing with trauma and types of post-traumatic disorders. There are also clarify aspects which can be found in process of dealing with serious life change as social support, processing of incident, body image and existential fears, in this bachelor's thesis. The empirical part explains methodology of research and shows results of qualitative attitude, where is choosen semi-structured interview as a main method of data collecting. Explorational complex was made with four respondents, who underwent traumatic incident and lost lower limb. Main objective was to explore, which aspects are after lost of lower limb the most important for individual to comeback into regular life and acceptance own handicap. Gained data were analysed due to open encoding and then interpret. Results shows many of aspects which traumatized individuals helps and also aspects which make their situation harder

    Adaptation during the first entrance into the job - importance, development

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    Adaptacni proces je velmi dulezitym aspektem pri vstupu noveho pracovnika do zamestnani, stejne tak jeho prubeh a kvalita, ktere dokazi do velke miry ovlivnit, jak se dany novy pracovnik adaptuje na pracovni pozici, pracovni cinnost a take jak dobre se zacleni do pracovniho kolektivu. S adaptacnim procesem se setka kazdy z nas, protoze tento institut je v dnesni dobe soucasti nastupu do zamestnani ve vsech profesich. Je dulezite nastup novemu pracovnikovi co nejvice ulehcit, proto by sestaveni adaptacniho planu nemelo byt podcenovano.ObhájenoAdaptation is very important aspect during the first entrance of new employee to a job, also its development and importance. It affect quality of adaptation to job position, activities, but also to a working team. Adaptation process is known by all people, who works. It is ordinary part of every entrance to job, in every career. It is really important to make employees entrance easier, so the adaptation plan shouldn't be underestimated

    The Sounds of Spoken Czech for Speakers whose Mother Tongue is German

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    Tato práce se věnuje výslovnosti a jejímu vlivu na průběh komunikačního procesu. Na základě teoretických východisek a magnetofonových nahrávek zkoumá a popisuje vliv zautomatizovaných výslovnostních návyků z mateřského, německého, jazyka na jazyk cílový, český. Na základě výsledků výzkumu navrhuje výslovnostní cvičení, která by měla pomoci při napravování častých výslovnostních chyb. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Civil service employment according to the Law on civil servants

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    Diplomová práce se věnuje tématu služebního poměru dle zákona o státní službě, který si pro svoji specifičnost a odlišnost od standardní úpravy zaměstnaneckého poměru získal moji pozornost. Informace a poznatky k tématu jsem čerpala z různých zdrojů, vedle odborných publikací, jsem využila i zákony, judikaturu a metodické pokyny náměstka ministra vnitra. Diplomová práce je rozdělena do čtyř větších kapitol které se dále dělí a obsahují vždy podkapitoly na sebe navazující.ObhájenoDiploma thesis discussed civil service, which is specific and different type of employees' situation, and for that all I found civil service very interesting. The aim of this thesis is to explain and describe civil service and all other informations connected to civil service. I used a lot of different sources for this thesis, especially literature, judicature and acts or laws. Diploma thesis is devided into four main chapters. Each main chapter has several parts, which are connected by meaning

    Biotransformation enzymes and metabolism of anthelmintics in Fascioloides magna

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    Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biochemical Sciences Candidate: Mgr. Lenka Rejšková Supervisor: doc. Ing. Barbora Szotáková, Ph.D. Consultant: Mgr. Lukáš Prchal Title of rigorous thesis: Biotransformation enzymes and metabolism of drugs in Fascioloides magna Biotransformation of xenobiotics including drugs is detoxifying ability of all organisms and it leads to positive and/or negative effects of pharmacotherapy. Each animal species is distinguished by quantitative and qualitative differences in biotransformation enzymes. Knowledge of these differences is crucial for effective and safe pharmacotherapy. It has become vital particularly when drug resistance is becoming a worldwide problem. This study was focused on parasite species Fascioloides magna which is responsible for extensive deaths of ruminants. In spite of this fact, there is lack of detailed information on its metabolism of anthelmintics or metabolism in general. The aim of this study was to find out biotransformation of anthelmintics in F. magna and activity of biotransformation enzymes in subcellular fractions from F. magna in the presence of model substrates. On the basis of fact that there were obtained activities of oxidative enzymes (FMO, GPx, CAT, Px, TrxR and NQO-1) and conjugation..

    Practical use of theatroterapy in the activation process of adults with intellectual disability

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    The aim of my bachelor thesis "A Practical Usage of Theatrotherapy During a Stimulation of Adult People with Mental Handicap" was to create, execute and evaluate a theatre performance focusing on a stimulation of mentally disabled adults. During leisure activities, it is possible to offer to mentally disabled people such activities that develop their personalities universally, lead towards their own activity and creativity. However, the mentally disabled people´s selection of activities is limited in comparison with the intact ones. Considering an offer of leisure activities for the target group, I decided to use theatrotherapy which has been created for them and then to implement a theatre performance. According to the specialised literature, by using it, it is possible to reach positive results in the field of communicative and locomotive skills as well as the memory and social relations. This thesis consists of three chapters. The target group will be defined in the first chapter in which I define the term of mental disability, characterise adult people with medium or severe mental disability and specify their social, mental and locomotive limitations in details. I define the theatrotherapy, describe its development, aims and methods in the second chapter. Simultaneously I mention it as a means of stimulation in the conclusion of this chapter. Theoretical part of the work is followed by in the third, practical chapter. I prepare a theatre performance based on specialised literature which I implement and evaluate here. The theatre performance was based on principles and rules of theatrotherapy. An original script adapted to the target group was used for its implementation. Classical teaching methods and drama teaching methods were used for rehearsing, namely methods verbal, graphically demonstrative, practical skills gaining, roleplaying, methods and techiques of training games and exercises, evaluation and reflection. During the evaluation and objective technique was used which aims for an analysis of actor´s activity, and a subjestive technique which aims for self-evaluation and actor´s feedback. The above mentioned activity was supported by IN Civic Society and ten people with medium and severe mental disability aged 25-45 participated. There was a process of involvement during a making of the performance and positive results in the field of communicative and locomotive skills were reached. The actors experienced new and unusual situation during the performance. They met new people too because some students of the University participated too. This resulted in social integration. The bachelor thesis is meant as an inspiration for the personnel of institutions providing social services

    Philip Larkin jako milostný basník

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    This thesis examines to what extent it is justifiable to classify Philip Larkin as a love poet. It finds that love is indeed one of the central themes in the work of this poet, who is usually associated with other, much bleaker, themes such as death. Through detailed close reading of his poems and reference to his prose, it explores the nature, the possibility and different aspects of human relationships and love, whose significance in Larkin's work is never taken at face value and whose treatment is unconventional. In order to understand love's place in his poetry, more general themes are discussed, such as the place of illusions and ideals in people's lives, possibility of choice, the question of desire, and personal identity in relationships. In order to discuss these themes in depth, the thesis also investigates the ways in which Larkin's poems about love fit into the tradition of English poetry. It further presents an extensive outline of Larkin's development as a love poet showing how the themes connected with love and their formal treatment changed throughout his writing career.This thesis has tried to show that most of Philip Larkin's poems have something to say about love. However, whether it allows us to call Larkin a love poet or not is difficult to say. Perhaps Larkin did not write enough about love to be called a love poet; or perhaps he wrote too much. He did not write enough in the sense that there are no long (or short) lists of poems about a beloved person or about being in love. And he wrote too much in the sense that love is so important in the poetry that it cannot be isolated only in a few love poems. Larkin did not treat love as a special category of occurrences which could be separated from everything else that belongs to people's lives (and deaths). Therefore one could not speak of Larkin as of a love poet as well as one could not speak of Larkin as a nature poet or as a poet of deprivation. Larkin diligently escapes all such simplifying categories by his rich and complex body of work. The only thing one could say without any further specification is that Larkin is a poet, and the greater poet for escaping all the limiting categories. We certainly can be glad that "poetry chose [him]" (RW 62).Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistikyFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult