215 research outputs found

    Cañada Honda I shell-midden (Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain): new data for its chronological and techno-cultural characterization

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    Los estuarios de los ríos Tinto y Odiel se localizan en la costa suroeste de la Península Ibérica, en el sector noroccidental del Golfo de Cádiz. Los cursos fluviales de ambos ríos atraviesan la provincia de Huelva constituyendo un sistema estuarino en su zona de desembocadura con el Océano Atlántico. Situado en la margen derecha del estuario del Odiel el conchero arqueológico de Cañada Honda (Aljaraque, Huelva), originado en torno a la fase final del último ascenso marino postglaciar (Holoceno), se ha venido considerando un importante establecimiento prehistórico para el estudio del proceso de tránsito de las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras a aquellas que, en el camino a la sedentarización, desarrollaron estrategias productoras. En el presente artículo damos a conocer un conjunto de materiales y una datación radiocarbónica de Cañada Honda que viene a reforzar su atribución cronológica-cultural a momentos del Mesolítico Final y Neolítico AntiguoTinto and Odiel estuaries are located on the southwestern coast of Iberian Peninsula, on the north-western part of Golfo de Cadiz. Both rivers cross Huelva province and present an estuarine system on its debouch into Atlantic Ocean. Located on the right bank of Odiel Estuary, Cañada Honda shell-midden (Aljaraque, Huelva), formed around the final phase of the maximum of post-glacial sea-level rise (Holocene), has been considered an important pre-historic site for the study of the transition process from hunter-gatherer societies, those that on their way into sedentarization, develop productive strategies.In this text, we present a set of archaeological materials and a radiocarbon date for Cañada Honda that reinforces its chrono-cultural attribution to a time between Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithi

    Patterning of polymer nanofiber meshes by electrospinning for biomedical applications

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    The end-product of the electrospinning process is typically a randomly aligned fiber mesh or membrane. This is a result of the electric field generated between the drop of polymer solution at the needle and the collector. The developed electric field causes the stretching of the fibers and their random deposition. By judicious selection of the collector architecture, it is thus possible to develop other morphologies on the nanofiber meshes. The aim of this work is to prepare fiber meshes using various patterned collectors with specific dimensions and designs and to evaluate how those patterns can affect the properties of the meshes relevant to biomedical applications. This study aims at verifying whether it is possible to control the architecture of the fiber meshes by tailoring the geometry of the collector. Three different metallic collector topographies are used to test this hypothesis. Electrospun nonwoven patterned meshes of polyethylene oxide (PEO) and poly(ε-capro-lactone) (PCL) were successfully prepared. Those fiber meshes were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Both mechanical properties of the meshes and cell contacting experiments were performed to test the effect of the produced patterns over the properties of the meshes relevant for biomedical applications. The present study will evaluate cell adhesion sensitivity to the patterns generated and the effect of those patterns on the tensile properties of the fiber meshes

    Cleavages of photochromic compounds derived from heterocycles under electrospray tandem mass spectrometry : study of the influence of the heteroatom in fragmentation mechanisms

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    In this paper we report the fragmentation pathways of chromenes derived from carbazole, dibenzofuran and dibenzothiophene, under ESI-MS/MS experimental conditions, and their relationship with structural features, specially focused on the heteroatom’s effect on the fragmentation mechanisms.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT

    O sistema judicial e os desafios da complexidade social: novos caminhos para o recrutamento e a formação de magistrados

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    A crise económica e social que afecta os países em todo o mundo aprofundou a mudança do contexto social da acção dos tribunais, hoje, marcado por fenómenos como a despolitização da regulação social, o aumento das desigualdades sociais, a emergência de novos riscos públicos, a globalização das sociedades, a crescente confrontação entre o político e o poder judicial, a forte mediatização da justiça, a maior organização individual e colectiva e o maior activismo dos cidadãos, as alterações, quantitativas e qualitativas, na procura sociojurídica, que pressionam o sistema judiciário a aceitar novos desafios e a novas funções. Neste novo contexto, as profissões forenses e, de entre estas, as magistraturas, quer judicial, quer do Ministério Público sofrem, um pouco por todo o lado, processos de mudança e são vistas como motores essenciais para o sucesso das reformas legais e das transformações do sistema judicial (Santos et al., 1996; Garapon, 1998). Neste quadro, a formação dos magistrados assume uma importância central, não só no aumento da eficiência e qualidade do sistema judicial, mas, fundamentalmente, na sua renovação democrática no sentido de melhor responder aos desafios da sociedade e às expectativas dos cidadãos

    Tonic pupil in leprosy

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    Pupil abnormalities in leprosy usually result from chronic iritis with loss of stroma, iris miosis, a sluggish reaction to light, and poor dilation in response to anticholinergic mydriatics. We report two patients with long-standing lepromatous leprosy who developed tonic pupils characterized by mydriasis, absence of reaction to light and hypersensitivity to weak cholinergic solution. Examination revealed iritis and iris atrophy. In both cases, instillation of dilute 0.1% pilocarpine caused miosis in the affected eyes. Tonic pupil occurs in many conditions, but its association with leprosy had not been previously reported

    OMICs approaches in diarrhetic shellfish toxins research

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    ReviewDiarrhetic shellfish toxins (DSTs) are among the most prevalent marine toxins in Europe’s and in other temperate coastal regions. These toxins are produced by several dinoflagellate species; however, the contamination of the marine trophic chain is often attributed to species of the genus Dinophysis. This group of toxins, constituted by okadaic acid (OA) and analogous molecules (dinophysistoxins, DTXs), are highly harmful to humans, causing severe poisoning symptoms caused by the ingestion of contaminated seafood. Knowledge on the mode of action and toxicology of OA and the chemical characterization and accumulation of DSTs in seafood species (bivalves, gastropods and crustaceans) has significantly contributed to understand the impacts of these toxins in humans. Considerable information is however missing, particularly at the molecular and metabolic levels involving toxin uptake, distribution, compartmentalization and biotransformation and the interaction of DSTs with aquatic organisms. Recent contributions to the knowledge of DSTs arise from transcriptomics and proteomics research. Indeed, OMICs constitute a research field dedicated to the systematic analysis on the organisms’ metabolisms. The methodologies used in OMICs are also highly e ective to identify critical metabolic pathways a ecting the physiology of the organisms. In this review, we analyze the main contributions provided so far by OMICs to DSTs research and discuss the prospects of OMICs with regard to the DSTs toxicology and the significance of these toxins to public health, food safety and aquacultureinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Escola de governo: perfis, trajetórias e perspectivas - v. II

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    A reflexão sobre a atuação e o papel institucional exercido pelas escolas de governo é um campo de pesquisa em franco desenvolvimento. Após a redemocratização do Estado brasileiro e a atribuição de novas responsabilidades para provisão de políticas públicas de caráter universal, ganha centralidade no debate acadêmico e na prática governamental a necessidade de se criar e desenvolver capacidades estatais e competências dos servidores públicos para atender às cada vez mais abrangentes atribuições sob a responsabilidade do Estado. A discussão sobre as escolas de governo insere-se nesse percurso, oferecendo subsídios para a compreensão desses espaços dedicados ao desenvolvimento de pessoas no setor público. A Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap) contribui historicamente, e por delegação normativa, para o alinhamento das escolas de governo da União (principalmente no âmbito do Sistema das Escolas de Governo da União – Segu) e para articulação de uma rede nacional de escolas de governo, com o envolvimento de estados e municípios. A presente publicação, dividida em dois volumes, representa uma continuação desses esforços. O objetivo da publicação é divulgar informações sistematizadas e abrangentes sobre o tema das escolas de governo no ambiente nacional e internacional, com base em levantamentos e pesquisas produzidos a partir de trabalhos desenvolvidos por servidores da própria Enap, discutidos em congressos nacionais e internacionais do campo da administração pública.Número de páginas: 87 p.Volume IIAdministração PúblicaSérie monográfica: Cadernos Enap, 43 - v. I

    Low-dose prophylaxis protocol for heterotopic ossification after hip preservation surgery in a sport participants cohort

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    Background: Heterotopic ossification (HO) is a well-known complication of arthroscopic and open surgical treatment of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). Incidence of heterotopic ossification has been reported in the literature between 0% and 44% after hip arthroscopy and between 18.2% and 25% after anterior mini-open surgery. Currently, pharmacological prophylaxis with NSAIDs and selective COX-2 inhibitors are commonly used and their effectiveness is well documented in literature. Hypothesis: We hypothesized that the low-dose prophylaxis protocol with selective cox-2 inhibitors decreases the risk of heterotopic ossification in open or arthroscopic hip preservation surgery in athletes. Methods: This study is an analysis of prospectively gathered data on 98 sport participant patients who underwent arthroscopic or anterior mini-open treatment for FAI between April 2008 and April 2018. All the patients received postoperative oral prophylaxis with 60 mg etoricoxib once daily for two weeks. Post-operative X-rays were performed at 1, 3, and 12 months after surgery and reviewed by two orthopedic surgeons blinded to the type and side of surgery. HO were graded according to the Brooker classification. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze demographic data. Bivariate analysis was performed to analyze the association of HO with each of the following variables: type of surgery, physical activity, time of evolution of symptoms, age at surgery, and sex. Finally, a regression model analysis was performed to determine the presence of confounding effects between variables. Results: The study cohort was composed of 54 patients in the arthroscopic treatment group and 44 patients in the anterior mini-open group. HO was identified in 6 (13.6%) patients in the mini-open group. No HO was identified in the arthroscopic group. In the bivariate analysis, “type of surgery” was the only variable that showed a statistically significant association with HO (p = 0.007). Conclusion: Results of this study suggest that anterior mini-open treatment was characterized by a higher risk of HO development compared to hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement treatment regardless of pharmacological prophylaxis. The treatment regimen of 60 mg etoricoxib daily for two weeks was an effective prophylaxis for HO formation in sport participant patients compared with data available in the literature