152 research outputs found

    Uso de técnicas de mineração de dados para identificar estruturas similares de bancos de dados

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2018.Com a crescente quantidade e tamanho das bases de dados, é cada vez mais difícil identificar as similares dentre grandes bases de dados armazenadas em diferentes Sistemas Gerenciadores de Banco de Dados (SGBDs). Por isso, é proposto o uso de técnicas de mineração de dados para identificar as estruturas similares de bancos de dados relacionais através da comparação de seus metadados. A quantidade de metadados é proporcional à quantidade de objetos de bancos de dados e as possibilidades de combinações para a comparação é quadrática em relação ao número de esquemas analisados. Em busca da técnica mais eficiente, foi proposta uma abordagem que calcula a similaridade de esquemas avaliando a distância de todos os esquemas para um esquema, considerado como origem. Obviamente, esquemas mais próximos são mais similares que esquemas mais distantes. Esta abordagem foi comparada com outras duas abordagens. A primeira compara todos os esquemas contra todos os outros esquemas, exceto a comparação inversa. A segunda abordagem compara os grupos de esquemas com tamanhos parecidos. Para validar as abordagens, é realizado um experimento com 354 esquemas reais de tamanhos pequeno a grande que variam de 2 a 20 mil objetos de banco de dados, advindos de 5 SGBDs de um Ministério do Brasil. Eles somam juntos mais de 26 mil tabelas e 238 mil colunas. Os metadados extraídos foram tratados e comparados em pares de esquemas. A similaridade das variáveis textuais é mensurada usando a distância cosseno e a das numéricas usando a distância euclidiana. A técnica de clusterização hierárquica é aplicada para facilitar a visualização dos esquemas mais similares. Como resultado, a abordagem proposta se mostrou a mais eficiente, identificou os esquemas com estruturas mais similares em menos de 2 minutos. Os metadados extraídos foram usados para criar o repositório de metadados da organização. Como isso, descobriu-se bancos de dados duplicados que, ao serem descontinuados, geraram economia de 10% no custeio e liberaram recursos de infraestrutura. Esta abordagem é flexível porque suporta uma variedade de SGBDs, de quantidade e de tamanhos de bases de dados.With the expanding diversity of database technologies and database sizes, it is becoming increasingly hard to identify similar relational databases among many large databases stored in different Database Management Systems (DBMS). Therefore, we propose to use data mining techniques to automatically identify similar structures of relational databases by comparing their metadata. The amount of metadata is proportional to the size of the schema structure. The possibilities of combinations for comparison is quadratic in relation to the number of schemas analyzed. Looking for the most efficient technique, we propose to calculate the schema similarity evaluating a distance of all the schemas to just one schema, which is a start point. Obviously schemas with close distances are more similar than schemas with bigger distances. We compare this proposal against two other approaches. The first approach compares all schemas against all another schemas except for its inverse comparison. The second approach compares schemas in a group of schemas with similar sizes. To validate our proposal, an experiment is performed with 354 real schemas ranging in sizes from 2 to 20 thousand metadata, totaling together more than 26 thousand tables and 238 thousand columns. Those schemas came from 5 different DBMS. The metadata extracted is transformed and formatted for comparing pairs of a schema. The textual features are compared using Cosine Distance and numerical features are compared using Euclidean Distance. Then, the hierarchical cluster technique is used to facilitate the visualization of the schema that most closely resembled one another. Results showed that, our was the most efficient because it compared all schema and identified the most similar schema by its structure in less than 2 minutes. The extracted metadata was used to create the first version of the metadata repository and an initial version of a data catalog. Using this procedure, duplicated schemas were discovered and then discontinued, resulting in a cost savings of 10% of cost savings, while freeing up infrastructure resources. This solution is flexible, it supports a variety of number of schema, of schema sizes, and DBMS

    A importância das actividades experimentais nos centros de ciência

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    O presente estágio foi realizado no âmbito do mestrado em Comunicação de Ciência da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas e do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB) da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH-UNL), tendo como entidade de acolhimento o Centro Ciência Viva do Alviela – Carsoscópio (CCVAlv). Usando como exemplo o CCVAlv, pretendeu-se com este trabalho mostrar o papel das actividades experimentais nos centros de ciência, perceber qual a preponderância deste tipo de actividades, como são implementadas, se existe participação de investigadores e/ou professores e se são actividades experimentais que se aproximam da prática real de ciência ou não. Tendo em conta estes objectivos surgiu este relatório intitulado “A importância das actividades experimentais nos centros de ciência”. O CCVAlv, instituição privilegiada para a comunicação de ciência, foi o local escolhido para realizar o estágio, uma vez que, devido à sua reabertura recente (Abril de 2013), se encotra num momento aberto a novas actividades. Durante o estágio foram produzidos diversos protocolos de actividades experimentais para complementar a oferta do CCVAlv, acompanhou-se de perto a actividade mais popular do Centro para aferir o motivo da sua popularidade. Em colaboração com outro estagiário do Centro, foram feitas algumas propostas para a comunicação do CCVAlv de modo a aumentar a sua visibilidade, como a divulgação de notícias de ciência nas redes sociais e a divulgação de notícias sobre o CCVAlv nos media locais. Este trabalho, que se baseia na importância das actividades experimentais como ferramenta para a literacia científica, permite fazer uma avaliação das actividades experimentais do CCVAlv de acordo com a proposta para a realização de actividades experimentais da Ciência Viva – Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica. São indicados os pontos fortes e os pontos fracos dando sugestões de como os melhorar. Percebeu-se que o CCVAlv tem muito potencial para evoluir desde que seja melhorada a coordenação da equipa técnica.This internship was developed in the scope of the Science Communication masters degree of Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB) of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH-UNL) and took place at Centro Ciência Viva do Alviela – Carsoscópio (CCVAlv). It was intended with this work to show the role of experimental activities in science centers, using as an example CCVAlv, to understand what is the preponderance of these kind of activities in science centers, how they are implemented, if there are investigators and/or teachers that participate in the elaboration of such activities and if these activities are the practice of real science or not. Given these objectives this work arose entitled as “The importance of experimental activities in science centers”. CCVAlv, a privileged institution for science communication, was the location chosen to do the internship due to its recent reopening (April 2013), therefore they were in a creative moment. During the internship several experimental activities protocols were produced to complement CCVAlv’s offer, there was an accompaniment of the most popular activity in the Center so that it could be observed to why it is so popular, and there were some ideas proposed, in collaboration with another Center intern, to improve CCVAlv’s science communication so that it gained more visibility such as, science news divulged on social networks and the divulgation of news about CCVAlv in the local media. This work, which is based on scientific literacy and the characteristics and importance of experimental activities, allows an evaluation of CCVAlv’s experimental activities according to the proposal on how to conduct experimental activities of Ciência Viva – Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica. It is indicated the strengths and the weacknesses giving suggestions on how to improve them. It is realized that CCVAlv has a lot of potential to evolve as long as there is better coordination of the thecnical team

    Professoras de Educação do Campo e resistência: as brechas no habitus docente

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    ABSTRACT. This work analyzes teaching practices which refer to resistance in teaching habitus. We carried out a case study involving teachers graduated in the first classes of the Rural Education degree course. We assume that a student graduation engaged in the rural education struggles must train teachers whose teaching practices escapes the education structuring habitus in general, producing resistance also in the pedagogical field. The results point to the production of ways of resistance through tactics in which they improvise in the shortage of necessary materials and equipment; in which they share the little they have and make it a reason for reflection; in which they problematize the lived situations in daily life by teachers and students and make this a material and pedagogical activity; in which they redesign the circular distribution of students in the class and make the dynamics of relations break the linearity. In contrast, the rigid way in which education is organized as a whole - which is a strong component of the habitus - keeps framing/limiting initiatives, pointed to the constant need to problematize the curriculum, school times and social places occupied by the school and teachers. ABSTRACT. This work analyzes teaching practices which refer to resistance in teaching habitus. We carried out a case study involving teachers graduated in the first classes of the Rural Education degree course. We assume that a student graduation engaged in the rural education struggles must train teachers whose teaching practices escapes the education structuring habitus in general, producing resistance also in the pedagogical field. The results point to the production of ways of resistance through tactics in which they improvise in the shortage of necessary materials and equipment; in which they share the little they have and make it a reason for reflection; in which they problematize the lived situations in daily life by teachers and students and make this a material and pedagogical activity; in which they redesign the circular distribution of students in the class and make the dynamics of relations break the linearity. In contrast, the rigid way in which education is organized as a whole - which is a strong component of the habitus - keeps framing/limiting initiatives, pointed to the constant need to problematize the curriculum, school times and social places occupied by the school and teachers. RESUMEN. El presente artículo analiza acciones docentes que remiten a la resistencia en el habitus docente. La investigación tuvo como metodología un estudio de caso que incluyó profesoras formadas en los años iniciales de la Licenciatura en Educación Rural. Se parte del presupuesto que la formación docente, comprometida con las luchas de la educación rural, debe formar profesoras que, en su acción docente, escapen al habitus estructurante de la educación en general, para producir resistencia también en el campo pedagógico. Los resultados muestran la producción de modos de resistencia a través de tácticas de improvisación ante la ausencia de materiales y equipos necesarios; de compartir lo poco que existe y hacer de esta carencia motivo de reflexión; de problematizar situaciones vividas en lo cotidiano por docentes y alumnos, haciendo de eso material y actividades pedagógicas; de rediseñar, de forma circular, la distribución de los alumnos en la clase y hacer que la dinámica de las relaciones quiebre la linealidad. En contraposición, el modo rígido con que la educación como un todo se organiza, fuerte componente del habitus, continúa encuadrando/limitando las iniciativas, apuntando para la necesidad constante de problematizar la malla curricular, los tiempos escolares y los lugares sociales ocupados por la escuela y por las profesoras.ABSTRACT. This work analyzes teaching practices which refer to resistance in teaching habitus. We carried out a case study involving teachers graduated in the first classes of the Rural Education degree course. We assume that a student graduation engaged in the rural education struggles must train teachers whose teaching practices escapes the education structuring habitus in general, producing resistance also in the pedagogical field. The results point to the production of ways of resistance through tactics in which they improvise in the shortage of necessary materials and equipment; in which they share the little they have and make it a reason for reflection; in which they problematize the lived situations in daily life by teachers and students and make this a material and pedagogical activity; in which they redesign the circular distribution of students in the class and make the dynamics of relations break the linearity. In contrast, the rigid way in which education is organized as a whole - which is a strong component of the habitus - keeps framing/limiting initiatives, pointed to the constant need to problematize the curriculum, school times and social places occupied by the school and teachers. O artigo analisa ações docentes que remetem à resistência no habitus docente. A pesquisa teve como método um estudo de caso, envolvendo entrevistas e observação em sala de aula de professoras formadas nas turmas iniciais da Licenciatura em Educação do Campo. Parte-se do pressuposto de que a formação docente engajada nas lutas da educação do campo deve formar professoras cuja ação docente escape ao habitus estruturante da educação em geral, produzindo resistência também no campo pedagógico. Os resultados apontam para a produção de modos de resistir através de táticas em que improvisam na ausência de materiais necessários, de equipamentos; em que compartilham o pouco existente e fazem disso motivo de reflexão; em que problematizam situações vividas no cotidiano por docentes e discentes, fazendo disso material e atividade pedagógicos; em que redesenham de modo circular a distribuição dos alunos na classe e fazem a dinâmica das relações quebrar a linearidade. Em contraponto, o modo rígido com que a educação como um todo se organiza, forte componente do habitus, continua enquadrando/limitando as iniciativas, apontado para a necessidade constante de problematização do currículo, dos tempos escolares e dos lugares sociais ocupados pela escola e pelas professoras. Palavras-chave: habitus, resistência, educação do campo.   Rural Education teachers and resistance: the breaches in teaching habitus ABSTRACT. This work analyzes teaching practices which refer to resistance in teaching habitus. We carried out a case study involving teachers graduated in the first classes of the Rural Education degree course. We assume that a student graduation engaged in the rural education struggles must train teachers whose teaching practices escapes the education structuring habitus in general, producing resistance also in the pedagogical field. The results point to the production of ways of resistance through tactics in which they improvise in the shortage of necessary materials and equipment; in which they share the little they have and make it a reason for reflection; in which they problematize the lived situations in daily life by teachers and students and make this a material and pedagogical activity; in which they redesign the circular distribution of students in the class and make the dynamics of relations break the linearity. In contrast, the rigid way in which education is organized as a whole - which is a strong component of the habitus - keeps framing/limiting initiatives, pointed to the constant need to problematize the curriculum, school times and social places occupied by the school and teachers.  Keywords: habitus, resistance, rural education.   Profesoras de Educación Rural y resistencias: las brechas en el habitus docente RESUMEN. El presente artículo analiza acciones docentes que remiten a la resistencia en el habitus docente. La investigación tuvo como metodología un estudio de caso que incluyó profesoras formadas en los años iniciales de la Licenciatura en Educación Rural. Se parte del presupuesto que la formación docente, comprometida con las luchas de la educación rural, debe formar profesoras que, en su acción docente, escapen al habitus estructurante de la educación en general, para producir resistencia también en el campo pedagógico. Los resultados muestran la producción de modos de resistencia a través de tácticas de improvisación ante la ausencia de materiales y equipos necesarios; de compartir lo poco que existe y hacer de esta carencia motivo de reflexión; de problematizar situaciones vividas en lo cotidiano por docentes y alumnos, haciendo de eso material y actividades pedagógicas; de rediseñar, de forma circular, la distribución de los alumnos en la clase y hacer que la dinámica de las relaciones quiebre la linealidad. En contraposición, el modo rígido con que la educación como un todo se organiza, fuerte componente del habitus, continúa encuadrando/limitando las iniciativas, apuntando para la necesidad constante de problematizar la malla curricular, los tiempos escolares y los lugares sociales ocupados por la escuela y por las profesoras. Palabras clave: habitus, resistencia, educación rural

    O diálogo entre universidade e comunidade: uma proposta de ação coletiva no tempo comunidade do curso de licenciatura em educação do campo

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      Resumo: A presente proposta baseia-se numa ação coletiva dialógica realizada em uma das etapas do Tempo Comunidade do Curso de Licenciatura em Educação do Campo do Centro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, em uma das comunidades de origem dos estudantes: a comunidade Quilombola São Domingos, localizada no município de Conceição da Barra-ES. Esta investigação configura-se como pesquisa participante, onde os docentes e discentes realizaram uma prática interdisciplinar, aliada aos conhecimentos locais. Além de abordar características da pedagogia da alternância, a pesquisa aborda a dialogicidade, a problematização do conhecimento a partir da realidade e a construção de novos saberes. Palavras-chave: Tempo comunidade. Dialogicidade. Pedagogia da Alternância. Comunidade Quilombola.

    Aprender inglês para a comunicação: a construção da Home Page Pessoal na www

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    The incorporation of emergent electronic discourse genres into pedagogic practices in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) has made it possible for students to use the target language in real contexts of communication through writing. The Personal Home Page (PHP) seems to be especially suitable to pedagogical applications as it provides the student with a locus for using basic linguistic functions in English in the construction of her/his PHP on the Internet. In this paper, we firstly present an analysis of recurrent features in exemplars of the cybergenre PHP in terms of content, structural organization and functions of language. Next, we propose an activity for EFL teaching that aims at engaging the student in the virtual world through the construction of her/his own PHP. A series of experimentations with WebEnglish - a computer assisted English course developed at Laboratório de Pesquisa e Ensino de Leitura e Redação at the National University at Santa Maria, Brazil – has demonstrated the potentiality of this kind of activity to motivate students and thus facilitate the development of sociolinguistic competencies in the target language. Key words: computer assisted language learning, EFL teaching, electronic discourse genre, personal home page

    Aprender inglês para a comunicação: a construção da Home Page Pessoal na www

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    The incorporation of emergent electronic discourse genres into pedagogic practices in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) has made it possible for students to use the target language in real contexts of communication through writing. The Personal Home Page (PHP) seems to be especially suitable to pedagogical applications as it provides the student with a locus for using basic linguistic functions in English in the construction of her/his PHP on the Internet. In this paper, we firstly present an analysis of recurrent features in exemplars of the cybergenre PHP in terms of content, structural organization and functions of language. Next, we propose an activity for EFL teaching that aims at engaging the student in the virtual world through the construction of her/his own PHP. A series of experimentations with WebEnglish - a computer assisted English course developed at Laboratório de Pesquisa e Ensino de Leitura e Redação at the National University at Santa Maria, Brazil – has demonstrated the potentiality of this kind of activity to motivate students and thus facilitate the development of sociolinguistic competencies in the target language. Key words: computer assisted language learning, EFL teaching, electronic discourse genre, personal home page.A incorporação de gêneros digitais emergentes à prática pedagógica de inglês como língua estrangeira tem oportunizado a alunos o uso de língua inglesa em contextos reais de comunicação via língua escrita. A Home Page Pessoal (HPP) parece se prestar de modo especial para fins pedagógicos ao possibilitar que o aluno vivencie funções básicas da linguagem na construção da sua página pessoal na Internet. Neste trabalho, primeiramente, apresentamos uma análise das características recorrentes em exemplares do cibergênero HPP em termos de conteúdo, forma e funções lingüísticas. Em seguida, oferecemos uma proposta de atividade para o ensino de inglês como língua estrangeira que tem por objetivo engajar o aluno no contexto virtual por meio da composição de sua própria HPP. Uma série de experimentações com o curso WebEnglish – curso de inglês mediado por computador desenvolvido no Laboratório de Pesquisa e Ensino de Leitura e Redação na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – tem demonstrado a potencialidade desse tipo de atividade para motivar o aluno e, portanto, facilitar o desenvolvimento de competências sóciolingüísticas na língua-alvo. Palavras-chave: ensino de línguas mediado por computador, ensino de inglês como língua estrangeira, gênero discursivo eletrônico, home page pessoal

    Knowledge, attitudes and practices of doctors and nurses of Family Health Strategy towards the bilateral relationship between diabetes mellitus and periodontal diseases, Anápolis, GO

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    Introduction: It has been reported that diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease present a two-way association. Accordingly, it is important to disclose this relationship, as well as to performpreventive actions for individuals with diabetes, sensitizing them to become responsible for their health and main agents in changes their habits, aiming at mitigating the damage from this interaction. The health team from primary health care is responsible for suchaction, acting on the systematization of the assistance and service organization, aiming at the integral assistance and resolution. Objective: To analyze the knowledge of doctors and nurses on the two-way relationship between periodontal disease and diabetes mellitus and the assistance provided to the health of individuals with diabetes. Material and methods: we conducted a cross-sectional study, from January to June 2016, with a sample of 85 doctors and nurses, ofboth genders, aged between 22 and 34 years, from the family health strategy of the city of Anápolis-GO, all health units were covered in the study. Socio-demographic data and knowledge of the bilateral relationship between diabetes mellitus and periodontal diseases were collected through a self-administered questionnaire. For the data analysis, group comparison tests (Chi-square) were used. Results: 85 professionals participated in the study (response rate of 82.5%). The professionals have knowledge of the periodontal disease, but little knowledge regarding the relationship between this and the diabetes mellitus. The professional neither have the habit to check changes in the mouth, nor reffer the individuals with diabetics to the dentist. Conclusion: The data indicate deficiencies in the knowledge of the professionals on the bilateral relationship between the diseases and demonstrate the absence of important approaches for a comprehensive care to individuals with diabetes.Introduction: It has been reported that diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease present a two-way association. Accordingly, it is important to disclose this relationship, as well as to performpreventive actions for individuals with diabetes, sensitizing them to become responsible for their health and main agents in changes their habits, aiming at mitigating the damage from this interaction. The health team from primary health care is responsible for suchaction, acting on the systematization of the assistance and service organization, aiming at the integral assistance and resolution. Objective: To analyze the knowledge of doctors and nurses on the two-way relationship between periodontal disease and diabetes mellitus and the assistance provided to the health of individuals with diabetes. Material and methods: we conducted a cross-sectional study, from January to June 2016, with a sample of 85 doctors and nurses, ofboth genders, aged between 22 and 34 years, from the family health strategy of the city of Anápolis-GO, all health units were covered in the study. Socio-demographic data and knowledge of the bilateral relationship between diabetes mellitus and periodontal diseases were collected through a self-administered questionnaire. For the data analysis, group comparison tests (Chi-square) were used. Results: 85 professionals participated in the study (response rate of 82.5%). The professionals have knowledge of the periodontal disease, but little knowledge regarding the relationship between this and the diabetes mellitus. The professional neither have the habit to check changes in the mouth, nor reffer the individuals with diabetics to the dentist. Conclusion: The data indicate deficiencies in the knowledge of the professionals on the bilateral relationship between the diseases and demonstrate the absence of important approaches for a comprehensive care to individuals with diabetes

    Bioactivity in compound resin resistance and polibility: a clinical case report

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    Concern about appearance and the importance of an attractive smile is well established in modern society. A healthy aesthetic standard satisfies anyone regardless of sex, age, or social class. The growing interest of patients for a better aesthetic appearance, associated with the significant development of new restorative materials and wide dissemination in the media of this concept of beauty, led to changes in the concepts of dental treatment. This work aimed to demonstrate through a clinical case how biotechnology can help in treatments in a minimally invasive way. For this, a total of 34 articles were analyzed in full, however, 17 were included and discussed in this study. The literature reviews used and the observation of random studies was from the Bireme, PubMed, SciElo, and LILACS databases. It can be concluded in this clinical case that the success of aesthetic treatment is closely linked to the correct indication and knowledge of the dental surgeon in different products on the market, in addition to using it correctly, taking into account the patient's desire