340 research outputs found

    FasL Expression in Articular Discs of Human Temporomandibular Joint and Association with Osteoarthrosis

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    Background Apoptosis is a programme of cell death which does not induce an inflammatory response. Recent previous research has suggested a correlation between temporomandibular internal derangement and apoptosis. Fas ligand (FasL) is an apoptosis‐inducing factor, known to trigger apoptosis through distinct signal pathways. This study aims to examine, by immunohistochemistry, the expression of FasL in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) articular discs of patients with anterior disc displacement with reduction (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR) in patients with and without osteoarthrosis (OA). Methods Forty‐two (n = 42) TMJ articular discs were divided into two cut‐offs: (i) 8 control, 17 ADDwR, 17 ADDwoR, and (ii) without OA (n = 25) and with OA (n = 17). The area of immunostaining was compared statistically between groups (P \u3c 0.05). Results Statistically significant differences were found in the expression of FasL in TMJ discs between the three groups (P = 0.001). ADDwR presented significant higher FasL expression when compared with ADDwoR (P \u3c 0.001). Significant higher FasL expression was observed in the group without OA (P = 0.001). All patients without OA presented ADDwR, while all the patients with OA presented ADDwoR. Conclusion A higher area of in situ immunostaining of FasL was found in temporomandibular discs with reduction, which is the less severe condition. Moreover, a reduced expression of FasL in the discs of patients with osteoarthrosis was found, suggesting that some aspects of apoptosis might underlie the progression of TMJ disorders

    Common bean reaction to angular leaf spot comprises transcriptional modulation of genes in the ALS10.1 QTL

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    Genetic resistance of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) against angular leaf spot (ALS), caused by the fungus Pseudocercospora griseola, is conferred by quantitative trait loci (OIL). In this study, we determined the gene content of the major OIL ALS10.1 located at the end of chromosome Pv10, and identified those that are responsive to ALS infection in resistant (CAL 143) and susceptible (IAC-UNA) genotypes. Based on the current version of the common bean reference genome, the ALS10.1 core region contains 323 genes. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis of these coding sequences revealed the presence of genes involved in signal perception and transduction, programmed cell death (PCD), and defense responses. Two putative R gene clusters were found at ALS10.1 containing evolutionary related coding sequences. Among them, the Phvu1.010G025700 was consistently up-regulated in the infected IAC-UNA suggesting its contribution to plant susceptibility to the fungus. We identified six other genes that were regulated during common bean response to P. griseola; three of them might be negative regulators of immunity as they showed opposite expression patterns during resistant and susceptible reactions at the initial phase of fungal infection. Taken together, these findings suggest that common bean reaction to F? griseola involves transcriptional modulation of defense genes in the ALS10.1 locus, contributing to resistance or susceptibility depending on the plant-pathogen interaction6COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP6899/10-22009/024112; 2010/51673-

    Heme oxygenase 1 improves glucoses metabolism and kidney histological alterations in diabetic rats

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    One important concern in the treatment of diabetes is the maintenance of glycemic levels and the prevention of diabetic nephropathy. Inducible heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) is a rate-limiting enzyme thought to have antioxidant and cytoprotective roles. the goal of the present study was to analyze the effect of HO-1 induction in chronically hyperglycemic rats. the hyperglycemic rats were divided into two groups: one group, called STZ, was given a single injection of streptozotocin; and the other group was given a single streptozotocin injection as well as daily injections of hemin, an HO-1 inducer, over 60 days (STZ + HEME). A group of normoglycemic, untreated rats was used as the control (CTL).Body weight, diuresis, serum glucose levels, microalbuminuria, creatinine clearance rate, urea levels, sodium excretion, and lipid peroxidation were analyzed. Histological alterations and immunohistochemistry for HO-1 and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) were assessed. After 60 days, the STZ group exhibited an increase in blood glucose, diuresis, urea, microalbuminuria, and sodium excretion. There was no weight gain, and there was a decrease in creatinine clearance in comparison to the CTL group. in the STZ + HEME group there was an improvement in the metabolic parameters and kidney function, a decrease in blood glucose, serum urea, and microalbuminuria, and an increase of creatinine clearance, in comparison to the STZ group.There was glomerulosclerosis, collagen deposition in the STZ rats and increase in iNOS and HO-1 expression. in the STZ + HEME group, the glomerulosclerosis and fibrosis was prevented and there was an increase in the expression of HO-1, but decrease in iNOS expression and lipid peroxidation. in conclusion, our data suggest that chronic induction of HO-1 reduces hyperglycemia, improves glucose metabolism and, at least in part, protects the renal tissue from hyperglycemic injury, possibly through the antioxidant activity of HO-1.Universidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Div Nephrol, Dept Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Morphol Dept, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Div Nephrol, Dept Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Morphol Dept, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Hemoglobinopatias no Distrito Federal, Brasil

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    Em uma amostra de 3137 pessoas, residentes no Distrito Federal, foram detectadas as seguintes hemoglobinas: em 3009(95,92%) HbAA; em 91 (2,90%) HbAS; em 20(0,64%) HbAC; em 8 (0,26%) talassemia beta minor; em 5(0,16%) HbAJ alfa; em 3 (0,09%) HbAM e em 1 (0,03%) talassemia major associada com HbAS. A HbAS têm as seguintes freqüências, quanto ao grupo racial: branco - 1,84%; mulato claro 2,55%; mulato médio-3,68%; mulato escuro - 6,80%; negro -10,43% e mestiço de índio -3,85%.The hemoglobins of 3137 persons from the Federal District, Brazil was studied. The identified types of hemoglobins were: HbAA (3009 - 95,92%); HbAS (91 - 2,90%); HbAC (20 - 0,64%) beta thalassemia minor (8 - 0,26%); HbAJ alpha (5 - 0,16%); HbAM (3 - 0,09%) and beta thalassemia major/HbS (1 - 0,03%). The frequencies of sickle cell trait (HbAS) of each racial class were: white (1,84%); light mulatto (2,55%); medium mulatto (3,68%); dark mulatto(6,80%), negro (10,43%)and indian mestizo (3,85%)

    Evaluation of the effects of Quercetin and Kaempherol on the surface of MT-2 cells visualized by atomic force microscopy

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    AbstractThis study investigated the anti-viral effects of the polyphenolic compounds Quercetin and Kaempherol on the release of HTLV-1 from the surface of MT-2 cells. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to scan the surface of the MT-2 cells. MT-2 cells were fixed with 100% methanol on round glass lamina or cleaved mica and dried under UV light and laminar flow. The images were captured on a Multimode equipment monitored by a NanoScope IIId controller from Veeco Instruments Inc operated in tapping mode and equipped with phase-imaging hardware. The images demonstrated viral budding structures 131±57nm in size, indicating profuse viral budding. Interestingly, cell-free viruses and budding structures visualized on the surface of cells were less common when MT-2 was incubated with Quercetin, and no particles were seen on the surface of cells incubated with Kaempherol. In summary, these data indicate that HTLV-1 is budding constantly from the MT-2 cell surface and that polyphenolic compounds were able to reduce this viral release. Biological samples were analyzed with crude cell preparations just after cultivation in the presence of Quercetin and Kaempherol, showing that the AFM technique is a rapid and powerful tool for analysis of antiviral activity of new biological compounds

    High rates of physical inactivity and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with resistant hypertension

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    Background: Hypertension.is a multifactorial disease of high prevalence in Brazil and the world’s population and is the major treatable risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Objectives: To investigate the prevalence, according to sex, of risk behaviors and comorbidities associated with Hypertension.in the treated patients in Hiperdia Center Viçosa, MG. Methods: Cross-sectional study that evaluated 172 medical records of hypertensive patients greater than 18 years, nondiabetic, referred to the center of Viçosa Hiperdia. Among the data evaluated from analysis of medical records are the factors and behaviors of cardiovascular risk as overweight / obesity, dyslipidemia, smoking, drinking and physical inactivity, as well as medical conditions or comorbidities associated with hypertension. For data analysis were used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Mann-Whitney test and the Pearson correlation test. The level of significance was 5%. Results: There was a higher prevalence of men among the patients and rates of alcoholism and smoking were significantly higher in this group. Women had a higher rate of obesity. Physical inactivity and dyslipidemia were present in 77% and 44% of patients, respectively, with no difference between sexes. Resistant Hypertension.was found in 71% of patients. Lower education was also very present among the hypertensive. Among the clinical conditions related to hypertension, there was a predominance of left ventricular hypertrophy, followed by kidney disease and cerebrovascular disease. Conclusions: The study showed that 71% of patients were classified as resistant Hypertension.and that, beyond this serious condition, they still showed a combination of behaviors and risk factors that confer a high risk of cardiovascular complicationsFundamento: A hipertensão arterial sistêmica é uma doença multifatorial, de alta prevalência na população brasileira e mundial e constitui o principal fator de risco tratável para as doenças cardiovasculares. Objetivos: Verificar a prevalência, de acordo com o sexo, dos comportamentos de risco e das comorbidades associadas à hipertensão nos pacientes atendidos no Centro Hiperdia de Viçosa, MG Métodos: Estudo transversal que avaliou 172 prontuários de hipertensos maiores de 18 anos, não diabéticos, encaminhados ao Centro Hiperdia de Viçosa. Entre os dados avaliados a partir de análise de prontuários estão os fatores e comportamentos de risco cardiovascular como sobrepeso/obesidade, dislipidemia, tabagismo, etilismo e sedentarismo, bem como condições clínicas ou comorbidades associadas à HAS. Para análise dos dados foram empregados os testes de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, o teste de Mann-Whitney e o teste de correlação de Pearson. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados: Observou-se uma prevalência maior de homens entre os hipertensos analisados e as taxas de etilismo e tabagismo foram significativamente maiores neste grupo. As mulheres apresentaram uma taxa maior de obesidade. O sedentarismo e a dislipidemia estiveram presentes em 77% e 44% dos pacientes, respectivamente, sem diferença entre os sexos. Hipertensão arterial resistente foi encontrada em 71% dos pacientes. Dentre as condições clínicas relacionadas à hipertensão, houve um predomínio da hipertrofia do ventrículo esquerdo, seguida pela doença renal e pela doença cerebrovascular. Conclusões: O estudo mostrou que 71 % dos pacientes eram classificados como hipertensos resistentes e que, além desta séria condição, os mesmos ainda apresentavam uma combinação de comportamentos e fatores de risco que conferem um alto risco de complicações cardiovasculare

    Morphology and morphometry of the human sublingual glands in mouth floor enlargements of edentulous patients

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    Asymptomatic mouth floor enlargements may be observed in edentulous patients. These masses, which protrude from the mouth floor, may complicate the fitting of dentures and require surgery. Whether this "entity" may be considered an anatomical variation of the mouth floor or represent specific alterations in the sublingual gland is not known. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this work is to investigate the morphological and morphometric aspects of the sublingual glands of edentulous patients with mouth floor enlargements and compare the glands of these patients with the sublingual glands of human cadavers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Microscopic evaluation was performed on human sublingual glands from edentulous patients with mouth floor enlargements (n=20) and edentulous cadavers (n=20). The patients and cadavers were of similar ages. The data were compared using Mann-Whitney U, Fisher's exact and Student's t tests (p<0.05). RESULTS: Acinar atrophy, duct-like structures, mononuclear infiltrates, replacement of parenchyma with fibrous/adipose tissue, mucous extravasation and oncocytosis were similar between the groups (p>0.05). Only the variables "autolysis" and "congested blood vessels" presented statistical difference between groups (p=0.014; p=0.043). The morphometric study revealed that the volume densities of acini, ducts, stroma and adipose tissue were similar between the groups (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: The microscopic characteristics of the sublingual glands in mouth floor enlargements in edentulous patients correspond to characteristics associated with the normal aging process. The glands are not pathological and represent an age-related alteration that occurs with or without the presence of the mouth floor enlargements

    How Habitat Change and Rainfall Affect Dung Beetle Diversity in Caatinga, a Brazilian Semi-Arid Ecosystem

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate how dung beetle communities respond to both environment and rainfall in the Caatinga, a semi-arid ecosystem in northeastern Brazil. The communities were sampled monthly from May 2006 to April 2007 using pitfall traps baited with human feces in two environments denominated “land use area” and “undisturbed area.” Abundance and species richness were compared between the two environments and two seasons (dry and wet season) using a generalized linear model with a Poisson error distribution. Diversity was compared between the two environments (land use area and undisturbed area) and seasons (dry and wet) using the Two-Way ANOVA test. Non-metric multidimensional scaling was performed on the resemblance matrix of Bray-Curtis distances (with 1000 random restarts) to determine whether disturbance affected the abundance and species composition of the dung beetle communities. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used to determine whether rainfall was correlated with abundance and species richness. A total of 1097 specimens belonging to 13 species were collected. The most abundant and frequent species was Dichotomius geminatus Arrow (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). The environment exerted an influence over abundance. Abundance and diversity were affected by season, with an increase in abundance at the beginning of the wet season. The correlation coefficient values were high and significant for abundance and species richness, which were both correlated to rainfall. In conclusion, the restriction of species to some environments demonstrates the need to preserve these areas in order to avoid possible local extinction. Therefore, in extremely seasonable environments, such as the Caatinga, seasonal variation strongly affects dung beetle communities