11 research outputs found


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    Područje istočne Slavonije dobro je istraženi prostor sa značajnom količinom naftnogeoloških istraživačkih radova i nekoliko značajnih otkrića ugljikovodika. S obzirom na novi početak aktivnih istraživanja, načinjena je evaluacija količine generiranih i potencijalno akumuliranih ugljikovodika za procjenu preostalog ugljikovodičnog potencijala. Prema postojećoj literaturi i digitaliziranim kartama konstruiran je 3D naftnogeološki model u softveru Petrel 2018, a 1D i 3D bazensko modeliranje provedeno je u softveru Petromod 2018. U cilju preciznije ocjene matičnog potencijala badenskih i sarmatskih lapora napravljena je i analiza sadržaja organskog ugljika te Rock-eval analiza matičnih stijena s obronaka obližnjeg gorja. Rezultati bazenskog modeliranja sugeriraju značajan ugljikovodični potencijal, prvenstveno akumulacija nafte u stijenama Vukovarske formacije. Rezultati ovakvog modeliranja mogu poslužiti kao izvor podataka za buduća istraživanja u istočnoj Slavoniji, ali i kao izvor procjene kritičnih faktora koje je tek potrebno detaljnije definirati.Subsurface of Eastern Slavonia is sufficiently explored with a number of petroleum geological researches and with a few significant hydrocarbon discoveries. New exploration activity is the motivation for the evaluation of hydrocarbon generation and accumulation, and assessment of the remaining hydrocarbon potential. Using available literature and digital maps, 3D petroleum systems model was constructed in Petrel 2018 software and basin modelling was performed in Petromod 2018 software. In addition to that, Rock-eval and total organic carbon content analyses were conducted on samples from the outcrops on nearby highlands, with the aim of better understanding of source rock potential. The results of basin modelling suggest significant hydrocarbon potential, primarily oil accumulations in rocks of Vukovarska formation. The results of this modelling can be used as a source of data for further exploration in Eastern Slavonia, but also as a source for determination of critical parameters which have yet to be defined in detail

    Gender Role Orientation in Same- and Cross-Gender Friendships

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    The present study was designed to investigate the relationship between individuals\u27 gender-role orientations and the strength and rewardingness of their friendships. The study was guided by a series of questions centered around the assumption that androgynous individuals exhibit greater behavioral flexibility from one situation to another. Androgynous individuals were expected to provide a broader range of interpersonal rewards, forming stronger and more rewarding friendships than gender-typed individuals. In addition, androgynous individuals were expected to respond equally favorably to both same- and cross-gender friends, making gender-role orientation a factor attenuating gender differences in friendship. A total of 105 women and 101 men used the Acquaintance Description Form to describe both a same-gender and cross-gender friend. Each subject also responded to the Bem Sex-role Inventory for herself or himself and for each of their selected friends. Comparisons were made among the different gender-role orientations of the subjects, their friends, and the Acquaintance Description Form variables. Overall, both genders indicated stronger and more rewarding friendships with same- than with cross-gender friends. The results indicated that the gender-role orientation of the subjects was not a factor in the quality of either same- or cross-gender friendships. For women, the perceived gender-role orientation of the friend was significantly related to the quality of the friendship. Women perceived androgynous friends of either gender as providing the most rewarding friendships, and undifferentiated friends of either gender as providing the least rewarding friendships. In addition to indicating that both women and men find their stronger friendships with same-gender friends, the results showed that women, but not men, considered androgynous friends of either gender to be more rewarding. Therefore, rather than attenuating gender differences in friendship, gender-role orientation was another variable on which women\u27s and men\u27s friendships differed. This suggests that women are responsive to a broader range of possibilities within friendship. Contrary to the widely accepted characterization of men\u27s friendships as agentic, but not communal, and women\u27s friendships as communal, but not agentic, this study suggests that women\u27s friendships are both communal and agentic

    Intimacy, Orgasm Likelihood of Both Partners, Conflict, and Partner Response Predict Sexual Satisfaction In Heterosexual Male and Female Respondents

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    Anonymous data provided by 417 female and 179 male sexually active heterosexual respondents showed that in long term sexual relationships sexual satisfaction was positively correlated with two different intimacy variables, the respondent’s orgasm likelihood, and the partner’s orgasm likelihood and negatively correlated with conflict in the relationship. All were significant predictors together in a multiple linear regression model. Empathic sexuality was defined as sexual response modulated by the sexual arousal or lack of arousal of the partner. Of 696 respondents, 90.3% reported empathic turn-on, 68% reported empathic turn-off, and 63.4% reported both empathic turn-on and turn-off, findings significantly different from a random distribution


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    In 2008 Michelle Obama faced a crisis of identity in the midst of her husband's campaign to become the president of the United States. We know from polling data that Michelle Obama effectively managed that crisis, successfully reformulated her identity, and is presently one of the most popular and respected women in the country. Obama's identity crisis was a problem that was resolved with rhetoric. This dissertation is a rhetorical analysis of the Obama campaign's strategies to recast Michelle Obama's identity--to diffuse stereotypes, rumors and innuendo by focusing predominantly on her role as a happy housewife and mother. The analysis in this project is split into two sections. The first section of analysis focuses on the Obama campaign's initial effort to rehabilitate Obama's identity via two high profile media appearances in June 2008. The second section of analysis examines Obama's address to the Democratic National Convention on August 25, 2008. Analysis of Obama's convention speech utilizes Dow and Tonn's (1993) political feminine style to show how Obama delivered a message containing conflicting political ideologies. Obama used a feminine style to continue her conservative makeover while simultaneously projecting a progressive vision of the American Dream. Even though Michelle Obama's identity was rehabilitated successfully, the analysis indicates Americans continue to be uncomfortable with strong, independent Black women in positions of power. Additionally, this case study reveals a disturbing trend regarding the use of the feminine style. Whereas typically it is a discursive form women use to gain access and influence, in this case it was forced upon Michelle Obama to usher her away from power

    Clothing gift expenditures : the influence of gender, ethnicity, and age

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    "The study's purpose was to understand better the role of clothing in gift giving, specifically to estimate the probabilities associated between gender, ethnicity, and age and CU (household) clothing and clothing gift expenditures, as well as to identify mean differences between CU clothing and clothing gift expenditures based on the gender, ethnicity, and age of CU heads. The study data were drawn from the 2001 Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX) and probabilities were estimated using Bayesian statistical analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test for mean expenditure differences. The findings indicated that male-headed CUs had a higher probability and higher mean expenditures relative to clothing and clothing gifts than female-headed CUs for the adult and infant clothing categories. African-American-headed CUs had the highest mean clothing expenditure for the adult and infant clothing categories, although Caucasian- and Hispanic-headed CUs had higher probabilities for purchasing clothing. CUs with heads 45~54 and 55~64 had the highest mean expenditures for adult clothing, while, CUs with heads 14~19 and 20~24 had the highest mean expenditures for infant clothing. A comparison of the study results and the literature suggests there may be differences between individual and CU expenditure behaviors relative to clothing and clothing gift giving."--Abstract from author supplied metadata

    The development of the Assessment of Intimacy in Marriage (AIM) instrument

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    The purpose of this research was to develop an instrument to measure several dimensions of intimacy in marital relationships, and to test the psychometric properties of the instrument. Based on a review of the literature, a study of existing instruments, and consultation with experts, the researcher developed The Assessment of Intimacy in Marriage (AIM). The instrument measures 10 categories of intimacy: Commitment, Crisis (affective), Crisis (instrumental), Emotional, Intellectual, Physical (non-sexual), Physical (sexual), Shared Activity, Social, and Spiritual. The 60 items (6 items for each of the 10 intimacy categories) are given four assessments by each respondent (current levels of intimacy in self, current levels of intimacy in spouse, desired levels of intimacy in self, desired levels of intimacy in spouse)

    La relación de pareja. Apego, dinámicas de interacción y actitudes amorosas: consecuencias sobre la calidad de la relación.

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    RESUMEN Esta investigación analiza la relación de pareja adulta desde el marco teórico de la teoría del apego. Sus objetivos son: 1) estudiar la influencia del estilo de apego, las actitudes amorosas y las dinámicas de interacción, sobre la calidad y la satisfacción de la relación de pareja y 2) desarrollar un protocolo de actuación dentro de la terapia cognitiva de pareja a través de la inclusión de las ideas irracionales afectivas características de los estilos de apego en el análisis de las dinámicas de la relación de pareja. Los participantes fueron 166 personas (47.6% hombres, 52.4% mujeres) con una edad media de 29.4 años (sd=8.7) que mantenían una relación de pareja de, al menos, dos años de duración (tiempo mínimo para la consolidación de un vínculo de apego). El tiempo medio de relación fue de 9.4 años (de 2 a 34 años). Del total, 65 fueron parejas (n=130). El 51,5% convivían. Las variables analizadas y los instrumentos utilizados fueron: el Vínculo Afectivo hacia los Padres (Cuestionario de Apego Parental; Parker et al, 1979), el Estilo de Apego Adulto (Cuestionario de Relación; Bartholomew y Horowitz, 1991), variables de Cuidado de la Relación (Escala de cuidados; Kunce y Shaver, 1994), Actitudes Amorosas (Escala de Actitudes Amorosas; Hendrick y Hendrick, 1990), variables de Calidad de la Relación (Escala de Ajuste Diádico; Spanier, 1976) y la Satisfacción en la Relación (Escala de Satisfacción; Hendrick, 1988). Los análisis estadísticos fueron: análisis correlacionales, análisis de varianza uni y multivariado, tablas de contingencia y path análisis. Los resultados respecto a la relación entre el estilo de apego y la calidad y satisfacción de la relación permiten concluir que: la seguridad afectiva, implica mayor sensibilidad y proximidad en el cuidado, lo que origina una mayor satisfacción y ajuste en la relación de pareja. La dependencia afectiva (apego preocupado) genera unas dinámicas de relación disfuncionales, insensibilidad, celos, conflictos que resultan perjudiciales para la satisfacción y el ajuste a la relación. El apego huidizo temeroso tiene actitudes de distanciamiento cognitivo junto a un cuidado compulsivo y una elevada insatisfacción con la relación. Estas dinámicas disfuncionales confirman que la evitación del temeroso proviene de un miedo al rechazo y una elevada ansiedad por las relaciones. El apego huidizo alejado muestra un patrón coherente de distancia conductual, cognitiva y afectiva debido a una infravaloración de las relaciones íntimas y desactivación de las necesidades de apego. Nuestros resultados indican que la persona alejada idealiza la calidad de su relación de pareja, lo que coincide con la idealización del recuerdo de la relación con los padres (George et al., 1985) y con la sobrevaloración de su autoestima (Feeney, 1994; Mayseless, 1996). Los resultados de los análisis por parejas permiten concluir que: el cuidado, la actitud amorosa y la calidad de la relación, están más influidas por el apego propio que por el de la pareja. Existe un mayor porcentaje de parejas donde uno o ambos miembros de la relación son seguros, en parte debido a las características positivas asociadas a este estilo de apego. Existe una correspondencia entre la satisfacción y la calidad de los miembros de la pareja. Aplicaciones prácticas. Un modelo integrado: las ideas irracionales afectivas en el marco de la terapia cognitiva. La teoría del apego y los resultados de nuestra investigación, ponen de manifiesto que los modelos mentales relativos al apego (de los que derivan ideas irracionales afectivas) influyen a la dinámica y la calidad de la relación. La teoría del apego ofrece un marco teórico explicativo del origen y el mantenimiento de las relaciones afectivas que supone un avance en la intervención en parejas con dinámicas disfuncionales. __________________________________________________________________________________________________The present research examines close adult relationships from the attachment theory framework. Main objectives: a) to analyse how attachment style, love attitudes and interaction dynamics influence relationships quality, b) to arise an intervention protocol including attachment styles affective irrational believes into the cognitive therapy frame. Participants: 166 people (47.6% men, 52.4% women), mean age 29.4 (sd=8.7), that were in a relationship for, at least, two years (time needed for the attachment bond to be consolidated). Mean relationship length was 9.4 (range 2-34). From the total, 65 were couples (n=130). 51.5% were cohabitating. Instruments: Parental bonding instrument (Parker et al, 1979), Relationship questionnaire (Bartholomew & Horowitz, 1991), Caregiving questionnaire (Kunce & Shaver, 1994), Love attitudes Scale (Hendrick & Hendrick, 1990), Relationship assessment scale (Hendrick, 1988) Dyadic adjustment scale (Spanier, 1976). Statistical analyses: Correlational analyses, uni and multivariate variance analyses, contingence table and path analysis. Results related to attachment style relationship quality: Security of attachment implies a higher sensitivity and proximity care which causes relationship adjustment. Preoccupied style generates dysfunctional relationship dynamics that damage relationship adjustment. Fearful attachment shows distancing cognitive attitudes combined with compulsive caregiving and highly relationship dissatisfaction. These dysfunctional dynamics confirm that the fearful avoidance derives from a fear of being rejected and high anxiety over relationships. The dismissing attachment shows a coherent pattern of cognitive, affective and behaviour distance due to a undervaluing of close relationships and attachment needs deactivation. Our results prove that the dismissing style idealizes their relationship quality, which coincides with parents idealization (George et al., 1985) and self-esteem overvaluation (Feeney, 1994; Mayseless, 1996). Couples analyses: Care, love attitude and relationship quality are more influenced by self attachment than by the couples one. There are more couples where one or both of them were secure, in part due to the positive characteristics associated to this style. There is a correspondence between satisfaction and quality in the couple. Practical application. An integrated model: Affective irrational beliefs in the framework of cognitive therapy. The attachment theory and our results show that mental models related to attachment (from which affective irrational beliefs derive) influence relationship dynamics and quality