60 research outputs found

    Gjenbruk av materialer i landskapsarkitekturen

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    Denne masteroppgaven sÞker Ä gjÞre rede for ulike tilnÊrminger, fordeler, metoder og holdninger knyttet til gjenbruk av materialer i landskapsarkitekturen. Innledningsvis blir det presentert teoretiske overordnede ideer om hva gjenbruk er, hvilke fordeler det kan gi og ulike aspekter knyttet til prosessen i gjenbruksprosjekter. I trÄd med begrepet bÊrekraft undersÞkes de Þkonomiske, miljÞmessige og sosiale gevinstene av gjenbruk i landskapsarkitekturen. Her konkluderes det med at de stÞrste utfordringene er knyttet til Þkonomien, men ogsÄ at dette er i endring i trÄd med myndighetenes stadig skjerpede avfallspolitikk. Videre blir det redegjort for hvordan disse idéene kan lÞses i praksis. De vanligste materialtypenes gjenbrukspotensiale blir beskrevet og det blir presentert en eksempelsamling som illustrerer hvordan de ulike teoretiske tilnÊrmingene kan lÞses i detaljeringen. FormÄlet med samlingen er Ä formidle informasjon om gode lÞsninger og pÄ den mÄten fungere som kilde til inspirasjon for de som eventuelt stÄr ovenfor tilsvarende prosjekter. For Ä gi et bilde av hvordan holdningene til gjenbruk er blant norske landskapsarkitekter ble det utfÞrt en spÞrreundersÞkelse. Her ble det spurt om aktuelle gjenbruksprosjekter de har vÊrt med pÄ, hvilke materialer som ble gjenbrukt, rutiner for kartlegging av potensielle gjenbruksmaterialer og mer generelle holdninger ble kartlagt. UndersÞkelsen fikk inn 285 svar fra hele landet og resultatet viste at det var stort engasjement. Her ble det pÄpekt flere viktige utfordringer basert pÄ respondentenes praktiske erfaringer. Det ble ogsÄ vist at det er noe ulike holdninger til gjenbruk i privat praksis kontra offentlige ansatte. Mange gav uttrykk for at de var usikre pÄ fordelene ved gjenbruk og at det ikke kunne forsvares estetisk. I den avsluttende diskusjonen pÄpekes det at mye av disse utfordringene og holdningene er knyttet til lite kunnskap og lite erfaring med gjenbruksprosjekter. For Ä pÄvirke bransjen til Ä tenke mer gjenbruk er de viktigste tiltakene derfor knyttet til videreformidling av kompetanse og gode lÞsninger. Som svar pÄ dette avslutter oppgaven med forslag til noen konkrete tiltak. Oppgaven har ogsÄ avdekket en rekke problemstillinger og temaer som ved nÊrmere utredning kan gi videre nyttig kunnskap relatert til gjenbruk av materialer i landskapsarkitekturen. This thesis seeks to explain different approaches, benefits, methods and opinions related to reuse of materials in landscape architecture. To begin with, the ideas and concepts behind reuse are presented, the benefits it can bring, as well as other aspects of reuse. In accordance with the concept of sustainability, the economic, environmental and social benefits of reuse in landscape architecture is examined. It is concluded that the main challenges are economic, but that this is changing to come into line with the governments increasingly stringent waste policies. Furthermore, it is described how these ideas can be solved in practice. The most common materials and their reuse potential are described and examples illustrate how different theoretical approaches can be utilised in detailing. The purpose of this collection is to disseminate information on good practices and thus act as a source of inspiration for those who may face similar projects. To map opinions and attitudes towards reuse among Norwegian landscape architects, a survey was carried out. The questionnaire asked about their involvment in reuse-projects, what materials were reused, procedures for identifying potential reuse materials and general attitudes towards reusing materials. The survey received 285 responses from across the country and the results showed great commitment. It pointed out several important challenges based on the respondents practical experience. It was also shown that there can be different attitudes towards reuse between the private and public sectors. Many stated that they were uncertain about the benefits of reusing materials and that it could not be justified aesthetically. The concluding discussion states that a lot of these challenges and attitudes are associated with a lack of knowledge and experience with the reuse of materials. In order to influence the industry to focus more on reuse, the key measures are therefore linked to the redistribution of knowledge and solutions, and so this thesis concludes with a list of suggestions for specific actions. This assignment also revealed a number of issues and subjects that, upon further investigation, may provide useful information related to the reuse of materials in landscape architecture

    The immune response of the human brain to abdominal surgery

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    ObjectiveSurgery launches a systemic inflammatory reaction that reaches the brain and associates with immune activation and cognitive decline. Although preclinical studies have in part described this systemic-to-brain signaling pathway, we lack information on how these changes appear in humans. This study examines the short- and long-term impact of abdominal surgery on the human brain immune system by positron emission tomography (PET) in relation to blood immune reactivity, plasma inflammatory biomarkers, and cognitive function.MethodsEight males undergoing prostatectomy under general anesthesia were included. Prior to surgery (baseline), at postoperative days 3 to 4, and after 3 months, patients were examined using [11 C]PBR28 brain PET imaging to assess brain immune cell activation. Concurrently, systemic inflammatory biomarkers, ex vivo blood tests on immunoreactivity to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation, and cognitive function were assessed.ResultsPatients showed a global downregulation of gray matter [11 C]PBR28 binding of 26 ± 26% (mean ± standard deviation) at 3 to 4 days postoperatively compared to baseline (p = 0.023), recovering or even increasing after 3 months. LPS-induced release of the proinflammatory marker tumor necrosis factor-α in blood displayed a reduction (41 ± 39%) on the 3rd to 4th postoperative day, corresponding to changes in [11 C]PBR28 distribution volume. Change in Stroop Color-Word Test performance between postoperative days 3 to 4 and 3 months correlated to change in [11 C]PBR28 binding (p = 0.027).InterpretationThis study translates preclinical data on changes in the brain immune system after surgery to humans, and suggests an interplay between the human brain and the inflammatory response of the peripheral innate immune system. These findings may be related to postsurgical impairments of cognitive function. Ann Neurol 2017;81:572-582

    Influence of the postoperative inflammatory response on cognitive decline in elderly patients undergoing on-pump cardiac surgery: a controlled, prospective observational study

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    BACKGROUND: The role of non-infective inflammatory response (IR) in the aetiology of postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is still controversial. The aim of this controlled, prospective observational study was to assess the possible relationship between the grade of IR, defined by procalcitonin (PCT) changes, and development of POCD related to cardiac surgery. METHODS: Forty-two patients, who were >/= 60 years of age and scheduled for elective cardiac surgery, were separated into the low inflammatory (LIR) and high inflammatory (HIR) response groups based on their PCT levels measured on the first postoperative day. A matched normative control group of 32 subjects was recruited from primary care practice. The PCT and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were monitored daily during the first five postoperative days. The cognitive function and mood state were preoperatively tested with a set of five neurocognitive tests and two mood inventories and at the seventh postoperative day. The Reliable Change Index modified for practice (RCIp) using data from normative controls was applied to determine the significant decline in test performance. RESULTS: The LIR (n = 20) and HIR (n = 22) groups differed significantly in the PCT (p 0.05). Additionally, there was no difference in the mood states, anxiety levels and perioperative parameters known to influence the development of POCD. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the magnitude of the non-infective inflammatory response generated by on-pump cardiac surgery did not influence the development of POCD in the early postoperative period in elderly patients

    Svenska Myndigheters Hantering och Publicering av Öppna data : En fallstudie

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    Sammanfattning  Syftet med den hĂ€r uppsatsen Ă€r att öka kunskapen om hur myndigheter arbetar med öppna data, samt hur man förhĂ„ller sig till demokratiska principer kopplat till öppna data. Jag har applicerat en kvalitativ metodologi med fallstudie som metod. Jag har utfört intervjuer med ett antal informanter som Ă€r verksamma inom omrĂ„det öppna data pĂ„ sina respektive institutioner. Intervjuerna har genomförts med en informant frĂ„n varje institution och för detta Ă€ndamĂ„l valdes tre statliga myndigheter, och tre kommuner ut för nĂ€rmare efterforskningar. Utöver det har tvĂ„ remissrundor kopplade till ett nytt förslag pĂ„ en öppna data-lag i Sverige, konsulterats för ytterligare information om de valda institutionernas förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till öppna data. Institutionernas hemsidor har ocksĂ„ studerats, samt olika data-set pĂ„ sidan kallad ”Sveriges Dataportal” (dataportal.se). En litteraturgenomgĂ„ng har genomförts, samt en översikt över andra relevanta rapporter och dokument.  Det teoretiska ramverket bestĂ„r av dels innovationsteori (Greenacre et al., 2012), som belyser öppna datas effekter som innovationsskapare, samt ”Records Continuum-modellen” (RCM) (Upward, 2000), som Ă€r en arkivteoretisk modell som kan vara till hjĂ€lp vid hantering av data. Flera myndigheter har idag helt automatiserade publiceringsprocesser dĂ€r man externt delar API:er som Ă€ndĂ„ finns och anvĂ€nds internt av organisationen. Hos kommunerna varierar hanteringen dock nĂ„got mer i förfining och kvalitet. Kunskapen om vad öppna data Ă€r, varierar Ă€ven den mellan de olika institutionerna. Detta gör att enstaka tjĂ€nstemĂ€n ibland fĂ„r agera som ensamt ansvariga, samtidigt som mĂ€ngden öppna data, och engagemanget frĂ„n resten av organisationen Ă€r ganska litet beroende pĂ„ institution. I undersökningen belyses ocksĂ„ flera andra aspekter av hantering och publicering av öppna data, sĂ„som exempelvis tids- och resursbrist och en brist pĂ„ anvĂ€ndare. Man hanterar, sĂ€rskilt i kommunerna, öppna data till synes sĂ„ gott man kan, men oftast ganska osystematiskt. Inom myndigheterna Ă€r arbetet mer rutinmĂ€ssigt utfört, men Ă€ven dĂ€r uttrycks bristen pĂ„ drivkraft i hela processen. I undersökningen uppmĂ€rksammas de tvĂ„ parallella arkivkontexter som finns, dĂ€r skapandet och initiala hanteringen av data som arkivhandlingar, Ă€r fysiskt och organisatoriskt separerat frĂ„n publiceringen av öppna data. De som Ă€r med i skapandet av data Ă€r sĂ€llan aktiva inom hantering och publicering av öppna data, trots att det rör sig om till synes samma datamĂ€ngder. Detta gör dels att en process som skulle kunna ha varit integrerad, i dagslĂ€get Ă€r funktionsuppdelad. Effekten blir att kunskapen om datamĂ€ngderna finns i en del av organisationen och vidare hantering och publicering som öppna data sköts av dem som kanske inte har samma kĂ€nnedom om datamĂ€ngderna som sĂ„dana. Man planerar inte heller vid skapandet av data för dess publicering. Enligt RCM sĂ„ Ă€r det helt ok att dela upp processer enligt olika syften, men i en kontext om öppna data sĂ„ skulle arbetet antagligen kunna fortskrida bĂ€ttre om hela organisationen var delaktig och hade kĂ€nnedom om öppna data. Ansvarsskyldighet och transparens Ă€r nĂ„got som informanterna tycker Ă€r viktigt, men det hanteras inte som en grundlĂ€ggande förutsĂ€ttning för öppna data inom nĂ„gon institution.Abstract  The aim of this study is to increase knowledge of the management and publication processes of open data in Swedish institutions. The aim is also to increase the understanding of how public authorities regard the democratic principles connected with open data. The study looked at three governmental authorities and three municipal authorities that were the objects of the investigation. It applied a qualitative research methodology with case studies as the method. Interviews were used as the main data collection technique along with document studies and a literature review of previous research on the topic was also conducted. Two theoretical frameworks were used to analyse the collected data. Innovation theory was used to create a general understanding of how innovation can happen in the framework of open data. The Records Continuum-theory was applied to understand the management and publication of open data. A few conclusions could be made, regarding the actual management process as well as publishing, but also about the state of open data in public institutions in Sweden today. A discrepancy between the official policy, the prospect of a new open data law, and the actual work being done by public servants has been acknowledged. Also, the user base is said to be rather weak. The situation is analysed through a lens of the officially stated prospect of billions of kroner in gains for society, where the outcome is still to be realised. The conclusion is that a lot has to be done to get enough momentum to start a process of innovation when it comes to open data. Regarding the actual management and publishing of open data, different public institutions have varying ways to solve problems. The available resources seem to be a defining factor when it comes to how far public institutions have developed in publishing open data. Resources are not the only factor though, as a lack of knowledge regarding the principles of open data also plays a part, as well as motivation and lack of support from further up in the hierarchy. With regards to the question of accountability and transparency, it seems to be an understated benefit, that isn’t a priority for the policymaking, though several informants expressed concern for the democratic value of open data

    Registrering av underarmsbrudd ved UNN i TromsĂž og Molde sjukehus

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    Background: Norway has one of the highest reported incidences of forearm fractures in the world. However, the incidence is based on smaller studies, and these numbers may not be representative for the country as a whole. Normally, recently occurred forearm fractures are registered in the Norwegian Patient Register (NPR), but no validation of the forearm fracture diagnosis code in the register has been performed. Numbers recorded in the register may therefore not be correct and complete. Methods: To investigate the validity of the forearm fracture diagnosis in the NPR, I have compared the reported forearms fractures in the outpatient and inpatient journal systems of the UNN in TromsĂž and the hospital of Molde, with confirmed forearm fractures in the x-ray register. I compared the registers by calculating the sensitivity and positive predictive value of registered forearm fractures. Results: The sensitivity was near 100% in both TromsĂž and Molde. Nevertheless, we found the positive predictive value to be only 52.6% at the UNN in TromsĂž, and 63.8% at the hospital in Molde. Several of the registered forearm fractures in the hospital journal systems were not confirmed in the x-ray register. Conclusion: Although the sensitivity was high in both TromsĂž and Molde, showing a high level of completeness, the positive predictive value and therefore the correctness of the forearm fracture diagnosis was low. In general the numbers were somewhat higher in Molde compared to TromsĂž

    Svenska Myndigheters Hantering och Publicering av Öppna data : En fallstudie

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    Sammanfattning  Syftet med den hĂ€r uppsatsen Ă€r att öka kunskapen om hur myndigheter arbetar med öppna data, samt hur man förhĂ„ller sig till demokratiska principer kopplat till öppna data. Jag har applicerat en kvalitativ metodologi med fallstudie som metod. Jag har utfört intervjuer med ett antal informanter som Ă€r verksamma inom omrĂ„det öppna data pĂ„ sina respektive institutioner. Intervjuerna har genomförts med en informant frĂ„n varje institution och för detta Ă€ndamĂ„l valdes tre statliga myndigheter, och tre kommuner ut för nĂ€rmare efterforskningar. Utöver det har tvĂ„ remissrundor kopplade till ett nytt förslag pĂ„ en öppna data-lag i Sverige, konsulterats för ytterligare information om de valda institutionernas förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till öppna data. Institutionernas hemsidor har ocksĂ„ studerats, samt olika data-set pĂ„ sidan kallad ”Sveriges Dataportal” (dataportal.se). En litteraturgenomgĂ„ng har genomförts, samt en översikt över andra relevanta rapporter och dokument.  Det teoretiska ramverket bestĂ„r av dels innovationsteori (Greenacre et al., 2012), som belyser öppna datas effekter som innovationsskapare, samt ”Records Continuum-modellen” (RCM) (Upward, 2000), som Ă€r en arkivteoretisk modell som kan vara till hjĂ€lp vid hantering av data. Flera myndigheter har idag helt automatiserade publiceringsprocesser dĂ€r man externt delar API:er som Ă€ndĂ„ finns och anvĂ€nds internt av organisationen. Hos kommunerna varierar hanteringen dock nĂ„got mer i förfining och kvalitet. Kunskapen om vad öppna data Ă€r, varierar Ă€ven den mellan de olika institutionerna. Detta gör att enstaka tjĂ€nstemĂ€n ibland fĂ„r agera som ensamt ansvariga, samtidigt som mĂ€ngden öppna data, och engagemanget frĂ„n resten av organisationen Ă€r ganska litet beroende pĂ„ institution. I undersökningen belyses ocksĂ„ flera andra aspekter av hantering och publicering av öppna data, sĂ„som exempelvis tids- och resursbrist och en brist pĂ„ anvĂ€ndare. Man hanterar, sĂ€rskilt i kommunerna, öppna data till synes sĂ„ gott man kan, men oftast ganska osystematiskt. Inom myndigheterna Ă€r arbetet mer rutinmĂ€ssigt utfört, men Ă€ven dĂ€r uttrycks bristen pĂ„ drivkraft i hela processen. I undersökningen uppmĂ€rksammas de tvĂ„ parallella arkivkontexter som finns, dĂ€r skapandet och initiala hanteringen av data som arkivhandlingar, Ă€r fysiskt och organisatoriskt separerat frĂ„n publiceringen av öppna data. De som Ă€r med i skapandet av data Ă€r sĂ€llan aktiva inom hantering och publicering av öppna data, trots att det rör sig om till synes samma datamĂ€ngder. Detta gör dels att en process som skulle kunna ha varit integrerad, i dagslĂ€get Ă€r funktionsuppdelad. Effekten blir att kunskapen om datamĂ€ngderna finns i en del av organisationen och vidare hantering och publicering som öppna data sköts av dem som kanske inte har samma kĂ€nnedom om datamĂ€ngderna som sĂ„dana. Man planerar inte heller vid skapandet av data för dess publicering. Enligt RCM sĂ„ Ă€r det helt ok att dela upp processer enligt olika syften, men i en kontext om öppna data sĂ„ skulle arbetet antagligen kunna fortskrida bĂ€ttre om hela organisationen var delaktig och hade kĂ€nnedom om öppna data. Ansvarsskyldighet och transparens Ă€r nĂ„got som informanterna tycker Ă€r viktigt, men det hanteras inte som en grundlĂ€ggande förutsĂ€ttning för öppna data inom nĂ„gon institution.Abstract  The aim of this study is to increase knowledge of the management and publication processes of open data in Swedish institutions. The aim is also to increase the understanding of how public authorities regard the democratic principles connected with open data. The study looked at three governmental authorities and three municipal authorities that were the objects of the investigation. It applied a qualitative research methodology with case studies as the method. Interviews were used as the main data collection technique along with document studies and a literature review of previous research on the topic was also conducted. Two theoretical frameworks were used to analyse the collected data. Innovation theory was used to create a general understanding of how innovation can happen in the framework of open data. The Records Continuum-theory was applied to understand the management and publication of open data. A few conclusions could be made, regarding the actual management process as well as publishing, but also about the state of open data in public institutions in Sweden today. A discrepancy between the official policy, the prospect of a new open data law, and the actual work being done by public servants has been acknowledged. Also, the user base is said to be rather weak. The situation is analysed through a lens of the officially stated prospect of billions of kroner in gains for society, where the outcome is still to be realised. The conclusion is that a lot has to be done to get enough momentum to start a process of innovation when it comes to open data. Regarding the actual management and publishing of open data, different public institutions have varying ways to solve problems. The available resources seem to be a defining factor when it comes to how far public institutions have developed in publishing open data. Resources are not the only factor though, as a lack of knowledge regarding the principles of open data also plays a part, as well as motivation and lack of support from further up in the hierarchy. With regards to the question of accountability and transparency, it seems to be an understated benefit, that isn’t a priority for the policymaking, though several informants expressed concern for the democratic value of open data

    The distribution and detailed morphological description and photo documentation of the soft coral family Nephtheidae in the North East Atlantic

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    The soft coral family Nephtheidae is known for being the most difficult to classify of all the Alcyonacea families. The confusion in the terminology and the lack of consistent de-tailed descriptions and use of figures contribute to the challenging work in identification.Northern expeditions and more recently projects like MAREANO, BIOICE and BIO-FAR have resulted in a substantial collection of northern Nephtheidae corals. These collections are found in the Department of Natural History, University Museum of Bergen,in the Icelandic Natural History Museum (INHM) and Natural History Museum of Den-mark in Copenhagen.Material of northern Nephtheids was thoroughly studied in the 1940’s and a substantial confusion in the nomenclature was revealed by J. F. Madsen in 1944. In addition,the morphological description was sparse. Little has been done since to sort out this confusion, and to see if it is possible to provide a comprehensive morphological description of the northern Nephtheidae species.The geographical distribution and their variability of temperature and depth as habitat factors has been investigated, by comparing the values (temperature and depth) at the observed location of the different taxa. An extensive assembly of previous morphological descriptions provided a guide of diagnostic characters to use in species identification.A comprehensive morphological description were conducted and included the characters that are traditionally used (e.g. sclerite shape) and were supplemented with detailed photo-documentation of characters that previously only have been described. A phylogenetic analysis was created using Maximum likelihood to see if the categorization of the different species were supported, and to investigate their phylogenetic relationship.The habitat analysis showed a difference in temperature gradient per taxa, while the depth gradients had more overlap between the taxa. By collecting all the morphological descriptions from the literature, it proved possible to connect species identification to the nine different morphology types that arose during this study. The species that were identified are the non-retractile Duva florida (Rathke, 1806), Duvacf.multiflora (Verrill,1879), Drifa glomerata (Verrill, 1869), Pseudodrifa racemosa (Studer, 1891), Pseudodrifagroenlandica (Molander, 1915) and the retractile Gersemia rubiformis (Ehrenberg, 1834) and Gersemia mirabilis (Danielssen, 1887). The phylogenetic analysis gave support to two monophyletic clades; the non-retractile (Clade I) and the retractile (clade II) Nephtheidae, and revealed a pattern that up to a point supports the division of the morphology types teste

    The distribution and detailed morphological description and photo documentation of the soft coral family Nephtheidae in the North East Atlantic

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    The soft coral family Nephtheidae is known for being the most difficult to classify of all the Alcyonacea families. The confusion in the terminology and the lack of consistent de-tailed descriptions and use of figures contribute to the challenging work in identification.Northern expeditions and more recently projects like MAREANO, BIOICE and BIO-FAR have resulted in a substantial collection of northern Nephtheidae corals. These collections are found in the Department of Natural History, University Museum of Bergen,in the Icelandic Natural History Museum (INHM) and Natural History Museum of Den-mark in Copenhagen.Material of northern Nephtheids was thoroughly studied in the 1940’s and a substantial confusion in the nomenclature was revealed by J. F. Madsen in 1944. In addition,the morphological description was sparse. Little has been done since to sort out this confusion, and to see if it is possible to provide a comprehensive morphological description of the northern Nephtheidae species.The geographical distribution and their variability of temperature and depth as habitat factors has been investigated, by comparing the values (temperature and depth) at the observed location of the different taxa. An extensive assembly of previous morphological descriptions provided a guide of diagnostic characters to use in species identification.A comprehensive morphological description were conducted and included the characters that are traditionally used (e.g. sclerite shape) and were supplemented with detailed photo-documentation of characters that previously only have been described. A phylogenetic analysis was created using Maximum likelihood to see if the categorization of the different species were supported, and to investigate their phylogenetic relationship.The habitat analysis showed a difference in temperature gradient per taxa, while the depth gradients had more overlap between the taxa. By collecting all the morphological descriptions from the literature, it proved possible to connect species identification to the nine different morphology types that arose during this study. The species that were identified are the non-retractile Duva florida (Rathke, 1806), Duvacf.multiflora (Verrill,1879), Drifa glomerata (Verrill, 1869), Pseudodrifa racemosa (Studer, 1891), Pseudodrifagroenlandica (Molander, 1915) and the retractile Gersemia rubiformis (Ehrenberg, 1834) and Gersemia mirabilis (Danielssen, 1887). The phylogenetic analysis gave support to two monophyletic clades; the non-retractile (Clade I) and the retractile (clade II) Nephtheidae, and revealed a pattern that up to a point supports the division of the morphology types teste

    Reuse of materials in landscape architecture

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    Denne masteroppgaven sÞker Ä gjÞre rede for ulike tilnÊrminger, fordeler, metoder og holdninger knyttet til gjenbruk av materialer i landskapsarkitekturen. Innledningsvis blir det presentert teoretiske overordnede ideer om hva gjenbruk er, hvilke fordeler det kan gi og ulike aspekter knyttet til prosessen i gjenbruksprosjekter. I trÄd med begrepet bÊrekraft undersÞkes de Þkonomiske, miljÞmessige og sosiale gevinstene av gjenbruk i landskapsarkitekturen. Her konkluderes det med at de stÞrste utfordringene er knyttet til Þkonomien, men ogsÄ at dette er i endring i trÄd med myndighetenes stadig skjerpede avfallspolitikk. Videre blir det redegjort for hvordan disse idéene kan lÞses i praksis. De vanligste materialtypenes gjenbrukspotensiale blir beskrevet og det blir presentert en eksempelsamling som illustrerer hvordan de ulike teoretiske tilnÊrmingene kan lÞses i detaljeringen. FormÄlet med samlingen er Ä formidle informasjon om gode lÞsninger og pÄ den mÄten fungere som kilde til inspirasjon for de som eventuelt stÄr ovenfor tilsvarende prosjekter. For Ä gi et bilde av hvordan holdningene til gjenbruk er blant norske landskapsarkitekter ble det utfÞrt en spÞrreundersÞkelse. Her ble det spurt om aktuelle gjenbruksprosjekter de har vÊrt med pÄ, hvilke materialer som ble gjenbrukt, rutiner for kartlegging av potensielle gjenbruksmaterialer og mer generelle holdninger ble kartlagt. UndersÞkelsen fikk inn 285 svar fra hele landet og resultatet viste at det var stort engasjement. Her ble det pÄpekt flere viktige utfordringer basert pÄ respondentenes praktiske erfaringer. Det ble ogsÄ vist at det er noe ulike holdninger til gjenbruk i privat praksis kontra offentlige ansatte. Mange gav uttrykk for at de var usikre pÄ fordelene ved gjenbruk og at det ikke kunne forsvares estetisk. I den avsluttende diskusjonen pÄpekes det at mye av disse utfordringene og holdningene er knyttet til lite kunnskap og lite erfaring med gjenbruksprosjekter. For Ä pÄvirke bransjen til Ä tenke mer gjenbruk er de viktigste tiltakene derfor knyttet til videreformidling av kompetanse og gode lÞsninger. Som svar pÄ dette avslutter oppgaven med forslag til noen konkrete tiltak. Oppgaven har ogsÄ avdekket en rekke problemstillinger og temaer som ved nÊrmere utredning kan gi videre nyttig kunnskap relatert til gjenbruk av materialer i landskapsarkitekturen. This thesis seeks to explain different approaches, benefits, methods and opinions related to reuse of materials in landscape architecture. To begin with, the ideas and concepts behind reuse are presented, the benefits it can bring, as well as other aspects of reuse. In accordance with the concept of sustainability, the economic, environmental and social benefits of reuse in landscape architecture is examined. It is concluded that the main challenges are economic, but that this is changing to come into line with the governments increasingly stringent waste policies. Furthermore, it is described how these ideas can be solved in practice. The most common materials and their reuse potential are described and examples illustrate how different theoretical approaches can be utilised in detailing. The purpose of this collection is to disseminate information on good practices and thus act as a source of inspiration for those who may face similar projects. To map opinions and attitudes towards reuse among Norwegian landscape architects, a survey was carried out. The questionnaire asked about their involvment in reuse-projects, what materials were reused, procedures for identifying potential reuse materials and general attitudes towards reusing materials. The survey received 285 responses from across the country and the results showed great commitment. It pointed out several important challenges based on the respondents practical experience. It was also shown that there can be different attitudes towards reuse between the private and public sectors. Many stated that they were uncertain about the benefits of reusing materials and that it could not be justified aesthetically. The concluding discussion states that a lot of these challenges and attitudes are associated with a lack of knowledge and experience with the reuse of materials. In order to influence the industry to focus more on reuse, the key measures are therefore linked to the redistribution of knowledge and solutions, and so this thesis concludes with a list of suggestions for specific actions. This assignment also revealed a number of issues and subjects that, upon further investigation, may provide useful information related to the reuse of materials in landscape architecture.M-L

    fNIRS and EEG for Detection of Intraoperative Awareness

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    BACKGROUND. Patients under general anesthesia have a risk of regaining awareness while being paralyzed and unable to communicate, which may lead to severe psychological trauma. Various methods for monitoring the depth of anesthesia are available, but they rely on measuring biological markers that may be misleading. A new method has been suggested: using a brain computer interface to detect if the patient is attempting to move, because cortical activity as a result of attempted movement can be measured reliably. A system for detection of intraoperative awareness must have a simple generic hardware montage that takes a minimal amount of time to set up, in order to be considered clinically feasible. Electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) are two methods for measuring brain activity, which exhibit different advantages and disadvantages. This study investigates if fNIRS may be considered a feasible alternative. METHODS. A combined EEG- fNIRS measurement experiment was conducted on freely informed participants. The participants performed randomly selected, hand and foot movement tasks while brain activity was measured. The data was analyzed post hoc to determine, and compare the performance of the two modalities at detecting these movements. RESULTS. The average performance rate for EEG at detecting movement, both hand and foot, was higher than for fNIRS, although only significantly for foot movement. Observations made during the analysis suggests that fNIRS could not measure foot movements reliably, and that the performance for the two modalities at detecting hand movements were mutually exclusive, suggesting that only one modality could measure hand movement reliably at a time. CONCLUSION. The author will argue, based on aforementioned observations, that using fNIRS or a combination of EEG and fNIRS, in an intraoperative awareness monitoring system reliably, will increase the time and/or complexity of the setup, making it less feasible than a system based on EEG alone. Further research is needed to verify this argument
