20 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to unveil the role of Cartography and forms of space analysis and depiction by means of qualitative and quantitative methods. There have been considered, mainly, new trends and challenges of the Geographic Information Technologies, facing the main paradigms focused by the present debate in Geography. Starting with the work of Kuhn, in 1970, many geographers and scholars in the field of evolution of geographic thinking have applied the paradigm change model to the conceptual development of this science. Nonetheless, when analyzing the evolution of Geography in 20th and the beginning of 21st centuries it has been observed a certain regularity of paradigmatic changes among the so-called "periods of normal science development", with cycles of 20 to 25 years (Buzai, 1999). But it has also been observed that at no moment a new paradigm has completely eliminated the previous one, merely displacing it in the time frame. So, we see the resurgence of Quantitative Geography, with a significant amount of work and new proposals for computing, analysis and complex thematic molding, derived from the impact that the information technologies have been exercising on this field, which have given place to the so-called Geographical Information Technologies, or Geotecnologies. However, we also perceive the active presence of the so-called Humanist Paradigm, through which it has been built an alternative and independent spatial vision, following certain basic foundations, based on the cultural studies of the geographical-anthropological branches (Sauer, 1925, 1927, 1963), and on those ones related to urban mental maps (Cauvin, 2002; Strauss, 1987; Lynch, 1960). Here, Human Geography focuses on the relationship between the inside and outside world of the human being, like perception, attitudes and valuation of the geographical environment. In this sense, we have analyzed diverse examples of GIS applied to a series of territorial problematical contexts, whose aims, strategies of investigation and obtained knowledge come together, reinforcing both the quantitative paradigm and the building of qualitative models, mental maps, participative and collaborative, which can be included in the Humanistic Paradigm. These models have shown options of solutions based on technological evolution and present-state Geography as a central discipline. Although the Geographical Information Systems, taken alone, are not considered part of the Geographical Information Science (Capel, 2005), recent (and growing) development of Geographical Information Technologies does indicate that a paradigmatic change is indeed taking place, a change that surely will, through the establishment of deep conceptual, theoretical and ontological foundations, bring to the consolidation of the Geographical Information Science. The unfolding of this process will, surely and undoubtly favor every expression of geographical knowledge, independently of its greater emphasis on physical or human aspects.Resumo: Tratou-se neste artigo de relevar o papel da Cartografia e das formas de analisar e representar o espaço, utilizando métodos qualitativos e quantitativos. Foram consideradas, em especial, as novas tendências e desafios das Tecnologias da Informação Geográfica, diante dos principais paradigmas que estão em foco no debate atual na Geografia. A partir do trabalho de Kuhn, em 1970, muitos geógrafos e estudiosos da evolução do pensamento geográfico aplicaram o modelo da mudança de paradigmas ao desenvolvimento conceitual desta ciência. No entanto, analisando a evolução da Geografia do século XX e início do XXI, tem-se observado certa regularidade de mudanças paradigmáticas entre os chamados “períodos de desenvolvimento da ciência normal”, com ciclos de duração entre 20 e 25 anos (Buzai, 1999). Mas também verificou-se que em nenhum momento um paradigma eliminava por completo o anterior, mas o deslocava no tempo. Assim vemos o atual ressurgimento da Geografia Quantitativa, com uma quantidade expressiva de trabalhos e novas propostas de cálculo, análise e modelagem temática complexa, derivadas do impacto que têm exercido as tecnologias da informação neste campo, o que tem dado lugar às denominadas Tecnologias da Informação Geográfica, ou Geotecnologias. No entanto, percebe-se também a presença ativa do chamado Paradigma Humanista, mediante o qual se tem construído uma visão espacial alternativa e independente, seguindo certos fundamentos iniciais, a partir dos estudos culturais de vertentes geográfico-antropológicas (Sauer, 1925, 1927, 1963), e daqueles outros relacionados com os mapas mentais urbanos (Cauvin, 2002; Strauss, 1987; Lynch, 1960). Aqui, a Geografia Humana centra seu foco na relação do mundo interior com o mundo exterior do ser humano, tais como a percepção, as atitudes e a valoração do meio geográfico. Neste sentido, foram analisados diferentes exemplos de aplicações dos SIG diante de uma série de problemáticas territoriais cujos propósitos, estratégias de investigação e conhecimento obtidos se agrupam dentro do reforço do paradigma quantitativo e também na construção de modelos qualitativos, mapas mentais, participativos e colaborativos, dentro do Paradigma Humanista. Estas aplicações mostraram, em geral, opções de soluções aplicadas, com base no desenvolvimento tecnológico e na Geografia atual, como disciplina central. Embora os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica, isoladamente, não sejam considerados como parte da Ciência da Informação Geográfica (Capel, 2005), o desenvolvimento recente (e crescente) das Tecnologias da Informação Geográfica indica que sim, está acontecendo uma mudança paradigmática, que levará, mediante o estabelecimento de fundamentos teóricos, conceituais e ontológicos profundos, à consolidação da Ciência da Informação Geográfica. O desenvolvimento deste processo beneficiará incontestavelmente, todas as expressões do conhecimento geográfico, independentemente de ter ênfase maior nos aspectos físicos ou humanos

    Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Perinatal Mortality: A Case–Control Study

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    BACKGROUND: Ambient levels of air pollution may affect the health of children, as indicated by studies of infant and perinatal mortality. Scientific evidence has also correlated low birth weight and preterm birth, which are important determinants of perinatal death, with air pollution. However, most of these studies used ambient concentrations measured at monitoring sites, which may not consider differential exposure to pollutants found at elevated concentrations near heavy-traffic roadways. OBJECTIVES: Our goal was to examine the association between traffic-related pollution and perinatal mortality. METHODS: We used the information collected for a case-control study conducted in 14 districts in the City of Sao Paulo, Brazil, regarding risk factors for perinatal deaths. We geocoded the residential addresses of cases (fetal and early neonatal deaths) and controls (children who survived the 28th day of life) and calculated a distance-weighted traffic density (DWTD) measure considering all roads contained in a buffer surrounding these homes. RESULTS: Logistic regression revealed a gradient of increasing risk of early neonatal death with higher exposure to traffic-related air pollution. Mothers exposed to the highest quartile of the DWTD compared with those less exposed exhibited approximately 50% increased risk (adjusted odds ratio = 1.47; 95% confidence interval, 0.67-3.19). Associations for fetal mortality were less consistent. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that motor vehicle exhaust exposures may be a risk factor for perinatal mortality

    Procesos de geocodificación urbana: Los casos de São Paulo y Barcelona

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    Nuevas tecnologías en la geografía contemporánea: consideraciones sobre un debate español

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    Between 2003 and 2005 a discussion in the academic environment of Spanish Geography settled down. It began with the publication of Professor Horacio Capel (2003), followed by the work signed by eleven GIS specialists professors (Chuvieco et al., 2005) that served, as well, like criticism or manifesto against the expositions of the first mentioned author. To follow, the reply of Capel (2005), initiated a debate on if the denominated Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) comprise of the hard core of Geography.The opinions presented by the diverse authors have encouraged a recurrent discussion, not only in Spain, but also in other countries among Brazil is no exception. The debate is relevant, due to the underlying ontological and epistemological questions, and also because of the repercussion that it has produced on the scientific community of the Spanish geographers. For that reason, I point out some of the inherent complications associated with the use of GIT in the domain of Geography like a whole.Entre 2003 y 2005 se estableció una discusión en el ambiente académico de la Geografía española. Se inició con la publicación del Profesor Horacio Capel (2003), seguida por el trabajo firmado por once profesores especialistas en Sistemas de Información Geográfica (Chuvieco et al., 2005) que servía, a su vez, como manifiesto/crítica a los planteamientos de aquél. A continuación, la réplica de Capel (2005), inició un debate sobre si las denominadas Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica (TIG) forman parte del núcleo duro de la Geografía.Las opiniones presentadas por los diversos autores han alentado una discusión recurrente, no sólo en España, sino también en otros países entre los cuales Brasil no es excepción. El debate es relevante, por las cuestiones ontológicas y epistemológicas subyacentes y, por la repercusión que ha tenido en la comunidad científica de los geógrafos españoles. Por este motivo, apunto algunas de las complicaciones inherentes al uso de las TIG en el ámbito de la Geografía como un todo

    A geographic model of land use and demography: the case of São Paulo city

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    Este estudo pretende contribuir para a disseminação e aplicação dos sistemas de informações geográficas e do geoprocessamento, apresentando o desenvolvimento de um modelo de uso do solo e projeção demográfica para a Zona Leste do Município de São Paulo, construído a partir de bases de dados cadastrais imobiliárias e do zoneamento da cidade, e dos setores censitários do IBGE, para aquela região, entre as principais fontes de dados descritivos utilizadas. Apresenta ainda, a base cartográfica digital da cidade de São Paulo, convertida e melhorada, suporte para a criação de mapas temáticos como saída do modelo, forma perceptiva básica para viabilizar as análises espaciais e consumo destas informações geoespaciais pelos usuários interessados, podendo esta metodologia ser reproduzida para outros locus, respeitadas as condições básicas de alimentação do sistema georeferenciadoThis study presents the experiment of building an urban geographic information application, containing a fully developed land use and demographic model, using the geographic information system as a tool to gather, convert, link and analyze huge cadastral files from the Municipality of São Paulo, due the real estate aggregation of land use and economic activities, and the Census Tracts, for the East Zone of the city territory. Beyond this, a digital cartographic base was developed and enhanced, to support the descriptive data, in order to generate thematic maps, as outputs, which help the users to understand the reality and forecast the future population distribution, with the sensitive accuracy of the city blocks, minor desegregation of the Census Tracts, they themselves an aggregation of blocks. The main attempt goal was reached by making possible to apply this land use and demographic model to the whole territory, and spreading this created methodology to other similar condition


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    A geographic model of land use and demography: the case of São Paulo city

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    Este estudo pretende contribuir para a disseminação e aplicação dos sistemas de informações geográficas e do geoprocessamento, apresentando o desenvolvimento de um modelo de uso do solo e projeção demográfica para a Zona Leste do Município de São Paulo, construído a partir de bases de dados cadastrais imobiliárias e do zoneamento da cidade, e dos setores censitários do IBGE, para aquela região, entre as principais fontes de dados descritivos utilizadas. Apresenta ainda, a base cartográfica digital da cidade de São Paulo, convertida e melhorada, suporte para a criação de mapas temáticos como saída do modelo, forma perceptiva básica para viabilizar as análises espaciais e consumo destas informações geoespaciais pelos usuários interessados, podendo esta metodologia ser reproduzida para outros locus, respeitadas as condições básicas de alimentação do sistema georeferenciadoThis study presents the experiment of building an urban geographic information application, containing a fully developed land use and demographic model, using the geographic information system as a tool to gather, convert, link and analyze huge cadastral files from the Municipality of São Paulo, due the real estate aggregation of land use and economic activities, and the Census Tracts, for the East Zone of the city territory. Beyond this, a digital cartographic base was developed and enhanced, to support the descriptive data, in order to generate thematic maps, as outputs, which help the users to understand the reality and forecast the future population distribution, with the sensitive accuracy of the city blocks, minor desegregation of the Census Tracts, they themselves an aggregation of blocks. The main attempt goal was reached by making possible to apply this land use and demographic model to the whole territory, and spreading this created methodology to other similar condition

    New technologies in contemporary geography: considerations about a Spanish debate

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    Entre 2003 y 2005 se estableció una discusión en el ambiente académico de la Geografía española. Se inició con la publicación del Profesor Horacio Capel (2003), seguida por el trabajo firmado por once profesores especialistas en Sistemas de Información Geográfica (Chuvieco et al., 2005) que servía, a su vez, como manifiesto/crítica a los planteamientos de aquél. A continuación, la réplica de Capel (2005), inició un debate sobre si las denominadas Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica (TIG) forman parte del núcleo duro de la Geografía. Las opiniones presentadas por los diversos autores han alentado una discusión recurrente, no sólo en España, sino también en otros países entre los cuales Brasil no es excepción. El debate es relevante, por las cuestiones ontológicas y epistemológicas subyacentes y, por la repercusión que ha tenido en la comunidad científica de los geógrafos españoles. Por este motivo, apunto algunas de las complicaciones inherentes al uso de las TIG en el ámbito de la Geografía como un todo.Between 2003 and 2005 a discussion in the academic environment of Spanish Geography settled down. It began with the publication of Professor Horacio Capel (2003), followed by the work signed by eleven GIS specialists professors (Chuvieco et al., 2005) that served, as well, like criticism or manifesto against the expositions of the first mentioned author. To follow, the reply of Capel (2005), initiated a debate on if the denominated Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) comprise of the hard core of Geography. The opinions presented by the diverse authors have encouraged a recurrent discussion, not only in Spain, but also in other countries among Brazil is no exception. The debate is relevant, due to the underlying ontological and epistemological questions, and also because of the repercussion that it has produced on the scientific community of the Spanish geographers. For that reason, I point out some of the inherent complications associated with the use of GIT in the domain of Geography like a whole