167 research outputs found


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    В статті узагальнені сучасні відомості про біоіндикацію та її основні різновиди. Розглянуто значимість цитогенетичної біоіндикації в екологічних дослідженнях. Проаналізовано перспективність застосування цитогенетичних біоіндикаційних досліджень для інтегральної оцінки стану навколишнього середовища Криворізького залізорудного регіону.Проанализирована перспективность применения цитогенетической биоиндикации для интегральной оценки территории Криворожского железорудного региона.В статті узагальнені сучасні відомості про біоіндикацію та її основні різновиди. Розглянуто значимість цитогенетичної біоіндикації в екологічних дослідженнях. Проаналізовано перспективність застосування цитогенетичних біоіндикаційних досліджень для інтегральної оцінки стану навколишнього середовища Криворізького залізорудного регіону

    The influence of motivation and comfort-level on learning to program

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    This paper documents a study, carried out in the academic year 2004-2005, on the role of motivation and comfort-level in a first year object-oriented programming module. The study found that intrinsic motivation had a strong correlation with programming performance as did self-efficacy for learning and performance, r=0.512, p < 0.01 and r=0.567, p < 0.01 respectively. Aspects of comfort level were found to have significant correlations with performance with an instrument on programming-esteem rendering the most interesting results. A regression model based upon these factors was able to account for 60% of the variance in programming performance results

    Cortical Software Re-Use: A Computational Principle for Cognitive Development in Robots

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    The goal of this paper is to propose a candidate for consideration as a computational principle for cognitive development in autonomous robots. The candidate in question is the theory of Cortical Software Re-Use (CSRU) and we will make the case in this paper that it provides a mechanism for the incremental construction of cognitive and language systems from simpler sensory-motor components

    The influence of motivation and comfort-level on learning to program

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    This paper documents a study, carried out in the academic year 2004-2005, on the role of motivation and comfort-level in a first year object-oriented programming module. The study found that intrinsic motivation had a strong correlation with programming performance as did self-efficacy for learning and performance, r=0.512, p < 0.01 and r=0.567, p < 0.01 respectively. Aspects of comfort level were found to have significant correlations with performance with an instrument on programming-esteem rendering the most interesting results. A regression model based upon these factors was able to account for 60% of the variance in programming performance results

    Reading development at the text level: an investigation of surprisal and embedding-based text similarity effects on eye-movements in Chinese early readers

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    This paper describes the use of semantic similarity measures based on distributed representations of words, sentences, and paragraphs (so-called“embeddings”) to assess the impact of supra-lexical factors on eye movement data from early readers of Chinese. In addition, we used a corpus-based measure of surprisal to assess the impact of local word predictability. Eye movement data from 56 Chinese students were collected (a) in the students’ 4th grade and (b) one year later while they were in 5th grade. Results indicated that surprisal and some text similarity measures have a significant impact on the moment-to-moment processing of words in reading. The paper presents an easy-to-use set of tools for linking the low-level aspects of fixation durations to a hierarchy of sentence-level and paragraph-level features that can be computed automatically. The study is the first attempt, as far as we are aware, to track the developmental trajectory of these influences in developing readers across a range of reading abilities. The similarity-based measures described here can be used (a) to provide a measure of reader sensitivity to sentence and paragraph cohesion and (b) to assess specific texts for their suitability for readers of different reading ability levels

    The reading of handwriting: An evaluation of Chinese written by CFL learners.

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    This paper describes two experiments that first explore the potential role of Chinese character writing in character visual recognition, and then examine different evaluative responses towards the quality of pinyin and character handwriting. Taken together, the results suggest that drawing Chinese characters privileges them in memory in a way that facilitates their subsequent visual recognition. This is true even when the congruency of the recognition response and other potential confounds are controlled for. In terms of the writing quality, the reader’s empathy effect can be found for handwritten characters but not pinyin, since the handwritten characters tended to be rated more highly than pinyin. The experience of an evaluator also has an impact on the evaluation of writing quality. The pedagogical implications for Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) are highlighted at the end of the paper, in particular those relating to curriculum design and teacher training

    The reading of handwriting: an evaluation of Chinese written by CFL learners

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    This paper describes two experiments that first explore the potential role of Chinese character writing in character visual recognition, and then examine different evaluative responses towards the quality of pinyin and character handwriting. Taken together, the results suggest that drawing Chinese characters privileges them in memory in a way that facilitates their subsequent visual recognition. This is true even when the congruency of the recognition response and other potential confounds are controlled for. In terms of the writing quality, the reader’s empathy effect can be found for handwritten characters but not pinyin, since the handwritten characters tended to be rated more highly than pinyin. The experience of an evaluator also has an impact on the evaluation of writing quality. The pedagogical implications for Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) are highlighted at the end of the paper, in particular those relating to curriculum design and teacher training

    Writing to read: the case of Chinese

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    Eye Movement Control During Reading: A Simulation of Some Word-Targeting Strategies

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    McConkie, Kerr, Reddix, & Zola [(1988). Vision Research, 28, 1107–1118] demonstrated that the distributions of landing sites on a word tended to be gaussian in shape. They provided a detailed account of the behaviour of the eye once a target had been selected and a saccade initiated, but said little about the process of target selection itself. The purpose of this study was to take as a starting point the landing site distributions of McConkie et al., in particular the residuals derived from fitting the gaussians to the empirical data, and to explore by computer simulation a number of saccade targeting strategies in order to discover candidates that best accounted for the residual data. Our results indicate that the strategy that gives the best fit involves targeting the longest word in a right parafoveal window extending 20 characters to the right of the currently fixated word. The implications of this finding for models of reading are discussed

    Presence and task performance:an approach in the light of cognitive style

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    The paper highlights the relationship between each of four bi-polar dimensions of personality cognitive style, such as extraversion–introversion, sensing–intuition, thinking–feeling and judging–perceiving, and the level of sense of presence experienced. Findings indicate that individuals who are more sensitive, more feeling or more introverted experience a higher level of presence. While not reaching statistical significance, differing cognitive styles appear to impact on task performance. The apparent negative relationship discovered between sense of presence and task performance should be considered in the light of task characteristics. We discuss the implications of these findings and how they contribute to an understanding of the complex relationship that exists between presence and task performance and how this subsequently ought to influence the design of virtual environments