185 research outputs found

    The Demand for Credit Union Shares

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    William R. Reichenstein is an Assislant Professor of Finance al the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

    The Demise of Regulation Q Differentials: Competition for Household Savins Between Commercial Banks and Savings and Loan Associations- A Note

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    William R. Reichenstein is a Visiting Professor of Finance at Southern Methodist University. Frederick H. Dorner is an Assistant Professor of Quantitative Methods at Trinity University

    Fluctuations of topological disclination lines in nematics: renormalization of the string model

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    The fluctuation eigenmode problem of the nematic topological disclination line with strength ±1/2\pm 1/2 is solved for the complete nematic tensor order parameter. The line tension concept of a defect line is assessed, the line tension is properly defined. Exact relaxation rates and thermal amplitudes of the fluctuations are determined. It is shown that within the simple string model of the defect line the amplitude of its thermal fluctuations is significantly underestimated due to the neglect of higher radial modes. The extent of universality of the results concerning other systems possessing line defects is discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Sozioökonomische Potentialanalyse von Schweizer Platterbsen

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    Im Rahmen der Dissertation von Tamara Lebrecht soll diese Arbeit ein Beitrag zur Potential Analyse der Platterbse für die Schweiz leisten. Es geht hierbei vor allem um die sozioökonomischen Aspekte. Anhand einer Umfeldanalyse wird aufgezeigt, welche externen Faktoren unterstützend sind (Chancen) und welche Hindernisse (Risiken) bestehen. Die Studie zeigt, ob Bedingungen und Voraussetzungen in der Schweiz für ein mögliches Vermarktungs- und Produktionssystem beziehungsweise eine Lieferkette der Schweizer Platterbse bestehen

    Política monetaria y precio de activos: un análisis desde la tasa de interés para Colombia de 2003 a 2010

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    O objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar a incidência da política monetária colombiana nos preços dos ativos de renda fixa para o período 2003-2010 e comprovar que a via que esta segue se assemelha ao que a teoria tradicional propõe ao tomar como referência a teoria de expectativas puras. Com o objetivo de analisar as relações de curto e longo prazo entre os Títulos de Tesouraria (TES) e a política monetária, desenvolve-se um modelo econométrico de Vetor de Correção de Erros (VEC) tomando como variável explicada o retorno de bônus com prazo a 6 meses, 1, 5 e 25 anos, e como variáveis explicativas a taxa interbancária, a inflação e a taxa forward. Os principais resultados obtidos indicam que a política monetária colombiana incide nos preços desses ativos principalmente por meio da taxa de política e das expectativas de inflação e de taxa de juros.El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar la incidencia de la política monetaria colombiana en los precios de los activos de renta fija para el periodo 2003-2010 y comprobar que la vía que esta sigue se asemeja a lo que plantea la teoría tradicional, tomando como referencia la teoría de expectativas puras. Con el objeto de analizar las relaciones de corto y largo plazo entre los TES y la política monetaria, se desarrolla un modelo econométrico de vector de corrección de errores (VEC) tomando como variable explicada el retorno de bonos con plazo a 6 meses, 1, 5 y 25 años, y como variables explicativas la tasa interbancaria, la inflación y la tasa forward. Los principales resultados obtenidos indican que la política monetaria colombiana incide en los precios de estos activos principalmente a través de la tasa de política y de las expectativas de inflación y de tasa de interés.The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of the Colombian monetary policy on the price of fixed income securities for the 2003-2010 period. It also seeks to verify that the process of transmission is compatible with the arguments of the pure expectations theory. In order to analyze the relationship between the short and long term TES (the name for the financial securities issued by the Colombian government) and the monetary policy, we apply an econometric model of vector error correction (VEC) using as the dependent variable the return of bonds with maturity terms of either 6 months, and 1, 5 and 25 years; and as explanatory variables we propose the interbank rate, inflation rate and the forward rate. The main results indicate that the Colombian monetary policy affects the price of these assets primarily through its interest rate referential policy, as well as expected inflation and interest rates

    Human genetics and neuropathology suggest a link between miR-218 and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis pathophysiology

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    Motor neuron–specific microRNA-218 (miR-218) has recently received attention because of its roles in mouse development. However, miR-218 relevance to human motor neuron disease was not yet explored. Here, we demonstrate by neuropathology that miR-218 is abundant in healthy human motor neurons. However, in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) motor neurons, miR-218 is down-regulated and its mRNA targets are reciprocally up-regulated (derepressed). We further identify the potassium channel Kv10.1 as a new miR-218 direct target that controls neuronal activity. In addition, we screened thousands of ALS genomes and identified six rare variants in the human miR-218-2 sequence. miR-218 gene variants fail to regulate neuron activity, suggesting the importance of this small endogenous RNA for neuronal robustness. The underlying mechanisms involve inhibition of miR-218 biogenesis and reduced processing by DICER. Therefore, miR-218 activity in motor neurons may be susceptible to failure in human ALS, suggesting that miR-218 may be a potential therapeutic target in motor neuron disease

    Cell Hierarchy and Lineage Commitment in the Bovine Mammary Gland

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    The bovine mammary gland is a favorable organ for studying mammary cell hierarchy due to its robust milk-production capabilities that reflect the adaptation of its cell populations to extensive expansion and differentiation. It also shares basic characteristics with the human breast, and identification of its cell composition may broaden our understanding of the diversity in cell hierarchy among mammals. Here, Lin− epithelial cells were sorted according to expression of CD24 and CD49f into four populations: CD24medCD49fpos (putative stem cells, puStm), CD24negCD49fpos (Basal), CD24highCD49fneg (putative progenitors, puPgt) and CD24medCD49fneg (luminal, Lum). These populations maintained differential gene expression of lineage markers and markers of stem cells and luminal progenitors. Of note was the high expression of Stat5a in the puPgt cells, and of Notch1, Delta1, Jagged1 and Hey1 in the puStm and Basal populations. Cultured puStm and Basal cells formed lineage-restricted basal or luminal clones and after re-sorting, colonies that preserved a duct-like alignment of epithelial layers. In contrast, puPgt and Lum cells generated only luminal clones and unorganized colonies. Under non-adherent culture conditions, the puPgt and puStm populations generated significantly more floating colonies. The increase in cell number during culture provides a measure of propagation potential, which was highest for the puStm cells. Taken together, these analyses position puStm cells at the top of the cell hierarchy and denote the presence of both bi-potent and luminally restricted progenitors. In addition, a population of differentiated luminal cells was marked. Finally, combining ALDH activity with cell-surface marker analyses defined a small subpopulation that is potentially stem cell- enriched