969 research outputs found

    Multilingual simultaneous sentence end and punctuation prediction

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    This paper describes the model and its corresponding setup, proposed by the Unbabel & INESC-ID team for the 1st Shared Task on Sentence End and Punctuation Prediction in NLG Text (SEPP-NLG 2021). The shared task covers 4 languages (English, German, French and Italian) and includes two subtasks: Subtask 1 - detecting the end of a sentence, and subtask 2 - predicting a range of punctuation marks. Our team proposes a single multilingual and multitask model that is able to produce suitable results for all the languages and subtasks involved. The results show that it is possible to achieve state-of-the-art results using one single multilingual model for both tasks and multiple languages. Using a single multilingual model to solve the task for multiple languages is of particular importance, since training a different model for each language is a cumbersome and time-consuming process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sequence classification with human attention

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    Learning attention functions requires large volumes of data, but many NLP tasks simulate human behavior, and in this paper, we show that human attention really does provide a good inductive bias on many attention functions in NLP. Specifically, we use estimated human attention derived from eye-tracking corpora to regularize attention functions in recurrent neural networks. We show substantial improvements across a range of tasks, including sentiment analysis, grammatical error detection, and detection of abusive language

    Density Functional Study of Cubic to Rhombohedral Transition in α\alpha-AlF3_3

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    Under heating, α\alpha-AlF3_3 undergoes a structural phase transition from rhombohedral to cubic at temperature TT around 730 K. The density functional method is used to examine the TT=0 energy surface in the structural parameter space, and finds the minimum in good agreement with the observed rhombohedral structure. The energy surface and electronic wave-functions at the minimum are then used to calculate properties including density of states, Γ\Gamma-point phonon modes, and the dielectric function. The dipole formed at each fluorine ion in the low temperature phase is also calculated, and is used in a classical electrostatic picture to examine possible antiferroelectric aspects of this phase transition.Comment: A 6-page manuscript with 4 figures and 4 table

    Discrete Painlevé equations from Y-systems

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    We consider T-systems and Y-systems arising from cluster mutations applied to quivers that have the property of being periodic under a sequence of mutations. The corresponding nonlinear recurrences for cluster variables (coefficient-free T-systems) were described in the work of Fordy and Marsh, who completely classified all such quivers in the case of period 1, and characterized them in terms of the skew-symmetric exchange matrix B that defines the quiver. A broader notion of periodicity in general cluster algebras was introduced by Nakanishi, who also described the corresponding Y-systems, and T-systems with coefficients. A result of Fomin and Zelevinsky says that the coefficient-free T-system provides a solution of the Y-system. In this paper, we show that in general there is a discrepancy between these two systems, in the sense that the solution of the former does not correspond to the general solution of the latter. This discrepancy is removed by introducing additional non-autonomous coefficients into the T-system. In particular, we focus on the period 1 case and show that, when the exchange matrix B is degenerate, discrete Painlev\'e equations can arise from this construction

    Assessment of a Large-Scale Unbiased Malignant Pleural Effusion Proteomics Study of a Real-Life Cohort

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    Background: Pleural effusion (PE) is common in advanced-stage lung cancer patients and is related to poor prognosis. Identification of cancer cells is the standard method for the diagnosis of a malignant PE (MPE). However, it only has moderate sensitivity. Thus, more sensitive diagnostic tools are urgently needed. Methods: The present study aimed to discover potential protein targets to distinguish malignant pleural effusion (MPE) from other non-malignant pathologies. We have collected PE from 97 patients to explore PE proteomes by applying state-of-the-art liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to identify potential biomarkers that correlate with immunohistochemistry assessment of tumor biopsy or with survival data. Functional analyses were performed to elucidate functional differences in PE proteins in malignant and benign samples. Results were integrated into a clinical risk prediction model to identify likely malignant cases. Sensitivity, specificity, and negative predictive value were calculated. Results: In total, 1689 individual proteins were identified by MS-based proteomics analysis of the 97 PE samples, of which 35 were diagnosed as malignant. A comparison between MPE and benign PE (BPE) identified 58 differential regulated proteins after correction of the p-values for multiple testing. Furthermore, functional analysis revealed an up-regulation of matrix intermediate filaments and cellular movement-related proteins. Additionally, gene ontology analysis identified the involvement of metabolic pathways such as glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, pyruvate metabolism and cysteine and methionine metabolism. Conclusion: This study demonstrated a partial least squares regression model with an area under the curve of 98 and an accuracy of 0.92 when evaluated on the holdout test data set. Furthermore, highly significant survival markers were identified (e.g., PSME1 with a log-rank of 1.68 × 10−6 ).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Let-7 represses carcinogenesis and a stem cell phenotype in the intestine via regulation of Hmga2

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    Let-7 miRNAs comprise one of the largest and most highly expressed family of miRNAs among vertebrates, and is critical for promoting differentiation, regulating metabolism, inhibiting cellular proliferation, and repressing carcinogenesis in a variety of tissues. The large size of the Let-7 family of miRNAs has complicated the development of mutant animal models. Here we describe the comprehensive repression of all Let-7 miRNAs in the intestinal epithelium via low-level tissue-specific expression of the Lin28b RNA-binding protein and a conditional knockout of the MirLet7c-2/Mirlet7b locus. This ablation of Let-7 triggers the development of intestinal adenocarcinomas concomitant with reduced survival. Analysis of both mouse and human intestinal cancer specimens reveals that stem cell markers were significantly associated with loss of Let-7 miRNA expression, and that a number of Let-7 targets were elevated, including Hmga1 and Hmga2. Functional studies in 3-D enteroids revealed that Hmga2 is necessary and sufficient to mediate many characteristics of Let-7 depletion, namely accelerating cell cycle progression and enhancing a stem cell phenotype. In addition, inactivation of a single Hmga2 allele in the mouse intestine epithelium significantly represses tumorigenesis driven by Lin28b. In aggregate, we conclude that Let-7 depletion drives a stem cell phenotype and the development of intestinal cancer, primarily via Hmga2

    A serologia para avaliação do papel dos predadores em olival biológico

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    A oliveira, sendo uma planta mediterrânica, encontra-se bem adaptada em Portugal. Apesar de ser uma cultura com poucos problemas fitossanitários, por vezes e sujeita à acção de algumas pragas e doenças. De entre as pragas de artrópodos destacam-se a traça da oliveira, Prays oleae (Bern.), a mosca da azeitona, Bactrocera oleae (GmeL) e a cochonilha negra, Saissetia oleae (Oliv.). No entanto, as populações destes inimigos podem ser mantidas abaixo do nível económico de ataque por factores abióticos e/ou por outros artrópodos, espécies predadoras e parasitóides, que contribuem para a estabilidade da biocenose no olival A valorização destes auxiliaras é, assim, um factor preponderante na protecção contra pragas da oliveira, nomeadamente em modo de produção biológico

    Produção de antissoros policlonais para detecção de predadores das principais pragas da oliveira

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    A oliveira está bem adaptada às áreas mediterrâneas mas por vezes é sujeita à acção de inimigos, nomeadamente a traça da oliveira, Prays oleae (Bern.), a mosca da azeitona, Bactrocera oleae (Gmel.) e a cochonilha negra, Saissetia oleae (Oliv.). No entanto, as populações destes inimigos podem ser mantidas abaixo do nível económico de ataque por factores abióticos e bióticos. Entre estes incluem-se espécies predadoras e parasitóides que contribuem para a estabilidade da biocenose. A valorização dos auxiliares artrópodos é, assim, factor preponderante na protecção contra pragas da oliveira, nomeadamente em modo de produção biológico. A utilização de técnicas serológicas, particularmente ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay), para avaliação da predação em artrópodos, já é bastante utilizada. Para futuramente se avaliar o papel dos predadores em olivais conduzidos de acordo com o modo de produção biológico, em Trás-os-Montes e no Alentejo, produziram-se antissoros policlonais para monitorizar as três pragas nos seus principais predadores. Este trabalho refere a preparação dos antigénios, o protocolo de imunização dos coelhos, a colheita dos antissoros e sua caracterização preliminar por ELISA