181 research outputs found

    Merging Queries in OLTP Workloads

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    OLTP applications are usually executed by a high number of clients in parallel and are typically faced with high throughput demand as well as a constraint latency requirement for individual statements. In enterprise scenarios, they often face the challenge to deal with overload spikes resulting from events such as Cyber Monday or Black Friday. The traditional solution to prevent running out of resources and thus coping with such spikes is to use a significant over-provisioning of the underlying infrastructure. In this thesis, we analyze real enterprise OLTP workloads with respect to statement types, complexity, and hot-spot statements. Interestingly, our findings reveal that workloads are often read-heavy and comprise similar query patterns, which provides a potential to share work of statements belonging to different transactions. In the past, resource sharing has been extensively studied for OLAP workloads. Naturally, the question arises, why studies mainly focus on OLAP and not on OLTP workloads? At first sight, OLTP queries often consist of simple calculations, such as index look-ups with little sharing potential. In consequence, such queries – due to their short execution time – may not have enough potential for the additional overhead. In addition, OLTP workloads do not only execute read operations but also updates. Therefore, sharing work needs to obey transactional semantics, such as the given isolation level and read-your-own-writes. This thesis presents THE LEVIATHAN, a novel batching scheme for OLTP workloads, an approach for merging read statements within interactively submitted multi-statement transactions consisting of reads and updates. Our main idea is to merge the execution of statements by merging their plans, thus being able to merge the execution of not only complex, but also simple calculations, such as the aforementioned index look-up. We identify mergeable statements by pattern matching of prepared statement plans, which comes with low overhead. For obeying the isolation level properties and providing read-your-own-writes, we first define a formal framework for merging transactions running under a given isolation level and provide insights into a prototypical implementation of merging within a commercial database system. Our experimental evaluation shows that, depending on the isolation level, the load in the system, and the read-share of the workload, an improvement of the transaction throughput by up to a factor of 2.5x is possible without compromising the transactional semantics. Another interesting effect we show is that with our strategy, we can increase the throughput of a real enterprise workload by 20%.:1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Summary of Contributions 1.2 Outline 2 WORKLOAD ANALYSIS 2.1 Analyzing OLTP Benchmarks 2.1.1 YCSB 2.1.2 TATP 2.1.3 TPC Benchmark Scenarios 2.1.4 Summary 2.2 Analyzing OLTP Workloads from Open Source Projects 2.2.1 Characteristics of Workloads 2.2.2 Summary 2.3 Analyzing Enterprise OLTP Workloads 2.3.1 Overview of Reports about OLTP Workload Characteristics 2.3.2 Analysis of SAP Hybris Workload 2.3.3 Summary 2.4 Conclusion 3 RELATED WORK ON QUERY MERGING 3.1 Merging the Execution of Operators 3.2 Merging the Execution of Subplans 3.3 Merging the Results of Subplans 3.4 Merging the Execution of Full Plans 3.5 Miscellaneous Works on Merging 3.6 Discussion 4 MERGING STATEMENTS IN MULTI STATEMENT TRANSACTIONS 4.1 Overview of Our Approach 4.1.1 Examples 4.1.2 Why Naïve Merging Fails 4.2 THE LEVIATHAN Approach 4.3 Formalizing THE LEVIATHAN Approach 4.3.1 Transaction Theory 4.3.2 Merging Under MVCC 4.4 Merging Reads Under Different Isolation Levels 4.4.1 Read Uncommitted 4.4.2 Read Committed 4.4.3 Repeatable Read 4.4.4 Snapshot Isolation 4.4.5 Serializable 4.4.6 Discussion 4.5 Merging Writes Under Different Isolation Levels 4.5.1 Read Uncommitted 4.5.2 Read Committed 4.5.3 Snapshot Isolation 4.5.4 Serializable 4.5.5 Handling Dependencies 4.5.6 Discussion 5 SYSTEM MODEL 5.1 Definition of the Term “Overload” 5.2 Basic Queuing Model 5.2.1 Option (1): Replacement with a Merger Thread 5.2.2 Option (2): Adding Merger Thread 5.2.3 Using Multiple Merger Threads 5.2.4 Evaluation 5.3 Extended Queue Model 5.3.1 Option (1): Replacement with a Merger Thread 5.3.2 Option (2): Adding Merger Thread 5.3.3 Evaluation 6 IMPLEMENTATION 6.1 Background: SAP HANA 6.2 System Design 6.2.1 Read Committed 6.2.2 Snapshot Isolation 6.3 Merger Component 6.3.1 Overview 6.3.2 Dequeuing 6.3.3 Merging 6.3.4 Sending 6.3.5 Updating MTx State 6.4 Challenges in the Implementation of Merging Writes 6.4.1 SQL String Implementation 6.4.2 Update Count 6.4.3 Error Propagation 6.4.4 Abort and Rollback 7 EVALUATION 7.1 Benchmark Settings 7.2 System Settings 7.2.1 Experiment I: End-to-end Response Time Within a SAP Hybris System 7.2.2 Experiment II: Dequeuing Strategy 7.2.3 Experiment III: Merging Improvement on Different Statement, Transaction and Workload Types 7.2.4 Experiment IV: End-to-End Latency in YCSB 7.2.5 Experiment V: Breakdown of Execution in YCSB 7.2.6 Discussion of System Settings 7.3 Merging in Interactive Transactions 7.3.1 Experiment VI: Merging TATP in Read Uncommitted 7.3.2 Experiment VII: Merging TATP in Read Committed 7.3.3 Experiment VIII: Merging TATP in Snapshot Isolation 7.4 Merging Queries in Stored Procedures Experiment IX: Merging TATP Stored Procedures in Read Committed 7.5 Merging SAP Hybris 7.5.1 Experiment X: CPU-time Breakdown on HANA Components 7.5.2 Experiment XI: Merging Media Query in SAP Hybris 7.5.3 Discussion of our Results in Comparison with Related Work 8 CONCLUSION 8.1 Summary 8.2 Future Research Directions REFERENCES A UML CLASS DIAGRAM

    Recent Enhancements to Determine Flow Stress Data in High Speed Compression Tests

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    The accuracy in numerical simulation and physical models is increasing continually. For this reason, the attention to the measurement of flow stress fields at hot forming conditions rises presently. The determination of flow curves at small and middle strain rates up to 100/s has become a standard procedure. In the wide range between strain rates of 100/s up to 500/s no accurate experimental data of compression tests by the use of servo-hydraulic testing systems exists to date. In this context, the IBF investigated how compression tests especially on servo hydraulic testing-machines can be developed in order to expand the range of flow-curve fields clearly above 100/s with strains up to phi = 0.7. The maximum tool speed of the IBF testing machine is 3000 mm/s. This presentation shows the advances realised in this field. During the research activities, the existing servo-hydraulic high-speed testing machine has been optimised and new post processing techniques have been developed. Hence, valid flow stress values can now be determined up to strain rates of 300/s in compression tests on the utilised servo hydraulic testing system. Present investigations have the aim to determine absolutely reliably flow stress data even for strain rates up to 500 /s

    Una aculturación plural indirecta: la herencia sefardita y española en la obra del escritor judío-argentino Alberto Gerchunoff

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    Although the Argentinian author Alberto Gerchunoff came from an Ashkenazi background, he proved to be a relentless supporter of Spanish culture, especially of its Jewish, Moorish, and Christian multi-cultural heritage. Considered the «Nestor» of Jewish literature in Argentina, he is still Latin America's most renowned representative of what has been called «the subsequent Sephardization» of Ashkenazi Jews.Aunque de origen askenazí, el escritor argentino Alberto Gerchunoff se convirtió en infatigable propagador de la cultura española, especialmente de su herencia tricultural. Hasta hoy, el denominado Nestor de la literatura judía en Argentina es el representante más conocido en toda hispanoamérica de lo que se ha llamado «sefardización secundaria» de los judíos askenazíes

    Spanien, Europa und Lateinamerika: Zur Geschichte legendärer Kulturbeziehungen

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    Die in Europa (insbesondere in Spanien) und Lateinamerika mittlerweile begonnene Auseinandersetzung über Sinn und Zweck der für 1992 in Sevilla geplanten »Fünfhundertjahrfeierlichkeiten« (V centenario) aus Anlaß der Entdeckung Amerikas macht deutlich, daß zahlreiche historische Konflikte noch immer virulent sind, weil die Wahrnehmung des »Anderen« noch immer durch obsolete Konzepte und ethnozentristische Prämissen getrübt wird. Wie der gesamteuropäische Lateinamerikadisput illustriert, charakterisiert die sogenannte Leyenda Negra ( »Schwarze Legende«, die Europa als Ganzes von historischer Verantwortung freispricht und dem »grausamen Spanien« den Schwarzen Peter zuschiebt) dabei nicht allein die tatsächlichen und vermeintlichen Grausamkeiten Spaniens, sondern auch einen extremen Ethnozentrismus aufgeklärtester Geister im übrigen Europa, der das »lyrische« Pathos des spanischen Panhispanismus seit der lateinamerikanischen Unabhängigkeit an Zynismus und Arroganz zuweilen noch übertrifft

    On the throughput optimization in large-scale batch-processing systems

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    We analyse a data-processing system with clients producing jobs which are processed in batches by parallel servers; the system throughput critically depends on the batch size and a corresponding sub-additive speedup function. In practice, throughput optimization relies on numerical searches for the optimal batch size, a process that can take up to multiple days in existing commercial systems. In this paper, we model the system in terms of a closed queueing network; a standard Markovian analysis yields the optimal throughput in time. Our main contribution is a mean-field model of the system for the regime where the system size is large. We show that the mean-field model has a unique, globally attractive stationary point which can be found in closed form and which characterizes the asymptotic throughput of the system as a function of the batch size. Using this expression we find the asymptotically optimal throughput in time. Numerical settings from a large commercial system reveal that this asymptotic optimum is accurate in practical finite regimes

    The future of the logistics industry in the European Union by 2032 - challenges of the operational adoption of wind-powered cargo vessels in the logistics industry

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    This research study has its origin in the environmental concerns regarding carbon dioxide emissions in maritime logistics. Through the exploration of sustainability innovation, the focus is put on wind-powered cargo vessels. This paper aims to explore and explain the industry dynamics that complicate the operational adoption of wind-powered cargo vessels. Through the application of the multi-level perspective, three key factors were identified to challenge wind power in the maritime sector: managerial reluctance, locked-in heavy oil fuel, and gradual industry reorientation. These hinder the sustainable transition process, required for ocean freight to comply with the global sustainability goal