125 research outputs found

    Biostratigrafie spodní křídy manínské jednotky (lom Butkov, Strážovské vrchy, Západní Karpaty)

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    This paper is a continuation of systematic stratigraphical research of Lower Cretaceous sequence of the Manín Unit excavated in the Butkov quarry. Calcareous deposits are significant especially by richness of ammonites. Attention is focused on the parts enabling the definition of ammonite zones. The following ammonite zones were determined: the Campylotoxus Zone (Early Valanginian), the Furcillata Zone (Late Valanginian), the Balearis Zone (Late Hauterivian) and boundary between the Pulchella Zone and the Compresissima Zone (Early Barremian). Non-calcareous and calcareous dinoflagellates, calpionellids and calcareous nannoplankton were analysed in the same places to provide a correlation of their ranges with ammonite zones.Tato práce je pokračováním systematických stratigrafických výzkumů spodnokřídových uloženin manínské jednotky těžených v lomu Butkov. Tamější karbonátové uloženiny se vyznačují bohatým výskytem amonitů. Pozornost je věnována úsekům umožňujícím definování amonitových zón. Zjištěny byly následující amonitové zóny: zóna Campylotoxus (spodní valangin), zóna Furcillata (svrchní valangin), zóna Balearis (svrchní hauteriv) a hraniční uloženiny mezi zónou Pulchella a zónou Compressissima (spodní barrem). Ve stejných úsecích byly studovány vzorky na nevápnitá a vápnitá dinoflageláta, kalpionely a vápnitý nanoplankton za účelem jejich korelace s příslušnými amonitovými zónami

    Middle to Late Jurassic carbonate-biosiliceous sedimentation and palaeoenvironment in the Tethyan Fatricum Domain, Krížna Nappe, Tatra Mts, Western Carpathians

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    The Jurassic of the Alpine-Mediterranean Tethys was characterized by the formation of several interconnected basins, which underwent gradual deepening and oceanization. Sedimentation in each basin was influenced by a specific set of interrelated factors, such as tectonic activity, seawater circulation, climate, chemistry and trophic state of seawater as well as evolutionary changes of the marine biota. This paper deals with the Fatricum Domain (Central Carpathians, Poland and Slovakia), which in the Jurassic was a pull-apart basin on a thinned continental crust. The sedimentation history of this domain during the Bajocian–Tithonian and its governing factors have been revealed. Facies analysis of the Bajocian–Oxfordian deposits evidences considerable relief of the basin-floor topography. Deposits in the Western Tatra Mts represent sedimentation on a submarine intrabasinal high, whereas the coeval deposits of the eastern part of the Tatra Mts accumulated in a deeper basin. The basin succession began with Bajocian bioturbated "spotted" limestones and siliciclastic mudstones (Fleckenmergel facies). These were succeeded by uppermost Bajocian - middle Bathonian grey nodular limestones, affected by synsedimentary gravitational bulk creep. The coeval deposits of the intrabasinal high are represented by well-washed Bositra-crinoidal limestones with condensed horizons. Uniform radiolarite sedimentation commenced in the late Bathonian and persisted until the early late Kimmeridgian. The basal ribbon radiolarites (upper Bathonian - lower Oxfordian), which consist of alternating chert beds and shale partings, are a record of seawater eutrophication, a related crisis in carbonate production and the rise of the CCD, which collectively resulted in biosiliceous sedimentation. The overlying calcareous radiolarites (middle Oxfordian - lowermost upper Kimmeridgian) marked a gradual return to carbonate sedimentation. The return of conditions that were favourable for carbonate sedimentation took place in the late Kimmeridgian, when the red nodular limestones were deposited. They are partly replaced by basinal platy limestones (uppermost Kimmeridgian - Tithonian) in the Western Tatra Mts. This lateral variation in facies reflects a change in the sedimentary conditions governed by a bathymetric reversal of the seafloor configuration, attributed to a further stage in the pull-apart transcurrent tectonics of the Fatricum Domain

    The Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary and high resolution biostratigraphy of the pelagic sequences of the kurovice section (Outer Western Carpathians, the northern Tethyan margin)

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    Microfacies and high resolution studies at the Kurovice quarry (Czech Republic, Outer Western Carpathians) on calpionellids, calcareous and non-calcareous dinoflagellate cysts, sporomorphs and calcareous nannofossils, aligned with paleomagnetism, allow construction of a detailed stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental interpretation across the Jurassic/Cretaceous (J/K) boundary. The Kurovice section consists of allodapic and micrite limestones and marlstones. Identified standard microfacies types SMF2, SMF3 and SMF4 indicate that sediments were deposited on a deep shelf margin (FZ 3), with a change, later, into distal basin conditions and sediments (FZ 1). The sequence spans a stratigraphic range from the Early Tithonian calcareous dinoflagellate Malmica Zone, nannoplankton zone NJT 15 and magnetozone M21r to the late Early Berriasian calpionellid Elliptica Subzone of the Calpionella Zone, nannoplankton NK-1 Zone and M17r magnetozone. The J/K boundary is marked by a quantitative increase of small forms of Calpionella alpina, the base of the Alpina Subzone (that corresponds to NJT 17b and M19n.2n) and by the rare occurrence of Nannoconus wintereri. Palynomorphs include Early Berriasian terrestrial elements - non-calcareous dinoflagellate cysts Achomosphaera neptunii, Prolixosphaeridium sp. A and Tehatnadinium evittii. The depositional area for Kurovice was situated at the margin of the NW Tethys. The influence of cold waters from northern latitudes and potential upwellings is highlighted by: 1) the high proportion of radiolarians and sponge spicules, 2) rare calpionellids represented mostly by hyaline forms, 3) the absence of microgranular calpionellids - chitinoidellids, 4) the small percentage of the genera Nannoconus, Polycostella and Conusphaera in nannofossil assemblages, as compared to other sites in Tethys, 5) scarce Nannoconus compressus, which has otherwise been mentioned from the Atlantic area.Web of Science70218215

    Biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of the Kimmeridgian-Lower Tithonian pelagic deposits of the Krížna Nappe, Lejowa Valley, Tatra Mts. (southern Poland)

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    The Upper Jurassic strata of the Krížna Unit in the Tatra Mts. comprises pelagic, fine-grained and well-oxygenated deposits. They are represented by red radiolarites and radiolarian limestones (Czajakowa Radiolarites Formation), red nodular limestones (Czorsztyn Limestones Formation) and wavy, platy or nodular light grey and reddish limestones and marlstones (Jasenina Formation). These deposits are mainly wackestones characterized by a succession of the following microfacies: radiolarian, filament-Saccocoma, Saccocoma and Globochaete–Saccocoma. The section comprises four calcareous dinoflagellate zones, i.e. the Late Kimmeridgian Moluccana Zone, and the Early Tithonian Borzai, Pulla and Malmica zones. In the uppermost part of the studied section, the Early Tithonian Dobeni Subzone of the Chitinoidella Zone has been identified. Using these biostratigraphic data, the sedimentation rate for the Late Kimmeridgian (Borzai Zone) and Early Tithonian (Dobeni Subzone of the Chitinoidella Zone) interval is estimated as 3.7 m/my. This is in accordance with the general trend of increasing sedimentation rate through the Tithonian and Berriasian. The increased supply of clastic material in the Jasenina Formation may have been caused by climate changes and continental weathering. The sedimentation was controlled mainly by eustatic changes and fluctuations in ACD and CCD levels

    Integrated stratigraphy of the Middle-Upper Jurassic of the Krížna Nappe, Tatra Mountains

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    Middle-Upper Jurassic pelagic carbonates and radiolarites were studied in the Krížna Nappe of the Tatra Mountains (Central Western Carpathians, southern Poland and northern Slovakia). A carbon isotope stra- tigraphy of these deposits was combined with biostratigraphy, based on radiolarians, calcareous dinoflagellates and calpionellids. In the High Tatra and Belianske Tatra Mountains, the Bajocian and part of the Bathonian are represented by a thick succession of spotted limestones and grey nodular limestones, while in the Western Tatra Mountains by relatively thin Bositra-crinoidal limestones. These deposits are referable to a deeper basin and a pelagic carbonate platform, respectively. The various carbonate facies are followed by deep-water biosiliceous facies, namely radiolarites and radiolarian-bearing limestones of Late Bathonian-early Late Kimmeridgian age. These facies pass into Upper Kimmeridgian-Lower Tithonian pelagic carbonates with abundant Saccocoma sp. The bulk-carbonate isotope composition of the carbonate-siliceous deposits shows positive and negative δ13C excursions and shifts in the Early Bajocian, Late Bajocian, Early Bathonian, Late Bathonian, Late Callovian, Middle Oxfordian and Late Kimmeridgian. Additionally, the δ13C curves studied show a pronounced increasing trend in the Callovian and a steadily decreasing trend in the Oxfordian-Early Tithonian. These correlate with the trends known from the Tethyan region. The onset of Late Bathonian radiolarite sedimentation is marked by a decreasing trend in δ13C. Increased δ13C values in the Late Callovian, Middle Oxfordian and Late Kimmeridgian (Moluccana Zone) correspond with enhanced radiolarian production. A significant increase in CaCO_{3} content is recorded just above the Late Callovian δ13C excursion, which coincides with a transition from green to variegated radiolarites

    The Issue of Liability for Unpaid Tax

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    Import 30/10/2012Institut ručení za nezaplacenou daň byl zakotven do zákona o dani z přidané hodnoty novelou, která nabyla účinnosti 1. 4. 2011. Tento poměrně nový nástroj má sloužit k eliminaci daňových úniků. Cílem této práce je v její teoretické části představit současnou legislativu v oblasti ručení platnou v České republice a poskytnout srovnání s právní úpravou vybraných států Evropské unie. V teoretické i praktické části práce se zaměřím zejména na zkoumání úskalí využití tohoto nástroje v praxi a pokusím se také prokázat domněnku, že složitá aplikace institutu ručení ze strany příjemce zdanitelného plnění a také jeho problematická vymahatelnost ze strany správce daně dokazuje, že tato legislativní změna není účinným nástrojem pro boj s daňovými úniky.Institute of liability for unpaid tax has been enshrined into law on value added tax amendment, which came into effect on 1 4th The 2011th This relatively new tool is intended to eliminate tax evasion. The aim of this work is to present the theoretical part of the current legislation in the field of insurance in force in the Czech Republic and provide a comparison with the legislation of selected EU member states. The theoretical and practical part will focus mainly on examining pitfalls of using this tool in practice and try to prove the hypothesis that complex applications Institute of liability by the recipient of taxable transactions, as well as its problematic enforcement of the tax administration demonstrates that this legislative change is not effective tool to combat tax evasion.121 - Katedra ekonomické žurnalistikyvýborn

    Most significant geosites of the Cieszyn Foothills, Outer flysch Carpathians, Poland and Czech Republic

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    The article provides a review of the most important geotouristic attractions within the Cieszyn Foothills, Outer Flysch Carpathians in Poland and adjacent part of the Czech Republic. The best geosites, which can be visited during a short 1-2 day visit in the Polish Carpathians were selected. The present paper contains the description of the classic localities exposing the oldest deposits and igneous rocks of the Silesian Unit. The geotouristic objects are important because the represent scenic sites as well as geosites with educational values supplying limitless information about the geological history, as well as the history of earth sciences research

    GPS in mathematics lessons

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá navigačním systémem GPS a představuje čtenáři možnosti využití tohoto systému ve školní výuce, především ve výuce matematiky na druhém stupni základní školy. V první části práce je stručně popsán princip GPS. Druhá část se věnuje GPS přijímačům z pohledu jejich využití ve výuce. Ve třetí části jsou uvedeny konkrétní úlohy a úkoly pro práci s GPS v hodinách matematiky.ObhájenoThis thesis focuses on a GPS navigation system and presents possible uses of this system in an education. Furthermore, this thesis investigates the use of this system in a second grade of primary school. In the first part is briefly described the functionality of the GPS. The second part looks at the GPS receivers from the educational point of view. The third part discusses the particular mathematical exercises for work with GPS in mathematics lessons

    Tree: its landscape function and importance for human beings (A theme for teaching at primary schools)

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    This thesis deals with a creating educational programmes for interactive boards usable in Science lessons at higher level of primary schools. Programme presentation was made in the seventh form of three primary school, where also a comparative research in the form of didactic test was placed. The aim of this test was to compare a knowledge level of pupils who were taught by the interactive programme, and those pupils who were taught by the traditional form of frontal teaching. The thesis is supplemented by a DVD with educational presentation for interactive boards and a printed manual necessary for the control of the programme

    Analýza hospodaření vybrané municipality - Břeclav

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    This thesis analyses economy management of town Breclav. Aim is to evaluate the economy management of the town in period 2010 to 2014. Thesis is divided into literature review and own work. The literature review characterizes and explains basic concepts which that relate to municipalities and its management. The own work analyses assets, income and expenses. Incomes and expenses are concretely analyzed and thesis detects, which have an important role in the town budget. Farther financial analysis is accomplished through selected informative and monitoring indicators according to the methodology of the Ministry of Finance. The thesis brings debt service, indicator of the total (current) liquidity indicator and the share of liabilities to total assets. Based on the results, economy management of town Breclav can be described as very good. Thesis also includes proposal options, which can bring the development and better economy management of the town Breclav in the future