1,290 research outputs found

    Consecuencias legales derivadas de un accidente laboral

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.DER). Dereito. Curso 2014/201

    CABINS, a harmless unurbanization model: Cerdanya case

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    La planificación de clase bajo análisis: estudio sobre las relaciones de poder en las planificaciones de clase de pregrado

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    This work aims at analyzing the pedagogic discourse used in lesson plans written by student-teachers taking a pre-service teaching practice course at university, with a view to understanding the intrinsic relationship that pedagogic discursive practices have with power. The paper reports on a study which involves the analysis of six lesson plans written by one student-teacher doing her last Teaching Practice Course at Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina). A Critical Discourse Analysis perspective is taken to analyze the student-teacher’s intentions to exercise control over the contributions of the students in terms of content, relations, and subject positions. Then, the force of the power behind the student-teacher’s pedagogic discourse practices is explored, leading to the conclusion that the very same conventions of lesson plans constrain their productions and serve to legitimize and reproduce institutional asymmetrical relations.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el discurso pedagógico empleado en las planificaciones de clase elaboradas por estudiantes-docentes que cursan la práctica docente de pregrado en la universidad, con vistas de entender la relación intrínseca entre las prácticas discursivas pedagógicas y el poder. Este artículo informa sobre un estudio que involucra el análisis de seis planificaciones de clase elaboradas por una estudiante-docente durante su cursada de la última materia de práctica docente en la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina). Desde una perspectiva de análisis crítico del discurso, se analizan las intenciones de la estudiante-docente de controlar las contribuciones de los alumnos en términos de contenido, relaciones y sujetos. Luego, se explora la fuerza del poder detrás de las prácticas de discurso pedagógico de la estudiante-docente y se arriba a la conclusión de que las mismas convenciones de las planificaciones de clase restringen sus producciones y sirven para legitimar y reproducir relaciones institucionales asimétricas

    Mechanistic understanding of mixed-culture fermentations by metabolic modelling

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    Biorefineries are set to become an important agent in the shift towards a circular economy due to their potential to valorise organic wastes into marketable products. Anaerobic fermentations yielding volatile fatty acids are a key process in this production scheme as their products act as intermediates between the organic wastes and the final biorefinery products. However, their product selectivity is highly influenced by the environmental conditions and the mechanisms governing the process remain unknown. In this thesis, predictive tools were developed with the objective of understanding the mechanisms governing anaerobic fermentations and of designing processes targeting specific volatile fatty acids with high productivity

    Electron bifurcation mechanism and homoacetogenesis explain products yields in mixed culture anaerobic fermentations

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    Anaerobic fermentation of organic wastes using microbial mixed cultures is a promising avenue to treat residues and obtain added-value products. However, the process has some important limitations that prevented so far any industrial application. One of the main issues is that we are not able to predict reliably the product spectrum (i.e. the stoichiometry of the process) because the complex microbial community behaviour is not completely understood. To address this issue, in this work we propose a new metabolic network of glucose fermentation by microbial mixed cultures that incorporates electron bifurcation and homoacetogenesis. Our methodology uses NADH balances to analyse published experimental data and evaluate the new stoichiometry proposed. Our results prove for the first time the inclusion of electron bifurcation in the metabolic network as a better description of the experimental results. Homoacetogenesis has been used to explain the discrepancies between observed and theoretically predicted yields of gaseous H2 and CO2 and it appears as the best solution among other options studied. Overall, this work supports the consideration of electron bifurcation as an important biochemical mechanism in microbial mixed cultures fermentations and underlines the importance of considering homoacetogenesis when analysing anaerobic fermentations

    Os estudos de lingua (e cultura) galega fóra de Galicia

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    Os estudos de lingua e cultura galegas teñen un punto de xiro a fi nais da década de 1980 e nos primeiros anos da década seguinte. Ao longo do século xx a lingua e a cultura galegas foran empezando a ser estudadas nalgunhas universidades, sobre todo alemás, mais de maneira limitada á investigación levada a cabo por unhas poucas figuras illadas, deixando á parte a literatura medieval e facendo excepción de Krüger e dos seus discípulos da universidade de Hamburgo. A partir do fi nal da ditadura, a situación sociolingüística do galego vai empezar a ser obxecto de atención, principalmente en universidades alemás tamén. A partir dos últimos anos da década de 1980 esténdese tamén a presenza da lingua galega, a través de cursos para alumnado estranxeiro e sobre todo grazas á creación dunha rede de centros de estudos galegos en diferentes universidades europeas e americanas. David Mackenzie, a quen lle dedicamos esta merecida homenaxe, tivo un papel moi relevante na extensión destes estudos no Reino Unido e en Irlanda. Nesta achega pretendo trazar un panorama da evolución dos estudos de lingua e cultura galegas no século xx e no comezo do xxi, para rematarmos cunha análise dalgúns dos logros e debilidades da situación actual. Aínda que aludirei a estudos de literatura e, sobre todo, de literatura medieval, centrareime nos estudos de lingüística, tanto pola miña propia especialización coma pola difi cultade de manexar a gran cantidade de información existente nos últimos anos sobre estas áreas tan extensas, ademais de por limitacións de espaz