2,562 research outputs found

    The Impact of Private Equity Ownership on Corporate Tax Avoidance

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    This study investigates whether private equity (PE) firms influence the tax practices of their portfolio firms. Prior research documents that PE firms create economic value in portfolio firms through effective governance, financial, and operational engineering. Given PE firms' focus on value creation, we examine whether PE firms influence the extent and types of tax avoidance at portfolio firms as an additional source of economic value. We document that PE-backed portfolio firms engage in significantly more nonconforming tax planning and have lower marginal tax rates than other private firms. Moreover, we document that PE-backed portfolio firms pay 14.2 percent less income tax per dollar of pre-tax income than non-PE backed firms, after controlling for NOLs and debt tax shields. We find additional tax savings for PE-backed portfolio firms that are either majority-owned or owned by large PE firms, consistent with PE ownership stake, expertise, and resources serving as important factors in the tax practices of portfolio firms. We infer that PE firms view tax planning as an additional source of economic value in their portfolio firms, where the benefits outweigh any potential reputational costs associated with corporate tax avoidance.Private equity, ownership structure, tax avoidance, tax planning, tax aggressiveness, book-tax differences.

    The interregional trade union councils (IRTUC) and the crossborder workers: The case of the Galicia Norte de Portugal IRTUC

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    The border regions tended to be neglected by the European countries and by the social actors for a long time, attitude that only changed with the deepening of the European integration process that implied the reinforcement of the cooperation between these regions. The trade unions do not stay apart from this process and a new kind of structure began to emerge in the 70s, the Interregional Trade Union Council (IRTUC). The purpose of this paper is to address some insights on IRTUC’s institutionalization and activities. Based on a case study of the Galicia-Norte de Portugal IRTUC, through documental analysis and interviews with trade union officials, we will discuss its constitution, aims and organizational framework as well as its activities focused on the cross-border workers in a region where the migratory flows are traditionally very significant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Paediatric acute basilar thrombosis successfully treated with intravenous alteplase

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    Acute ischaemic stroke has significant attendant morbidity and is one of the top ten causes of childhood death. It requires prompt investigation and management, however little is known about the safety and efficacy of acute thrombolytic therapies in childhood arterial ischaemic stroke. The authors report a case of a 13-year-old girl with an acute basilar thrombosis, successfully treated with intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator and discuss the management of paediatric arterial ischaemic stroke.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudio palinológico de la turbera do río das Furnas (Lugo)

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    Se ha realizado cliUI~IWs políntco de una tu1bera ~tuada en bs Sierras septenlrionalC$ gallegas. t...o.-. resultados ob4en!dos rc\·clan una progresiva defores~ oción (dlsminuci6n de QIICtr!IS r CCNyfiU, principalment e) Q\IC ~ intensifica hacia las fa!.ec; mác; recientes y cuJrnina con el <Jes..1rrollu de la estepa cullural haci:1 el 2lJ00-2SOO 8.P. En los e.spcclru:, supcrftcialcs Jos ta:cone.c; predominantes son Piaus pimmtr y Ericacc:\c..A poller1 nnalysi~ of pco1 bog c:ollcctcd in seplt nlrional Sierra.ío or O:~.hciJ, hn,_ bccn madc. Thc: resulu ~how a progre~iv~ tle.forr.:st:ltion (diminulion oí Quetws, Cory!1ts principally) wbicb ls inltn~i fied loward\ recen! l,bJlCS and rcachcs iu hig.h~l poinl ""~1 h 1hc cukural Sleppc ;~bout 2.600-2.500 8 P. PUuu pimalu and Ericacc~u:. pollen to deu ch in thc surfacc spedrurn

    The Interregional Trade Union Councils (IRTUC) and the cross-border workers: The cases of the Galicia-Norte de Portugal and Alentejo-Extremadura IRTUCs

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    As some literature states, the border regions tended to be neglected by the European countries and by the social actors for a long time (Magone, 2006). This attitude only changed with the beginning of the European integration process. Since then, the cooperation between cross-border regions and the deepening of their interdependence and integration was seen as a key factor for the success of the integration. The trade union movement does not stay apart from this process. In 1976, the first Interregional Trade Union Council (IRTUC) was born in the borders of Germany, France and Luxemburg. According to Prince and Magone, one of the most important tasks of the IRTUCs is related with the problems that affect the cross-border migrant workers, mainly the issues of equal treatment in terms of wages, social security, recognition of skills, taxation, etc., taking into account the disparities that characterise the cross-border regions. Prince and Hammer (2010) also states that the IRTUCs are focused in ensuring that the legal and administrative frameworks and collective agreements, which are diverse in the different sides of the borders, are applied in order to avoid social dumping. With their activities of information and legal advice they build trust and solidarity among the workers. For Hammer, IRTUCs also contribute to enhance trade union capacities, by facilitating and support cross-border networks at sectoral and company level, and have a role of political representation facing to the regional authorities. For Prince, some of the IRTUCs have evolved gradually for a more broadened range of activities, acting in the fields of employment and social policy, vocational training, regional development and the environment and Noack (2001) refers that they can range from a mere “network node” to an “interregional social partner” with a key function in the regional development. Portugal and Spain share a long border of over 1 000Km subject to a “double periphery” (Covas, 1997) in respect both to their countries and to the other countries of the EU. Along this border, we may identify four cross-border regions, which one having an IRTUC. The purpose of this paper is to address some insights on IRTUC’s institutionalization and activities. Based on a comparison of the IRTUC Galicia-Norte de Portugal and of the Alentejo-Extremadura one, through documental analysis and interviews with trade union officials, we will discuss its constitution, aims, organizational framework and activities focused on the cross-border workers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Advances in FAI Imaging: a Focused Review

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    Purpose of review: Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is one of the main causes of hip pain in young adults and poses clinical challenges which have placed it at the forefront of imaging and orthopedics. Diagnostic hip imaging has dramatically changed in the past years, with the arrival of new imaging techniques and the development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This article reviews the current state-of-the-art clinical routine of individuals with suspected FAI, limitations, and future directions that show promise in the field of musculoskeletal research and are likely to reshape hip imaging in the coming years. Recent findings: The largely unknown natural disease course, especially in hips with FAI syndrome and those with asymptomatic abnormal morphologies, continues to be a problem as far as diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis are concerned. There has been a paradigm shift in recent years from bone and soft tissue morphological analysis towards the tentative development of quantitative approaches, biochemical cartilage evaluation, dynamic assessment techniques and, finally, integration of artificial intelligence (AI)/deep learning systems. Imaging, AI, and hip preserving care will continue to evolve with new problems and greater challenges. The increasing number of analytic parameters describing the hip joint, as well as new sophisticated MRI and imaging analysis, have carried practitioners beyond simplistic classifications. Reliable evidence-based guidelines, beyond differentiation into pure instability or impingement, are paramount to refine the diagnostic algorithm and define treatment indications and prognosis. Nevertheless, the boundaries of morphological, functional, and AI-aided hip assessment are gradually being pushed to new frontiers as the role of musculoskeletal imaging is rapidly evolving.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Neonatal stroke associated with de novo antiphospholipid antibody and homozygous 1298C/C methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mutation

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    Antiphospholipid antibodies are a recognised prothrombotic risk factor associated with acute ischaemic infarction. Most autoimmune diseases are rare in infants, and in the neonatal period, autoimmunity is related to transplacental passage of maternal immunoglobulin G autoantibodies. Distinguishing between de novo and acquired autoimmunity has important therapeutic implications and is crucial for determining the prognosis. We present a case of a neonatal thrombotic stroke associated with de novo synthesis of antiphospholipid antibodies, a homozygous 1298C/C methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase mutation and a double-homozygous plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 polymorphism (PAI-1 844A/A and 675 4G/4G), which may have increased the final thrombotic risk. Her mother was not positive for antiphospholipid antibodies. The authors highlight an unequivocal evidence of a de novo case of paediatric antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and emphasise the need for a thorough investigation in cases of neonatal stroke including molecular thrombophilia study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Becoming a fraternal organization: Insights from the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti

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    We uncover fundamental dimensions of the process through which organizations embed the practice of fraternity through embarking on an organizational journey in the direction of the common good. Building on the latest encyclical of Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, about fraternal and social friendship, we offer insight into the understanding of what it means to become a fraternal organization and reflect on the key ethical and paradoxical challenges for organizations aiming at collectively contributing to the common good. We add to previous work by characterizing this journey as a process involving unique ethical challenges that emerge from the paradoxes associated with this process and how this might change the nature of the relationships between organizations and others within the organizational landscape.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio