39 research outputs found

    O medo do paciente ao tratamento odontológico

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    Fear concept. Experiences and practical researches to detect a fear índex exist of the people to the dental clinicai procedures. Which the factors that can cause this problem. Signs and manifestations of the fear that interest the surgeon dentist. Relationship among the fear of going to the dentist close to with this professional's social image its possible clientele. Citation of some resources that can help in the control of the fear.Conceito de medo. Experiencias e pesquisas práticas para detectar se existe um índice de medo das pessoas aos procedimentos clínicos dentários. Quais os fatores que possam causar este problema. Sinais e manifestações do medo que interessam ao cirurgião dentista. Relação entre o medo de ir ao dentista com a imagem social deste profissional junto a sua possível clientela. Citação de alguns recursos que possam ajudar no controle do medo

    Efecto de un programa de educación diabetológica en pacientes adultos de la consulta ambulatoria en un hospital nacional peruano

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    Introducción. La diabetes tipo 2 es un problema de salud pública cuyo manejo es muy complejo, reconociéndose múltiples problemas y limitaciones para un adecuado control de la enfermedad. Objetivo. Determinar el efecto de un programa educativo añadido al tratamiento habitual, en el control de los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 de la consulta especializada ambulatoria en un hospital nacional peruano. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal analítico de tres meses de seguimiento, cincuenta pacientes consecutivos con diabetes tipo 2 no controlada que se atendían en la consulta ambulatoria del servicio de endocrinología aceptaron participar voluntariamente en las 4 sesiones grupales (5-8 participantes, 1sesión/semana). Se aseguró la disponibilidad de la medicación antidiabética, así como el mantenimiento de las dosis farmacológicas prescritas desde tres meses antes de la intervención y durante el periodo de seguimiento. Se determinaron los cambios en los niveles de HbA1c, glicemia en ayunas y perfil lipídico, antes y 3 meses después de la intervención. Resultados. Del total de pacientes que aceptaron participar, 41 completaron todas las sesiones y sus resultados fueron analizados. La cuarta parte eran varones. Luego de los tres meses de la intervención educativa, la HbA1c disminuyó -1,7%, la glicemia en ayunas -59mg/dL y el colesterol LDL -23mg/Dl, siendo los cambios significativos en los grupos de mayores de 45 años y con más de 5 años de diagnóstico. Conclusiones. El programa de educación diabetológica, añadido al manejo habitual, tuvo un efecto beneficioso temprano en el control de los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 en un hospital nacional peruano


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    The purpose of the present study is to present reflections of different authors about being and staying as a teacher in relation to the teaching practice facing the social and political function associated to the profession. These reflections about changes and innovations in the teaching-learning process aim to contribute to the education of critical citizens for the achievement of needed social transformations. To reflect about the teaching practice is a significant task for changing the school reality in which we are inserted

    Case report: tuberculosis in a goat (Capra hircus)

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    Uma cabra da raça Saanem, com 3 anos, foi atendida no Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo, com histórico de emagrecimento progressivo, com doença respiratória não responsiva a antibioticoterapia convencional. O animal apresentava perda de peso, aumento de linfonodo submandibular esquerdo e sintomas de broncopneumonia. Tendo sido considerado positivo no teste cervical comparativo foi sacrificado e à necropsia foram observadas lesões sugestivas de tuberculose nos linfonodos submandibulares e mesentéricos, pulmão e baço. Nos exames laboratoriais houve crescimento, aos 32 dias, de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes (BAAR), no meio de cultura de Stonebrink, e a estirpe isolada foi identificada no PCR como sendo Mycobacterium bovis. A pesquisa de Corynebacterium sp. foi negativa. Na histopatologia, as lesões examinadas apresentavam características dos granulomas típicos. Usandose coloração para BAAR foi possível observação de bacilos no centro de um granuloma, sugestivo de Mycobacterium spp. Casos de tuberculose em caprinos têm sido considerados raros no BrasilA 3-year-old Saanen-breed was examined at the Veterinary Hospital of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry of the University of São Paulo, with a history of progressive emaciation and respiratory disease which did not respond to conventional antibiotic therapy. The animal was underweight, had swelling of the left submandibular lymph node and signs of bronchopneumonia. As it was reactor for comparative cervical test, the goat was slaughtered and at necropsy tuberculosis-like lesions were found in its submandibular and mesenteric lymph nodes, lungs and spleen. Acid-fast bacilli growth occurred within 32 days in Stonebrink media culture and the isolate was identified by PCR as M. bovis. Diagnostic test for Corynebacterium sp. was negative. Histopathologic examination showed characteristics of tuberculosis granulomas. When the acid-fast stain was employed in lesions smears, it was possible to observe bacilli in the middle of a granuloma, suggesting Mycobacterium spp. Tuberculosis cases in goats have been considered rare in Brazi

    Ecological aspects of Pintomyia fischeri and Migonemyia migonei in municipalities with Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis, State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Abstract The objective was to study the composition of sand fly species, the seasonal activity of the dominant species and correlation with average rainfall, sex association of the dominant species with domicile habitats and analyze different landscape scenarios for the two study sites in the municipalities of Itapevi and Mogi of the Crosses. Sandflies were captured with CDC(s) traps installed in three households at each study site for a period of 24 hours, biweekly for two years. A total of 2970 specimens were collected. The dominant species were P.fischeri and M.migonei. A statistically significant difference was registered between males and females of the two species in relation to the intra and peridomicile. The seasonal activity of both species showed a weak significant positive correlation with rainfall. The species P.fischeri and M.migonei may be potential vectors of CVL in the studied sites

    Thin layer microcolony culture associated with PCR for early identification of Mycobacterium bovis

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    The initial growth of mycobacteria from 49 samples of cattle and buffalo organs collected in commercial slaughterhouses was compared between modified Middlebrook 7H11 thin layer microcolony culture and Stonebrink medium used in the isolation of Mycobacterium bovis. Aliquots were decontaminated by Petroff's method, processed and cultured in both media. The identity of the acid-fast bacilli stained by Ziehl-Neelsen was confirmed by PCR. Optical microscopy showed that results of the early observation of Mycobacterium bovis colonies in thin layer culture were similar to those obtained in macroscopic observation of the colonies in Stonebrink medium. However, early observation of the colonies enabled early confirmation by PCR, given the shorter time to the visualization of colonies when thin layer culture was used (between the 12nd and 25th day of culture)

    Cellular and microbiological profile of Santa Ines ewes in the lactation and the post-weaning period

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o perfil microbiológico e celular do leite no período lactante e de involução ativa de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês. Foram avaliadas amostras lácteas de 12 ovelhas durante estes distintos períodos. Realizou-se o exame físico da mama, sendo as amostras lácteas submetidas à contagem de células somáticas (CCS), ao California Mastitis Test (CMT), ao exame microbiológico e aos testes de sensibilidade in vitro dos patógenos encontrados. Foram observados maiores escores do exame físico, CCS, CMT durante o período de involução ativa, além de uma alta persistência da infecção durante estes períodos. O período de involução ativa não se mostrou como um momento de alta susceptilidade. Os estafilococos coagulase negativa representaram o único gênero isolado das glândulas infectadas. Uma alta sensibilidade dos agentes etiológicos envolvidos frente aos diferentes antimicrobianos in vitro foi também observadaThe aim was to evaluate and compare the microbiological and cellular profile of the milk of Santa Ines ewes during the lactation period and the active involution. Milk samples were analyzed from 12 ewes during these distinct periods. Clinical examination of the mammary gland, somatic cell count (SCC), California Mastitis Test (CMT), bacteriologic screening and sensibility of the pathogens in vitro were performed. Most alterations were observed in the active involution period. SCC and CMT were higher in this same period. Besides this, a high persistency of infection occurred. The active involution period did not show high susceptibility. Coagulase-negative staphylococci were the only isolated bacteria. A high antimicrobial sensibility of these pathogens was also encountere

    Microcolony detection of Mycobacterium Bovis in Middlebrook 7H11 thin layer culture

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    The aim of this article is to evaluate the efficiency of the cultivation technique in thin layer of Middlebrook 7H11 (TL7H11) for isolating Mycobactererium bovis from suggestive lesions of tuberculosis in cattle and to compare the results with traditional methods of cultivation. At the first step it was used M. bovis AN5 and M. tubercuolosis H37Rv standard strain. The both performance were compared between the cultivation in TL7H11 and in the Stonebrink and Petragnani media. The strains presented visible growing in TL7H11 at the third day of cultivation, while the Stonebrink and Petragnani there were growing just at the 14 day. At the 13 day of cultivation it was possible to differentiate both strains by their colony morphological characteristics. The second step was to cultivate 62 clinicals samples in TL7H11 and Stonebrink for tentative isolation of M. bovis. The isolated samples were detected in TL7H11 until 21 days of cultivation whereas none samples weregrown in Stonebrink tubes. The median time of growing in TL7H11 was 19,0 days against 49,0 days of Stonebrink (p=0,014).O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência da técnica de cultivo em camada delgada de ágar Middlebrook 7H11 (TL7H11) no isolamento de Mycobacterium bovis de lesões sugestivas de tuberculose em bovinos, comparando seus resultados com os métodos tradicionais de cultivo. Numa primeira fase foram utilizadas estirpes padrão de M. bovis AN5 e M. tuberculosis H37Rv mantidas em laboratório, para comparação de desempenho entre o cultivo em TL7H11 e nos meios de Stonebrik e Petragnani. Ambas estirpes apresentaram crescimento visível em TL7H11 no terceiro dia de cultivo enquanto que nos meios de Stonebrink e Petragnani só houve crescimento a partir do 14º dia. Aos 13 dias de cultivo em TL7H11 foi possível diferenciar as duas estirpes pelas características morfológicas das colônias. Numa segunda fase, 62 amostras de campo foram cultivadas em TL7H11 e Stonebrink para isolamento de M. bovis. As amostras isoladas foram detectadas pelo TL7H11 até os 21 dias de cultivo contra nenhum crescimento dos tubos de Stonebrink. O tempo médio de crescimento no TL7H11 foi de 19,0 dias contra 49,0 dias do meio de Stonebrink (p = 0,014)