644 research outputs found

    Red scare: FBI and the origins of anticommunism in the United States, 1919-1943

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    The anticommunist crusade of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and its legendary director J. Edgar Hoover during the McCarthy era and the Cold War has attracted much attention from historians during the last decades, but little has been known about the Bureau's political activities during its formative years. This work breaks new ground by tracing the roots of the FBI's political surveillance to the involvement of the Bureau's predecessor, the Bureau of Investigation (BI), in the nation's first period of communist-hunting, the "Red Scare" after World War I. The book is based on the first systematic and comprehensive use of the early BI files from 1908 to 1922, which have only survived on difficult-to-read microfilms deposited in the National Archives, as well as numerous collections of personal papers. The FBI's political surveillance was not a result of popular hysteria, such as scholars used to claim, or a rational response to communist spying and the Cold War confrontation, such as a number of historians have recently argued. Instead, it was an integrated part of the attempt by the modern federal state, rooted in the Progressive Era, to regulate and control any organized opposition to the political, economic and social order, such as organized labor, radical movements and African-American protest. The detailed reconstruction of the BI's role in the Red Scare during 1919 and 1920 shows that the federal intelligence officials played a crucial role in initiating the anticommunist hysteria in the United States. Despite its small staff, the BI was able to influence national events by exchanging information with a network of patriotic groups, assisting local authorities in drafting antiradical legislation and prosecuting radicals, and using congressional committees to spread its message. The Bureau also strove to discredit the strike wave and race riots of 1919 as the work of communists. The account also throws new light on such dramatic and controversial events as the Seattle General Strike, the Centralia Massacre, and the deportation of the famous anarchists Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman. The book shows how entrenched political surveillance had become by the early 1920's and how it continued until World War II and the Cold War


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    Kata Kunci : Norma Sosial, Norma Hukum, Antisosial, Kekerasan, Psikopat, Psikopatik. Psikopat merupakan bentuk penyimpangan perilaku yang mencerminkan sebuah kekalutan mental sehingga menyebabkan penderitanya melakukan hal-hal yang melanggar aturan seperti norma-norma sosial dan aturan hukum. Tema psikopatik juga lazim diangkat ke dalam sebuah karya sastra, salah satunya adalah dongeng Prancis karya Charles Perrault yang berjudul La Barbe Bleue. Dongeng ini bercerita tentang tokoh bernama Barbe Bleue, seorang pria yang memiliki kecenderungan psikopatik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manifestasi perilaku psikopatik Barbe Bleue dan tingkat psikopatiknya. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Psycopathy Checklist: Screening Version yang dikemukakan oleh Dr. Robert D Hare pada tahun 1991. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian campuran, yaitu sebuah penelitian yang menggabungkan penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitaif karena data yang ditampilkan berupa teks deskriptif dan rumus matematika. Dalam proses pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan metode content analysis (analisis isi) serta coding dan coding frames sebagai metode analisis data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Barbe Bleue memiliki 4 model perilaku yang mencerminkan hubungan antar pribadi dalam kecenderungan psikopatik. Perilaku tersebut antara lain superficial (dangkal), deceitful (culas), lacks empathy (tidak memiliki rasa empati), dan doesnñ€ℱt accept responsibility (tidak bertanggung jawab). Selain itu, Barbe Bleue juga memiliki 2 model perilaku yang termasuk dalam kategori penyimpangan sosial, yaitu impulsive (impulsif) dan adult antisocial behavior (perilaku antisosial sebagai pribadi dewasa).  Penulis menyarankan bagi peneliti selanjutnya agar dilakukan pengkajian mengenai pesan moral yang ingin disampaikan dalam dongeng La Barbe Bleue karya Charles Perrault

    Magnetic logs from the Lopra-1/1A and Vestmanna-1 wells, Faroe Islands

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    Susceptibility measurements from cores (representing basalt, lapilli-tuffs and tuffs) and magnetic logs from the Lopra-1/1A well are presented. The basalts fall into high- and low-susceptibility groups with no overlap. The high-susceptibility basalts (seven cores) have susceptibilities between 4 and 88 ×10–3 SI and consist of basalt with < 1% vesicles from thick massive units. The low-susceptibility basalts are intergranular, intersertal or hypocrystalline and contain no or very little (< 1%) visible magnetite, are generally more altered than the high-susceptibility basalts and have susceptibilities in the range from 0.6 to 1.4 × 10–3 SI (seven cores). The susceptibility of ten volcaniclastites of lapilli-tuff or tuff varies from 0.4 to 3.8 × 10–3 SI. The cores from the Lopra-1/1A well reveal a bimodal distribution of magnetic susceptibility. Low susceptibilities ranging from 0.4 to 4 are characteristic of altered basalts poor in magnetite, lapilli-tuffs and tuffs. Thus single measurements of susceptibility are of little use in discriminating between these three types of rock. Susceptibility logs from the Lopra-1/1A well show that the variation below 3315 m distinguishes clearly between volcaniclastics (hyaloclastites) with low and fairly constant susceptibility and basalt beds of between 5 and 10 m thickness (with high susceptibility). The volcaniclastics comprise some 60–70% of the sequence between 3315 and 3515 m with the maximum continuous sediment layer being 80 m thick. A 1Âœ m core of solid basalt at 2381 m and sidewall cores of basalt from the Lopra1/1A well have a mean susceptibility of 22.1 ± 3.5 × 10–3 SI (standard deviation (σ) = 23.6, number of samples (N) = 46), while samples of hyaloclastite (lapilli-tuff and tuff) have a mean susceptibility of 0.85 × 10–3 SI (σ = 0.39, N = 17). The mean values of the rock magnetic parameters for 303 basalt plugs from the Vestmanna-1 well are: Qave = 13.3 ± 0.6 (σ = 11), Save = 11.8 ± 0.6 × 10–3 SI (σ = 11) and Jave = 4.64 ± 0.25 A/m (σ = 4.4). The reversely polarised, lowermost (hidden) part of the c. 4Âœ km thick lower basalt formation correlates with Chron C26r. The upper (exposed) part of the lower basalt formation correlates with Chrons C26n, C25r and C25n and the more than 2.3 km thick middle and upper basalt formations correlate with Chron C24n.3r

    Toward a more comprehensive textbook on choral jazz arranging

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    Adaptive Boltzmann Medical Dataset Machine Learning

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    The RBM is a stochastic energy-based model of an unsupervised neural network (RBM). RBM is a key pre-training for Deep Learning. Structure of RBM includes weights and coefficients for neurons. Better network structure allows us to examine data more thoroughly, which is good. We looked at the variance of parameters in learning on demand to fix the problem. To determine why RBM's energy function fluctuates, we'll look at its parameter variance. A neuron generation and annihilation algorithm is smeared with an adaptive RBM learning method to determine the optimal number of hidden neurons for attribute imputation during training. When the energy function isn't converged and parameter variance is high, a hidden neuron is generated. If the neuron doesn't disrupt learning, it'll destroy the hidden neuron. In this study, some yardstick PIMA data sets were tested

    Above-belowground interactions govern the course and impact of biological invasions

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    Introduction of exotic organisms that subsequently become invasive is considered a serious threat to global biodiversity, and both scientists and nature-conservationists attempt to find explanations and means to meet this challenge. This requires a thorough analysis of the invasion phenomenon in an evolutionary and ecological context; in the case of invasive plants, we must have a major focus on above–belowground interactions. Thus, we discuss different theories that have been proposed to explain the course of invasions through interactions between plants and soil organisms. Further, a thorough analysis of invasion must include a temporal context. Invasions will typically include an initial acute phase, where the invader expands its territory and a later chronic phase where equilibrium is re-established. Many studies fail to make this distinction, which is unfortunate as it makes it impossible to thoroughly understand the invasion of focus. Thus, we claim that invasions fall into two broad categories. Some invasions irreversibly change pools and pathways of matter and energy in the invaded system; even if the abundance of the invader is reduced or it is completely removed, the system will not return to its former state. We use earthworm invasion in North America as a particular conspicuous example of invasive species that irreversibly change ecosystems. However, invasions may also be reversible, where the exotic organism dominates the system for a period, but in the longer term it either disappears, declines or its negative impact decreases. If the fundamental ecosystem structure and flows of energy and matter have not been changed, the system will return to a state not principally different from the original

    Thermal structure of the deep Lopra-1/1A borehole in the Faroe Islands

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    Information on temperature, temperature gradients, thermal conductivity and heat flow from the c. 3.5 km deep Lopra-1/1A borehole in the Faroe Islands is presented and analysed. The upper 2450 m of the drilled sequence consists of thick tholeiitic basalt flows and the deeper parts of hyaloclastites and thin beds of basalt. Temperature data originate from high precision temperature logging a long time after drilling to a depth of 2175 m (the original Lopra-1 borehole) and from commercial temperature logs measured a short time after drilling to a depth of 3430 m (Lopra-1/1A). The high-precision temperature log determines accurately levels of inflow of groundwater to the borehole and significant thermal disturbances to a depth of c. 1250 m. Below 1300 m, no significant disturbances are seen and interval temperature gradients for large depth intervals show only small variations between 28 and 33°C/km. The mean least-squares gradient for the depth interval of 1400–3430 m is 31.4°C/ km. In clear contrast to these overall very homogeneous, large-interval, mean temperature gradients, great local variability, between gradients of 20–25°C/km and 45°C/km, was observed between about 1300 and 2175 m (maximum depth of the high-resolution temperature log). These gradient variations are interpreted to be due to thermal conductivity variations and to reflect varying secondary mineralisation and mineral alterations. A preliminary analysis of the Lopra-1/1A temperature–depth function in terms of long-term palaeoclimatic signals indicates subsurface temperatures below about 1300 m to be in equilibrium with mean surface temperatures significantly below zero during the last glacial period. A subsequent temperature increase of 12–16°C occurred at around the termination of the last glaciation. The measured temperatures (some after correction) and the thermal regime below 1300 m seem to represent conductive equilibrium conditions without significant disturbances from the effect of drilling, groundwater flow or long-term palaeoclimatic surface temperature variations. Thermal conductivity measured on samples of basalt taken from drill cores and surface outcrops in the area of the borehole shows values within a rather narrow range and a well-defined mean value for low porosity basalts of about 1.8 W/m°C , while a few samples of lapilli-tuff/tuff from the borehole gave values around 1.9 W/m°C . Lapilli-tuff and tuff seem to have higher matrix (grain) conductivity than basalt. Heat flow is estimated at 60 ± 5 mW/m2. A heat flow of this magnitude is consistent with the Faroe Islands being underlain by continental crust

    Micropropagation of Azadirachta indica and assessment its fungicidal action

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    An effective protocol has been developed for micropropagation of Azadirachta indica using Murashige and Skoog ( MS) medium supplemented with different hormones like    1-Naphthyl acetic acid(NAA),3-Indole acetic acid(IAA),3-Indole butyric acid(IBA),6 Benzyl aminopurine (BAP),2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid(2,4-D)and Kinetin.  Extracts obtained were analyzed using HPTLC. Different sample preparations were compared for action against fungi like Aspergillus niger, Penicillium sp, Aspergillus versicolor, Drechslera sp with sample from the original plant. The present in vitro procedure is more effective than the conventional techniques used in conservation and mass propagation of this medicinal plant


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    Kata kunci: Fotografi, Identitas, Esai Penelitian ini berjudul “Representasi Citra Identitas “Ibu” Dari Ibu-Ibu Di Kota Bandung Dalam Fotografi Esai”, bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana seorang perempuan menjadi ibu di usia yang masih muda kemudian di visualisasikan melalui fotografi esai. Dalam penelitian ini metode kualitatif menjadi pilihan untuk memperoleh data, serta teori-teori dan dokumen dari hasil studi yang sudah ada, dalam metode kualitatif sendiri teknik wawancara dan auto biografi di lakukan oleh peneliti guna memperjelas data yang di butuhkan. Selama proses pengambilan data di temukan bahwa memiliki seorang anak merupakan hal yang membuat para ibu muda ini bahagia, dengan perasaan yang sulit di ungkapkan. Namun pada sisi lain dari pada ibu ini banyak terlintas perasaan yang tidak menentu, ada yang merasa dirinya tertekan, menyesali karena telah salah memilih suami, lalu perasaan dimana mereka mereasa waktu muda mereka terbuang. Kondisi ini tercipta oleh karena beban psikologis yang di hadapi belum mampu untuk menjalani sebuah rangkaian rumah tangga, selain itu mental untuk menjadi seorang ibu juga masih belum terbentuk sesuai dengan nuraninya sebagai perempuan muda. Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa peran sebagai ibu bukanlah peran yang mudah, dimana menjadi seorang ibu harus memiliki mental yang kuat serta psikologis yang matang, karena dengan memiliki kriteria tersebut seorang ibu mampu mengayomi anak dengan baik sesuai dengan apa yang di harapka
