26 research outputs found

    Validazione di un sistema GNSS-RTK multibanda a basso costo per la misura della velocità del cammino

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    Nella pratica clinica la velocità del cammino è un parametro importante, largamente utilizzato sia come strumento predittivo di mortalità, disabilità e ulteriori avvenimenti avversi, sia singolarmente o all'interno di test motori per la misura oggettiva del cambiamento nello status dei pazienti, ad esempio prima e dopo una terapia. Le principali critiche alla misura della velocità all'interno degli ambienti clinici riguardano la mancanza di validità ecologica e le limitate distanze percorribili. Uno dei possibili strumenti utilizzabile per una valida e accurata misura di questo parametro anche in ambiente di vita reale, senza ad esempio vincoli su luogo e momento della misura o il bisogno di un continuo monitoraggio da parte di un esaminatore, è il GPS. L’impiego di questo dispositivo è stato fino ad ora limitato, per via delle basse prestazioni ottenibili in presenza di ostacoli come alti edifici o zone con una fitta vegetazione, migliorabili solo utilizzando dispositivi professionali dall'alto costo. Ad oggi invece questa spesa, con l’immissione sul mercato di moduli GNSS a basso costo capaci di misure differenziali RTK, è diminuita notevolmente rendendo questi ricevitori accessibili al consumatore medio. Lo scopo di questa tesi consiste, dunque, nella validazione della misura della velocità del cammino effettuata con uno di questi nuovi ricevitori, chiamato simpleRTK2B. Con questa finalità sono stati quindi stilati tre protocolli sperimentali che, utilizzando un cronometro e un sistema di fotocellule LED, consentissero la validazione della misura che simpleRTK2B fa della velocità media, sia in condizioni di utilizzo ottimale che in ambiente urbano

    Retarded germination of Nicotiana tabacum seeds following insertion of exogenous DNA mimics the seed persistent behavior

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    Tobacco seeds show a coat-imposed dormancy in which the seed envelope tissues (testa and endosperm) impose a physical constraint on the radicle protrusion. The germination-limiting process is represented by the endosperm rupture which is induced by cell-wall weakening. Transgenic tobacco seeds, obtained by insertion of exogenous genes codifying for seed-based oral vaccines (F18 and VT2eB), showed retarded germination with respect to the wild type and modified the expression of endogenous proteins. Morphological and proteomic analyses of wild type and transgenic seeds revealed new insights into factors influencing seed germination. Our data showed that the interference of exogenous DNA influences the germination rather than the dormancy release, by modifying the maturation process. Dry seeds of F18 and VT2eB transgenic lines accumulated a higher amount of reserve and stressâ\u80\u93related proteins with respect to the wild type. Moreover, the storage proteins accumulated in tobacco F18 and VT2eB dry seeds have structural properties that do not enable the early limited proteolysis observed in the wild type. Morphological observations by electron and light microscopy revealed a retarded mobilization of the storage material from protein and lipid bodies in transgenic seeds, thus impairing water imbibition and embryo elongation. In addition, both F18 and VT2eB dry seeds are more rounded than the wild type. Both the morphological and biochemical characteristics of transgenic seeds mimic the seed persistent profile, in which their roundness enables them to be buried in the soil, while the higher content of storage material enables the hypocotyl to elongate more and the cotyledons to emerge

    Small-Molecule Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitor of Oncogenic Rho Signaling

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    Uncontrolled activation of Rho signaling by RhoGEFs, in particular AKAP13 (Lbc) and its close homologs, is implicated in a number of human tumors with poor prognosis and resistance to therapy. Structure predictions and alanine scanning mutagenesis of Lbc identified a circumscribed hot region for RhoA recognition and activation. Virtual screening targeting that region led to the discovery of an inhibitor of Lbc-RhoA interaction inside cells. By interacting with the DH domain, the compound inhibits the catalytic activity of Lbc, halts cellular responses to activation of oncogenic Lbc pathways, and reverses a number of prostate cancer cell phenotypes such as proliferation, migration, and invasiveness. This study provides insights into the structural determinants of Lbc-RhoA recognition. This is a successful example of structure-based discovery of a small protein-protein interaction inhibitor able to halt oncogenic Rho signaling in cancer cells with therapeutic implications

    Mobility recorded by wearable devices and gold standards: the Mobilise-D procedure for data standardization

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    Wearable devices are used in movement analysis and physical activity research to extract clinically relevant information about an individual's mobility. Still, heterogeneity in protocols, sensor characteristics, data formats, and gold standards represent a barrier for data sharing, reproducibility, and external validation. In this study, we aim at providing an example of how movement data (from the real-world and the laboratory) recorded from different wearables and gold standard technologies can be organized, integrated, and stored. We leveraged on our experience from a large multi-centric study (Mobilise-D) to provide guidelines that can prove useful to access, understand, and re-use the data that will be made available from the study. These guidelines highlight the encountered challenges and the adopted solutions with the final aim of supporting standardization and integration of data in other studies and, in turn, to increase and facilitate comparison of data recorded in the scientific community. We also provide samples of standardized data, so that both the structure of the data and the procedure can be easily understood and reproduced

    Technical validation of real-world monitoring of gait: a multicentric observational study

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    Introduction: Existing mobility endpoints based on functional performance, physical assessments and patient self-reporting are often affected by lack of sensitivity, limiting their utility in clinical practice. Wearable devices including inertial measurement units (IMUs) can overcome these limitations by quantifying digital mobility outcomes (DMOs) both during supervised structured assessments and in real-world conditions. The validity of IMU-based methods in the real- world, however, is still limited in patient populations. Rigorous validation procedures should cover the device metrological verification, the validation of the algorithms for the DMOs computation specifically for the population of interest and in daily life situations, and the users’ perspective on the device. Methods and analysis: This protocol was designed to establish the technical validity and patient acceptability of the approach used to quantify digital mobility in the real world by Mobilise-D, a consortium funded by the European Union (EU) as part of the Innovative Medicine Initiative, aiming at fostering regulatory approval and clinical adoption of DMOs. After defining the procedures for the metrological verification of an IMU-based device, the experimental procedures for the validation of algorithms used to calculate the DMOs are presented. These include laboratory and real-world assessment in 120 participants from five groups: healthy older adults; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, proximal femoral fracture and congestive heart failure. DMOs extracted from the monitoring device will be compared with those from different reference systems, chosen according to the contexts of observation. Questionnaires and interviews will evaluate the users’ perspective on the deployed technology and relevance of the mobility assessment. Ethics and dissemination: The study has been granted ethics approval by the centre’s committees (London—Bloomsbury Research Ethics committee; Helsinki Committee, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Centre; Medical Faculties of The University of Tübingen and of the University of Kiel). Data and algorithms will be made publicly available

    Analisi del cammino di pazienti con lesione midollare

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    Nel trattamento e nella cura di pazienti con lesione spinale è fondamentale una corretta valutazione della lesione e delle disfunzionalità che questa produce. Il cammino è senza dubbio una delle funzionalità maggiormente ridotta a seguito di una lesione, che può portare sia ad una diminuzione di questa capacità sia ad una completa inabilità. Nella valutazione del cammino il clinico si avvale di diverse strumentazioni come sistemi stereofotogrammetrici, pedane di forza ed elettromiografi che gli permettono di svolgere un’analisi strumentale del passo ed indagare le cause muscolari e neurologiche che portano a delle anormalità nella deambulazione. Questo lavoro si propone di presentare questi sistemi e compiere una panoramica dei principali parametri cinematici (velocità del cammino, lunghezza del passo, fase di stance, angoli articolari, ciclogrammi intra-articolari) che influenzano il passo e le metodologie con più successo nel migliorarli. Inoltre verranno evidenziati i risultati ottenuti dall’analisi elettromiografica riguardo alla presenza di pattern muscolari comuni alla base del cammino riscontrabili anche in persone sane e come gli impulsi EMG siano modulabili in ampiezza e durata a seguito di training motori

    Optimization of gas injection in CO2 Angiography

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    The use of programmable gas injectors has demonstrated how it is necessary to adapt the parameters (gas pressure and flow) in the particular diagnostic context to obtain the best imaging result with minimum radiological exposure. Imaging of a big vascular cavity, or medium size artery or small peripheral artery is a completely different game, which requires different regulations and management of the instruments. In this paper the focus will be on small peripheral arteries imaging (BTK), where the required low injection gas flow interferes with the low hydraulic resistance of the catheter and the wide arterial pressure pulsatility, producing an irregular gas injection, with reflow and pain. To overcome this problem, a calibrated adjunctive resistance in series of the catheter is proposed, with theoretical analysis and optical simulation

    Morphological and mechanical characterization of composite calcite/SWCNT\u2013COOH single crystals

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    A growing number of classes of organic (macro) molecular materials have been trapped into inorganic crystalline hosts, such as calcite single crystals, without significantly disrupting their crystalline lattices. Inclusion of an organic phase plays a key role in enhancing the mechanical properties of the crystals, which are believed to share structural features with biogenic minerals. Here we report the synthesis and mechanical characterization of composite calcite/SWCNT-COOH single crystals. Once entrapped into the crystals SWCNT-COOH appeared both as aggregates of entangled bundles and nanoropes. Their observation was possible only after crystal etching, fracture or FIB (focused ion beam) cross-sectioning. SWCNT-COOHs occupied a small volume fraction and were randomly distributed into the host crystal. They did not strongly affect the crystal morphology. However, although the Young's modulus of composite calcite/SWCNT-COOH single crystals was similar to that of pure calcite their hardness increased by about 20%. Thus, SWCNT-COOHs provide an obstacle against the dislocation-mediated propagation of plastic deformation in the crystalline slip systems, in analogy with the well-known hardness increase in fiber-reinforced composites