327 research outputs found

    Deconvolution with Shapelets

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    We seek to find a shapelet-based scheme for deconvolving galaxy images from the PSF which leads to unbiased shear measurements. Based on the analytic formulation of convolution in shapelet space, we construct a procedure to recover the unconvolved shapelet coefficients under the assumption that the PSF is perfectly known. Using specific simulations, we test this approach and compare it to other published approaches. We show that convolution in shapelet space leads to a shapelet model of order nmaxh=nmaxg+nmaxfn_{max}^h = n_{max}^g + n_{max}^f with nmaxfn_{max}^f and nmaxgn_{max}^g being the maximum orders of the intrinsic galaxy and the PSF models, respectively. Deconvolution is hence a transformation which maps a certain number of convolved coefficients onto a generally smaller number of deconvolved coefficients. By inferring the latter number from data, we construct the maximum-likelihood solution for this transformation and obtain unbiased shear estimates with a remarkable amount of noise reduction compared to established approaches. This finding is particularly valid for complicated PSF models and low S/NS/N images, which renders our approach suitable for typical weak-lensing conditions.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, submitted to A&

    Limitations for shapelet-based weak-lensing measurements

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    We seek to understand the impact on shape estimators obtained from circular and elliptical shapelet models under two realistic conditions: (a) only a limited number of shapelet modes is available for the model, and (b) the intrinsic galactic shapes are not restricted to shapelet models. We create a set of simplistic simulations, in which the galactic shapes follow a Sersic profile. By varying the Sersic index and applied shear, we quantify the amount of bias on shear estimates which arises from insufficient modeling. Additional complications due to PSF convolution, pixelation and pixel noise are also discussed. Steep and highly elliptical galaxy shapes cannot be accurately modeled within the circular shapelet basis system and are biased towards shallower and less elongated shapes. This problem can be cured partially by allowing elliptical basis functions, but for steep profiles elliptical shapelet models still depend critically on accurate ellipticity priors. As a result, shear estimates are typically biased low. Independently of the particular form of the estimator, the bias depends on the true intrinsic galaxy morphology, but also on the size and shape of the PSF. As long as the issues discussed here are not solved, the shapelet method cannot provide weak-lensing measurements with an accuracy demanded by upcoming missions and surveys, unless one can provide an accurate and reliable calibration, specific for the dataset under investigation.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to A&

    Modal decomposition of astronomical images with application to shapelets

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    The decomposition of an image into a linear combination of digitised basis functions is an everyday task in astronomy. A general method is presented for performing such a decomposition optimally into an arbitrary set of digitised basis functions, which may be linearly dependent, non-orthogonal and incomplete. It is shown that such circumstances may result even from the digitisation of continuous basis functions that are orthogonal and complete. In particular, digitised shapelet basis functions are investigated and are shown to suffer from such difficulties. As a result the standard method of performing shapelet analysis produces unnecessarily inaccurate decompositions. The optimal method presented here is shown to yield more accurate decompositions in all cases.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Reliable Shapelet Image Analysis

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    Aims: We discuss the applicability and reliability of the shapelet technique for scientific image analysis. Methods: We quantify the effects of non-orthogonality of sampled shapelet basis functions and misestimation of shapelet parameters. We perform the shapelet decomposition on artificial galaxy images with underlying shapelet models and galaxy images from the GOODS survey, comparing the publicly available IDL implementation with our new C++ implementation. Results: Non-orthogonality of the sampled basis functions and misestimation of the shapelet parameters can cause substantial misinterpretation of the physical properties of the decomposed objects. Additional constraints, image preprocessing and enhanced precision have to be incorporated in order to achieve reliable decomposition results.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, revised version, accepted by A&

    Radio Weak Gravitational Lensing with VLA and MERLIN

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    We carry out an exploratory weak gravitational lensing analysis on a combined VLA and MERLIN radio data set: a deep (3.3 micro-Jy beam^-1 rms noise) 1.4 GHz image of the Hubble Deep Field North. We measure the shear estimator distribution at this radio sensitivity for the first time, finding a similar distribution to that of optical shear estimators for HST ACS data in this field. We examine the residual systematics in shear estimation for the radio data, and give cosmological constraints from radio-optical shear cross-correlation functions. We emphasize the utility of cross-correlating shear estimators from radio and optical data in order to reduce the impact of systematics. Unexpectedly we find no evidence of correlation between optical and radio intrinsic ellipticities of matched objects; this result improves the properties of optical-radio lensing cross-correlations. We explore the ellipticity distribution of the radio counterparts to optical sources statistically, confirming the lack of correlation; as a result we suggest a connected statistical approach to radio shear measurements.Comment: 16 pages with 19 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS; Minor corrections to section 6.3; 2 references adde

    Where are the Baryons?

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    New, high resolution, large-scale, cosmological hydrodynamic galaxy formation simulations of a standard cold dark matter model (with a cosmological constant) are utilized to predict the distribution of baryons at the present and at moderate redshift. It is found that the average temperature of baryons is an increasing function of time, with most of the baryons at the present time having a temperature in the range 10^{5-7} K. Thus, not only is the universe dominated by dark matter, but more than one half of the normal matter is yet to be detected. Detection of this warm/hot gas poses an observational challenge, requiring sensitive EUV and X-ray satellites. Signatures include a soft, cosmic X-ray background, apparent warm components in hot clusters due to both intrinsic warm intra-cluster gas and warm inter-cluster gas projected onto clusters along the line of sight, absorption lines in X-ray and UV quasar spectra [e.g., O VI (1032,1038)A lines, OVII 574 eV line], strong emission lines (e.g., O VIII 653 eV line) and low redshift, broad, low column density \lya absorption lines. We estimate that approximately 1/4 of the extragalactic soft X-ray background (SXRB) (at 0.7 keV) arises from the warm/hot gas, half of it coming from z<0.65z<0.65 and three-quarters from z<1.00z<1.00, so the source regions should be identifiable on deep optical images.Comment: ApJ in press, revised (fig 3 is in jpg). Whole paper including fig3.ps can be obtained at "http://astro.princeton.edu/~cen/PAPERS_TO_APPEAR/64

    Weak gravitational lensing with DEIMOS

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    We introduce a novel method for weak-lensing measurements, which is based on a mathematically exact deconvolution of the moments of the apparent brightness distribution of galaxies from the telescope's PSF. No assumptions on the shape of the galaxy or the PSF are made. The (de)convolution equations are exact for unweighted moments only, while in practice a compact weight function needs to be applied to the noisy images to ensure that the moment measurement yields significant results. We employ a Gaussian weight function, whose centroid and ellipticity are iteratively adjusted to match the corresponding quantities of the source. The change of the moments caused by the application of the weight function can then be corrected by considering higher-order weighted moments of the same source. Because of the form of the deconvolution equations, even an incomplete weighting correction leads to an excellent shear estimation if galaxies and PSF are measured with a weight function of identical size. We demonstrate the accuracy and capabilities of this new method in the context of weak gravitational lensing measurements with a set of specialized tests and show its competitive performance on the GREAT08 challenge data. A complete C++ implementation of the method can be requested from the authors.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, fixed typo in Eq. 1

    Aging in a topological spin glass

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    We have examined the nonconventional spin glass phase of the 2-dimensional kagome antiferromagnet (H_3 O) Fe_3 (SO_4)_2 (OH)_6 by means of ac and dc magnetic measurements. The frequency dependence of the ac susceptibility peak is characteristic of a critical slowing down at Tg ~ 18K. At fixed temperature below Tg, aging effects are found which obey the same scaling law as in spin glasses or polymers. However, in clear contrast with conventional spin glasses, aging is remarkably insensitive to temperature changes. This particular type of dynamics is discussed in relation with theoretical predictions for highly frustrated non-disordered systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Cosmology with Weak Lensing Surveys

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    Weak gravitational lensing surveys measure the distortion of the image of distant sources due to the deflections of light rays by the fluctuations of the gravitational potential along the line of sight. Since they probe the non-linear matter power spectrum itself at medium redshift such surveys are complimentary to both galaxy surveys (which follow stellar light) and cosmic microwave background observations (which probe the linear regime at high redshift). Ongoing CMB experiments such as WMAP and the future Planck satellite mission will measure the standard cosmological parameters with unprecedented accuracy. The focus of attention will then shift to understanding the nature of dark matter and vacuum energy: several recent studies suggest that lensing is the best method for constraining the dark energy equation of state. During the next 5 year period ongoing and future weak lensing surveys such as the Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM, e.g. SNAP) or the Large-aperture Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will play a major role in advancing our understanding of the universe in this direction. In this review article we describe various aspects of weak lensing surveys and how they can help us in understanding our universe.Comment: 15 pages, review article to appear in 2005 Triennial Issue of Phil. Trans.

    An algorithm for the direct reconstruction of the dark matter correlation function from weak lensing and galaxy clustering

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    The clustering of matter on cosmological scales is an essential probe for studying the physical origin and composition of our Universe. To date, most of the direct studies have focused on shear-shear weak lensing correlations, but it is also possible to extract the dark matter clustering by combining galaxy-clustering and galaxy-galaxy-lensing measurements. In this study we develop a method that can constrain the dark matter correlation function from galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy-lensing measurements, by focusing on the correlation coefficient between the galaxy and matter overdensity fields. To generate a mock galaxy catalogue for testing purposes, we use the Halo Occupation Distribution approach applied to a large ensemble of N-body simulations to model pre-existing SDSS Luminous Red Galaxy sample observations. Using this mock catalogue, we show that a direct comparison between the excess surface mass density measured by lensing and its corresponding galaxy clustering quantity is not optimal. We develop a new statistic that suppresses the small-scale contributions to these observations and show that this new statistic leads to a cross-correlation coefficient that is within a few percent of unity down to 5 Mpc/h. Furthermore, the residual incoherence between the galaxy and matter fields can be explained using a theoretical model for scale-dependent bias, giving us a final estimator that is unbiased to within 1%. We also perform a comprehensive study of other physical effects that can affect the analysis, such as redshift space distortions and differences in radial windows between galaxy clustering and weak lensing observations. We apply the method to a range of cosmological models and show the viability of our new statistic to distinguish between cosmological models.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, accepted by PRD; minor changes to V1, 1 new figure, more detailed discussion of the covariance of the new ADSD statisti
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