10 research outputs found


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    This reseach is aimed to improve Students Writing Ability through a Whatsapp Group and know how the classroom situation when the students practice their writing ability through the Whatsapp Group. It is a classroom action research undertaken at SMPN 8 Metro in 2020/2021 academic year. The subject of the study was 22 students of the eighth grade. It was completed in two cycles. The criteria of success put in this study, if the students have big interests and high motivation in writing practices through WhatsApp group and get a minimum standard of 60.4 score. The data yielded by conducting classical teaching activity, doing interviews, observations, and tests. The data were analyzed descriptively and simple statistically. The pre-test result showed that the average score gained by the students in the pre-cyclewas less than 60.4(78.12%).Only 5 students (21.88%) got 75 scores, otherwise 17 students (63.64%) were under the passing grade. Then, the students who got score ≄ 75 in post test of cycle 1 were 63.64% or 14 students while 36.36% or 8 students got score < 75. Furthermore, in post test of cycle 2 showed that 85 % of the students got ≄ 75 scores. Furthermore, the classroom situation before the treatment was classified into low category with the mean score of 56.00 or . Then, the students’ activity after the treatment in cycle I increase significantly with the mean score 64. There were 16 active students (72.72%). The average of score yielded in cycle 2 was classified into high category with the mean score of 80 and the number of active students became 19 students (86.36%). Thus, it can be concluded that WhatsApp group is able to improve students’ writing ability. Therefore, it is recommended implemented by teachers in practicing English writing


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    The spread of Covid 19 has changed the educational learning system and learning strategies. The use of unlimited charge of internet, easiness of access, and the online classroom situation might change the students’ strategies in learning. Thus, this study aimed to investigate types of writing strategies and factors underlying the strategies preferences by EFL as Z generations Muhammadiyah University of Metro Academic year 2022/2023. The researcher conducted a descriptive qualitative study. The data were collected through 47 items of 5-Likert questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire consists of six strategies such as memory, metacognitive, compensation, cognitive, affective, and social. In regards to the first research question, the result revealed that the participants were medium strategy users with affective strategies to be the most dominant Nstrategies used. Then, followed by metacognitive, compensation, memory, and social strategies with cognitive to be the least strategies used. To respond objectives related to the internal and external factors underlying the participants’ preferences in selecting the strategies they chose, the researcher found internal factors consisting of self-motivation, self-confidence, lack of knowledge and feeling of under pressure. While external factors including the teacher's teaching style, classroom atmosphere, materials, and writing aspects


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    ABSTRAK Latar belakang penelitian ini bertolak dari keterampilan siswa kelas VII C dalam menulis puisi rakyat (pantun) masih rendah dan belum memenuhi tuntutan sebagai mana yang telah ditentukan batas minimal ketuntasan belajar. Peyebabnya diduga jurang tepatnya media pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran tersebut. Upaya meningkatkan keterampilan siswa  maka digunakan media alam sekitar. Rumusan masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini, yaitu : (1) Bagaimanakah langkah-langkah penggunaan media alam sekitar dalam pembelajaran menulis puisi rakyat (pantun) pada siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Cisaga?; (2) Bagaimana peningkatan kompetensi siswa dalam menulis puisi rakyat (pantun) dengan penggunaan media alam sekitar pada siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Cisaga?. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah penggunaan media alam sekitar dalam meningkatkan keterampilan siswa dalam menulis puisi rakyat (pantun) mendeskripsikan peningkatan keterampilan menulis puisi rakyat (pantun) setelah digunakan media alam sekitar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian terdiri 25 siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut.Langkah-langkah dalam pembelajaran untuk keterampilan menulis puisi rakyat (pantun) yang dilakukan guru kepada siswa  melalui upaya perbaikan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media alam sekitar ditempuh dalam empat langkah yakni: (1) perencanaan; (2) pelaksanaan; (3) observasi; dan (4) refleksi. Dalam perencanaan disusun berdasarkan langkah-langkah perencanaan yang telah ditentukan, yakni (1) kompetensi dasar; (2) hasil belajar; (3) indikator hasil belajar; (4) materi pokok; (5) langkah-langkah KBM; (6) penilaian. Sementara itu dalam pelaksanaan proses penelitian ditekankan pada langkah-langkah pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media alam sekitar yang terdiri dari kegiatan awal kegiatan inti dan kegiatan akhir sesuai dengan perencanaan yang telah ditentukan.Terdapat peningkatan keterampilan menulis puisi rakyat (pantun) pada siswa melalui upaya perbaikan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media alam sekitar dan diketahui siklus II lebih baik dari siklus I. Hal ini tampak dari perolehan rata-rata nilai siswa pada siklus I dengan rata-rata nilai 74,33 dan siklus II dengan rata-rata nilai 84. Demikian terjadinya peningkatan dari siklus I ke siklus II setelah dilakukan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media alam sekitar, bahwa penerapan media alam sekitar  mampu meningkatkan keterampilan siswa dalam menulis puisi rakyat (pantun). Kata Kunci:Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis,  Puisi Rakyat (Pantun), dan Media Alam Sekitar 

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Sejarah Masa Pendudukan Jepang di Indonesia Berbasis Karakter Untuk Kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Pasirsakti

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menganalisis proses pembelajaran sejarah kelas XI; (2) menentukan desain LKPD sejarah berbasis nilai karakter pada materi sejarah Masa Pendudukan Jepang di Indonesia; (3) menganalisis kelayakan LKPD sejarah berbasis nilai karakter pada materi sejarah masa pendudukan Jepang di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan  research and development (R&D). Jenis penelitian adalah model pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari riset Sugiyono Level  1, (menghasilkan rancangan tetapi tidak menguji coba). Tahapan penelitian dimulai dari analisis kebutuhan dengan mengumpulkan informasi melalui observasi, wawancara. Dilanjutkan mendesain produk. Setelah menghasilkan draf produk dilakukan validasi oleh tim ahli yakni ahli desain, ahli materi, guru sejarah dan tanggapan siswa kelas XI sebagai pengguna, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan revisi produk, revisi tersebut layak untuk di uji coba. Hasil penelitian yaitu (1) perangkat pembelajaran sejarah disusun berdasarkan kurikulum 2013 revisi, dan sumber belajar yang digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran yaitu buku paket sejarah Indonesia, internet dan belum adanya pengembangan LKPD berbasis karakter; (2) LKPD  didesain dengan berbasis karakter, (3) hasil kelayakan pengembangan  LKPD berbasis nilai karakter divalidasi oleh ahli desain tahap 1 sebesar 78.71%, tahap 2 sebesar 90% (meningkat 14%). Hasil validasi oleh ahli materi tahap 1 sebesar 85.71%, tahap 2 sebesar 100% (meningkat 14.29%). dan respons siswa sebesar 95%. Hasil validasi dikategorikan “Sangat Layak”. Berdasarkan hasil validasi menunjukan bahwa LKPD berbasis nilai karakter layak untuk diuji cobakan.Kata kunci: Karakter, LKPD, Pembelajaran, Sejara


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    Translation is the communication of meaning from one language (source language) to other language (target language). It is a process of transferring the ideas, meaning or message obtained from source language into target language. This research was aimed to find out the translation techniques used by the translator in translating subtitle of Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings movie. It was aimed to find out the most dominant type of translation technique used in the subtitle. This research method is qualitative research. The theory used to analyze the translation technique is Molina and Albir (2002). The results of this study the total of all translation techniques is 288 consisted of Borrowing 0.34%, Calque 2.43%, Discursive creation 3.81%, Established equivalent 5.20%, Linguistic amplification 6.59%, Linguistic compression 14.23%, Literal translation 49.30%, Modulation 5.90%, Reduction 6.94%, and Transposition 5.20%. From these results, it can be concluded that the most dominant translation technique used by the translator was a literal translation

    Developing English Learning Materials for Accounting Students: Language Challenges and Accounting Education

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    This study explores the relationship between language challenges and accounting education in the S1 AccountingProgram at Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro. Using a meticulous mixed-methods approach involving language assessments, surveys, and focus group discussions, the research examines students' perceptions of language barriers. The findings emphasize the role of tailored English learning materials in addressing these challenges, enhancing language proficiency, and boosting students' confidence in comprehending complex accounting content.Collaboration between language instructors and accounting experts is highlighted as a key factor in achieving effective integration. The study also underscores the broader relevance of this approach, aligning with the evolving demands of the global business landscape and improving students' employability. The study offers practical recommendations for institutions, students, educators, and researchers to address language challenges holistically and foster specialized discipline proficiency. By implementing these suggestions, stakeholders can bridge the language-discipline gap and cultivate graduates skilled not only in their chosen field but also in effective cross-disciplinary communication. Ultimately, this research contributes to the discourse on integrating language and specialized education, presenting practical avenues for implementation


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    Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan aplikasi android yang terintegrasi dengan Website Cyber Counseling untuk menunjang pemberian layanan informasi di PSBK UIN Raden Intan Lampung, serta mengetahui kualitas aplikasi android yang telah dihasilkan sehingga layak digunakan dalam pemberian layanan informasi. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model menurut Borg dan Gall. Lima langkah utama dalam pengembangan yakni: analisis produk yang akan dikembangkan, Mengembangkan produk awal, Validasi ahli dan revisi, Uji coba lapangan skala kecil dan revisi produk, Uji coba lapangan skala besar dan produk akhir. Aplikasi android ini dinilai oleh 1 orang ahli media, 1 orang ahli materi, 1 orang ahli IT, 2 orang peer reviewer, dan 10 orang Mahasiswa dari semester yang berbeda untuk mengetahui tanggapan Mahasiswa. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa angket check list. Data yang diperoleh berupa data kualitatif yang diubah kuantitatif kemudian ditabulasi dan dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk mengetahui kualitas produk yang dikembangkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Aplikasi Android yang dikembangka dengan mengintegrasikan website PSBK layak dan dapat digunakan untuk menunjang pemberian layanan informasi di PSBK UIN Raden Intan Lampung. Serta dapat memberikan informasi pada konseli untuk mengatasi masalahnya, hal tersebut dapat dilihat berdasarkan penilaian ahli media kualitasnya Sangat Baik (90,52%), ahli materi menilai Baik (90.09%), ahli IT menilai Sangat Baik (88,23%), dan peer reviewer menilai Sangat Baik (90,08%). Demikian pula hasil tanggapan Mahasiswa menunjukan Aplikasi android PSBK memiliki kualitas Baik (79,86%). Sedangkan setelah uji kelayakan Google PlaysStore Aplikasi PSBK telah diunduh lebih dari 100+ kali unduhan, dalam penilaian Review Google PlaysStore aplikasi mendapat penilaian 4.5 rating PlaysStore. Berdasarkan hasil perolehan data menunjukan bahwa Aplikasi android PSBK layak digunakan sebagai pemberi layanan informasi bagi Mahasiswa PSBK. Kata Kunci: Cyber Counseling, Layanan Informasi, Androi

    L’utilisation des cours TED pour dĂ©velopper la comprĂ©hension orale chez les futurs observateurs policiers de l’Organisation des Nations Unies

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    Der Band enthĂ€lt die Abstracts ausschließlich in englischer Sprache.This study investigated the potential effect of using Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) talks in developing the listening performance of an available sample of 25 Jordanian enrollees in United Nations (UN) police monitors courses. The study follows a one group, pre-/post-test quasi-experimental design. Following a four-week treatment, the data analysis, both quantitative and qualitative, revealed a positive effect for the utilization of TED talks on the participants’ listening performance. The participants were further self-reportedly satisfied with the content, method and timing of treatment as well as their motivation, interaction, and overall improvement.Le numĂ©ro contient uniquement les rĂ©sumĂ©s en anglais


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    The purpose of this study is to determine whether employing the team word-webbing strategy had any appreciable impact on students' reading comprehension of descriptive texts for the eleventh graders at SMK Ma'arif NU 1 Purbolinggo Lampung Timur. In this study, the researcher employed quantitative research using a quasi-experimental approach. Pre-test and post-test were utilized as the tests instruments. Two classes are XI AK 1 and XI AK 2, each class consisted of 40 pupils, served as the sample. The evaluation of the test results places a strong emphasis on the students' ability to comprehend the text. Data analysis utilizing the t-test formula and test analysis using the normality and homogeneity tests are both necessary. Pre-test scores for the experimental group and control group as a whole averaged 64.33 and 65.30, respectively. In contrast, the experimental group's post-test scores were higher than the control group, coming in at 75.80 for the experimental group and 69.80 for the control group. It may be said that using Team Word Webbing in the classroom has a major impact on students' reading comprehension