547 research outputs found

    Afterglow Light Curve Modulated by a Highly Magnetized Millisecond Pulsar

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    We investigate consequences of a continuously energy-injecting central engine of gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglow emission, assuming that a highly magnetized pulsar is left beaming in the core of a GRB progenitor. Beaming and continuous energy-injection are natural consequences of the pulsar origin of GRB afterglows. Whereas previous studies have considered continuous energy-injection from a new-born pulsar to interpret the deviation of afterglow light curves of GRBs from those with the simple power law behavior, a beaming effect, which is one of the most important aspects of pulsar emissions, is ignored in earlier investigations. We explicitly include the beaming effect and consider a change of the beaming with time due to a dynamical evolution of a new-born pulsar. We show that the magnitude of the afterglow from this fireball indeed first decreases with time, subsequently rises, and declines again. One of the most peculiar optical afterglows light curve of GRB 970508 can be accounted for by continuous energy injection with beaming due to a highly magnetized new-born pulsar. We discuss implications on such observational evidence for a pulsar.Comment: 4 pages, 1 table, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics (Letters

    Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows from Realistic Fireballs

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    A GRB afterglow has been commonly thought to be due to continuous deceleration of a postburst fireball. Many analytical models have made simplifications for deceleration dynamics of the fireball and its radiation property, although they are successful at explaining the overall features of the observed afterglows. We here propose a model for a GRB afterglow in which the evolution of a postburst fireball is in an intermediate case between the adiabatic and highly radiative expansion. In our model, the afterglow is both due to the contribution of the adiabatic electrons behind the external blastwave of the fireball and due to the contribution of the radiative electrons. In addition, this model can describe evolution of the fireball from the extremely relativistic phase to the non-relativistic phase. Our calculations show that the fireball will go to the adiabatic expansion phase after about a day if the accelerated electrons are assumed to occupy the total internal energy. In all cases considered, the fireball will go to the mildly relativistic phase about 10410^4 seconds later, and to the non-relativistic phase after several days. These results imply that the relativistic adiabatic model cannot describe the deceleration dynamics of the several-days-later fireball. The comparison of the calculated light curves with the observed results at late times may imply the presence of impulsive events or energy injection with much longer durations.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, plain latex file, submitted to Ap

    Prompt TeV neutrinos from dissipative photospheres of gamma-ray bursts

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    Recently, it was suggested that a photospheric component that results from the internal dissipation occurring in the optically thick inner parts of relativistic outflows may be present in the prompt γ\gamma/X-ray emission of gamma-ray bursts or X-ray flashes. We explore high-energy neutrino emission in this dissipative photosphere model, assuming that the composition of the outflow is baryon-dominated. We find that neutrino emission from proton-proton collision process forms an interesting signature in the neutrino spectra. Under favorable conditions for the shock dissipation site, these low-energy neutrinos could be detected by km3{\rm km^3} detectors, such as Icecube. Higher energies (\ga10 TeV) neutrino emission from proton-proton collision and photo-pion production processes could be significantly suppressed for dissipation at relatively small radii, due to efficient Bethe-Heitler cooling of protons and/or radiative cooling of the secondary mesons in the photosphere radiation. As the dissipation shocks continue further out, high energy neutrinos from photo-pion production process becomes dominant.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letters, some changes made following the referees' comments, conclusions unchanged. The paper was originally submitted to PRL on June 6 (2008); resubmitted to ApJL on Oct.1 (2008); accepted by ApJL on Dec. 9 (2008

    Shallow decay phase of GRB X-ray afterglows from relativistic wind bubbles

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    The postburst object of a GRB is likely to be a highly magnetized, rapidly rotating compact object (e.g., a millisecond magnetar), which could produce an ultrarelativistic electron-positron-pair wind. The interaction of such a wind with an outwardly expanding fireball ejected during the burst leads to a relativistic wind bubble (RWB). We numerically calculate the dynamics and radiative properties of RWBs and use this model to explain the shallow decay phase of the early X-ray afterglows observed by Swift. We find that RWBs can fall into two types: forward-shock-dominated and reverse-shock-dominated bubbles. Their radiation during a period of 102105\sim 10^{2}-10^{5} seconds is dominated by the shocked medium and the shocked wind, respectively, based on different magnetic energy fractions of the shocked materials. For both types, the resulting light curves always have a shallow decay phase. In addition, we provide an example fit to the X-ray afterglows of GRB 060813 and GRB 060814 and show that they could be produced by forward-shock-dominated and reverse-shock-dominated bubbles, respectively. This implies that, for some early afterglows (e.g., GRB 060814), the long-lasting reverse shock emission is strong enough to explain their shallow decay phase.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for Publication in A&

    The termination shock of a magnetar wind: a possible origin of gamma-ray burst X-ray afterglow emission

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    Context: Swift observations suggest that the X-ray afterglow emission of some gamma-ray bursts (GRB) may have internal origins, and the conventional external shock (ES) cannot be the exclusive source of the afterglow emission. Aims: If the central compact objects of some GRBs are millisecond magentars, the magnetar winds could play an important role in the (internal) X-ray afterglow emission, which is our focus here. Methods: The dynamics and the synchrotron radiation of the termination shock (TS) of the magmnetar winds, as well as the simultaneous GRB ES, are investigated by considering the magnetization of the winds. Results: As a result of the competition between the emission of the wind TS and the GRB ES, two basic types of X-ray afterglows are predicted, i.e., the TS-dominated and the ES-dominated types. Moreover, our results also show that both of the two types of afterglows have a shallow-decay phase and a normal-decay one, as observed by the \textit{Swift} satellite. This indicates that some observed X-ray afterglows could be (internally) produced by the magnetar winds, but not necessarily GRB ESs.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Flares in GRB afterglows from delayed magnetic dissipation

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    One of the most intriguing discoveries made by the Swift satellite is the flaring activity in about half of the afterglow lightcurves. Flares have been observed on both long and short duration GRBs and on time scales that range from minutes to ~1 day after the prompt emission. The rapid evolution of some flares led to the suggestion that they are caused by late central engine activity. Here, I propose an alternative explanation that does not need reviving of the central engine. Flares can be powered by delayed magnetic dissipation in strongly magnetized (i.e. with initial Poynting to kinetic flux ratio \simmore 1) ejecta during its deceleration due to interaction with the external medium. A closer look at the length scales of the dissipation regions shows that magnetic dissipation can give rise to fast evolving and energetic flares. Multiple flares are also expected in the context of the model.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    What do γ\gamma-ray bursts look like?

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    There have been great and rapid progresses in the field of γ\gamma-ray bursts (denoted as GRBs) since BeppoSAX and other telescopes discovered their afterglows in 1997. Here, we will first give a brief review on the observational facts of GRBs and direct understanding from these facts, which lead to the standard fireball model. The dynamical evolution of the fireball is discussed, especially a generic model is proposed to describe the whole dynamical evolution of GRB remnant from highly radiative to adiabatic, and from ultra-relativistic to non-relativistic phase. Then, Various deviations from the standard model are discussed to give new information about GRBs and their environment. In order to relax the energy crisis, the beaming effects and their possible observational evidences are also discussed in GRB's radiations.Comment: 10 pages, Latex. Invited talk at the Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 199

    Relativistic Wind Bubbles and Afterglow Signatures

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    Highly magnetized, rapidly rotating compact objects are widely argued as central energy sources of γ\gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). After the GRB, such a magnetar-like object may directly lose its rotational energy through some magnetically-driven processes, which produce an ultrarelativistic wind dominated possibly by the energy flux of electron-positron pairs. The interaction of such a wind with an outward-expanding fireball leads to a relativistic wind bubble, being regarded as a relativistic version of the well-studied Crab Nebula. We here explore the dynamics of this wind bubble and its emission signatures. We find that when the injection energy significantly exceeds the initial energy of the fireball, the bulk Lorentz factor of the wind bubble decays more slowly than before, and more importantly, the reverse-shock emission could dominate the afterglow emission, which yields a bump in afterglow light curves. In addition, high polarization of the bump emission would be expected if a toroidal magnetic field in the shocked wind dominates over the random component.Comment: 7 pages including 1 figure, emulateapj style, expanded version accepted for publication in Ap

    Measuring the beaming angle of GRB 030329 by fitting the rebrightenings in its multiband afterglow

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    Multiple rebrightenings have been observed in the multiband afterglow of GRB 030329. Especially, a marked and quick rebrightening occurred at about t ~ 1.2 * 10^5 s. Energy injection from late and slow shells seems to be the best interpretation for these rebrightenings. Usually it is assumed that the energy is injected into the whole external shock. However, in the case of GRB 030329, the rebrightenings are so quick that the usual consideration fails to give a satisfactory fit to the observed light curves. Actually, since these late/slow shells coast freely in the wake of the external shock, they should be cold and may not expand laterally. The energy injection then should only occur at the central region of the external shock. Considering this effect, we numerically re-fit the quick rebrightenings observed in GRB 030329. By doing this, we were able to derive the beaming angle of the energy injection process. Our result, with a relative residual of only 5% - 10% during the major rebrightening, is better than any previous modeling. The derived energy injection angle is about 0.035. We assume that these late shells are ejected by the central engine via the same mechanism as those early shells that produce the prompt gamma-ray burst. The main difference is that their velocities are much slower, so that they catch up with the external shock very lately and manifest as the observed quick rebrightenings. If this were true, then the derived energy injection angle can give a good measure of the beaming angle of the prompt gamma-ray emission. Our study may hopefully provide a novel method to measure the beaming angle of gamma-ray bursts.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Has been accepted by RAA (Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Coasting external shock in wind medium: an origin for the X-ray plateau decay component in Swift GRB afterglows

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    The plateaus observed in about one half of the early X-ray afterglows are the most puzzling feature in gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) detected by Swift. By analyzing the temporal and spectral indices of a large X-ray plateau sample, we find that 55% can be explained by external, forward shock synchrotron emission produced by a relativistic ejecta coasting in a \rho ~ r^{-2}, wind-like medium; no energy injection into the shock is needed. After the ejecta collects enough medium and transitions to the adiabatic, decelerating blastwave phase, it produces the post-plateau decay. For those bursts consistent with this model, we find an upper limit for the initial Lorentz factor of the ejecta, \Gamma_0 \leq 46 (\epsilon_e/0.1)^{-0.24} (\epsilon_B/0.01)^{0.17}; the isotropic equivalent total ejecta energy is E_{iso} ~ 10^{53} (\epsilon_e/0.1)^{-1.3} (\epsilon_B/0.01)^{-0.09} (t_b/10^4 s) erg, where \epsilon_e and \epsilon_B are the fractions of the total energy at the shock downstream that are carried by electrons and the magnetic field, respectively, and t_b is the end of the plateau. Our finding supports Wolf-Rayet stars as the progenitor stars of some GRBs. It raises intriguing questions about the origin of an intermediate-\Gamma_0 ejecta, which we speculate is connected to the GRB jet emergence from its host star. For the remaining 45% of the sample, the post-plateau decline is too rapid to be explained in the coasting-in-wind model, and energy injection appears to be required.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, to appear in ApJ, proof-corrected version, added more reference