72 research outputs found

    Economising learning: how nurses maintain competence with limited resources

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    Continuous learning is essential for registered nurses to maintain knowledge of current best practice, and therefore facilitate the best possible outcomes for patients. Gaining access to learning, and the time to engage in learning, requires the nurse to contribute personal resources such as time and money. Nurses often have limited access to learning while at work due to staffing levels and the fast pace of the work environment. They often have limited resources outside of work hours to contribute to their learning. Therefore alternative strategies for learning need to be explored to enable the nurse to continuously learn. This research sought to discover how registered nurses were currently using mobile devices in their work and private lives, to ascertain if mobile learning would be of value in nursing education and where it would be best used. Nurses mostly did not have concerns about using mobile devices, however, it became evident in interviews that they were mostly concerned with maintaining competence with limited resources. This classic grounded theory research revealed that nurses economise learning to enable them to address their concern of maintaining competence with limited resources. They achieve this by balancing personal resources against motivational issues within the continuous process of economising learning. The process of economising learning commences and ends with the nurse’s personal curriculum, which has been developed throughout the nurse’s career, and is what the nurse identifies as important learning needs within the work area. Nurses become aware of a learning need when their personal curricula are compromised or they become aware of other knowledge that is needed for their work area. The learning opportunity to meet the learning need will be found and balanced by individual nurses, to determine if and how they will engage with the opportunity. Finally nurses will engage or not in the learning and update their personal curricula accordingly. The Theory of Economising Learning, together with the reviewed literature has led to the development of a Healthy Learning Workplace Model to determine and improve the health of the workplace in regard to learning. The model contains the four domains of expectations, current, economical access, and support. Each of these domains needs to be occurring at the optimum level in order for learning to be ‘healthy’ within the organisation and have nurses undertaking continuing learning

    Isoform Heterogeneity of the Human Gephyrin Gene (GPHN), Binding Domains to the Glycine Receptor, and Mutation Analysis in Hyperekplexia

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    Gephyrin (GPHN) is an organizational protein that clusters and localizes the inhibitory glycine (GlyR) and GABAA receptors to the microtubular matrix of the neuronal postsynaptic membrane. Mice deficient in gephyrin develop a hereditary molybdenum cofactor deficiency and a neurological phenotype that mimics startle disease (hyperekplexia). This neuromotor disorder is associated with mutations in the GlyR α1 and β subunit genes (GLRA1 and GLRB). Further genetic heterogeneity is suspected, and we hypothesized that patients lacking mutations in GLRA1 and GLRB might have mutations in the gephyrin gene (GPHN). In addition, we adopted a yeast two-hybrid screen, using the GlyR β subunit intracellular loop as bait, in an attempt to identify further GlyR-interacting proteins implicated in hyperekplexia. Gephyrin cDNAs were isolated, and subsequent RT-PCR analysis from human tissues demonstrated the presence of five alternatively spliced GPHN exons concentrated in the central linker region of the gene. This region generated 11 distinct GPHN transcript isoforms, with 10 being specific to neuronal tissue. Mutation analysis of GPHN exons in hyperekplexia patients revealed a missense mutation (A28T) in one patient causing an amino acid substitution (N10Y). Functional testing demonstrated that GPHNN10Y does not disrupt GlyR-gephyrin interactions or collybistininduced cell-surface clustering. We provide evidence that GlyR-gephyrin binding is dependent on the presence of an intact C-terminal MoeA homology domain. Therefore, the N10Y mutation and alternative splicing of GPHN transcripts do not affect interactions with GlyRs but may affect other interactions with the cytoskeleton or gephyrin accessory proteins

    Structural Optimization and De Novo Design of Dengue Virus Entry Inhibitory Peptides

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    Viral fusogenic envelope proteins are important targets for the development of inhibitors of viral entry. We report an approach for the computational design of peptide inhibitors of the dengue 2 virus (DENV-2) envelope (E) protein using high-resolution structural data from a pre-entry dimeric form of the protein. By using predictive strategies together with computational optimization of binding “pseudoenergies”, we were able to design multiple peptide sequences that showed low micromolar viral entry inhibitory activity. The two most active peptides, DN57opt and 1OAN1, were designed to displace regions in the domain II hinge, and the first domain I/domain II beta sheet connection, respectively, and show fifty percent inhibitory concentrations of 8 and 7 µM respectively in a focus forming unit assay. The antiviral peptides were shown to interfere with virus:cell binding, interact directly with the E proteins and also cause changes to the viral surface using biolayer interferometry and cryo-electron microscopy, respectively. These peptides may be useful for characterization of intermediate states in the membrane fusion process, investigation of DENV receptor molecules, and as lead compounds for drug discovery

    Odorranalectin Is a Small Peptide Lectin with Potential for Drug Delivery and Targeting

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    BACKGROUND: Lectins are sugar-binding proteins that specifically recognize sugar complexes. Based on the specificity of protein-sugar interactions, different lectins could be used as carrier molecules to target drugs specifically to different cells which express different glycan arrays. In spite of lectin's interesting biological potential for drug targeting and delivery, a potential disadvantage of natural lectins may be large size molecules that results in immunogenicity and toxicity. Smaller peptides which can mimic the function of lectins are promising candidates for drug targeting. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Small peptide with lectin-like behavior was screened from amphibian skin secretions and its structure and function were studied by NMR, NMR-titration, SPR and mutant analysis. A lectin-like peptide named odorranalectin was identified from skin secretions of Odorrana grahami. It was composed of 17 aa with a sequence of YASPKCFRYPNGVLACT. L-fucose could specifically inhibit the haemagglutination induced by odorranalectin. (125)I-odorranalectin was stable in mice plasma. In experimental mouse models, odorranalectin was proved to mainly conjugate to liver, spleen and lung after i.v. administration. Odorranalectin showed extremely low toxicity and immunogenicity in mice. The small size and single disulfide bridge of odorranalectin make it easy to manipulate for developing as a drug targeting system. The cyclic peptide of odorranalectin disclosed by solution NMR study adopts a beta-turn conformation stabilized by one intramolecular disulfide bond between Cys6-Cys16 and three hydrogen bonds between Phe7-Ala15, Tyr9-Val13, Tyr9-Gly12. Residues K5, C6, F7, C16 and T17 consist of the binding site of L-fucose on odorranalectin determined by NMR titration and mutant analysis. The structure of odorranalectin in bound form is more stable than in free form. CONCLUSION: These findings identify the smallest lectin so far, and show the application potential of odorranalectin for drug delivery and targeting. It also disclosed a new strategy of amphibian anti-infection

    Altered maternal profiles in corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 deficient mice

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    BACKGROUND: During lactation, the CNS is less responsive to the anxiogenic neuropeptide, corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). Further, central injections of CRF inhibit maternal aggression and some maternal behaviors, suggesting decreased CRF neurotransmission during lactation supports maternal behaviors. In this study, we examined the maternal profile of mice missing the CRF receptor 1 (CRFR1). Offspring of knockout (CRFR1-/-) mice were heterozygote to offset possible deleterious effects of low maternal glucocorticoids on pup survival and all mice contained a mixed 50:50 inbred/outbred background to improve overall maternal profiles and fecundity. RESULTS: Relative to littermate wild-type (WT) controls, CRFR1-/- mice exhibited significant deficits in total time nursing, including high arched-back, on each test day. Consistent with decreased nursing, pups of CRFR1-deficient dams weighed significantly less than WT offspring. Licking and grooming of pups was significantly higher in WT mice on postpartum Day 2 and when both test days were averaged, but not on Day 3. Time off nest was higher for CRFR1-/- mice on Day 2, but not on Day 3 or when test days were averaged. Licking and grooming of pups did not differ on Day 2 when this measure was examined as a proportion of time on nest. CRFR1-/- mice showed significantly higher nest building on Day 3 and when tests were averaged. Mean pup number was almost identical between groups and no pup mortality occurred. Maternal aggression was consistently lower in CRFR1-/- mice and in some measures these differences approached, but did not reach significance. Because of high variance, general aggression results are viewed as preliminary. In terms of sites of attacks on intruders, CRFR1-/- mice exhibited significantly fewer attacks to the belly of the intruder on Day 5 and when tests were averaged. Performance on the elevated plus maze was similar between genotypes. Egr-1 expression differences in medial preoptic nucleus and c-Fos expression differences in bed nucleus of stria terminalis between genotype suggest possible sites where loss of gene alters behavioral output. CONCLUSION: Taken together, the results suggest that the presence of an intact CRFR1 receptor supports some aspects of nurturing behavior

    Building effective service linkages in primary mental health care: a narrative review part 2

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Primary care services have not generally been effective in meeting mental health care needs. There is evidence that collaboration between primary care and specialist mental health services can improve clinical and organisational outcomes. It is not clear however what factors enable or hinder effective collaboration. The objective of this study was to examine the factors that enable effective collaboration between specialist mental health services and primary mental health care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A narrative and thematic review of English language papers published between 1998 and 2009. An expert reference group helped formulate strategies for policy makers. Studies of descriptive and qualitative design from Australia, New Zealand, UK, Europe, USA and Canada were included. Data were extracted on factors reported as enablers or barriers to development of service linkages. These were tabulated by theme at clinical and organisational levels and the inter-relationship between themes was explored.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A thematic analysis of 30 papers found the most frequently cited group of factors was "partnership formation", specifically role clarity between health care workers. Other factor groups supporting clinical partnership formation were staff support, clinician attributes, clinic physical features and evaluation and feedback. At the organisational level a supportive institutional environment of leadership and change management was important. The expert reference group then proposed strategies for collaboration that would be seen as important, acceptable and feasible. Because of the variability of study types we did not exclude on quality and findings are weighted by the number of studies. Variability in local service contexts limits the generalisation of findings.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings provide a framework for health planners to develop effective service linkages in primary mental health care. Our expert reference group proposed five areas of strategy for policy makers that address organisational level support, joint clinical problem solving, local joint care guidelines, staff training and supervision and feedback.</p

    Lung transplantation for pulmonary fibrosis in dyskeratosis congenita: Case Report and systematic literature review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dyskeratosis congenita (DC) is a progressive, multi-system, inherited disorder of telomere biology with high risks of morbidity and mortality from bone marrow failure, hematologic malignancy, solid tumors and pulmonary fibrosis. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) can cure the bone marrow failure, but it does not eliminate the risks of other complications, for which life-long surveillance is required. Pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive and lethal complication of DC.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>In this report, we describe a patient with DC who developed pulmonary fibrosis seven years after HSCT for severe aplastic anemia, and was successfully treated with bilateral lung transplantation. We also performed a systematic literature review to understand the burden of pulmonary disease in patients with DC who did or did not receive an HSCT. Including our patient, we identified 49 DC patients with pulmonary disease (12 after HSCT and 37 without HSCT), and 509 with no reported pulmonary complications.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our current case and literature review indicate that pulmonary morbidity is one of the major contributors to poor quality of life and reduced long-term survival in DC. We suggest that lung transplantation be considered for patients with DC who develop pulmonary fibrosis with no concurrent evidence of multi-organ failure.</p

    Copper-Triggered Aggregation of Ubiquitin

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    Neurodegenerative disorders share common features comprising aggregation of misfolded proteins, failure of the ubiquitin-proteasome system, and increased levels of metal ions in the brain. Protein aggregates within affected cells often contain ubiquitin, however no report has focused on the aggregation propensity of this protein. Recently it was shown that copper, differently from zinc, nickel, aluminum, or cadmium, compromises ubiquitin stability and binds to the N-terminus with 0.1 micromolar affinity. This paper addresses the role of copper upon ubiquitin aggregation. In water, incubation with Cu(II) leads to formation of spherical particles that can progress from dimers to larger conglomerates. These spherical oligomers are SDS-resistant and are destroyed upon Cu(II) chelation or reduction to Cu(I). In water/trifluoroethanol (80∶20, v/v), a mimic of the local decrease in dielectric constant experienced in proximity to a membrane surface, ubiquitin incubation with Cu(II) causes time-dependent changes in circular dichroism and Fourier-transform infrared spectra, indicative of increasing β-sheet content. Analysis by atomic force and transmission electron microscopy reveals, in the given order, formation of spherical particles consistent with the size of early oligomers detected by gel electrophoresis, clustering of these particles in straight and curved chains, formation of ring structures, growth of trigonal branches from the rings, coalescence of the trigonal branched structures in a network. Notably, none of these ubiquitin aggregates was positive to tests for amyloid and Cu(II) chelation or reduction produced aggregate disassembly. The early formed Cu(II)-stabilized spherical oligomers, when reconstituted in 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) liposomes and in POPC planar bilayers, form annular and pore-like structures, respectively, which are common to several neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and prion diseases, and have been proposed to be the primary toxic species. Susceptibility to aggregation of ubiquitin, as it emerges from the present study, may represent a potential risk factor for disease onset or progression while cells attempt to tag and process toxic substrates

    “Microbiota, symbiosis and individuality summer school” meeting report

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    How does microbiota research impact our understanding of biological individuality? We summarize the interdisciplinary summer school on “Microbiota, symbiosis and individuality: conceptual and philosophical issues” (July 2019), which was supported by a European Research Council starting grant project “Immunity, DEvelopment, and the Microbiota” (IDEM). The summer school centered around interdisciplinary group work on four facets of microbiota research: holobionts, individuality, causation, and human health. The conceptual discussion of cutting-edge empirical research provided new insights into microbiota and highlights the value of incorporating into meetings experts from other disciplines, such as philosophy and history of science