55 research outputs found

    Basic principles of tourist services market segmentation

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    Purpose: The main aim of the article is to identify the principles of tourist services for an effective segmentation using data from official primary and secondary bases. Design/Methodology/Approach: The authors have justified the importance of dividing potential tourists into homogenous groups (segments) in accordance with the general characteristic features of their demand. In that manner, according to the authors, a tourist product is provided with its target orientation as, on the one hand, it cannot meet the requirements of all tourists and on the other hand, a tourist company can concentrate their marketing efforts on the most perspective market segments rather than dissipate them. Findings: A definition of 'tourist service' has been made and its characteristic features have been described as well. Stages of segmenting starting from selection of criteria to determination of methods of work with the chosen segment have been identified and described. Practical implications: Identification of segments in tourism is mainly made based on their geographical, demographical, socio-economic, psychographic, behavior characteristics or their combinations. On the other hand, the authors stress on the fact that there is no universal segmentation approach and therefore, potential tourists can be classified based on other characteristics. Originality/Value: The conclusion that successful segmenting determines efficient operation of a tourist enterprise has been made.peer-reviewe

    Дослідження трикомпонентної взаємодії між ізатином, α-амінокислотами і N,N’-ди(3-карбоксипропеноїл)- 1,2-етилендіаміном та встановлення будови одержаних сполук

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    Aim. To develop the preparative methods for obtaining new series of biologically active substances by the three-component interaction between isatin, α-amino acids and N,N’-di(3-carboxypropenoyl)-1,2-ethylenediamine and determine the structure of the compounds obtained.Results and discussion. Using the three-component cascade transformation of isatin with α-amino acids and N,N’-di(3-carboxypropenoyl)-1,2-ethylenediamine a series of new derivatives of ethylene-N,N’-bis(spiroindole- 3,3’-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-2a’,5a’-dihydro-2,2’,6’(1H,1’H,5’H)-trione) was synthesized. It was found that as a result of N,N’-di(3-carboxypropenoyl)-1,2-ethylenediamine cyclization in the course of the reaction the derivatives of N,N’-ethan-1,2-diyl-bis-spiro-2-oxidol[3,2’]-3’H,4’H,5’H-pyrrolo-4’-carboxy-3’-carboxamide were not formed. Instead of the expected hypothetical structures the derivatives of ethylene-N,N’-bis(spiroindole-3,3’-pyrrolo[3,4- c]pyrrole-2a’,5a’-dihydro-2,2’,6’(1H,1’H,5’H)-trione) were selected. The structure of the compounds synthesized was reliably proven by the instrumental methods (1H NMR, IR-spectroscopy), as well as counter synthesis.Experimental part. The synthesis of compounds was performed using the three-component condensation in the alcoholic-aqueous medium and instrumental methods for determining the structure of organic compounds.Conclusions. The reaction of the three-component interaction between isatin, α-amino acids and N,N’- di(3-carboxypropenoyl)-1,2-ethylenediamine has been studied. It has been proven that the preparatory method for the three-component cascade transformation of isatin with α-amino acids and ethylenebismaleinimide is an effective method for the synthesis of ethylene-N,N’-bis(spiroindole-3,3’-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-2a’,5a’-dihydro-2,2’,6’(1H,1’H,5’H)-triones). The structure of the compounds obtained has been proven.Цель работы – разработка препаративных методик для получения новых рядов биологически активных веществ путем трехкомпонентного взаимодействия между изатином, α-аминокислотами и N,N’-ди(3-карбоксипропеноил)-1,2-этилендиамином и установление строения полученных соединений.                                                                          Результаты и их обсуждение. Используя трехкомпонентное каскадное превращение изатина с α-аминокислотами и N,N’-ди(3-карбоксипропеноил)-1,2-этилендиамином, синтезирован ряд новых производных этилен-N,N’-бис(спироиндол-3,3’-пирроло[3,4-с]пиррол-2а’,5а’-дигидро-2,2’,6’(1H,1’H,5’H)-триона). Исследовано, что в результате циклизации N,N’-ди(3-карбоксипропеноил)-1,2-этилендиамина в процессе реакции производные N,N’-этан-1,2-диил-бис-спиро-2-оксиндол[3,2’]-3’Н,4’Н,5’Н-пирроло-4’-карбокси-3’- карбоксамида не образуются. Вместо ожидаемых гипотетических структур были выделены производные этилен-N,N’-бис(спироиндол-3,3’-пирроло[3,4-с]пиррол-2а’,5а’-дигидро-2,2’,6’(1H,1’H,5’H)-триона). Структура полученных соединений достоверно доказана инструментальными методами (1H ЯМР, ИК- спектроскопия), а также встречным синтезом.                                Экспериментальная часть. Однореакторный синтез в спиртово-водной среде; инструментальные методы определения структуры органических соединений.                                                                                              Выводы. Исследована реакция трехкомпонентного взаимодействия между изатином, α-аминокислотами и N,N’-ди(3-карбоксипропеноил)-1,2-этилендиамином. Установлено, что препаративная методика трехкомпонентного каскадного превращения изатина с α-аминокислотами и этиленбисмалеинимидом является еффективным методом синтеза этилен-N,N’-бис(спироиндол-3,3’-пирроло[3,4-с]пиррол-2а’,5а’- дигидро-2,2’,6’(1H,1’H,5’H)-трионов). Доказана структура полученных соединений.Мета роботи – розробка препаративних методик одержання нових рядів біологічно активних речовин шляхом трикомпонентної взаємодії між ізатином, α-амінокислотами і N,N’-ди(3-карбоксипропеноїл)-1,2-етилендіаміном та встановлення будови отриманих сполук.Результати та їх обговорення. Використовуючи трикомпонентне каскадне перетворення ізатину з α-амінокислотами та N,N’-ди(3-карбоксипропеноїл)-1,2-етилендіаміном, синтезовано ряд нових похід-них етилен-N,N’-біс(спіроіндол-3,3’-піроло[3,4-с]пірол-2а’,5а’-дигідро-2,2’,6’(1H,1’H,5’H)-триону). Досліджено трикомпонентне перетворення і встановлено, що в результаті циклізації N,N’-ди(3-карбоксипропеноїл)- 1,2-етилендіаміну в процесі реакції похідні N,N’-етан-1,2-діїл-біс-спіро-2-оксіндол[3,2’]-3’Н,4’Н,5’Н-піроло-4’-карбокси-3’-карбоксаміду не утворюються. Замість очікуваних гіпотетичних структур були виділені похідні етилен-N,N’-біс(спіроіндол-3,3’-піроло[3,4-с]пірол-2а’,5а’-дигідро-2,2’,6’(1H,1’H,5’H)-триону). Будову одержаних сполук надійно підтверджено інструментальними методами (1H ЯМР, ІЧ-спектроскопія), а також зустрічним синтезом.Експериментальна частина. Однореакторний синтез у спиртово-водному середовищі; інструментальні методи встановлення будови органічних сполук.Висновки. Досліджено реакцію трикомпонентної взаємодії між ізатином, α-амінокислотами і N,N’- ди(3-карбоксипропеноїл)-1,2-етилендіаміном. Встановлено, що препаративна методика трикомпонентного каскадного перетворення ізатину з α-амінокислотами та етиленбісмалеїнімідом є ефективним методом синтезу етилен-N,N’-біс(спіроіндол-3,3’-піроло[3,4-с]пірол-2а’,5а’-дигідро-2,2’,6’(1H,1’H,5’H)-трионів). Доведено будову отриманих сполук

    Заместительная терапия препаратами антитромбина в комплексном лечении сепсиса

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    Purpose — to assess the efficacy of supplementation therapy for antithrombin deficiency in the combined treatment of sepsis.Materials and methods. A prospective-retrospective study of the efficacy of supplementation therapy for antithrombin deficiency during sepsis was carried out; 90 patients were examined. The patients were split into two groups whether antithrombin deficiency correction was or was not undertaken. The composite outcome — the incidence of cardiovascular complications as of day 28 from the therapy commencement — was chosen as the primary endpoint of the study. The secondary endpoints of the study were prevalence of adverse events as of day 28 from the therapy commencement and 180-day mortality.Results. There was no difference between the groups either in respect of 28-day mortality or composite outcome. Analysis of secondary endpoints revealed that in the group of patients who received antithrombin supplementation therapy, the risk of development of an acute renal injury was significantly lower on day 28 and 180 from therapy commencement: OR 3.5 [95% CI 1.05–11.66] at P=0.04 and OR 2.92 [95% CI 1.02–8.31] at P=0.045, respectively.Conclusion. Correction of antithrombin level to activity level ‘over 61%’ is associated with decreased incidence degree III acute kidney failure (KDIGO).Цель работы — оценить эффективность применения заместительной терапии недостаточности антитромбина при комплексном лечении сепсиса.Материал и методы. Провели проспективно — ретроспективное исследования эффективности заместительной терапии недостаточности антитромбина при сепсисе; обследованы 90 пациентов. В зависимости от того, проводили ли коррекцию недостаточности антитромбина, пациентов разделили на две группы. Первичной точкой исследования выбрали композитный исход — частоту развития осложнений со стороны сердечно-сосудистой системы через 28 дней после начала лечения. Вторичные точки исследования — частота развития неблагоприятных событий на 28 день от начала лечения и 180 дневная летальность.Результаты. Группы не различались между собой ни по 28-дневной летальности, ни по композитному исходу. При анализе вторичных точек выявили, что в группе пациентов получавших заместительную терапию антитромбином, риск развития острого почечного повреждения был существенно ниже на 28 и 180 сутки от начала лечения: OR 3,5 [95% CI 1,05–11,66] при р=0,04 и OR 2,92 [95% CI 1,02–8,31] при р=0,045, соответственно.Заключение. Коррекция уровня антитромбина до уровня активности «более 61%» ассоциирована со снижением частоты развития острой почечной недостаточности III cт. (KDIGO)


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    Aim. To estimate a risk factor frequency of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients urgently hospitalized in hospitals, and also to estimate of patients part having effective prevention of VTE.Material and methods. ENDORSE (Epidemiologic International Day for the Evaluation of Patients at Risk of Venous Thrombosis in Acute Hospital Care Setting) is the international register. Patients of 40 years and older hospitalised in therapeutic departments as well as patients of 18 years and older hospitalised in surgical departments (358 hospitals in 32 countries) were included in the register. The case history analysis of all patients was performed for estimation of risk VTE and evaluation of preventive therapy quality according to American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) Recommendation 2004.Results. Totally 68 183 patients (including 30 827 (45%) surgical patients and 37 356 (55%) therapeutic patients) were enrolled in Global ENDORSE Register. Russian centers enrolled 4 788 patients (including 2 829 (59%) surgical patients and 1 959 (41%) therapeutic patients). Totally 35 329 (51,8%) patients enrolled in Global ENDORSE Register (64,4% of surgical patients (19 842) and 41,5% of therapeutic patients (15 487)) had VTE risks. In Russia 2 188 enrolled patients (45,7%) had VTE risks (52% of surgical patients (1 470) and 36,7% of therapeutic patients (718). Totally 17 732 (50,2%) patients enrolled in Global Register ENDORSE and having VTE risks received VTE preventive therapy according to АССР Recommendations 2004. In Russia 521 (23,8%) patients enrolled in Global ENDORSE Register and having VTE risks received VTE preventive therapy according to АССР Recommendations 2004. It is more than 2 times less in comparison with world level (р<0.001).Conclusion. There are a lot of patients with VTE risks in hospitals. It is necessary to improve preventive therapy of VTE due to better hospital management and more active use of АССР Recommendations 2004

    Synthesis And Characterization Of Zno Nanowires For Nanosensor Applications

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    In this paper we report the synthesis of ZnO nanowires via chemical vapor deposition (CVD) at 650 °C. It will be shown that these nanowires are suitable for sensing applications. ZnO nanowires were grown with diameters ranging from 50 to 200 nm depending on the substrate position in a CVD synthesis reactor and the growth regimes. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), photoluminescence (PL), and Raman spectroscopy (RS) have been used to characterize the ZnO nanowires. To investigate the suitability of the CVD synthesized ZnO nanowires for gas sensing applications, a single ZnO nanowire device (50 nm in diameter) was fabricated using a focused ion beam (FIB). The response to H2 of a gas nanosensor based on an individual ZnO nanowire is also reported. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Supplementation therapy with Antithrombin Drugs in the Combined Treatment of Sepsis

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    Purpose — to assess the efficacy of supplementation therapy for antithrombin deficiency in the combined treatment of sepsis.Materials and methods. A prospective-retrospective study of the efficacy of supplementation therapy for antithrombin deficiency during sepsis was carried out; 90 patients were examined. The patients were split into two groups whether antithrombin deficiency correction was or was not undertaken. The composite outcome — the incidence of cardiovascular complications as of day 28 from the therapy commencement — was chosen as the primary endpoint of the study. The secondary endpoints of the study were prevalence of adverse events as of day 28 from the therapy commencement and 180-day mortality.Results. There was no difference between the groups either in respect of 28-day mortality or composite outcome. Analysis of secondary endpoints revealed that in the group of patients who received antithrombin supplementation therapy, the risk of development of an acute renal injury was significantly lower on day 28 and 180 from therapy commencement: OR 3.5 [95% CI 1.05–11.66] at P=0.04 and OR 2.92 [95% CI 1.02–8.31] at P=0.045, respectively.Conclusion. Correction of antithrombin level to activity level ‘over 61%’ is associated with decreased incidence degree III acute kidney failure (KDIGO)