590 research outputs found

    Body Iron Stores Increase Hepatic and Serum Lipid in Rats fed a Standard Western Diet

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    The liver is the major site for lipoprotein processing and iron storage. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a broad spectrum of chronic liver disorder with progressive factors hypothesized to include impaired hepatic lipid metabolism and oxidative stress. Since iron produces oxidative stress, its excess may lead to lipid peroxidation and hepatocyte damage. We hypothesized that increased hepatic iron in rats fed a western diet would progress NAFLD. We determined the effect of variation in iron on plasma and hepatic lipids and oxidative stress in a rat model without pre-existing liver damage. Rats were fed liquid diets in which 35% of the energy was fat and contained low (STD-), normal (STD) or twice the normal level (STD+) of iron. The STD+ group also received parenteral iron dextran injections. After 5 weeks liver and blood were taken for analysis. Serum cholesterol and non-esterified fatty acids were increased in STD+ compared with STD group. Serum triglyceride in STD+ rats was increased compared with STD-. Histologically the STD+ group showed foci of macrovesicular lipid droplets, whereas hepatic triglyceride was decreased in STD-. Liver expression of lipid responsive gene (SREBP-2, SREBP-1c, HMG CoA reductase, 7α hydroxylase, MTTP1), chemokine (MCP-1) and oxidative stress marker, haemoxygenase-1 mRNA were similar in all groups. There were significant increases in hepatic malondialdehyde and hydroxyalkenal in STD+ compared with STD group. The erythrocytes of STD+ were osmotically fragile compared with the STD group. Increased liver iron affects plasma and hepatic lipids and may progress NAFLD by impairing hepatic fat metabolism

    Endothelial Depletion of Acvrl1 in Mice Leads to Arteriovenous Malformations Associated with Reduced Endoglin Expression

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    Rare inherited cardiovascular diseases are frequently caused by mutations in genes that are essential for the formation and/ or function of the cardiovasculature. Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia is a familial disease of this type. The majority of patients carry mutations in either Endoglin (ENG) or ACVRL1 (also known as ALK1) genes, and the disease is characterized by arteriovenous malformations and persistent haemorrhage. ENG and ACVRL1 encode receptors for the TGF beta superfamily of ligands, that are essential for angiogenesis in early development but their roles are not fully understood. Our goal was to examine the role of Acvrl1 in vascular endothelial cells during vascular development and to determine whether loss of endothelial Acvrl1 leads to arteriovenous malformations. Acvrl1 was depleted in endothelial cells either in early postnatal life or in adult mice. Using the neonatal retinal plexus to examine angiogenesis, we observed that loss of endothelial Acvrl1 led to venous enlargement, vascular hyperbranching and arteriovenous malformations. These phenotypes were associated with loss of arterial Jag1 expression, decreased pSmad1/5/8 activity and increased endothelial cell proliferation. We found that Endoglin was markedly down-regulated in Acvrl1-depleted ECs showing endoglin expression to be downstream of Acvrl1 signalling in vivo. Endothelial-specific depletion of Acvrl1 in pups also led to pulmonary haemorrhage, but in adult mice resulted in caecal haemorrhage and fatal anaemia. We conclude that during development, endothelial Acvrl1 plays an essential role to regulate endothelial cell proliferation and arterial identity during angiogenesis, whilst in adult life endothelial Acvrl1 is required to maintain vascular integrity

    Exogenous Transforming Growth Factor-β1 and Its Helminth-Derived Mimic Attenuate the Heart\u27s Inflammatory Response to Ischemic Injury and Reduce Mature Scar Size

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    \ua9 2024 American Society for Investigative Pathology. Coronary reperfusion after acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is standard therapy to salvage ischemic heart muscle. However, subsequent inflammatory responses within the infarct lead to further loss of viable myocardium. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 is a potent anti-inflammatory cytokine released in response to tissue injury. The aim of this study was to investigate the protective effects of TGF-β1 after MI. In patients with STEMI, there was a significant correlation (P = 0.003) between higher circulating TGF-β1 levels at 24 hours after MI and a reduction in infarct size after 3 months, suggesting a protective role of early increase in circulating TGF-β1. A mouse model of cardiac ischemia reperfusion was used to demonstrate multiple benefits of exogenous TGF-β1 delivered in the acute phase. It led to a significantly smaller infarct size (30% reduction, P = 0.025), reduced inflammatory infiltrate (28% reduction, P = 0.015), lower intracardiac expression of inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (>50% reduction, P = 0.038 and 0.0004, respectively) at 24 hours, and reduced scar size at 4 weeks (21% reduction, P = 0.015) after reperfusion. Furthermore, a low-fibrogenic mimic of TGF-β1, secreted by the helminth parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus, had an almost identical protective effect on injured mouse hearts. Finally, genetic studies indicated that this benefit was mediated by TGF-β signaling in the vascular endothelium

    Comparative cerebroprotective potential of d- and l-carnosine following ischemic stroke in mice

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    l-carnosine is an attractive therapeutic agent for acute ischemic stroke based on its robust preclinical cerebroprotective properties and wide therapeutic time window. However, large doses are needed for efficacy because carnosine is rapidly degraded in serum by carnosinases. The need for large doses could be particularly problematic when translating to human studies, as humans have much higher levels of serum carnosinases. We hypothesized that d-carnosine, which is not a substrate for carnosinases, may have a better pharmacological profile and may be more efficacious at lower doses than l-carnosine. To test our hypothesis, we explored the comparative pharmacokinetics and neuroprotective properties of d- and L-carnosine in acute ischaemic stroke in mice. We initially investigated the pharmacokinetics of d- and L-carnosine in serum and brain after intravenous (IV) injection in mice. We then investigated the comparative efficacy of d- and l-carnosine in a mouse model of transient focal cerebral ischemia followed by in vitro testing against excitotoxicity and free radical generation using primary neuronal cultures. The pharmacokinetics of d- and l-carnosine were similar in serum and brain after IV injection in mice. Both d- and l-carnosine exhibited similar efficacy against mouse focal cerebral ischemia. In vitro studies in neurons showed protection against excitotoxicity and the accumulation of free radicals. d- and l-carnosine exhibit similar pharmacokinetics and have similar efficacy against experimental stroke in mice. Since humans have far higher levels of carnosinases, d-carnosine may have more favorable pharmacokinetics in future human studies

    Loss of endothelial endoglin promotes high-output heart failure through peripheral arteriovenous shunting driven by VEGF signaling

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    Rationale: ENG (endoglin) is a coreceptor for BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) 9/10 and is strongly expressed in endothelial cells. Mutations in ENG lead to the inherited vascular disorder hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia characterized by local telangiectases and larger arteriovenous malformations (AVMs); but how ENG functions to regulate the adult vasculature is not understood. Objective: The goal of the work was to determine how ENG maintains vessel caliber in adult life to prevent AVM formation and thereby protect heart function. Methods and Results: Genetic depletion of endothelial Eng in adult mice led to a significant reduction in mean aortic blood pressure. There was no evidence of hemorrhage, anemia, or AVMs in major organs to explain the reduced aortic pressure. However, large AVMs developed in the peripheral vasculature intimately associated with the pelvic cartilaginous symphysis—a noncapsulated cartilage with a naturally high endogenous expression of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). The increased blood flow through these peripheral AVMs explained the drop in aortic blood pressure and led to increased cardiac preload, and high stroke volumes, ultimately resulting in high-output heart failure. Development of pelvic AVMs in this region of high VEGF expression occurred because loss of ENG in endothelial cells leads to increased sensitivity to VEGF and a hyperproliferative response. Development of AVMs and associated progression to high-output heart failure in the absence of endothelial ENG was attenuated by targeting VEGF signaling with an anti-VEGFR2 (VEGF receptor 2) antibody. Conclusions: ENG promotes the normal balance of VEGF signaling in quiescent endothelial cells to maintain vessel caliber—an essential function in conditions of increased VEGF expression such as local hypoxia or inflammation. In the absence of endothelial ENG, increased sensitivity to VEGF drives abnormal endothelial proliferation in local regions of high VEGF expression, leading to AVM formation and a rapid injurious impact on heart function

    Remote ischaemic conditioning for stroke: unanswered questions and future directions

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    Remote ischaemic conditioning (RIC) refers to a process whereby periods of intermittent ischaemia, typically via the cyclical application of a blood pressure cuff to a limb at above systolic pressure, confers systemic protection against ischaemia in spatially distinct vascular territories. The mechanisms underlying this have not been characterised fully but have been shown to involve neural, hormonal and systemic inflammatory signalling cascades. Preclinical and early clinical studies have been promising and suggest beneficial effects of RIC in acute ischaemic stroke, symptomatic intracranial stenosis and vascular cognitive impairment. Through systematic searches of several clinical trials databases we identified 48 active clinical trials of RIC in ischaemic stroke, intracerebral haemorrhage and subarachnoid haemorrhage. We summarise the different RIC protocols and outcome measures studied in ongoing clinical trials and highlight which studies are most likely to elucidate the underlying biological mechanisms of RIC and characterise its efficacy in the near future. We discuss the uncertainties of RIC including the optimal frequency and duration of therapy, target patient groups, cost-effectiveness, the confounding impact of medications and the absence of a clinically meaningful biomarker of the conditioning response. With several large clinical trials of RIC expected to report their outcomes within the next 2 years, this review aims to highlight the most important studies and unanswered questions that will need to be addressed before this potentially widely accessible and low-cost intervention can be used in clinical practice

    Quinolone-resistant gyrase mutants demonstrate decreased susceptibility to triclosan

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    Objectives: Cross-resistance between antibiotics and biocides is a potentially important driver of MDR. A relationship between susceptibility of Salmonella to quinolones and triclosan has been observed. This study aimed to: (i) investigate the mechanism underpinning this; (ii) determine whether the phenotype is conserved in Escherichia coli; and (iii) evaluate the potential for triclosan to select for quinolone resistance. Methods: WT E. coli, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and gyrA mutants were used. These were characterized by determining antimicrobial susceptibility, DNA gyrase activity and sensitivity to inhibition. Expression of stress response pathways (SOS, RpoS, RpoN and RpoH) was measured, as was the fitness of mutants. The potential for triclosan to select for quinolone resistance was determined. Results: All gyrase mutants showed increased triclosan MICs and altered supercoiling activity. There was no evidence for direct interaction between triclosan and gyrase. Identical substitutions in GyrA had different impacts on supercoiling in the two species. For both, there was a correlation between altered supercoiling and expression of stress responses. This was more marked in E. coli, where an Asp87Gly GyrA mutant demonstrated greatly increased fitness in the presence of triclosan. Exposure of parental strains to low concentrations of triclosan did not select for quinolone resistance. Conclusions: Our data suggest gyrA mutants are less susceptible to triclosan due to up-regulation of stress responses. The impact of gyrA mutation differs between E. coli and Salmonella. The impacts of gyrA mutation beyond quinolone resistance have implications for the fitness and selection of gyrA mutants in the presence of non-quinolone antimicrobials


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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the anthropometric and performance characteristics of high-level youth female soccer players by annual-age category (Under 10 (U10)–U16). Data were collected from 157 female soccer players (U16, n = 46; U14, n = 43; U12, n = 38; U10, n = 30), recruited from three high-level female soccer academies in England. Players completed assessments of anthropometry (height and body mass), isometric mid-thigh pull strength, jump height, aerobic capacity, change of direction (505-left/right) and speed (10 and 30 m). Magnitude based-inferences were used to assess for practical significance between consecutive age groups. Height ( very likely–most likely), body mass ( very likely–most likely), absolute strength ( most likely), jump height ( likely–very likely) and distance on the YYIRL1 ( possibly–most likely) were greater in older players. Both speed and change of direction time were most likely to very likely lower in older players. However, only most likely trivial–possibly trivial differences were observed in relative strength between age groups. Findings suggest that physical characteristics except for relative strength differentiate by age categories. These findings provide comparative data and target reference data for such populations and can be used by coaches and practitioners for player development purposes. Practitioners should be aware that relative strength does not differ between age categories in high-level youth female soccer players. </jats:p

    LRP-1 functionalized polymersomes enhance the efficacy of carnosine in experimental stroke

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    Stroke is one of the commonest causes of death with limited treatment options. L-Carnosine has shown great promise as a neuroprotective agent in experimental stroke, but translation to the clinic is impeded by the large doses needed. We developed and evaluated the therapeutic potential of a novel delivery vehicle which encapsulated carnosine in lipoprotein receptor related protein-1 (LRP-1)-targeted functionalized polymersomes in experimental ischemic stroke. We found that following ischemic stroke, polymersomes encapsulating carnosine exhibited remarkable neuroprotective effects with a dose of carnosine 3 orders of magnitude lower than free carnosine. The LRP-1-targeted functionalization was essential for delivery of carnosine to the brain, as non-targeted carnosine polymersomes did not exhibit neuroprotection. Using Cy3 fluorescence in vivo imaging, we showed that unlike non-targeted carnosine polymersomes, LRP-1-targeted carriers accumulated in brain in a time dependent manner. Our findings suggest that these novel carriers have the ability to deliver neuroprotective cargo effectively to the brain
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