417 research outputs found

    Solar Eclipse Monitoring for Solar Energy Applications Using the Solar and Moon Position Algorithms

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    This report includes a procedure for implementing an algorithm (described by Jean Meeus [1]) to calculate the Moon’s zenith angle with uncertainty of ±0.001° and azimuth angle with uncertainty of ±0.003°. The step-by-step format presented here simplifies the complicated steps Meeus describes to calculate the Moon’s position, and focuses on the Moon instead of the planets and stars. It also introduces some changes to accommodate for solar radiation applications. These include changing the direction of measuring azimuth angles from north and eastward instead of from south and eastward, and the direction of measuring the observer’s geographical longitude to be measured as positive eastward from Greenwich meridian instead of negative. In conjunction with the solar position algorithm that Reda and Andreas developed in 2004 [2], the angular distance between the Sun and the Moon is used to develop a method to instantaneously monitor the partial or total solar eclipse occurrence for solar energy applications and smart grid users. This method can be used in many other applications for observers of the Sun and the Moon positions for applications limited to the stated uncertainty

    Admissibility in choosing between experiments with applications

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    Suppose that a statistician is faced with a decision problem involving an unknown parameter. Before making his decision he can observe, possibly at random, one of k possible experiments. For this problem, a decision procedure for the statistician is a pair ((gamma),(delta)) where (gamma) = ((gamma)(,1),...,(gamma)(,k)), (delta) = ((delta)(,1),...,(delta)(,k)); (gamma)(,i) is the probability of observing experiment i and (delta)(,i) is the decision function to be used in connection with experiment i. When (gamma) (ELEM) (GAMMA), the class of all probability distributions on 1,...,k, a characterization of the class of admissible pairs relative to (GAMMA) for this problem was given by Meeden and Ghosh (1983). This thesis deals with this problem in the case when, for some reason like cost or time limitations, the statistician is restricted in choosing among those experiments. That is, a characterization of the class of admissible pairs ((gamma),(delta)) relative to an arbitrary subclass of (GAMMA) is given;This characterization is then used to give some uniform admissibility results for some problems in infinite population sampling. Other applications in nonparametric problems are also discussed;Following Meeden and Ghosh (1981), an admissible estimator of a population U-statistic is constructed. This estimator turns out to be a constant times the corresponding sample U-statistic where the constant is some positive number less than one;References;Meeden, G. and Ghosh, M. 1981. Admissibility in finite problems, Ann. Statist. 9:846-852. Meeden, G. and Ghosh, M. 1983. Choosing between experiments: Applications to finite population sampling. Ann. Statist. 11:296-305

    Hydraulics of floating boundaries.

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    Successful early percutaneous closure of acute ventricular septal rupture complicating acute myocardial infarction with Amplatzer ventricular septal occluder

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    Acute ventricular septal rupture - ventricular septal defect (VSD) following acute myocardial infarction remains a critical condition. We present an 80 year-old patient with an acute VSD following an acute inferior myocardial infarction. Percutaneous VSD closure with an Amplatzer ventricular septal occluder (AVSO) was performed successfully, two days after initial admission. In-hospital follow-up was uneventful. We speculate that percutaneous VSD closure with an AVSO can be an alternative to surgical correction for these patients. Despite the impressive result, this innovative approach needs further investigation and refinements before it can be recommended as the treatment of choice for acute ischemic VSD. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 411-414

    Hydraulics of ice covered channels.

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    Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 40-07, page: . Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1976

    Guidelines for safe cable crossing over a pipeline

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    High voltage submarine cables are increasingly being installed in existing and new offshore oil and gas fields for power supply and control purposes. These power cables are both large and with a high submerged weight, which poses a challenge when designing a safe, maintenance free (economical), and fit-for-purpose crossing over a pipeline. Damage to subsea pipeline crossings caused by deterioration of a crossing support, field joint materials and cover components is well known in the industry, particularly with old pipelines. Crossing cables over an existing pipeline should be avoided whenever economical and practical. However, it is inevitable in some situations to use the existing pipeline (unburied) as the crossing support to a new cable/umbilical. In these situations, crossing the cable/umbilical over the existing pipeline may be a cost-effective and worthy consideration. However, there are no explicit guidelines or criteria in the industry concerning the acceptable practice of design and construction of crossings. The only clear recommendation is relating to pipeline separation distances. This paper documents a recent case study of damage of a field joint coating at a crossing of an existing pipeline by a 132 kV subsea cable of 191 mm outside diameter. Investigation of the damage on site revealed that it was caused by lateral movement of the cable under the influence of hydrodynamic forces. Further to investigation and assessment of the damage of the case study presented here, the paper proposes some guidelines for the safe design and construction of cable crossing. Another objective of this paper is to invite further evaluation of the proposed guidelines so that appropriate crossing design requirements can be further developed and standardised. © 2020 Elsevier Lt

    Spatial Model of the Emission of Intersections in The City of Diwanyah Using Programs of Aermod View And Sidra Intersection (A Study in the Geography of the Envoronment)

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    تتمثل منطقة الدراسة بمدينة الديوانية وهي مركز محافظة الديوانية ، وهذا جعل منها عقدة مهمة لطرق النقل الرئيسة التي يمر اغلبها بالمدينة. تبلغ مساحة المدينة ضمن التصميم الاساس4711 هكتار وتضمنت خمسة قطاعات وبواقع (61) حياً سكنياً.  تهدف الدراسة الى الكشف عن التباين المكاني لتراكيز ملوثات الهواء المتمثلة  بثاني اوكسيد الكاربون واحادي اوكسيد الكاربون والهيدروكربونات واكاسيد النتروجين الناتجة عن حرق الوقود الاحفوري من خلال استعمال نماذج الانتشار والتشتت لانبعاثات المركبات في التقاطعات وقد استخدم برنامجSidra Intersection v5 لحساب كميات الوقود المستهلك وكميات الانبعاثات الناتجة وبرنامج Aermod View v8 تم استخدامه لغرض نمذجة انبعاثات المركبات من خلال معاملات الانبعاث .وان وقت النمذجة هي ساعة الذروة الصباحية 7.5-8.5  اذ تم خلالها رصد اعداد المركبات وانواعها في 16 تقاطع رئيس أجريت عليها الدراسة الميدانية في شهر تموز من سنة 2017.لاوقامت منهجية الدراسة على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، واستخدمت أيضا أساليب التحليل الآلي في نظم المعلومات الجغرافية وتمخضت الدراسة عن كشف التباين في كميات استهلاك الوقود وكميات الملوثات المنبعثة عنها في التقاطعات، اذ تظهر اعلى كميات لاستهلاك الوقود في بعض التقاطعات المحيطة بالمنطقة المركزية للمدينة، وان اتجاه حركة الانبعاثات بفعل الرياح في شهر تموز تكون بمحورين رئيسيين الأول باتجاه الجنوب الشرقي والثاني باتجاه الشمال الغربي. وان اكاسيد النتروجين تغطي اكبر مساحة مقارنة ببقية الملوثات. اما المسافة عن مصدر الانبعاث فان المستويات الأعلى تركيزا عادة ما تكون أقرب الى مصدر الانبعاث وبمسافات متقاربة.The study area is the city of Al-Diwaniyah, the center of the province of Al-Diwaniyah, and this made it an important node of the main transport routes, most of which pass through the city. The city has a total area of ​​4711 hectares and includes five sectors with 61 residential neighborhoods. The study aims to detect the spatial variation of concentrations of air pollutants of carbon monoxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides from burning fossil fuels through the use of dispersion and dispersion models for vehicle emissions at intersections. The Sidra Intersection v5 software is used to calculate the quantities of fuel consumed and the resulting emissions , Aermod View v8 is also is used to model vehicle emissions taking in to consideration the modeling time is the morning rush hour 7.5-8.5 AM, during which the monitoring of the numbers and types of vehicles in 16  main intersection of the field study in July of 2017.The methodology of the study is based on the analytical descriptive method. The methods of automated analysis are also used in GIS. The study reveals the difference in the quantities of fuel consumption and the quantities of pollutants emitted at the intersectionswhere the highest amounts of fuel consumption are in some of the intersections surrounding the central area of ​​the city, and the direction of the movement of emissions by the wind in July are two main axes, the first towards the south-east and the second to the north-west. Nitrogen oxides cover more space than compared with other pollutants. The distance from the source of emission, shows that the higher concentration levels are usually closer to the source of emission and close distances

    Construction project of comprehensive school in Cairo City, Egypt (Arab Republic of Egypt)

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    QUALIFYING WORK: 112 PP., 15 TABLES, 28 FIGURES, APENDIX CIVIL BUILDING, COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL, DESIGN, TECHNOLOGY AND ORGANIZATION OF WORKS. Object of work - A project to build a comprehensive school in Cairo City (Arabic Republic Egypt). The purpose of the project to design a school, using progressive methods of construction production. The results and their novelty - the three-dimensional planning and design solution of the building, the general plan of the building. Designed building with brick walls and monolithic reinforced concrete flooring: Selected and substantiated basic design and construction solutions. The calculation of the piles, slab, beam, column structures were performed. In the calculation and design section the collection of loads on the structure of the building frame is performed, strength calculations are performed and the construction of the floor slab, floor beams, columns and foundation are given. The building has a compact plan in its three-dimensional solution, which allows you to easily place it on a dedicated site. Capital class - I. - the shape of building is rectangular - building length =32 m -building width = 14 m - number of level= 5 floor -the height of floor =3.30 m -the total height of building = 17