101 research outputs found

    Compressive and shear behaviour of masonry panels: experimentation and numerical analysis

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    The compressive and shear behavior of masonry is here studied both experimental- ly and numerically. An experimental campaign has been carried out on 9 square-shaped one leaf masonry panels, reproducing historical masonry. Tests have been done for evaluating the elastic and shear moduli in both plane directions, with 6 panels rotated by 90 degrees, lead- ing to vertically aligned bed joints, and 3 panels maintained with horizontal bed joints. Com- pressive tests were executed on 6 masonry panels, 3 of them rotated by 90 degrees. Initial shear strength and shear modulus parallel to bed joints are evaluated through shear tests on 9 masonry triplets. Shear tests are performed on 3 rotated panels, applying an horizontal dis- tributed load, without vertical compression. Attention is paid to the service load state: only the initial phase of the tests is studied. Numerical models are proposed for representing actu- al masonry behavior, both discrete [1] and continuous [2,3], standard and micropolar, ob- tained by homogenization procedures [4]. Several numerical analyses are performed for simulating the experimental tests on masonry triplets and panels. The mechanical elastic pa- rameters of both discrete and continuous models are calibrated starting from laboratory data of masonry constituents and then by fitting the results of the initial phases of the experimental tests on masonry specimens

    A finite element-discrete element approach for the analysis of the venice trans-lagoon railway bridge

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    In this paper, the feasibility of the utilization of a combined finite element/discrete element (FE-DE) approach to investigate the behavior of masonry arch bridges is proposed. Attention is paid to the assessment of the load carrying capacity by means of a suitable coupled FE-DE two-dimensional approach. This paper outlines the fields and limits of applicability of the FE-DE method to the study of masonry arch bridges. The main contribution is to evaluate the applicability of FE-DE, in particular its reliability to describe the nonlinear behavior of masonry arch bridges under increasing static loads, to catch kinematic failure mechanisms and collapse load multipliers, as well as to evaluate the role played by the backfill. A discussion on a possible approach to FE-DE modelling of the Venice trans-Lagoon masonry arch bridge is proposed. With such a purpose, a series of parametric analyses has been conducted in order to evaluate the influence of the different parameters involved on the behavior of the bridges. Pushover analyses have been performed to investigate the nonlinear behavior up to the collapse and up to a clear formation of a failure mechanism in the model

    Damage-imperfection indicators for the assessment of multi-leaf masonry walls under different conditions

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    The complexity of multi-leaf masonry walls suggests further researches on the dy- namic behaviour mainly characterized by incoherent response between the different layers. The intrinsic discontinuity and the manufacturing imperfections are amplified by the incre- mental damage that triggers different failure mechanisms that affect the dynamic parameters, such as modal shapes, frequencies and damping ratios. The dynamic identification with out- put only methodology has been proposed in this work on different multi-leaf masonry walls subjected to uniaxial compressive load. The responses of full infill, damaged infill and strengthened infill masonry panels with different widespread damage have been recorded. The evolution of the damage scenario changes the modal shapes, the related frequencies and the damping ratios that through the comparison with the data of the initial conditions can de- tect the anomalies and then the intrinsic vulnerabilities. Through the curvature modal shape methods and the structural irregularity indices applied to different phases, it was possible evaluate the imperfection and the induced damage entity

    Fast statistical homogenization procedure (FSHP) for particle random composites using virtual element method

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    Mechanical behaviour of particle composite materials is growing of interest to engineering applications. A computational homogenization procedure in conjunction with a statistical approach have been successfully adopted for the definition of the representative volume element (RVE) size, that in random media is an unknown of the problem, and of the related equivalent elastic moduli. Drawback of such a statistical approach to homogenization is the high computational cost, which prevents the possibility to perform series of parametric analyses. In this work, we propose a so-called fast statistical homogenization procedure (FSHP) developed within an integrated framework that automates all the steps to perform. Furthermore within the FSHP, we adopt the numerical framework of the virtual element method for numerical simulations to reduce the computational burden. The computational strategies and the discretization adopted allow us to efficiently solve the series (hundreds) of simulations and to rapidly converge to the RVE size detection

    Sensitivity to damage imperfection for multileaf masonry walls based on vibrational analyses

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    Damage-imperfection indicators based on variation of dynamic parameters allow to identify the intrinsic discontinuity and the damage of structures. Here, the structural health monitoring through the vibration-based approach has been carried out by two steps on three different multileaf masonry specimens (full infill, damaged infill, and strengthened infill) subjected to uniaxial compressive load. In the first step, the characterization of initial conditions based on the investigation of the intrinsic discontinuity and the manufacturing imperfections has been done. In this phase, the detection, localization, assessment, and prediction of damage have been given by the comparison between the experimental and numerical modal data calculated by the commercial finite element code. Subsequently, in the second step, starting from the identification of undamaged condition, the damage effects on changes of the dynamic parameters have been recorded. As well known, the incoherent response between the leaves is related to frequency values, damping ratios, and modal shapes

    Micromodels for the in-plane failure analysis of masonry walls with friction: Limit analysis and dem-fem/dem approaches

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    Despite its complexity, the accurate structural modelling of masonry still represents an active field of research, due to several practical applications in civil engineering, with special reference to the preservation and restoration of cultural heritage. In this work a comparison of different models and techniques for the assessment of the mechanical behaviour of two-dimensional block masonry walls subjected to the static action of in-plane loads is presented. Panels are characterized by different height-to-width ratio as well as various masonry textures. Brick-block masonry, perceived as a jointed assembly of prismatic particles in dry contact, is modelled as a discrete system of rigid blocks interacting through contact surfaces unable to carry tension and resistant to sliding by friction, modelled as zero thickness elasto-plastic Mohr-Coulomb interfaces. Different approaches and numerical models are considered: Limit Analysis (LA), Discrete Element Model (DEM) and Finite Ele-ments/Discrete Element Model (FEM/DEM). Limit Analysis is able to provide fast and reliable results in term of collapse multiplier and relative kinematism. Here a standard Limit Analysis is adopted via an own made procedure based on Linear Mathematical Programming, taking into account friction at interfaces

    Statistical Assessment of In-Plane Masonry Panels Using Limit Analysis with Sliding Mechanism

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    Historical masonry structures have a great interest in civil engineering because they constitute a large part of the world's building heritage. In this paper, the effects that different geometrical (panel ratio, block ratio, and bond type) and mechanical (friction ratio) parameters have on the in-plane structural response of brick masonry panels are investigated. A discrete modeling approach, based on a limit analysis and capable of reproducing sliding mechanisms, formulation by one of the authors has been adopted, enhanced, and implemented. Results, in terms of collapse multipliers and collapse mechanisms, are presented and analyzed following a systematic statistical approach. Statistically significant effects have been found for each factor considered. Furthermore, the statistical model adopted included nonlinear terms that allowed the identification of whether the effect of one parameter on the response depends on the level of any other parameters. Thus, it was observed that two-way factor interactions played an important role in the in-plane response of masonry panels. The panel ratio-friction ratio two-way factor interaction was the one with a more significant effect

    Laboratory and numerical experimentation for masonry in compression

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    In this paper, the initial part of a laboratory and numerical experimental campaign dedicated to historical masonry is described. One leaf masonry panels with regular texture are built in order to simulate a historical material characterised by strong resisting elements and weak mortar joints. Laboratory tests are first dedicated to masonry components and then to the behaviour in compression of masonry panels, which is applied both orthogonal and parallel to bed joints, in order to highlight the orthotropic behaviour of the material. First of all, the mechanical parameters of masonry constituents are calibrated and then a heterogeneous finite element model is introduced and calibrated for reproducing the orthotropic behaviour of masonry, together with the initial elastic response and the initial nonlinear behaviour due to the first level of damage

    Structural Evaluation of Typical Historical Masonry Vaults of Cagliari: Sensitivity to Bricks Arrangements

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    Masonry vaults have a great diffusion in the historical architectural heritage: in this work, their structural behavior is investigated. Attention is focused on lowered sail vaults composed by several brick arrangements, a typical nineteenth-century masonry vault which have great diffusion in Cagliari (Sardinia). The target is evaluating the role played by bricks arrangement in their mechanical behavior. A series of rigorous laser scanner surveys have been performed in order to obtain the effective geometry both at macro-level – the vault shape – and at micro-level – brick patterns. A NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B Spline) representation of the geometry is adopted and adaptive upper bound limit analyses are performed. NURBS entities, which are common in commercial CAD packages, have the great advantage to describe complex geometries such as curved elements, with very few elements. An upper bound limit analysis formulation is adopted, in which the NURBS elements forming the mesh are idealized as rigid bodies with dissipation allowed only along interfaces. The mesh constituted by few NURBS elements is progressively adjusted through a genetic algorithm in order to minimize the live load multiplier. Limit analysis is performed initially to determine the collapse multiplier of vertical loads, to assess the load bearing capacity of the vault, then attention is focused on differential settlements, that may be a serious hazard for this structural typology
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