107 research outputs found

    Expresión y comunicación corporal en educación física

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    La expresión corporal supone un contenido importante para el área de educación física en primaria. Se trata de un contenido de origen multidisciplinar, por lo que debemos definir cuál es el concepto del que partimos, así como las corrientes o pilares que sustentan nuestro trabajo en el ámbito educativo. También vamos a definir las finalidades u objetivos que pretendemos alcanzar a través de las capacidades expresivas, secuenciando éstas y mostrando algunas nociones didácticas para su desarrollo. También destacamos la idoneidad de este contenido para la transmisión de valores, y por último, presentamos una sesión práctica a modo de ejemplo.Body language is an important content for the area of physical education in primary school. It deals with a content of multidisciplinary origin, therefore we must define the concept we start from, as well as the currents or pillars that support our work in the educational field. Besides, we are going to define the purposes or objectives that we intend to achieve through the express capacities, by sequencing these ones and showing some didactic notions for its development. We also emphasise the suitability of this content to the transmission of values, and finally, we present a practical session as an example

    Analysis of the training of Sports Instructors in Huelva

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    La figura del Animador Deportivo es esencial en la dimensión actual del deporte, en la que todos los estudios nos muestran que cada día más, la mayoría de las personas que llevan a cabo una práctica físico-deportiva lo hacen con fines recreativos Por tanto se hace necesaria la formación de Animadores que con una cualificación adecuada den respuesta a los participantes En este trabajo hemos analizado la formación inicial de los Animadores de Deporte para Todos, a través de entrevistas realizadas a expertos en la materia, aportando propuestas de mejora en cuanto a los contenidos, organización, metodología, etc.All studies show that in our days, most people who do physical activities do it for recreation. Therefore it is necessary to train training of experts with qualifications to fulfill the needs of the participants In this study we examined the initial training of Sport Instructor, through interviews with experts, who provided suggestions for improvement in terms of content, organization, methodology, etc.peerReviewe

    Evaluation of an intervention program for the initiation to basketball aimed at teaching the game's rules

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    The rules of a game determine the technical and tactical skills necessary for the game, such as in basketball. An intervention program was designed that aimed to teach the rules that were considered to be the most important for the initiation to basketball and to teach the players the technical and tactical skills from these rules. The objective of the present study was to develop and assess an intervention program based on the coach's perceptions of the program. The study's sample was a mini-basketball team of 14 players and the team's coach. The program lasted 8 months and had three weekly practice sessions. The instruments utilized for data collection were the daily training reflections, action research cycles, and the audio recordings. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The coding was done by the research team, and after several trial sessions, a Kappa index of K=.78 was achieved, which assured inter-coder reliability. Among the results, it should be highlighted that the rules were the backbone of the program. As the program progressed, the players better understood their use. Likewise, they understood the relationship between the technical and tactical skills and the rules, fostering their involvement in the learning process and their familiarization with the game. In conclusion, the experience of teaching basketball initiation through familiarizing players with the rules was positive due to the cognitive involvement of the players in the learning process.Las reglas condicionan los aspectos técnicos y tácticos del juego, como el baloncesto. Se diseñó un programa de intervención basado en la enseñanza de las reglas consideradas más importantes para la iniciación y, a partir de éstas, el aprendizaje de los medios técnicos y tácticos. El objetivo del presente trabajo se centró en el desarrollo y evaluación del programa de intervención a través de la percepción de la entrenadora. La muestra del estudio fue un equipo de 14 jugadores de minibasket y su entrenadora. El programa duró 8 meses con tres entrenamientos semanales. Los instrumentos utilizados para la recogida de datos han sido los Diarios de entrenamiento, Ciclos de Supervisión y Ciclos de Audio. Los datos fueron analizados cualitativamente. La codificación fue realizada por el equipo de investigación y tras varios entrenamientos se alcanzó un índice Kappa de K=.78, lo que garantizó la fiabilidad inter-codificadores. Entre los resultados, se destaca que las reglas pueden suponer el eje vertebrador de la programación. A medida que avanzó el programa, los jugadores fueron entendiendo su utilidad. Asimismo, comprendieron la relación entre los aspectos técnico-tácticos y las reglas fomentando su implicación en el proceso de aprendizaje y la familiarización con el juego. A modo de conclusión, la experiencia de enseñar la iniciación al baloncesto a través de las reglas ha sido positiva por la implicación cognitiva de los jugadores en el proceso de aprendizaje

    Referees', coaches', and experts' opinions on the utilisation of the rules in the teaching-learning process of mini-basketball

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    Rules affect the technical-tactical elements since they establish the limits on the players' actions in relation to the ball and the rest of the players. However, there are very few references that discuss this topic. Thus, it was decided to get familiar with the opinions of experts, referees, and coaches regarding the utilisation of the rules and regulations at the mini-basketball stage. The sample was made up of 9 subjects who were interviewed: three coaches, three referees, and three experts. All had university degrees and certification from the federation as well as experience in the minibasketball division. The instrument that was used was the semi-structured interview. The Delphi method was followed for the design of the interview, and 5 university professors participated in selecting the dimensions and questions. After the definitive composition and the pilot study, the various professionals from the sample were contacted and interviewed. The content of the interviews was recorded and transcribed. The coding was done by four researchers, and the reliability was assured by the Kappa index, of which the mean index was K = .78. The analysis was done with MXQDA 10 and SPSS 20. The participants insist on the importance of teaching the rules to the players when they begin playing basketball, given that this learning allows them to understand the internal logic of the game. Further, they explain the need for this relationship in the learning process and it even opens up the possibility for programming around the rules, given that they are what give the game and its technical-tactical elements meaning

    Analysis of the training of Sports Instructors in Huelva

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    La figura del Animador Deportivo es esencial en la dimensión actual del deporte, en la que todos los estudios nos muestran que cada día más, la mayoría de las personas que llevan a cabo una práctica físico-deportiva lo hacen con fines recreativos Por tanto se hace necesaria la formación de Animadores que con una cualificación adecuada den respuesta a los participantes En este trabajo hemos analizado la formación inicial de los Animadores de Deporte para Todos, a través de entrevistas realizadas a expertos en la materia, aportando propuestas de mejora en cuanto a los contenidos, organización, metodología, etc.All studies show that in our days, most people who do physical activities do it for recreation. Therefore it is necessary to train training of experts with qualifications to fulfill the needs of the participants In this study we examined the initial training of Sport Instructor, through interviews with experts, who provided suggestions for improvement in terms of content, organization, methodology, etc.peerReviewe

    Coaches' and referees' evaluation of the importance of the rules at the initiation stage of basketball

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    The rules and regulations affect sport practice tactics and techniques. Therefore, for a player to eventually master the game of basketball, the player should also understand its internal logic. In this study, the opinions of coaches and referees about the rules that they believe to be most important when teaching basketball at the initiation stage were assessed, and an analysis of the differences between these two groups was done. The study's sample was composed of 37 coaches and 40 referees. A questionnaire was utilised to measure the opinion about the degree of importance of teaching the rules at the initiation stage of basketball. The questionnaire consisted of 30 items, one for each rule, in which they evaluated the importance of teaching the rule from 1 (Not at all important) to 4 (Very important). A descriptive analysis of the data was done; further, to test the differences between the mean values given by the coaches and the referees, a student t-test for independent samples was utilised. The results demonstrate that the rules that should have most importance when teaching mini-basketball are: out-of-bounds (sideline and endline), grabbing/pushing, over-and-back, travelling, and double-dribbling. When comparing the values given by the coaches and the referees, significant differences were found in 11 of the 30 items, for which greater coordination between the two groups is suggested. The coaches gave more importance to travelling and double-dribbling, likely due to the repercussion in the teaching of the technique, especially of the player with the ball. The referees gave more importance to the rules related to personal fouls, probably in search of control of the game

    Evaluating the child-robot interaction of the NAOTherapist platform in pediatric rehabilitation

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    NAOTherapist is a cognitive robotic architecture whose main goal is to develop non-contact upper-limb rehabilitation sessions autonomously with a social robot for patients with physical impairments. In order to achieve a fluent interaction and an active engagement with the patients, the system should be able to adapt by itself in accordance with the perceived environment. In this paper, we describe the interaction mechanisms that are necessary to supervise and help the patient to carry out the prescribed exercises correctly. We also provide an evaluation focused on the child-robot interaction of the robotic platform with a large number of schoolchildren and the experience of a first contact with three pediatric rehabilitation patients. The results presented are obtained through questionnaires, video analysis and system logs, and have proven to be consistent with the hypotheses proposed in this work