70 research outputs found

    Correlation of clusters: Partially truncated correlation functions and their decay

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    In this article, we investigate partially truncated correlation functions (PTCF) of infinite continuous systems of classical point particles with pair interaction. We derive Kirkwood-Salsburg-type equations for the PTCF and write the solutions of these equations as a sum of contributions labelled by certain forests graphs, the connected components of which are tree graphs. We generalize the method introduced by R.A. Minlos and S.K. Poghosyan (1977) in the case of truncated correlations. These solutions make it possible to derive strong cluster properties for PTCF which were obtained earlier for lattice spin systems.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figures. 2nd revision. Misprints corrected and 1 figure adde

    Трансформації словника HAPAX LEGOMENA Дж.Д.Селінджера у художньому перекладі (Transformations of J. D. Salinger’s vocabulary of hapax legomena within literary translation)

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    Дослідження присвячено системному аналізу двохаспектної сутності перекладацької деформації, а саме: розкриттю характеру зв’язку об’єктивної та суб’єктивної деформацій у художньому перекладі «Дев’яти оповідань» Дж.Д. Селінджера у процесі адекватної передачі ідіостилю автора. Кількісні характеристики об’єктивної де формації на макростилістичному рівні тексту перекладу за показниками загальнотекстових індексів винятковості та різноманітності лексики автора актуалізують особливості суб’єктивної деформації – результату таких суб’єктивно-перекладацьких перетворень, які можуть призводити як до суттєвих відхилень від художнього завдання автора, так і до порушень норми цільової мови задля розширення її виражальних можливостей або досягнення прагматичної адекватності перекладу. The article focuses on many-facet and systemic studies of the two-aspect translation deformation (objective and subjective translation deformations), features and characteristics of this complex interlingual and intercultural phenomenon in English-Russian and English-Ukrainian texts of translation of J. D. Salinger’s «Nine Stories». The comparative quantitative translation analysis at the macro-stylistic text level through the textual indices of J. D. Salinger’s vocabulary exclusiveness and diversity has been fulfilled. The analysis helped to define the measure of objective translation deformation of J.D. Salinger’s macro-stylistics. The measure of objective translation deformation has been determined by means of the quantitative text characteristics. The hapax legomena quantitative parameters analyzed are aimed at highlighting the nature of subjective translation deformation as the result of such transformations in a translation text which distort a text form and substance systematically and lead to the essential translation deviations of the author’s artistic aim. Substantiated are subjective translation deformation’s grounds and characteristics in Ukrainian and Russian translations of J.D. Salinger’s «Nine Stories». The methods applied in the research can be attributed to studies of other idiostyles in translation and be of use for practicing translators in order to minimize inevitable and occasional losses on the way to adequate literary translation.

    Quasi-lattice approximation of statistical systems with strong superstable interactions. Correlation functions

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    A continuous infinite system of point particles interacting via two-body strong superstable potential is considered in the framework of classical statistical mechanics. We define some kind of approximation of main quantities, which describe macroscopical and microscopical characteristics of systems, such as grand partition function and correlation functions. The pressure of an approximated system converge to the pressure of the initial system if the parameter of approximation a0a\to 0 for any values of an inverse temperature β>0\beta >0 and a chemical activity zz. The same result is true for the family of correlation functions in the region of small zComment: 25 page


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    The lockdown caused by the COVID-19 outbreak mainstreamed distance learning in all educational institutions worldwide and Ukraine in particular. Kyiv University’s staff faced the global challenge to teach in the crisis conditions. The university closure made it clear that remote learning demanded the implementation of totally new methodologies to cover the needs of students. An online survey resulted in approaching Zoom and Google Classroom as the most preferable and efficient in providing live learning opportunities. To reach valid data of the study, qualitative and quantitative analyses of off- and online exams were applied. The majority of respondents estimated the online exam format similar to face-to-face one and the practical value of online learning following the university shutdown as beneficial. Against this background, in post-pandemic reality, Kyiv University has applied urgent management practices to alleviate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on both students and staff. The new platform encompasses various modes and has covered all students and the teaching staff of Kyiv University from September 1 this year. The KNU Education Online digital platform as a multifunctional school network is a fruitful university decision to work out the strategy beneficial in the long run.The lockdown caused by the COVID-19 outbreak mainstreamed distance learning in all educational institutions worldwide and Ukraine in particular. Kyiv University’s staff faced the global challenge to teach in the crisis conditions. The university closure made it clear that remote learning demanded the implementation of totally new methodologies to cover the needs of students. An online survey resulted in approaching Zoom and Google Classroom as the most preferable and efficient in providing live learning opportunities. To reach valid data of the study, qualitative and quantitative analyses of off- and online exams were applied. The majority of respondents estimated the online exam format similar to face-to-face one and the practical value of online learning following the university shutdown as beneficial. Against this background, in post-pandemic reality, Kyiv University has applied urgent management practices to alleviate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on both students and staff. The new platform encompasses various modes and has covered all students and the teaching staff of Kyiv University from September 1 this year. The KNU Education Online digital platform as a multifunctional school network is a fruitful university decision to work out the strategy beneficial in the long run

    A combinatorial identity

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    We give an elementary proof of an interesting combinatorial identity which is of particular interest in graph theory and its applications

    Субъективная деформация стилистического инварианта оригинала романа “The Catcher in the Rye” Дж.Д. Сэлинджера в художественных переводах

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    У статті проаналізовано випадки суттєвих змін експресивного потенціалу сленгу як стилістичного інваріанта роману “The Catcher in the Rye” Дж.Д. Селінджера у художніх перекладах, виконаних О. Логвиненком, Р. Райт-Ковальовою та М. Нємцовим. Доведено, що системне накопичення нівелювань тематичної єдності та семантичної цілісності сленгової лексики в перекладі призводить до суб’єктивної деформації її стилістичного реєстру, а також емоційної та соціальної оцінки, тобто може дегармонізувати прагматичну цінність ідіостилю автора в культурі-приймачі. Встановлено, що високий ступінь творчої активності перекладача може розширювати виражальні можливості цільової мови, забезпечувати прагматичну адекватність перекладу, тобто свідчити про позитивний аспект перекладацької деформації.The article focuses on many-facet and systemic studies of the two-aspect translation deformation within literary translation. The phenomenon of the author’s idiostyle, i.e. the system of the author’s lingual features revealed in form and content which adds creativity to fiction, serves as a criterion for this research. Its topicality is determined by the increasing number of scholarly papers focused upon the notion of “translation deformation” as a multifaceted phenomenon in translation transformation system which implies both inter- and extralingual transformations in fiction. The issues of reproducing translation deformation as a possible feature of the translator’s creativity have been so far “underestimated” in translation studies, so the proposed approach seems to be perspective. The investigation into Ukrainian and Russian translation of J.D. Salinger’s fiction made it possible to find out the distinguishing features of objective and subjective deformations interacted. A number of thematic groups have been selected to determine the creativity of psychological and lingual characteristics of the protagonist in J.D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye”. The translations under study are abundant in deformations of various kinds: from euphemistic to vulgar, which cannot but tell on adequate representation of the protagonist’s image. The methods applied in the research can be attributed to studies of other idiostyles in translation and be of use for practicing translators in order to minimize inevitable and occasional losses on the way to adequate literary translation.В статье проанализированы случаи существенных изменений экспрессивного потенциала сленга как стилистического инварианта романа “The Catcher in the Rye” Дж.Д. Сэлинджера в художественных переводах, выполненных О. Логвиненко, Р. Райт-Ковалевой и М. Немцовым. Доказано, что системное накопление нивелирований тематического единства и семантической целостности сленговой лексики в переводе приводит к субъективной деформации ее стилистического реестра, а также эмоциональной и социальной оценки, то есть может дегармонизировать прагматическую ценность идиостиля автора в целевой культуре. Установлено, что высокая степень творческой активности переводчика может расширять выразительные возможности целевого языка, обеспечивать прагматическую адекватность перевода, то есть свидетельствовать о положительном аспект переводческой деформации

    Correlation of clusters: Partially truncated correlation functions and their decay

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    In this article, we investigate partially truncated correlation functions (PTCF) of infinite continuous systems of classical point particles with pair interaction. We derive Kirkwood-Salsburg-type equations for the PTCF and write the solutions of these equations as a sum of contributions labelled by certain forests graphs, the connected components of which are tree graphs. We generalize the method introduced by R.A. Minlos and S.K. Pogosyan (1977) in the case of truncated correlations. These solutions make it possible to derive strong cluster properties for PTCF which were obtained earlier for lattice spin systems