21 research outputs found


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    Personer med självskadebeteende och komplex psykisk ohälsa kan förväntas vara suicidnära. De kommer att vara suicidnära under hela den Brukarstyrda inläggningen (BI). På tre dagar kan vi inte ändra på det. Det kan ta år tills stress inte längre triggar suicidalitet. Det vi kan hjälpa till med under BI är stressen.Denna manual (med tillhörande utbildning som tillhandahålls som uppdragsutbildning för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal via Lunds universitet) är vårt bidrag till att sprida kunskap och stötta psykiatriska verksamheter som är intresserade av att erbjuda Brukarstyrd inläggning

    'Pregnancy comes accidentally - like it did with me': reproductive decisions among women on ART and their partners in rural Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As highly active antiretroviral therapy (ART) restores health, fertility and sexual activity among HIV-infected adults, understanding how ART influences reproductive desires and decisions could inform interventions to reduce sexual and vertical HIV transmission risk.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed a qualitative sub-study among a Ugandan cohort of 1,000 adults on ART with four purposively selected categories of participants: pregnant, not pregnant, delivered, and aborted. In-depth interviews examined relationships between HIV, ART and pregnancy, desire for children, perceived risks and benefits of pregnancy, decision-making regarding reproduction and family planning (FP) among 29 women and 16 male partners. Analysis focused on dominant explanations for emerging themes across and within participant groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among those who had conceived, most couples stated that their pregnancy was unintentional, and often occurred because they believed that they were infertile due to HIV. Perceived reasons for women not getting pregnant included: ill health (included HIV infection and ART), having enough children, financial constraints, fear of mother-to-child HIV transmission or transmission to partner, death of a child, and health education. Most women reported FP experiences with condoms and hormonal injections only. Men had limited FP information apart from condoms.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Counselling at ART initiation may not be sufficient to enable women who do not desire children to adopt relevant family planning practices. On-going reproductive health education and FP services, with emphasis on the restoration of fertility after ART initiation, should be integrated into ART programs for men and women.</p

    Mastl is required for timely activation of APC/C in meiosis I and Cdk1 reactivation in meiosis II

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    In mitosis, the Greatwall kinase (called microtubule-associated serine/threonine kinase like [Mastl] in mammals) is essential for prometaphase entry or progression by suppressing protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) activity. PP2A suppression in turn leads to high levels of Cdk1 substrate phosphorylation. We have used a mouse model with an oocyte-specific deletion of Mastl to show that Mastl-null oocytes resume meiosis I and reach metaphase I normally but that the onset and completion of anaphase I are delayed. Moreover, after the completion of meiosis I, Mastl-null oocytes failed to enter meiosis II (MII) because they reassembled a nuclear structure containing decondensed chromatin. Our results show that Mastl is required for the timely activation of anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome to allow meiosis I exit and for the rapid rise of Cdk1 activity that is needed for the entry into MII in mouse oocytes

    Woolgathering : Wool as a resource for rural regeneration

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    Woolgathering aims to speculate around ways to reduce the wasteof wool and how wool can catalyze the regeneration of ruralvillages in the north of Sweden. In Sweden today, we producearound 1000 metric tons of wool per year, yet only about half of it isused. This is due to its varied quality and a lack of political support,economic incentive and a low demand on global and nationalmarkets causing a loss of knowledge in wool management andfailing value chains. Modern monocultural agriculture has phasedout traditional sheep breeds and vital semi-natural pastures whichhas had detrimental effects on biodiversity, cultural heritage andland ownership. Björkå, a rural village Västernorrland, has had adwindling population and is in need of regeneration in order toalleviate symptoms of rural neglect. Inspired by the architecutralaccpuncture employed in Songyang and the Brown sugar factoryin Xing village as well as the cooperative management of thefarms in Marinaleda, and a visits to Björkå and one of the manylocal sheep farms, I identified wool as a potential catalyst forthis development along with a series of devices to be employedin a rural regeneration strategy: rural-urban links, tourism, localeconomy, cultural heritage, industry and nature. The woolgathering strategy, like the darning of woolensocks, introduces these devices along with local and regionalactors as threads that feed into the fabric of Björkå aiming torestore its integrity. There is a focus on locally controlled industrywhere economical profits feed back into the community but alsoon collaboration between local and national wool actors. Thecentral core of the strategy merges the 6 devices with the 5 actors. The different threads and wool programmes merge andform new associations, or become integrated into new (virtualand physical) networks that expand well beyond the rural locality. With wool as the catalyst, the strategy can start to mend thegaps in the territory, reconnecting links to endogenous networkswithin the wool industry and exogenous networks between actorsand create economic viability for sheep farmers locally and across Norrland

    "De' där ä en bög!" : En kvalitativ analys av hur homosexualitet betraktades och definierades i början av 1900-talet utifrån Nils Santesson och hans domstolsfall

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    In the early 20thcentury, homosexual acts were illegal in Sweden. During this time, “homosexuality” did not exist as a concept. Instead, the Swedish law referred to homosexual acts as “unnatural fornication”. In 1907 a man named Nils Santesson was arrested and sentenced for committing unnatural fornication with another man. The case was brought to the attention of the press, which for the first time began to use the term “homosexual” in headings and articles.    The purpose of this study has been to analyse how homosexuality was considered and defined in Sweden during the early 20thcentury, by studying the reporting of Nils Santesson’s court case and his self-image. The analysis is based on the categories: crime, illness and morality, and to achieve the purpose of the study, a qualitative text analysis has been implemented as a method. Also, the study was based on the theory of a masculinity hierarchy that subordinated homosexuals, and one version of queer theory.   The result shows that homosexuality was considered as an act rather than an integral part of someone’s character or identity. The society regarded homosexuality as obnoxious, indecent and unnatural, which was a direct consequence of the Swedish criminal law 18 § 10. Homosexuals were portrayed as sickening from three aspects: as a morbidly deviant phenomenon from heterosexuality, as contribution to mental illness and as carriers of sexually transmitted diseases. Morally, homosexuals were considered sexually licentious and constantly in search of seduction. Heterosexuality was upheld as a dominant system which placed homosexual men in a masculine subordination as homosexuality was regarded as a criminal act, immoral and were associated with disease. 

    Woolgathering : Wool as a resource for rural regeneration

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    Woolgathering aims to speculate around ways to reduce the wasteof wool and how wool can catalyze the regeneration of ruralvillages in the north of Sweden. In Sweden today, we producearound 1000 metric tons of wool per year, yet only about half of it isused. This is due to its varied quality and a lack of political support,economic incentive and a low demand on global and nationalmarkets causing a loss of knowledge in wool management andfailing value chains. Modern monocultural agriculture has phasedout traditional sheep breeds and vital semi-natural pastures whichhas had detrimental effects on biodiversity, cultural heritage andland ownership. Björkå, a rural village Västernorrland, has had adwindling population and is in need of regeneration in order toalleviate symptoms of rural neglect. Inspired by the architecutralaccpuncture employed in Songyang and the Brown sugar factoryin Xing village as well as the cooperative management of thefarms in Marinaleda, and a visits to Björkå and one of the manylocal sheep farms, I identified wool as a potential catalyst forthis development along with a series of devices to be employedin a rural regeneration strategy: rural-urban links, tourism, localeconomy, cultural heritage, industry and nature. The woolgathering strategy, like the darning of woolensocks, introduces these devices along with local and regionalactors as threads that feed into the fabric of Björkå aiming torestore its integrity. There is a focus on locally controlled industrywhere economical profits feed back into the community but alsoon collaboration between local and national wool actors. Thecentral core of the strategy merges the 6 devices with the 5 actors. The different threads and wool programmes merge andform new associations, or become integrated into new (virtualand physical) networks that expand well beyond the rural locality. With wool as the catalyst, the strategy can start to mend thegaps in the territory, reconnecting links to endogenous networkswithin the wool industry and exogenous networks between actorsand create economic viability for sheep farmers locally and across Norrland


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    Lindkvist, R & Persson, E. Att leva med reumatoid artrit och dess påverkan på dagligt liv. En litteraturstudie. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö universitet: Fakulteten för Hälsa och samhälle, Institutionen för vårdvetenskap, 2020. Bakgrund: reumatoid artrit, som förkortas RA, är en kronisk och inflammatorisk ledsjukdom. Sjukdomen som också kallas för ledgångsreumatism angriper de perifera lederna i kroppen. De mest berörda områdena i kroppen är lederna i händer och fötter men sjukdomen kan även yttra sig extraartikulärt vilket innebär att andra system och vävnader kan angripas av RA. En vanlig följdsjukdom till RA är kardiovaskulära sjukdomar som exempelvis stroke och hjärtinfarkt. Utan läkemedelsbehandling kan RA även leda till ledförstörelse. Sjuksköterskans uppgift i farmakologisk behandling är att dämpa smärtan och inflammationen enligt ordination. Personcentrerad omvårdnad där samspel mellan patient, sjuksköterska och andra personer som är viktiga i patientens liv är grundläggande i beslutfattande av vård. Modellen dagligt liv funktionellt hälsotillstånd av Carnevali finns som ett stöd för sjuksköterskan att identifiera omvårdnadsproblem och fastställa behov och resurser till individen för att bibehålla livskvalitet i det dagliga livet. Syfte: syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka hur personer med RA upplever att sjukdomen påverkar deras dagliga liv. Metod: litteraturstudien är skriven i kvalitativ ansats. Totalt valdes 11 artiklar efter relevans bedömningen. De 11 artiklarna gick vidare till kvalitetsbedömning som granskades av författarna som var oberoende av varandra. Resultat: Tre teman framgick efter författarnas tolkning av artiklarnas resultat. De tre teman som svarade på litteraturstudien syfte var: Fysisk påverkan på dagligt liv, psykisk påverkan på dagligt liv och social påverkan på dagligt liv. Konklusion: Det dagliga livet med RA påverkas av fysiska, psykiska och sociala aspekter. Dessa tre teman integrerar med varandra och bildar en helhet som påverkar individen som lever med RA i varierande grad. Nyckelord: dagligt liv, kvalitativ litteraturstudie, omvårdnad, påverkan, reumatoid artrit.Lindkvist, R & Persson, E. Living with rheumatoid arthritis and the impact on daily life. A literature review. Degree Project in nursing 15 credit points. Malmö University: Faculty of Health and Society, Department of Care Science, 2020. Background: rheumatoid arthritis, abbreviated in RA, is a chronic and inflammatory joint disease. The disease, also called arthritis, attacks the peripheral joints of the body. The most affected areas of the body are the joints of the hands and feet but the disease can also manifest extra articular, which means that other systems and tissues can be attacked by RA. Cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and myocardial infarction are more common when you have RA. Without drug treatment RA can also lead to joint destruction. As a nurse, the pharmacological treatment is important and alleviate the pain and inflammatory as prescribed. Interaction between patient, nurse and other related people is fundamental in making common decisions in care, also called person-centered care. The model daily life functional health status, of Carnevali, works as a support for the nurse to identify problems in nursing and determine needs and resources for the individual to maintain quality in daily life. Purpose: to investigate the experiences of people living with RA and the impact on daily life. Method: the literature review was written with a qualitative approach. A total of 11 articles were selected to the result and were qualified by two independent reviewers. Result: Three different themes were discovered of the articles results. The themes that answered the purpose of the literature review were: Physical impact on daily life, psychological impact on daily life and social impact on daily life. Conclusion: RAs impact on daily life has physical, psychological and social aspects. These three themes integrate with each other and result in a entirety which affects each individual with RA to a varying degree. Keywords: daily life, impact, nursing care, rheumatoid arthritis, qualitative literature review


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    Lindkvist, R & Persson, E. Att leva med reumatoid artrit och dess påverkan på dagligt liv. En litteraturstudie. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö universitet: Fakulteten för Hälsa och samhälle, Institutionen för vårdvetenskap, 2020. Bakgrund: reumatoid artrit, som förkortas RA, är en kronisk och inflammatorisk ledsjukdom. Sjukdomen som också kallas för ledgångsreumatism angriper de perifera lederna i kroppen. De mest berörda områdena i kroppen är lederna i händer och fötter men sjukdomen kan även yttra sig extraartikulärt vilket innebär att andra system och vävnader kan angripas av RA. En vanlig följdsjukdom till RA är kardiovaskulära sjukdomar som exempelvis stroke och hjärtinfarkt. Utan läkemedelsbehandling kan RA även leda till ledförstörelse. Sjuksköterskans uppgift i farmakologisk behandling är att dämpa smärtan och inflammationen enligt ordination. Personcentrerad omvårdnad där samspel mellan patient, sjuksköterska och andra personer som är viktiga i patientens liv är grundläggande i beslutfattande av vård. Modellen dagligt liv funktionellt hälsotillstånd av Carnevali finns som ett stöd för sjuksköterskan att identifiera omvårdnadsproblem och fastställa behov och resurser till individen för att bibehålla livskvalitet i det dagliga livet. Syfte: syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka hur personer med RA upplever att sjukdomen påverkar deras dagliga liv. Metod: litteraturstudien är skriven i kvalitativ ansats. Totalt valdes 11 artiklar efter relevans bedömningen. De 11 artiklarna gick vidare till kvalitetsbedömning som granskades av författarna som var oberoende av varandra. Resultat: Tre teman framgick efter författarnas tolkning av artiklarnas resultat. De tre teman som svarade på litteraturstudien syfte var: Fysisk påverkan på dagligt liv, psykisk påverkan på dagligt liv och social påverkan på dagligt liv. Konklusion: Det dagliga livet med RA påverkas av fysiska, psykiska och sociala aspekter. Dessa tre teman integrerar med varandra och bildar en helhet som påverkar individen som lever med RA i varierande grad. Nyckelord: dagligt liv, kvalitativ litteraturstudie, omvårdnad, påverkan, reumatoid artrit.Lindkvist, R & Persson, E. Living with rheumatoid arthritis and the impact on daily life. A literature review. Degree Project in nursing 15 credit points. Malmö University: Faculty of Health and Society, Department of Care Science, 2020. Background: rheumatoid arthritis, abbreviated in RA, is a chronic and inflammatory joint disease. The disease, also called arthritis, attacks the peripheral joints of the body. The most affected areas of the body are the joints of the hands and feet but the disease can also manifest extra articular, which means that other systems and tissues can be attacked by RA. Cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and myocardial infarction are more common when you have RA. Without drug treatment RA can also lead to joint destruction. As a nurse, the pharmacological treatment is important and alleviate the pain and inflammatory as prescribed. Interaction between patient, nurse and other related people is fundamental in making common decisions in care, also called person-centered care. The model daily life functional health status, of Carnevali, works as a support for the nurse to identify problems in nursing and determine needs and resources for the individual to maintain quality in daily life. Purpose: to investigate the experiences of people living with RA and the impact on daily life. Method: the literature review was written with a qualitative approach. A total of 11 articles were selected to the result and were qualified by two independent reviewers. Result: Three different themes were discovered of the articles results. The themes that answered the purpose of the literature review were: Physical impact on daily life, psychological impact on daily life and social impact on daily life. Conclusion: RAs impact on daily life has physical, psychological and social aspects. These three themes integrate with each other and result in a entirety which affects each individual with RA to a varying degree. Keywords: daily life, impact, nursing care, rheumatoid arthritis, qualitative literature review