128 research outputs found

    Miradas alternativas sobre la historia rioplatense: la propuesta de Luis A. de Herrera y sus intercambios con autores argentinos y paraguayos (1900-1930)

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    En las primeras décadas del siglo XX, la versión del pasado llamada clásica o liberal, que fuera frecuentemente identificada con la tradición mitrista, fue cuestionada por movimientos historiográficos surgidos en países cuyo territorio había formado parte, en el  período  colonial, del Virreinato del Río de la Plata. Los actores involucrados en estas reacciones objetaban la representación de su espacio nacional surgida de la lectura mitrista y, en un sentido más amplio, el cuadro general presentado por ésta. En algunos casos, como el de los autores vinculados al movimiento paraguayo de reivindicación lopizta, las críticas se centraron en la versión tradicional de la Guerra de laTriple Alianza. En este mismo período, en Argentina, ciertas tendencias historiográficas revisaron parcialmente el relato histórico clásico, especialmente en relación con la participación de las provincias y sus dirigentes en la formación nacional. En ciertas ocasiones, la voluntad de revisión no se limitó a etapas oepisodios históricos concretos. El político e historiador uruguayo Luis Alberto de Herrera impugnó integralmente la versión clásica, presentándola como un relato que abarcaba la totalidad del proceso histórico regional y proponiendo, al mismo tiempo, un cuadro general de interpretación alternativo. Partiendo de este caso, nuestro trabajo procura dar cuenta de ciertas interacciones posibles entre estas experiencias revisionistas surgidas en diversos países de la región. Con este fin, se considera la producción historiográfica, la circulación de textos y los vínculos personales establecidos por Herrera con otros animadores de esos movimientos

    Circulaciones rioplatenses. Debates sobre el pasado y la actualidad paraguayos en los primeros decenios del siglo xx

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    Aquest treball analitza algunes elaboracions discursives sobre el passat i l'actualitat paraguaians de les primeres dècades del segle XX, aturant-se, en particular, en la controvèrsia iniciada a finals de 1902, que va tenir com a principals protagonistes els intel·lectuals Cecilio Báez i Juan I. O 'Leary. S'interessa en les condicions socials i culturals de producció, circulació i recepció d'aquests discursos en l'espai platense, així com en les categories conceptuals i en les eines teòriques disponibles per la seva construcció. Els mateixos apareixen inscrits en el marc més ampli de la «qüestió nacional», que involucra problemàtiques com la sociabilitat, la formació del subjecte polític, la identitat, l'etnicitat i l'educació.This article examines the many discourses on the past and present from early-twentieth century Paraguay by focusing on the debates led by intellectuals Cecilio Báez and Juan E. O’Leary during late-1902 and the following months. This work analyzes the social and cultural conditions of production, circulation and reception of these discourses in the River Plate, and the theoretical tools and categories available at the time. These discourses were immersed in the broader problem of the “national issue”, which involved the analysis of sociability, the formation of the political subject, identity, ethnicity and education.Este trabajo analiza algunas elaboraciones discursivas sobre el pasado y la actualidad paraguayos de las primeras décadas del siglo xx, deteniéndose, en particular, en la controversia iniciada a fines de 1902, que tuvo como principales protagonistas a los intelectuales Cecilio Báez y Juan E. O’Leary. Se interesa en las condiciones sociales y culturales de producción, circulación y recepción de esos discursos en el espacio platense, así como en las categorías conceptuales y en las herramientas teóricas disponibles para su construcción. Los mismos aparecen inscriptos en el marco más amplio de la «cuestión nacional», que involucra problemáticas como la sociabilidad, la formación del sujeto político, la identidad, la etnicidad y la educación

    El recuerdo de la “Defensa de Paysandú” en las tradiciones del Partido Nacional Uruguayo

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    Este trabajo plantea una reflexión sobre el conflicto político-militar desarrollado en territorio uruguayo en el período inmediatamente precedente a la firma del Tratado de la Triple Alianza (mayo de 1865) y su relación con la construcción de tradiciones partidarias en ese país, en el último tercio del siglo XIX. Más allá de constatar las transformaciones efectivas provocadas por estos sucesos, que modificaron la relación de fuerzas al interior del campo político uruguayo -y regional-, el artículo se interroga sobre la incidencia de los mismos en el terreno de las representaciones y sobre la manera en que su recuerdo pudo constituir un factor de movilización, ya sea agudizando fracturas en la memoria o contribuyendo, en otros casos, a generar sentimientos de pertenencia político-partidarios. En ese marco, presta particular atención al episodio de “La Defensa de Paysandú” y a su evocación en las décadas sucesivas, en el marco del surgimiento y consolidación del Partido Nacional uruguayo

    El recuerdo de la “Defensa de Paysandú” en las tradiciones del Partido Nacional Uruguayo

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    Este trabajo plantea una reflexión sobre el conflicto político-militar desarrollado en territorio uruguayo en el período inmediatamente precedente a la firma del Tratado de la Triple Alianza (mayo de 1865) y su relación con la construcción de tradiciones partidarias en ese país, en el último tercio del siglo XIX. Más allá de constatar las transformaciones efectivas provocadas por estos sucesos, que modificaron la relación de fuerzas al interior del campo político uruguayo -y regional-, el artículo se interroga sobre la incidencia de los mismos en el terreno de las representaciones y sobre la manera en que su recuerdo pudo constituir un factor de movilización, ya sea agudizando fracturas en la memoria o contribuyendo, en otros casos, a generar sentimientos de pertenencia político-partidarios. En ese marco, presta particular atención al episodio de “La Defensa de Paysandú” y a su evocación en las décadas sucesivas, en el marco del surgimiento y consolidación del Partido Nacional uruguayo

    Lo Studio SCoPre (Sviluppo Cognitivo e Prematurità): dati preliminari sullo sviluppo dei “Late Preterms” in età scolare

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    Background. In Italy, children born Late Preterm (LPs, 34-36 weeks of gestational age) represent about 4% of all births. LPs have a higher risk of mortality, repeated hospitalizations in early life, chronic illnesses and functional limitations, compared to children born at term. Moreover, LPs are more likely to experience difficulties in their neurodevelopment, which may impair adaptation, especially at school. This study explores the developmental and behavioural outcomes of LPs compared to those of “Very Preterm” (VPs) or “Full Term” (FTs) peers. Methods. The paediatricians involved, recruited, among their patients, all VPs and LPs aged 7-10 years and a number of FTs twice that of the LPs. Mothers of children filled in a protocol consisting of a medical history form and three questionnaires. Results. 554 questionnaires were collected and processed (39 VPs, 183 LPs and 332 FTs). The three groups were significantly different in terms of birth weight (p < .001), twin pregnancy (p < .001), type of delivery (p <.001), type of pregnancy (p < .001) and gender (p < .05). FTs show better school achievements than VPs and LPs (p < .001). The LPs showed more symptoms of anxiety (p < .05) and aggressive behaviours (p < .001) than the FTs and, together with VPs, social problems (p < .001). VPs score significantly lower than FTs in the fine motor (p < .05) and in the general coordination abilities (p = .01). Mothers of the LPs reported a lower mental and physical wellbeing than mothers of FTs (p = .06). Conclusions. These data show that preterm children are more vulnerable that counterparts born at term in some developmental areas. Particularly, LPs present more difficulties in school achievements and in some behaviour, compared to FTs, often similarly to VPs. Mothers of the LPs perceive more mental and physical discomfort than mothers of FTs

    Impact of heart rate on myocardial salvage in timely reperfused patients with STSegment elevation myocardial infarction. new insights from cardiovascular magnetic resonance

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies evaluating the progression of the necrotic wave in relation to heart rate were carried out only in animal models of ST-elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI). Aim of the study was to investigate changes of myocardial salvage in relation to different heart rates at hospital admission in timely reperfused patients with STEMI by using cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). METHODS: One hundred-eighty-seven patients with STEMI successfully and timely treated with primary coronary angioplasty underwent CMR five days after hospital admission. According to the heart rate at presentation, patients were subcategorized into 5 quintiles: <55 bpm (group I, n = 44), 55-64 bpm (group II, n = 35), 65-74 bpm (group III, n = 35), 75-84 bpm (group IV, n = 37), ≥85 bpm (group V, n = 36). Area at risk, infarct size, microvascular obstruction (MVO) and myocardium salvaged index (MSI) were assessed by CMR using standard sequences. RESULTS: Lower heart rates at presentation were associated with a bigger amount of myocardial salvage after reperfusion. MSI progressively decreased as the heart rates increased (0.54 group I, 0.46 group II, 0.38 group III, 0.34 group IV, 0.32 group V, p<0.001). Stepwise multivariable analysis showed heart rate, peak troponin and the presence of MVO were independent predictor of myocardial salvage. No changes related to heart rate were observed in relation to area at risk and infarct size. CONCLUSIONS: High heart rates registered before performing coronary angioplasty in timely reperfused patients with STEMI are associated with a reduction in salvaged myocardium. In particular, salvaged myocardium significantly reduced when heart rate at presentation is ≥85 bpm

    The Paraguayan War between the lines. The archival projects and correspondence of Juan E. O'Leary and Luis A. de Herrera (1905 - 1926)

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    La Guerra del Paraguay es uno de los grandes temas que circulan en el espacio epistolar del historiador paraguayo Juan E. O’Leary y de su par uruguayo Luis A. de Herrera. La extendida correspondencia que cultivaron entre los años 1905 y 1926, que alberga los respectivos archivos personales, es examinada en este trabajo para analizar el pensamiento de los dos historiadores mientras se construye, a modo de taller de su escritura sobre la guerra y en tanto estadios eventuales de sus producciones mayores dirigidas a la esfera pública.A Guerra do Paraguai é um dos grandes temas que circulam no espaço epistolar do historiador paraguaio Juan E. O’Leary e de seu homólogo uruguaio Luis A. de Herrera. A extensa correspondência que cultivaram entre 1905 e 1926, que abriga os respectivos arquivos pessoais, é examinada neste trabalho para analisar o pensamento dos dois historiadores durante a construção, como oficina de seus escritos sobre a guerra e como possíveis etapas da suas principais produções voltadas para a esfera pública.The Paraguayan War is one of the great themes that circulate in the epistolary space of the paraguayan historian Juan E. O’Leary and his uruguayan counterpart Luis A. de Herrera. The extended correspondence that they cultivated between 1905 and 1926, which houses the respective personal archives, is examined in this work to analyze the thought of the two historians while building, as a workshop of their writing on the war and as eventual stages of his major productions aimed at the public sphere.Fil: Brezzo, Liliana Maria. Universidad Catolica de Rosario; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto de Estudios Históricos, Económicos, Sociales e Internacionales; ArgentinaFil: Reali, María Laura. Universite de Paris; Franci

    ERK-1 MAP kinase prevents TNF-induced apoptosis through bad phosphorylation and inhibition of bax translocation in HeLa cells

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    Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 signaling is involved in tumor cell survival through the regulation of Bcl-2 family members. To explore this further and to demonstrate the central role of the mitochondria in the ERK1/2 pathway we used the HeLa cellular model where apoptosis was induced by tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and cycloheximide (CHX). We show that HeLa cells overexpressing ERK-1 displayed resistance to TNF and CHX. HeLa cells overexpressing a kinase-deficient form of ERK-1 (K71R) were more sensitive to TNF and CHX. In the ERK-1 cells, Bad was phosphorylated during TNF + CHX treatment. In the HeLa wt cells and in the K71R clones TNF and CHX decreased Bad phosphorylation. ERK-1 cells treated with TNF and CHX did not release cytochrome c from the mitochondria. By contrast, HeLa wt and K71R clones released cytochrome c. Bax did not translocate to the mitochondria in ERK-1 cells treated with TNF + CHX. Conversely, HeLa wt and K71R clones accumulated Bax in the mitochondria. In the HeLa wt cells and in both ERK-1 transfectants Bid was cleaved and accumulated in the mitochondria. The caspase-8 inhibitor IETD-FMK and the mitochondrial membrane permeabilization inhibitor bongkrekic acid (BK), partially prevented cell death by TNF + CHX. Anisomycin, a c-Jun N-terminal kinases activator, increased TNF-killing. The ERK-1 cells were resistant to TNF and anisomycin, whereas K71R clones resulted more sensitive. Our study demonstrates that in HeLa cells the ERK-1 kinase prevents TNF + CHX apoptosis by regulating the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway through different mechanisms. Inhibition of the intrinsic pathway is sufficient to almost completely prevent cell death. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Prevalence, socio-economic predictors and health correlates of food insecurity among Italian children- findings from a cross-sectional study

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    AbstractConsidering food insecurity is a problem, even in developed countries, and the evidence gap regarding this issue in Italy, we aimed to assess the prevalence of food insecurity in a sample of Italian children and examine socio-economic and health correlates. This cross-sectional study was conducted in paediatric practices. Parents answered to the 18-items of the Household Food Security Module, 8 of which concern children. Paediatricians answered a questionnaire on children's health. Socio-economic and health correlates of food insecurity in children were assessed using univariable and multivariable logistic regression. Among 573 households with children, 15·4% were food insecure, while 9·1% of children were food insecure. Socio-economic factors associated to food insecurity were living in south Italy, households with three or more children, lower household yearly income, worse economic situation description and younger parents. Food insecure children were less likely to have a normal relational [ aOR 0.31 (CI 0.11-0.85)] and physical development [aOR 0.32(CI 0.15-0.65) and had more school difficulties [aOR 3.1(CI 1.33-7.24)] compared to their food secure peers. Food insecure children had higher odds of a deterioration in their health since birth and of a worse perceived health status, as reported by their parents. Considering the results in this sample and the lack of research regarding this issues in Italy and Europe more broadly, we call for consistent, national monitoring to determine the magnitude of the problem of food insecurity in households with children in Italy and to examine the socio-economic variables and health implications in different contexts

    Il parto extra-ospedaliero: un'indagine quanti-qualitativa presso una casa maternità di Roma

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    A quantitative-qualitative study was performed to describe outcomes and experiences of women who gave birth in an out-of-hospital setting in Rome, Italy, between 2016 and 2018. A retrospective observational study was carried out through the collection of clinical and healthcare data of 96 women assisted in these 3 years. Among them 9 were transferred to hospital during labour. The main outcomes of the out-of-hospital deliveries (n = 87) were: intact perineum and no third- or fourth-degree perineal tear in 44,8% of cases, delayed cord clamping in 100% of cases (of which 26.4% were lotus birth) and exclusive breastfeeding in 94.3% of cases at 7 days after delivery and 93.3% at 3 and 6 months. The qualitative phase was conducted on 15 women and involved focus groups and in-depth interviews. It emerged that the choice to give birth in an out-of-hospital setting was mainly due to either the couple's respect for birth physiology and intimacy or a previous negative experience of hospital birth