12,817 research outputs found

    Development of a space qualified high reliability rotary actuator. Volume 1: Technical report

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    A space-qualified, high reliability, 150 ft-lb rated torque rotary acutator based on the Bendix Dynavector drive concept was developed. This drive is an integrated variable reluctance orbit motor-epicyclic transmission actuator. The performance goals were based on future control moment gyro torquer applications and represent a significant advancement in the torque-to-weight ratio, backlash, inertia and response characteristics of electric rotary drives. The program accomplishments have been in two areas: (1) the development of two high ratio (818:1) actuator configurations (breadboard and flightweight), and (2) the invention of a reliable proximity switch sensor system for self-commutation without use of optical or electrical brush techniques

    Proper Mixtures of Ellis County Soils for Adobe Construction, and Their Physical Properties

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    This paper deals with the adobe strategy of construction which is mixing and puddling the materials to be applied to a sun-dried brick or to a structure of that material. The work was divided into three main parts: (1) Survey of Ellis County Soils; (2) Selection of soil material with respect to shrinkage; and (3) Treatment of soils with respect to waterproofing.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/fort_hays_studies_series/1052/thumbnail.jp

    Potential solar axion signatures in X-ray observations with the XMM-Newton observatory

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    The soft X-ray flux produced by solar axions in the Earth's magnetic field is evaluated in the context of ESA's XMM-Newton observatory. Recent calculations of the scattering of axion-conversion X-rays suggest that the sunward magnetosphere could be an observable source of 0.2-10 keV photons. For XMM-Newton, any conversion X-ray intensity will be seasonally modulated by virtue of the changing visibility of the sunward magnetic field region. A simple model of the geomagnetic field is combined with the ephemeris of XMM-Newton to predict the seasonal variation of the conversion X-ray intensity. This model is compared with stacked XMM-Newton blank sky datasets from which point sources have been systematically removed. Remarkably, a seasonally varying X-ray background signal is observed. The EPIC count rates are in the ratio of their X-ray grasps, indicating a non-instrumental, external photon origin, with significances of 11(pn), 4(MOS1) and 5(MOS2) sigma. After examining the constituent observations spatially, temporally and in terms of the cosmic X-ray background, we conclude that this variable signal is consistent with the conversion of solar axions in the Earth's magnetic field. The spectrum is consistent with a solar axion spectrum dominated by bremsstrahlung- and Compton-like processes, i.e. axion-electron coupling dominates over axion-photon coupling and the peak of the axion spectrum is below 1 keV. A value of 2.2e-22 /GeV is derived for the product of the axion-photon and axion-electron coupling constants, for an axion mass in the micro-eV range. Comparisons with limits derived from white dwarf cooling may not be applicable, as these refer to axions in the 0.01 eV range. Preliminary results are given of a search for axion-conversion X-ray lines, in particular the predicted features due to silicon, sulphur and iron in the solar core, and the 14.4 keV transition line from 57Fe.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 67 pages total, including 39 figures, 6 table

    The tidal stripping of satellites

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    We present an improved analytic calculation for the tidal radius of satellites and test our results against N-body simulations. The tidal radius in general depends upon four factors: the potential of the host galaxy, the potential of the satellite, the orbit of the satellite and {\it the orbit of the star within the satellite}. We demonstrate that this last point is critical and suggest using {\it three tidal radii} to cover the range of orbits of stars within the satellite. In this way we show explicitly that prograde star orbits will be more easily stripped than radial orbits; while radial orbits are more easily stripped than retrograde ones. This result has previously been established by several authors numerically, but can now be understood analytically. For point mass, power-law (which includes the isothermal sphere), and a restricted class of split power law potentials our solution is fully analytic. For more general potentials, we provide an equation which may be rapidly solved numerically. Over short times (\simlt 1-2 Gyrs ∼1\sim 1 satellite orbit), we find excellent agreement between our analytic and numerical models. Over longer times, star orbits within the satellite are transformed by the tidal field of the host galaxy. In a Hubble time, this causes a convergence of the three limiting tidal radii towards the prograde stripping radius. Beyond the prograde stripping radius, the velocity dispersion will be tangentially anisotropic.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Final version accepted for publication in MNRAS. Some new fully analytic tidal radii have been added for power law density profiles (including the isothermal sphere) and some split power law

    Another Drop in Water Vapor

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    In 2000 a sudden severe drop in stratospheric water vapor levels interrupted the supposed long-term increase of this greenhouse gas, an important contributor to global warming and climate variability. Satellite sensors observed a recovery in the following years, hidden behind a large variability. More recently, during 2011 and 2012, measurements revealed another severe drop in stratospheric water vapor concentrations

    Non-abelian statistics of half-quantum vortices in p-wave superconductors

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    Excitation spectrum of a half-quantum vortex in a p-wave superconductor contains a zero-energy Majorana fermion. This results in a degeneracy of the ground state of the system of several vortices. From the properties of the solutions to Bogoliubov-de-Gennes equations in the vortex core we derive the non-abelian statistics of vortices identical to that for the Moore-Read (Pfaffian) quantum Hall state.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX, epsf. Reference adde

    Correlation among Cirrus Ice Content, Water Vapor and Temperature in the TTL as Observed by CALIPSO and Aura-MLS

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    Water vapor in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) has a local radiative cooling effect. As a source for ice in cirrus clouds, however, it can also indirectly produce infrared heating. Using NASA A-Train satellite measurements of CALIPSO and Aura/MLS we calculated the correlation of water vapor, ice water content and temperature in the TTL. We find that temperature strongly controls water vapor (correlation r =0.94) and cirrus clouds at 100 hPa (r = 0.91). Moreover we observe that the cirrus seasonal cycle is highly (r =0.9) anticorrelated with the water vapor variation in the TTL, showing higher cloud occurrence during December-January-February. We further investigate the anticorrelation on a regional scale and find that the strong anticorrelation occurs generally in the ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone). The seasonal cycle of the cirrus ice water content is also highly anticorrelated to water vapor (r = 0.91) and our results support the hypothesis that the total water at 100 hPa is roughly constant. Temperature acts as a main regulator for balancing the partition between water vapor and cirrus clouds. Thus, to a large extent, the depleting water vapor in the TTL during DJF is a manifestation of cirrus formation

    An RVB phase in the triangular lattice quantum dimer model

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    We study the quantum dimer model on the triangular lattice, which is expected to describe the singlet dynamics of frustrated Heisenberg models in phases where valence bond configurations dominate their physics. We find, in contrast to the square lattice, that there is a truly short ranged resonating valence bond (RVB) phase with no gapless collective excitations and with deconfined, gapped, spinons for a {\it finite} range of parameters. We also establish the presence of three crystalline phases in this system.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Revtex 3.
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