18 research outputs found

    Fixation and redistribution of arsenic during early and late diagenesis in the organic matter-rich members of the Lockatong Formation, Newark basin, USA: implication for the quality of groundwater

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    The Byram and Walls Island members in the lower and upper sections, respectively, of the Lockatong Formation in the Newark basin near the border between Pennsylvania and New Jersey were chosen to assess (i) the role of euxinic/anoxic conditions in sequestering arsenic (As) and other trace elements and (ii) the redistribution of these elements during catagenetic transformations. ἀese members are rich in organic matter and host pyrite which occurs as disseminations, small patches, and subparallel veins. ἀe sulfur isotope values of pyrite samples range between -7.5 and 0.5 ‰CDT (average = -3.5‰CDT). ἀe negative δ34S values are indicative of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction (BSR) under low temperature and euxinic/anoxic conditions. ἀe total organic carbon (TOC) values in this member ᴀuctuate between 0.5 and 2.1%. ἀese euxinic/anoxic conditions enhanced the incorporation of As and other trace elements in both organic matter and pyrite. ἀe As concentrations range from 13 to 800 mg/kg and from 1.4 to 34 mg/kg in pyrite and black shale samples, respectively. Rock Eval analyses reveal that organic matter is over-mature which altered the correlation between TOC and As. ἀe thermal cracking of organic matter resulted in the removal of these elements from organic matter and their subsequent incorporation in pyrite and bitumen. Organic matter- and pyrite-rich anoxic black shale layers and bitumen veins are potential sources of arsenic in groundwater in the Newark basin, with arsenic values that reach up to 215 μg/L

    Fixation and redistribution of arsenic during early and late diagenesis in the organic matter-rich members of the Lockatong Formation, Newark basin, USA: implications for the quality of groundwater

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    The Byram and Walls Island members in the lower and upper sections, respectively, of the Lockatong Formation in the Newark basin near the border between Pennsylvania and New Jersey were chosen to assess (i) the role of euxinic/anoxic conditions in sequestering arsenic (As) and other trace elements and (ii) the redistribution of these elements during catagenetic transformations. These members are rich in organic matter and host pyrite which occurs as disseminations, small patches, and subparallel veins. e sulfur isotope values of pyrite samples range between -7.5 and 0.5 ‰CDT (average = -3.5‰CDT). e negative δ34S values are indicative of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction (BSR) under low temperature and euxinic/anoxic conditions. e total organic carbon (TOC) values in this member fluctuate between 0.5 and 2.1%. These euxinic/anoxic conditions enhanced the incorporation of As and other trace elements in both organic matter and pyrite. e As concentrations range from 13 to 800 mg/kg and from 1.4 to 34 mg/kg in pyrite and black shale samples, respectively. Rock Eval analyses reveal that organic matter is over-mature which altered the correlation between TOC and As. e thermal cracking of organic matter resulted in the removal of these elements from organic matter and their subsequent incorporation in pyrite and bitumen. Organic matter- and pyrite-rich anoxic black shale layers and bitumen veins are potential sources of arsenic in groundwater in the Newark basin, with arsenic values that reach up to 215 μg/L

    The Bou Dahar Jurassic carbonate-hosted Pb–Zn–Ba deposits (Oriental High Atlas, Morocco): Fluid-inclusion and C–O–S–Pb isotope studies

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    The Bou Dahar Pb–Zn–Ba (±Sr) is hosted in the Lower and Middle Liassic carbonate platform in the oriental High Atlas of Morocco. The paragenetic sequence includes quartz–pyrite–melnicovite–sphalerite–galena– calcite–barite ± fluorite– ± celestite. Fluid-inclusion studies were conducted on sphalerite (early mineralizing stage) and barite, and celestite (late mineralizing stage). These studies reveal two end-member fluids, a hot (~143 °C) and saline fluid (~23 wt.% NaCl eq.) and a cooler (b50 °C) and diluted fluid (~5 wt.% NaCl eq.). Based on fluid-inclusion and C–O–S isotope studies, a conclusion is reached that the Bou Dahar ore deposits were formed by the mixing of two fluid — a diluted, SO2−4-rich fluid, and an 18O-enriched basinal brine that carried Pb, Zn, and Ba. The sulfur required for the precipitation of sulfides was generated by the thermochemical sulfate reduction of dissolved sulfate (SO24−) of the Mesozoic seawaters, and delivered to the site of ore deposition. The sulfur of sulfate minerals was derived directly from these dissolved SO24. The Pb isotope compositions are homogenous with 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios ranging from 18.124 to 18.183, 15.630 to 15.634, and 38.325 to 38.440 respectively. This Pb isotope composition is indicative of an upper crust and orogene reservoirs as the source of lead and other metals. The emplacement of mineralization occurred during the Eocene– Miocene Alpine orogeny, and tectonic burial and compression were the driving forces behind the circulation of the orogenic-brines. These ore-forming fluids migrated, along thrusting regional E–W and NE–SW deep-seated faults, to the confined carbonate-Liassic reservoir

    Maroko feministai ir feministės: tarp aktyvizmo ir „Muslima“ teologijos

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    This paper rereads Moroccan feminism within a nascent methodological interpretive framework dubbed “Muslima theology”. Examining the work of Moroccan Muslim feminists Asma Lamrabet and Khadija al-Battar, it addresses the social and political implications of the emerging critical engagement of Muslima theologians with the old-anchored male hermeneutic tradition of the Sacred Texts. It puts into question the ideological basis of the principle of the “closure of the gate of ijtihad” by revealing how the interpretive tradition is heterogeneous and has been over history subject to religious considerations as well as political and patriarchal changing realities. Focus on the contribution of “Muslima theologians” aims at tracing, recouping some aspects of the systematically foreclosed female interpretive narrative, and subverting the exclusive male norms of interpretation conducive to the formation of a socio-cultural reality that validates in the name of Islam the low status of woman. Enlightened gender-inclusive interpretation of the Sacred Texts allows for alternative histories and agencies bringing to the surface new articulations based on particularities, gender, specific temporalities, contexts, and circumstances. The paper concludes that without Muslima theology as a liberating sub-branch of Islamic feminism, feminism in its activist form would fall short of achieving its objectives, for the traditionalist and literalist exclusive interventions will continue to shape cultural politics at an elitist and grassroots levels.Atsižvelgiant į iškilusį metodologinį interpretacinį „Muslima“ teologijos reiškinį, šiame straipsnyje permąstomas Maroko feminizmas. Analizuojant Maroko musulmonių feminisčių Asmos Lamrabet ir Khadijos al-Battar darbus, aptariamas kritinis „Muslima“ teologių požiūris į hermeneutinę Šventųjų Raštų tradiciją, kurioje dominuoja vyrai. Straipsnyje kvestionuojamas ideologinis „ijtihad“ vartų uždarymo“ principas, atskleidžiama, kad interpretacinė tradicija yra heterogeniška: ji visada priklausė nuo besikeičiančių religinių, politinių ir patriarchalinių sąlygų. Sutelkiant dėmesį į „Muslima“ teologes, siekiama atkurti kai kuriuos sistemiškai ribojamus moteriško interpretacinio naratyvo aspektus ir sugriauti išskirtines vyrų interpretacines normas, padėjusias formuoti sociokultūrinę realybę, kurioje Islamo vardu pateisinama žemesnė moterų padėtis. Šventųjų Raštų interpretacijos, įtraukiančios lyties dėmenį, atveria alternatyvias istorijas bei jų veikėjus ir atskleidžia naujas lyties ypatumų, savito laikiškumo, kontekstų bei aplinkybių artikuliacijas. Autorius teigia, kad, jei feminizmas neatsižvelgtų į Muslima teologiją, kaip islamiško išlaisvinančio feminizmo atšaką, jis negalėtų realizuoti savo politinių tikslų, nes kultūros politiką tiek elito, tiek eilinių piliečių lygmeniu ir toliau formuotų tradicionalistinės ir išskirtinai tiesioginės Šventųjų Raštų interpretacijos

    Modifying reader\u27s workshop for first grade French immersion

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    I am a former ESL, English as a Second Language, teacher who changed schools and positions to teach first grade French immersion. In my initial year as a first grade teacher, my school adopted a district curriculum reform model. I found myself, along with my colleagues, in the position of developing and putting into practice a new literacy program that would have to meet the needs of our limited French proficient students, which included Reader\u27s and Writer\u27s Workshop format. This Capstone focused on reading instruction and was an autoethnography of how I, as an experienced ESL teacher, reflectively described the professional process of modifying literacy instruction to meet the needs of French immersion first graders

    The ore genesis of the Jebel Mecella and Sidi Taya F–Ba (Zn–Pb) Mississippi Valley-type deposits, Fluorite Zaghouan Province, NE Tunisia, in relation to Alpine orogeny: constraints from geological, sulfur, and lead isotope studies

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    Jebel Mecella and Sidi Taya F–(Ba–Pb–Zn) deposits are located within the Fluorite Zaghouan Province (NE Tunisia). The mineralization occurs along the unconformity surface between the Jurassic limestones and Upper Cretaceous rocks. The mineralization consists mainly of fluorite, barite, sphalerite, and galena. The δ³⁴S values of barite at Jebel Mecella (14.8–15.4‰) and at Sidi Taya (21.6–22.2‰) closely match those of the Triassic evaporites and Messinian seawater, respectively. The range of δ³⁴S values of galena and sphalerite in both deposits (−6.9 to +2.4‰) suggests the involvement of thermochemical sulfate reduction and possibly organically-bound sulfur in the generation of sulfur. Lead isotope data with ²⁰⁶Pb/²⁰⁴Pb, ²⁰⁷Pb/²⁰⁴Pb, and ²⁰⁸Pb/²⁰⁴Pb ratios of 18.893–18.903, 15.684–15.699, and 38.850–38.880, respectively suggests a single homogeneous source reservoir of Paleozoic age and/or the homogenization of the Paleozoic–Cretaceous multireservoir-derived fluids along their long migration paths to the loci of deposition during the Alpine orogeny

    The genesis of the Ali Ou Daoud Jurassic carbonate Zn-Pb Mississippi Valley type deposit, Moroccan central High Atlas: Constraints from bulk stable C-O-s, in situ radiogenic Pb isotopes, and fluid inclusion studies

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    © 2018 The proximity of the Ali Ou Daoud Zn-Pb ore deposit (AOD) to the Ikkou Ou Ali diapiric and magmatic paleohigh raises the question of the role of halokinesis and magmatism in the emplacement of the ore. The AOD ore deposit is hosted in hydrothermally dolomitized Bajocian carbonates. The mineralogical paragenetic sequence is simple and consists of dolomite-pyrite-galena-sphalerite-calcite. The mineralization is tectonically and unconformity controlled. Microthermometry of fluid inclusions in sphalerite indicates that ore precipitated from a NaCl-KCl-CaCl2-MgCl2 basin-derived hot (Th = 94–170 °C) and saline (Salinity = 13.8–27.3 wt% NaCl eq.) mixed ore-forming fluid. Post-ore calcite also formed from a similar brine (Th = 176–206 °C, Salinity = 17.6–20.5 wt% NaCl eq.). The δ34S values for sulfides range from 7.8 to 23.4‰ V-CDT with most values in the range of 16–23.4‰ V-CDT. Sulfur was mainly derived from the Triassic-Jurassic sulfates through thermochemical-sulfate reduction. The carbon–oxygen isotope values of calcite are overall similar to that of the barren Bajocian limestone and dolostone indicating that the calcite-forming fluid is in equilibrium with the carbonate host rock. Galena samples have a homogeneous Pb composition with 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios ranging from 18.358 to 18.376, 15.636 to 15.663 and 38.486 to 38.606 respectively. This Pb isotopic composition points to the Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks as the main source of lead and presumably other metals with a possible contribution of Precambrian rocks. The long-distance fluid flow through a thick sequence of Paleozoic-Jurassic rocks ensured the homogeneity of Pb isotopes of the ore-forming fluids before they reached the loci of deposition. The emplacement of the ore occurred during Late Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous extensional tectonic activity in relation to thermal doming when a deep-seated, Paleozoic-derived metal-bearing fluid migrated upward along E-W- and NE-SW-trending faults. At the site of deposition, these hot, metal-carrying fluids mixed with a warm, shallow, metal-poor, and sulfur-rich fluid as revealed by a wide range in salinity and almost similar temperatures. The proposed fluid-mixing led to the formation of hydrothermal metric-sized karsts and to the precipitation of sulfides in the Bajocian carbonates.status: publishe