25 research outputs found

    Türkiye’deki İngiliz Dili Eğitimi Uzmanlarının Araştırma Kültürlerinin İncelenmesi

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    This study aims to reveal English language academicians and postgraduate students’ ambitions about involving in research studies in a developing country, Turkey. To collect data, a questionnaire was constructed and delivered to 159 ELT academicians and students to learn about their experiences in research and writing a research report, and perception of difficulty in different sections of a research report. Besides, semi-constructed interviews were also administered to 12 academicians. The results indicated significant differences between academicians and students. Besides, discussion was regarded as the most difficult part whereas writing references was the easiest. Although participants reported their experiences in constructing the skeleton of a research paper, they regarded themselves weak in long run studies.İngiliz dilinin eğitimi alanında araştırmacıların çalışmalarıyla ilgili tutum, istek, beceri, deneyim ve beklentilerini irdeleyen bir araştırma henüz yapılmamıştır. Bu nedenle, bu çalışma Türkiye gibi gelişmekte olan bir ülkede ilgili anabilim dalında görev yapmakta olan akademisyenlerin ve lisansüstü öğrencilerinin araştırma kültürlerini incelemeyi hedeflemiştir. Veri toplama amacıyla araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen anket formu, ülkemizdeki 34 farklı üniversitenin ilgili anabilim dallarına gönderilmiş ve toplam 159 katılımcıya uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca, 12 katılımcıyla yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat yapılmıştır. Sonuçlar, akademisyenler ve öğrenciler arasında önemli farklara işaret etmektedir. Katılımcılar en çok bir makalenin tartışma bölümünü yazarken zorlandıklarını, kaynakça yazımınınsa bir akademik makalenin yazması en kolay bölümü olduğunu belirtmişlerdir. Katılımcılar araştırmayla ilgili deneyime sahip olduklarını bildirmelerine rağmen, vaka ya da aksiyon araştırması gibi uzun soluklu çalışmalarla ilgili deneyim eksiklikleri bulunduğuna dikkat çekmişlerdir

    Innovative Instructional Tools in Vocabulary and Grammar Teaching

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    Rise of technological tools and the COVID-19 pandemic, technology has become an important part of daily life, including teaching and learning activities. The use of innovative tools in teaching grammar and vocabulary has been a controversial issue for a long time. The urgent need for such instructional tools has made it a significant part of language learning classes. Regarding these needs, the study focused on innovative instructional grammar and vocabulary teaching tools in English language teaching settings. The study%252339%253Bs main purpose was to investigate the differences between the setting where innovative instructional tools for grammar and vocabulary teaching were used and the setting in which only traditional methodologies were used to teach grammar and vocabulary. The study took place in a public university in Türkiye and 76 major beginner-level students participated in the study. The study was a quantitative study which has a pre-test and post-test design and a comparison of control and experimental groups. Results suggested a significant difference in vocabulary and grammar achievement between two groups

    The effects of cultural familiarity on reading comprehension

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    This study investigated whether cultural familiarity influences comprehension of short stories and whether nativizing the story or using reading activities can compensate for the lack of such familiarity. The study was conducted with 44 advanced-level students of English at a state university in Turkey. In a 2 × 2 experimental research design, the 1st group of students read an original short story without any activities while the 2nd group of students read the original short story with some activities. The 3rd group read the nativized version of the text without any activities while the 4th group read the nativized version with the same set of activities as the 2nd group. The analysis of variance indicated a better comprehension of the nativized story. The activities contributed to the comprehension of the original story, but the difference caused by nativization remained intact, indicating a powerful impact of cultural schema on comprehension

    İran'ın Güneybatısında yer alan cyprinus carpio ve ctenopharyngodon i̇della'daki dactylogyrus türlerinin morfolojik ve moleküler tespiti

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    Monogeneans gill parasites of the diversified Dactylogyrus genus are host-specific to freshwater fish of the Cyprinidae family. Accurate detection of various Dactylogyrus species is very time-consuming and requires highly experienced personnel; to overcome this problem, the genomic DNA technology has been recently used to detect Dactylogyrus spp. In this study, 23 Cyprinus carpio and 19 Ctenopharyngodon idella isolates were collected from different farms and local markets of Ahvaz, southwest of Iran. The gill arches of each fish were carefully examined under a light microscope. Dactylogyrus species was identified morphologically. Identical species were kept in ethanol for molecular study. Molecular analysis was performed using amplification of the ITS-1 region of the ribosomal RNA gene of the parasite. Then, the amplified PCR products were sequenced. The aligned nucleotide sequences were analyzed to construct the phylogenetic tree of the identified species. The results revealed two lineages including D. extensus isolated from common carp and D. lamellatus taken from grass carp fish. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the detected D. extensus and D. lamellatus isolates from Khuzestan region were clustered with some Iranian (Guilan), Chinese and Czech isolates. Importing fingerlings from Guilan Province could lead to introducing monogenean infections to native cyprinid fish.Çeşitlendirilmiş Dactylogyrus cinsinin solungaç monojenleri, Cyprinidae ailesinin tatlı su balıklarına ev sahipliğine özgüdür. Çeşitli Dactylogyrus türlerinin doğru tespiti çok zaman alıcı olduğundan ve çok deneyimli personel gerektirdiğinden, genomik DNA teknolojisi son zamanlarda Dactylogyrus spp. Bu çalışmada, Güneybatı İran'ın Ahvaz'ın farklı çiftliklerinden ve yerel pazarlarından 23 Cyprinus carpio ve 19 Ctenopharyngodon idella toplandı. Her balığın solungaç kemerleri, ışık mikroskobu altında dikkatle incelenir. Dactylogyrus türlerinin morfolojik olarak tanımlanması morfolojik olarak belirlenmiştir. benzer türler moleküler çalışma için etanol içinde tutuldu. Moleküler analiz, parazitin ribozomal RNA geninin ITS-1 bölgesinin amplifikasyonu kullanılarak yapıldı. Daha sonra amplifiye PCR ürünleri dizildi. Hizalanmış nükleotit sekansları, tanımlanan türlerin filogenetik ağacını yürütmek için analiz edilir. Sonuçlar, ortak sazandan izole edilen D. extensus ve çim sazan balıklarından alınan D. lamellatus da dahil olmak üzere iki soyun ortaya çıktığını göstermiştir. Filogenetik analiz, Khuzestan bölgesinden tespit edilen D. extensus ve D. lamellatus izolatlarının bazı İran (Guilan), Çin ve Çek Cumhuriyeti izolatlarıyla kümelendiğini gösterdi. Guilan Eyaletinden balıkların ithal edilmesi, yerli Cyprinid balıklarına monojenik enfeksiyonların ortaya çıkmasına neden olabilir

    Management Course Academic Achievement Averages of First Class Nursing Students

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    Giriş: Etkili iletişim kurabilme, bireyi anlama ve yardım etme gibi beceriler hemşirenin eğitim süreci içerisinde kazanması gerekendavranışlardır. Hemşireler bakım verirken etkili iletişim ve empati becerilerini kullanarak hastaların gereksinimlerini daha doğrusaptamaktadır. Böylelikle hastanın hastalık ve tedavi sürecine uyumu artmakta, sağlığı olumlu yönde etkilenmekte ve daha kısa süredehastaneden taburcu olmaktadır. Amaç: Bu çalışma hemşirelik birinci sınıf öğrencilerinin empatik eğilim, empati ve iletişim becerileri ilekendini tanıma ve iletişim yönetimi dersi (KTİY) akademik başarı puanı ortalaması arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek üzere tanımlayıcı olarakyapılmıştır. Yöntem: Veriler, Kişisel Bilgi Formu, İletişim Becerilerini Değerlendirme Ölçeği (İBDÖ), Empatik Eğilim Ölçeği (EEÖ) veEmpatik Beceri Ölçeği-B Formu (EBÖ) aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Bulguların değerlendirilmesinde yüzdelik, t-testi, pearson korelasyonanalizi yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Araştırma katılan öğrencilerinin yaş ortalaması 18.08 ± 1.59 yıldır. Öğrencilerin annelerinin%73.2'si, babalarının %58.9'u ilkokul mezunudur. Öğrencilerin %35.7'si daha önce iletişimle ilgili bilgi almıştır. Öğrencilerin EEÖ puanortalaması 75.91 ± 8.35, EBÖ puan ortalaması 131.05 ± 14.82, İBDÖ puan ortalaması 81.10 ± 7.63, Kendini Tanıma ve İletişim Yönetimidersi akademik başarı puanı ortalaması 66.16 ± 6.31 olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Çalışmada, öğrencilerin empatik beceri puan ortalaması ileKTİY dersi akademik başarı puanı ortalaması arasında pozitif yönde ve istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Background: Establishment of effective communication, understanding of individual and being able to help should be among the skills ofthe nurses acquired during education. Nurses while caring the patients with effective communication and empathy they can establish patientsrequirements more correctly. As a result of this, patient adaptation and treatment adjustment can improve and health of the patient is affectedpositively and the patient can be discharge in a shorter time. Objectives: This study was done to establish the relationship between the firstyears nursing students emphatic tendency, empathy and communication skills with self knowledge and communication management courseacademic achievement averages. Methods: Data were collected by Individual Information Form and Communication Skills Assessing Scale,Emphatic Tendency Scale and Emphatic Skill Scale-B Form. Percentage, t test and Pearson correlation analysis were used for analysis of thedata. Results: Average age of the students who took part in the research is 18.08 ± 1.59. Students mother's 73.2 %, father's 58.9% primaryschool graduates respectively. Students 35.7 % took communication information before. Emphatic Tendency point averages of the students75.91 ± 8.35, Emphatic Skill point averages of the students was 131.05 ± 14.82. Communication Skills average point was 81.10 ± 7.63, selfknowledge and communication management course academic achievement average point was 66.16 ± 6.31. Conclusion: In this study therewas statistical positively significant relationship between of self knowledge and communication management course academic achievementaverage point and emphatic skills average point

    Changing practice: an evaluation of the impact of a nature of science inquiry-based professional development programme on primary teachers

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     This study investigates how a two-year continuing professional development (CPD) programme, with an emphasis on teaching about science through inquiry, impacted the experiences of, approaches to and attitudes towards teaching science of 17 primary teachers in Dublin. Data sources included interview, questionnaire and reflective journal strategies. Data gathering focussed primarily on enabling teachers to reflect on their experiences of teaching about science through inquiry while implementing the Irish primary science curriculum. Teachers were also asked to consider their own changes in teaching science, as change in practice is a key indicator of successful professional intervention. Encouragingly the findings have shown that participation in this CPD programme appears to have been central to empowering these Dublin teachers to break away from rather traditional, didactic, theory-laden views of science teaching and to tackle more child-led, openended modes of learning. The data also revealed a number of aspects of the CPD model which the teachers perceived to be beneficial at translating inquiry into their classrooms, in particular: the active, hands-on approaches; the collaboration and the duration of the CPD itself. Based on the findings of this study, implications for professional development are considered

    Testing of Support Tools for Plagiarism Detection

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    There is a general belief that software must be able to easily do things that humans find difficult. Since finding sources for plagiarism in a text is not an easy task, there is a wide-spread expectation that it must be simple for software to determine if a text is plagiarized or not. Software cannot determine plagiarism, but it can work as a support tool for identifying some text similarity that may constitute plagiarism. But how well do the various systems work? This paper reports on a collaborative test of 15 web-based text-matching systems that can be used when plagiarism is suspected. It was conducted by researchers from seven countries using test material in eight different languages, evaluating the effectiveness of the systems on single-source and multi-source documents. A usability examination was also performed. The sobering results show that although some systems can indeed help identify some plagiarized content, they clearly do not find all plagiarism and at times also identify non-plagiarized material as problematic

    Language and intercultural communication

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    This study intends to highlight the role that Foreign Language Education (FLE), particularly in the Higher Education context, can play so as to contribute to the rapprochement of two distant and still mutually unknown countries such as Portugal and Turkey. In this sense, it ultimately aims at supporting the training of intercultural speakers, capable of promoting an effective Intercultural Dialogue between the two countries. A diagnosis is presented of the reciprocal images of Portuguese and Turkish students learning each other’s language and culture. Conclusions are drawn on how their self- and hetero-images may pertain on the construction of their identities, on their awareness about and attitudes towards each other, on their motivation to learn each other’s language, and on intercultural communication itself. Allying the study of Images of Languages and Cultures and the concept of Intercultural Competence in the study of students’ representations within the FLE research tradition, a content analysis was carried out of the responses given to an inquiry by questionnaire. Conative implications of the students’ images as revealed in the results were pointed out. Some important distinctions are highlighted in the reciprocal images of both groups. On this basis, recommendations for FLE are made focusing on the positive reconstruction of students’ reciprocal images.Este estudo pretende destacar o papel do Ensino de Línguas Estrangeiras (ELE), no contexto do Ensino Superior, na aproximação de dois países distantes e ainda mutuamente desconhecidos como são Portugal e a Turquia. Visa-se, em última instância, fomentar a formação de falantes interculturais capazes de promover um efetivo Diálogo Intercultural entre os dois países. É feito um diagnóstico das imagens recíprocas de dois grupos de estudantes portugueses e turcos a estudarem a língua e a cultura um do outro. São tiradas conclusões sobre as implicações das respetivas auto- e hetero-imagens na sua construção identitária, conscientização e atitudes relativamente ao Outro, na sua motivação para o estudo da língua da sua contraparte e na própria comunicação intercultural. Com base na conjugação do conceito de Imagens de Línguas e Culturas com o conceito de Competência Intercultural no estudo das representações dos alunos na tradição investigativa em ELE, realizou-se uma análise de conteúdo das respostas a um inquérito por questionário, sendo apontadas as implicações conativas das imagens recíprocas dos participantes tal como as revelam os resultados. Com base nas diferenças observadas nas imagens recíprocas de ambos os grupos, são feitas recomendações relativamente à ELE com enfoque na reconstrução positiva destas imagens