31 research outputs found

    Iron deficiency-induced thrombocytosis increases thrombotic tendency in rats

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    Iron deficiency (ID) is globally prevalent, and apart from anemia is associated with thrombocytosis. While considered benign, studies linking thrombotic events with prior ID anemia suggest otherwise. Herein we used animal models to assess the influence of ID on thrombotic tendency. Sprague-Dawley rats were fed control or iron deficient diets and ferric carboxymaltose was used to reverse ID. Thrombosis was induced via stenosis of the inferior vena cava or damage to the right carotid artery using ferric chloride. Thrombi were evaluated histologically and via high frequency ultrasound in the venous model. ID consistently induced thrombocytosis alongside anemia. Venous thrombus growth and final dimensions in both arterial and venous thrombi were largest in ID. In both models, platelet numbers correlated with the final thrombus size, with ID thrombi having the largest platelet areas. Platelet function was also evaluated in surgically naive rats. Coagulability on thromboelastography and hemostasis on tail transection were augmented in ID. Platelet and plasma P-selectin expression were both higher in ID. Platelet adhesion and aggregation in ID was impaired under shear flow but was intact on static assays. Iron replacement therapy reversed all ID-related changes in hematological parameters, thrombus dimensions, and platelet assays. In summary, ID alone increases thrombotic tendency. Iron replacement therapy reverses these changes, making it a viable strategy for prevention of ID-related thrombotic disease. This may be of importance in patients with chronic illnesses which may already be at increased risk for thrombosis such as inflammatory bowel disease, chronic kidney disease, or cancer

    PAK1 modulates a PPARγ/NF-κB cascade in intestinal inflammation

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    P21-activated kinases (PAKs) are multifunctional effectors of Rho GTPases with both kinase and scaffolding activity. Here, we investigated the effects of inflammation on PAK1 signaling and its role in colitis-driven carcinogenesis. PAK1 and p-PAK1 (Thr423) were assessed by immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and Western blot. C57BL6/J wildtype mice were treated with a single intraperitoneal TNFα injection. Small intestinal organoids from these mice and from PAK1-KO mice were cultured with TNFα. NF-κB and PPARγ were analyzed upon PAK1 overexpression and silencing for transcriptional/translational regulation. PAK1 expression and activation was increased on the luminal intestinal epithelial surface in inflammatory bowel disease and colitis-associated cancer. PAK1 was phosphorylated upon treatment with IFNγ, IL-1β, and TNFα. In vivo, mice administered with TNFα showed increased p-PAK1 in intestinal villi, which was associated with nuclear p65 and NF-κB activation. p65 nuclear translocation downstream of TNFα was strongly inhibited in PAK1-KO small intestinal organoids. PAK1 overexpression induced a PAK1–p65 interaction as visualized by co-immunoprecipitation, nuclear translocation, and increased NF-κB transactivation, all of which were impeded by kinase-dead PAK1. Moreover, PAK1 overexpression downregulated PPARγ and mesalamine recovered PPARγ through PAK1 inhibition. On the other hand PAK1 silencing inhibited NF-κB, which was recovered using BADGE, a PPARγ antagonist. Altogether these data demonstrate that PAK1 overexpression and activation in inflammation and colitis-associated cancer promote NF-κB activity via suppression of PPARγ in intestinal epithelial cells

    Effect of Iron Therapy on Platelet Counts in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Associated Anemia

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    Secondary thrombocytosis is a clinical feature of unknown significance. In inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), thrombocytosis is considered a marker of active disease; however, iron deficiency itself may trigger platelet generation. In this study we tested the effect of iron therapy on platelet counts in patients with IBD-associated anemia.Platelet counts were analyzed before and after iron therapy from four prospective clinical trials. Further, changes in hemoglobin, transferrin saturation, ferritin, C-reactive protein, and leukocyte counts, before and after iron therapy were compared. In a subgroup the effect of erythropoietin treatment was tested. The results were confirmed in a large independent cohort (FERGIcor).A total of 308 patient records were available for the initial analysis. A dose-depended drop in platelet counts (mean 425 G/L to 320 G/L; p<0.001) was found regardless of the type of iron preparation (iron sulphate, iron sucrose, or ferric carboxymaltose). Concomitant erythropoietin therapy as well as parameters of inflammation (leukocyte counts, C-reactive protein) had no effect on the change in platelet counts. This effect of iron therapy on platelets was confirmed in the FERGIcor study cohort (n=448, mean platelet counts before iron therapy: 383 G/L, after: 310 G/L, p<0.001).Iron therapy normalizes elevated platelet counts in patients with IBD-associated anemia. Thus, iron deficiency is an important pathogenetic mechanism of secondary thrombocytosis in IBD

    Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift / Eisenmangel, Thrombozytose und Thromboembolie

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    Eisenmangel, die häufigste Mangelerscheinung weltweit, ist häufig mit einer reaktiven Thrombozytose assoziiert. Während eine sekundäre Thrombozytose generell als harmlos angesehen wird, mehren sich die Hinweise dafür, dass eine Thrombozytenanzahlerhöhung insbesondere bei Eisenmangel mit einem erhöhten Thromboembolierisiko sowohl im arteriellen als auch im venösen System assoziiert sein kann. Hier werden die Mechanismen der eiseninduzierten Thrombozytose geschildert und die klinischen Konsequenzen insbesondere bei Patienten mit chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen, chronischer Niereninsuffizienz oder malignen Erkrankungen analysiert. Wir hypothetisieren, dass Eisenmangel ein bis jetzt unterschätzter Thromboembolierisikofaktor darstellt, und dass Eisenersatztherapie eine effektive präventive Strategie sein kann.Iron deficiency, the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide, is often associated with reactive thrombocytosis. Although secondary thrombocytosis is commonly considered to be harmless, there is accumulating evidence that elevated platelet counts, especially in the setting of iron deficiency, can lead to an increased thromboembolic risk in both arterial and venous systems. Here we present the mechanisms of iron deficiency-induced thrombocytosis and summarize its clinical consequences especially in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases, chronic kidney disease or cancer. We hypothesize that iron deficiency is an underestimated thromboembolic risk factor, and that iron replacement therapy can become an effective preventive strategy in a variety of clinical settings.(VLID)348272

    The changes in platelet counts in the FERGIcor trial.

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    <p>(A) Platelet counts pre and post iron therapy according to the iron preparation (black column – ferric carboxymaltose n=228, grey column – iron sucrose n=220), p<0.001 pre vs. post for both iron preparations. (B) Mean drop in platelets upon iron therapy according to the cumulative iron dose (p<0.001). Group 800–1200 mg n=228, group 1201–2000 mg n=220. Error bars represent standard deviation.</p