356 research outputs found

    Inventarisasi dan Identifikasi Objek Daya Tarik Wisata dalam Perencanaan Pariwisata Wakatobi: Inventory and Identification of Tourism Attractions in Wakatobi Tourism Planning

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    Wakatobi's prestige has recently dimmed compared to other similar tourism areas in Indonesia. Carrying the theme of a real underwater paradise in the center of the world's coral triangle, it is sometimes slipped by local people as hell on land. The cause of this phenomenon is the lack of understanding on the power of objects, especially objects in terrestrial areas, whereas tourists who come to Wakatobi spend time not only under the sea, but also more time on land. The aims of this study were to provide information about tourist attractions in Wakatobi in terms of originality, authenticity, uniqueness, diversity, and beauty. Data and information were collected by means of document searches and interviews with key informants. The result showed that Wakatobi cannot be viewed as just one place but the four major islands that compose it. In general, natural, historical, and cultural tourism are spread throughout the islands in Wakatobi. Icons that can be highlighted as strengths of each of the four main islands include dolphin migration attraction in Wangi-Wangi, historical and cultural heritage attractions, especially the Lariangi Dance in Kaledupa, underwater beauty in Tomia, and geological landscape of the rock garden in Binongko. All tourist attractions in Wakatobi shall be connected with the strengthening of infrastructure, which currently seems to be concentrated in the capital only


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    Cosmos sulphureus Cav. Known as a horticultural plant that has many benefits. Several studies reported its benefits as a vegetable plant, natural coloring, biopesticide, apiary, therapeutic plant, and ornamental plants. Research on its function as a landscape plant is still rarely studied. Though this plant has a characteristic of growth that is different from other types of cosmos/kenikir. This study aims to assess the appearance of leaves and canopy of C. sulphureus plants as landscape plant in organic and inorganic fertilizing. The analytical methods used in this study were chi-square, Kendall's W test, scenic beauty estimation, semantic differential, and paired comparison. The results shows fertilized of C. sulphureus leaf and canopy appearance significantly differ than not fertilized C. sulphureus. Fertilization with organic fertilizer shows the preferred results by 36 respondents because it has impression of height on its appearance


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    bstrak: Masyarakat Buton Wolio memiliki apresiasi yang tinggi terhadap lanskap yang dibuktikan dari persepsi dan produk budaya seperti linguistik dan kesenian. Artikel ini mencoba untuk mendalami hal tersebut melalui lagu daerah tradisional Buton Wolio. Adapun tujuannya untuk menggali ekpresi sebagai wujud apresiasi terhadap lanskap melalui lagu daerah Buton Wolio. Tahapan yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini terdiri atas empat yaitu pengumpulan data, transkripsi, translasi, dan analisis yang dilakukan secara deskriptif. Faktor-faktor yang yang menjadi fokus ekspresi terdiri atas enam aspek yaitu pengaruh lima panca indra, warna, pemandangan, tanaman lanskap, waktu, dan deskripsi mengenai sistem ekologi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga belas lagu daerah tradisional Buton Wolio yang berdasarkan ekspresi lanskapnya dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok. Adapun pembagiannya tiga lagu mengekpresikan lanskap secara langsung, tujuh lagu mengekspresikan lanskap secara tidak langsung, dan dua lagu tidak mengekspresikan lanskap. Lagu yang mengekspresikan lanskap secara langsung menceritakan keindahan lanskap dari titik pandang di Kota Baubau. Lagu yang mengekspresikan lanskap secara tidak langsung umumnya berisikan nasehat, kesedihan, penyemangat, dan sindirian dengan mempersonafikasi lanskap agar mudah dibayangkan dan dipahami oleh pendengar. Melalui lagu daerah tardisional juga memberikan gambaran bentuk lanskap di Buton khususnya Kota Baubau pada masa lampau.Abstract:  Previous research has reported that the Buton Wolio community has a high appreciation of the landscape as evidenced by perceptions and cultural products such as linguistics and art. This article tries to explore this matter through the traditional folk song of Buton Wolio. The goal is to explore expressions as an appreciation for the landscape through the folk song of Buton Wolio. The stages carried out in this study consisted of four, namely data collection, transcription, translation, and analysis carried out descriptively. The factors that become the focus of expression consist of six, namely the influence of the five senses, color, scenery, landscape plants, time, and a description of the ecological system. Based on the results found, there are third teen traditional folk songs of Buton Wolio which are divided into three groups based on their landscape expressions. Three songs express landscapes directly, seven songs express landscapes indirectly and two songs do not express landscapes. The song that expresses the landscape directly tells the beauty of the landscape from a vantage point in Baubau City. Songs that express landscapes indirectly generally contain advice, sadness, encouragement, and satire by personifying the landscape so that it is easy to imagine and understand by listener. Through traditional folk songs, it also provides an overview of the landscape in Buton, especially Baubau City in the past

    A Three Dimensional Lattice of Ion Traps

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    We propose an ion trap configuration such that individual traps can be stacked together in a three dimensional simple cubic arrangement. The isolated trap as well as the extended array of ion traps are characterized for different locations in the lattice, illustrating the robustness of the lattice of traps concept. Ease in the addressing of ions at each lattice site, individually or simultaneously, makes this system naturally suitable for a number of experiments. Application of this trap to precision spectroscopy, quantum information processing and the study of few particle interacting system are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 Figures. Fig 1 appears as a composite of 1a, 1b, 1c and 1d. Fig 2 appears as a composite of 2a, 2b and 2


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    Each year, Chinatown of Bogor Municipality as heritage city whichis located on Suryakencana - Siliwangi Road usually hold Cap Go Meh celebration. By 2013, this tradition was held again by the name of Bogor Street Festival. The rapid development and an increasing number of vehicles became a problem in this activity. Based on the description of the problem, it is necessary to plan the Suryakencana-Siliwangi Road as a space of cultural interpretation in the Chinatown area of Bogor, in order to obtain an act of preservation and development of cultural activities in order to avoid loss of quality in the cultural activities. The results of this study are obtained by an appropriate planning concepts for the Chinatown area of Bogor especially Suryakencana – Siliwangi’sstreetscape as cultural path. The concepts are improving the function of space planning and optimizing the use of the existing space to support the Cap Go Meh celebration in order to provide the knowledge, experience, comfort and satisfaction for the participants and visitors. This concept was then developed into the concept of circulation and concept of space then overlaid to produce an appropriate block pla


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    Kemuning (Murraya paniculata) dapat digunakan sebagai obat tradisional. Banyak penelitian mengenai fitofarmakologi kemuning tapi tidak pada penelitian mengenai budidaya. Penelitian dilaksanakan sejak Oktober 2011 sampai Maret 2012 di Gunung Batu, Bogor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi komposisi media dan aplikasi fertigasi dengan pupuk organik terhadap kandungan bioaktif daun kemuning. Penelitian menggunakan analisis kualitatif fitokimia pada daun kemuning. Perlakuan yang diberikan komposisi media tanah latosol Darmaga + arang sekam padi (1:1) v/v tanpa fertigasi; komposisi media tanah latosol Darmaga + arang sekam padi + pupuk kandang kambing (1:1:1) v/v dan aplikasi fertigasi dengan kotoran kambing; komposisi media dengan tanah latosol Darmaga + arang sekam padi + pupuk kandang kambing (1:1:1) v/v dan aplikasi fertigasi dengan pupuk kandang kotoran ayam; komposisi media tanah latosol Darmaga + arang sekam padi + kotoran ayam (1:1:1 ) v/v dan aplikasi fertigasi dengan kotoran kambing; komposisi media tanah latosol Darmaga + arang sekam padi + kotoran ayam (1:1:1) v/v dan aplikasi fertigasi dengan pupuk kandang ayam. Konsentrasi yang digunakan untuk fertigasi yaitu satu kg pupuk organik per lima liter air, dengan dosis 60 ml per tanaman, dan diaplikasikan setiap dua minggu. Hasil penelitian analisis kualitatif fitokimia menunjukkan bahwa daun kemuning mengandung steroid yang paling tinggi, dan diikuti saponin, flavonoid, tanin, dan alkaloid


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    ABSTRACTThere is a problem that is frequently complained by the nursery which usually cultivated orange jessamine (Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack) from seed as a landscape plant. The problem is orange jessamine usually flowering although the size of the plants are still very small (about 5 cm) and even only has two leafs. These condition tends to be less favorable for the nursery because the orange jessamine grows slow because of vegetative growth was delayed due to the generative growth is underway. This study aims to see how important the presence of orange jessamine flowers in the nursery and how its relationship with branching, plant height, numberof leaves and number of leaflets. This research used a simple linear regression analysis and correlation of 150 orange jessamine plant seeds. The results showed only the correlation of the amount of flowers with plant height that has no significant correlation. Nevertheless, the presence of flowers in the nursery remains important because every increase in the number of flowers, there is also an increase in the number of branch, number of leaf, and number of leaflet.Keywords: Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack, rutaceae, flowers, landscape plants, plant nurser

    Evaluasi Daya Tarik Wisata di Kebun Raya Cibodas dalam Sudut Pandang Kualitas Visual

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    This research was motivated by the diversity of natural and artificial resources in Cibodas Botanical Garden which has a visual quality of landscape beauty that becomes a tourist attraction. This study aims to determine the value of visual quality of tourist attractions in Cibodas Botanical Garden. The method used was a quantitative descriptive approach. Data obtained from observation and literature study and distributing questionnaires to respondents using a sample of 100 people using the Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) method. The assessment was carried out on thirteen tourist attractions of Cibodas Botanical Garden which consisted of Decorative Garden Galleries, Sakura Gardens, Cibogo Waterfall, Ciismun Waterfall, Lumut and Amorphophalus Gardens, Greenhouses, Paku-pakuan Collection, Guest House, Rhododendron Garden, Medicinal Plants Collection, Liana Garden, Large Pond and Semar Pocket House. The total visual assessed was 26 landscapes. Based on the assessment obtained, it shows the tourist attraction landscape that gets the highest visual quality (SBE) value, namely Landscape 12 with a value of 100.53, which is included in the classification of "high visual quality" from the landscape of the Cibodas Botanical Garden Large Pool. A total of 22 landscapes categorized as high visual quality and 4 landscapes categorized as moderate visual quality. No landscape categorized as low visual quality. Thus, the Cibodas Botanical Garden Landscape has great strength in supporting its function as a conservation tourism object in Indonesia but it still needs some landscape arrangement in some spots. Keywords: Cibodas Botanical Garden, scenic beauty estimation, tourist attractions, visual qualityThis research was motivated by the diversity of natural and artificial resources in Cibodas Botanical Garden which has a visual quality of landscape beauty that becomes a tourist attraction. This study aims to determine the value of visual quality of tourist attractions in Cibodas Botanical Garden. The method used was a quantitative descriptive approach. Data obtained from observation and literature study and distributing questionnaires to respondents using a sample of 100 people using the Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) method. The assessment was carried out on thirteen tourist attractions of Cibodas Botanical Garden which consisted of Decorative Garden Galleries, Sakura Gardens, Cibogo Waterfall, Ciismun Waterfall, Lumut and Amorphophalus Gardens, Greenhouses, Paku-pakuan Collection, Guest House, Rhododendron Garden, Medicinal Plants Collection, Liana Garden, Large Pond and Semar Pocket House. The total visual assessed was 26 landscapes. Based on the assessment obtained, it shows the tourist attraction landscape that gets the highest visual quality (SBE) value, namely Landscape 12 with a value of 100.53, which is included in the classification of "high visual quality" from the landscape of the Cibodas Botanical Garden Large Pool. A total of 22 landscapes categorized as high visual quality and 4 landscapes categorized as moderate visual quality. No landscape categorized as low visual quality. Thus, the Cibodas Botanical Garden Landscape has great strength in supporting its function as a conservation tourism object in Indonesia but it still needs some landscape arrangement in some spots. Keywords: Cibodas Botanical Garden, scenic beauty estimation, tourist attractions, visual qualit


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    The military settlement (ksatrian), is an area where soldiers live with their families. Arrangements within military settlement generally feature a firm, rigid, static and monotonous to maintain private boundaries. But often the boundaries become unclear because in the public areas are also found the same ambiance. Not optimal use of public space due to the citizens' resentment becomes the trigger of the problem. To re-optimize the role of public space in the life of the citizens of ksatrian, an analysis is needed to perform a rearrangement based on the needs of the user, physical facilities, thermal comfort and visual aesthetic. This research through 3 (three) stages that is location observation, behavior setting analysis with person-centered mapping approach and recommendation in 4 (four) location observation. Prominent activities found in all public spaces are cycling, chatting, running, feeding children, playing kites, playing jump rope, soccer, and basketball. In each observation area found activity that is not in accordance with the function of the space. The mismatched landscape usage is caused by the non-fulfillment of recreational facilities that the residents need. Proper landscape element arrangement can result in good interaction between users and the landscape as a basis for improving the quality of the battalionThe military settlement (ksatrian), is an area where soldiers live with their families. Arrangements within military settlement generally feature a firm, rigid, static and monotonous to maintain private boundaries. But often the boundaries become unclear because in the public areas are also found the same ambiance. Not optimal use of public space due to the citizens' resentment becomes the trigger of the problem. To re-optimize the role of public space in the life of the citizens of ksatrian, an analysis is needed to perform a rearrangement based on the needs of the user, physical facilities, thermal comfort and visual aesthetic. This research through 3 stages that is location observation, behavior setting analysis with person-centered mapping approach and recommendation in 4 location observation. Prominent activities found in all public spaces are cycling, chatting, running, feeding children, playing kites, playing jump rope, soccer, and basketball. In each observation area found activity that is not in accordance with the function of the space. The mismatched landscape usage is caused by the non-fulfillment of recreational facilities that the residents need. Proper landscape element arrangement can result in good interaction between users and the landscape as a basis for improving the quality of the battalion