17 research outputs found

    Perilaku Asosiatif Siswa Sekolah Dasar Melalui Pendekatan Bermain Dalam Konteks Pembelajaran PJKO

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    Social competence is the ability of teachers to relate to the environment of the school community and outside school, teachers are able to get along, communicate, serve the community well, support the creativity of the community, and maintain the emotions and behavior that is not good in the community. With behaviors that can be imitated, the figure of the teacher becomes a parameter of the behavior of the community. This social competence must be the hallmark of the teacher in positioning himself with the community, every move and step of the teacher always gets attention. The change in social relations through physical education activities is the creation of a close sense of unity between learning process actors and the relationship between teacher and student will be better. This happens if the teacher is able to present teaching materials that are appropriate t

    Promosi Olahraga Tinju Adat Etu Sebagai Pariwisata Tahunan di Kecamatan Boawae Kabupaten Nagekeo

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    This study aims to determine how the implementation of Etu traditional boxing in Bhoawae sub-district and the promotion of this sport as a type of tourism in Nagekeo district, East Nusa Tenggara. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with 4 informants as the subject of the study. The data collection technique was carried out by in-depth interviews, documentation and observation. Data were analyzed using Miles Huberman's interactive analysis model. The results showed that the procedures for implementing the traditional Etu Boxing were carried out by traditional rituals and traditional dances. Boxers wear special equipment such as headbands, tai kolo, dhese and you gauze. Each round will end if one of the boxers has bleeding which symbolizes fertility. In conclusion, Etu is a boxing attraction that involves traditional rituals as an expression of gratitude for the people of the Bhoawae traditional village in welcoming the harvest, while the Etu promotion form currently being pursued by the government Nagekeo area is by making video story telling Keywords: Boxing, Adat Etu, Sports Promotion, Touris

    The Role of PJOK Teacher in Preventing the Transmission of Covid 19 at SD Inpres Nggemo, Maukaro District Ende District

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    The problem in this research is the effort to prevent Covid-19 at SD Inpres Nggemo and what is the role of PJOK teachers in preventing transmission of Covid-19 at SD Inpres Nggemo, Maukaro District. Nggemo, Maukaro District. The approach that the researcher uses in this study is qualitative, namely an approach that tries to understand the individual meaning of the subject under study. The subjects of this study consisted of informants, namely PJOK teachers and students at SD Inpres Nggemo, Maukaro sub-district. In obtaining the data, the researcher used interview, observation and documentation techniques.The results of this study indicate that the role of the PJOK teacher at SD Inpres Nggemo during this pandemic is very good, because not only as a teacher but the role of the PJOK teacher as a facilitator who must provide learning motivation for students so that students remain enthusiastic in participating in learning at school by complying with the protocol. health during the Covid-19 pandemic.     &nbsp

    Penggunaan Pembelajaran Kontekstual untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Pada Peserta Didik Kelas IV SDK Riangpadu Kecamatan Adonara Barat Kabupaten Flores Timur

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    The problems in this study are (1) how is the use of contextual learning in science subjects class IV SDK Riangpadu, Adonara Barat District, East Flores Regency? (2) how is the science learning outcomes for students in grade IV SDK Riangpadu after using contextual learning ?. The objectives to be achieved in this study are to determine (1) the use of contextual learning in science subjects class IV SDK Riangpadu, Adonara Barat District, East Flores Regency. (2) science learning outcomes in grade IV SDK Riangpadu students after using contextual learning. This type of research used in this research is Classroom Action Research. The subjects in this study were 9 students of grade IV SDK Riangpadu. Data collection methods used in this study were observation, interviews, tests, and documentation. The results showed that the application of learning models in learning science in class IV SDK Riangpadu can improve student learning activities. This is indicated in the first cycle of student activity observation obtained a percentage value of 53.33%, cycle II a percentage value of 76.67%. And the learning outcomes of students in learning the Grade IV SDK Riangpadu SDK after applying the contextual learning model an increase. This can be seen from the average pre test of students by 64.44 increasing in the first cycle to 68.89, and an increase in the second cycle to 84.4

    Peningkatan Kunjungan Pariwisata dan Perekonomian Masyarakat Kabupaten Ende melalui Olahraga Bersepeda Tour De Flores

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in tourist visits and the impact on business actors in improving the community's economy. The research approach used qualitative descriptive methods to determine the increase in regional tourism through the Tour de Flores cycling sporting event. From research, it is known that with the implementation of the Tour de Flores, tourism in Ende Regency has increased from the previous year. The Tour de Flores cycling sport can indirectly achieve its goals, one of which is to improve people's living standards and improve public facilities and facilities. However, it cannot be denied that this increase has not been fully felt by the people of Flores, especially those in Ende Regency. The problems of the government and related institutions must be carried out optimally through increasing human resources, the economy, sports infrastructure and regional tourism innovation prioritizing HR, economic and other aspects. Keywords: Cycling Sports, Tourist Visit, Economy


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    ABSTRAKIndonesia kerap menghadapi berbagai macam bencana yang datang silih berganti. Gempa bumi, tsunami, banjir, longsor, gunung meletus dan Kebakaraan kerap terjadi di Indonesia. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kondisi geografis Indonesia khususnya propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Kabupaten Ende yang sangat rawan bencana. Potensi bencana di Kabupaten Ende sangat besar karena kondisi geografis, geologis, hidrologis, dan demografis yang sangat berperan dalam terjadinya bencana. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah bagaimana partisipasi kepedulian Mahasiswa program mata kuliah Pramuka Prodi PGSD Universitas Flores terhadap korban bencana alam kebakaran rumah adat di desa Ngelaa .Hasil kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa bagaimana perhatian dan kepedualian mahasiswa untuk membantu sesama umat manusia yang terkenah musibah bencana Alam Kebakaran Rumah Adat di Desa Ngella, Masyarakat juga  mendapatkan Santun untuk keperluan mereka yang mengalami musibah,karena kepedulian Mahasiswa inisiatif untuk mengalang dana untuk mengurangi beban yang di alami masyarakat Rumah adat Desa Nggela. Kata Kunci : penyaluran bantuan; keterpenuhan korban bencana ABSTRACTIndonesia often faces various kinds of disasters that come and go. Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions and fires often occur in Indonesia. This is due to the geographical condition of Indonesia, especially the province of East Nusa Tenggara, Ende Regency which is very prone to disasters. The potential for disaster in Ende Regency is very large because of the geographical, geological, hydrological and demographic conditions that play a big role in the occurrence of disasters. The purpose of this activity is how the participation of students in the Scout program of the PGSD Study Program at the University of Flores towards victims of natural disasters from the fire of a traditional house in Ngelaa village. The results of community service activities show that the attention and concern of students to help fellow human beings who are hit by natural disasters Fire of the Traditional House in Ngella Village, the community also gets Santun for the needs of those who experience disaster, because of the student's concern for the initiative to raise funds to reduce the burden experienced by the community of the Nggela Village traditional house. Keywords: distribution of aid; disaster victim fulfillmen


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    ABSTRAKBakti sosial atau lebih dikenal dengan baksos ini merupakan suatu kegiatan wujud dari kepedulian atau rasa kemanusiaan terhadap sesama manusia. Dimana dengan adanya kegiatan ini kita dapat merekatkan rasa kekerabatan kita terhadap orang lain. Bakti dapat diartikan sebagai pengikatan (mengikatkan) diri kepada diri atau diri-diri lainnya. Ikatan Dosen Karyawan dan Mahasiswa Islam Universitas Flores (IDKMUF), ini berupa kepedulian, perasaan tanggungjawab terhadap kehidupan sesama. Bakti social dapat berarti memberi sesuatu (kepada yang butuh pemberian). Oleh karena itu,tujuan dari kegiataan ini Dosen Karyawan dan Mahasiswa Musim Universitas Flores,tergabung dalam ( IDKMUF). berusaha untuk membantu sesama yang kurang mampu dalam bentuk sumbangan santunan di pondok pasantren bukit tengkorak Ndao Ende Flores dan Penyemprotan Disinfektan dan Laundry Mukena di Masjid yang berada di wiayah Kota Ende. Hasil Kegiatan Gerakan Bakti Sosial Penyemprot dan Berbagi Paket Sembako Peduli Covid-19, Di  mana bisa  sedikit meringankan  beban masyarakat yang  terdampak langsung  dari situasi pandemi Covid-9 ini. Inisiatif Dosen Karyawan dan Mahasiswa Muslim ini patut diapresiasi dan didukung penuh oleh pihak Yayasan dan Rektorat yang tergabung dalam tim pengabdian masyarakat ini dengan melakukan pendampingan sehingga kegiatan ini dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Kata Kunci:, penyemprotan disinfektan; bakhti sosial; pembagian santunan. ABSTRACTSocial service or better known as social service is an activity that manifests concern or a sense of humanity towards fellow human beings. Where with this activity we can glue our sense of kinship to other people. Bakti can be interpreted as binding (binding) oneself to oneself or other selves. The Flores University Student and Employee Lecturer Association (IDKMUF) is a form of caring, a feeling of responsibility for the lives of others. Social service can mean giving something (to those who need it). Therefore, the purpose of this activity is the University of Flores Seasonal Employee and Student Lecturers, who are members of (IDKMUF). trying to help the less fortunate in the form of donations in the form of donations at the Ndao Ende Flores Islamic boarding school and the Spraying of Disinfectants and Mukena at the mosque in the Ende City area. The results of the Social Service Movement for Spraying and Sharing the Covid-19 Care Food Packages, which can slightly ease the burden on the people who are directly affected by the Covid-9 pandemic situation. This initiative of Muslim Employee Lecturers and Students should be appreciated and fully supported by the Foundation and the Rector who are members of this community service team by providing assistance so that this activity can be carried out properly. Keywords: disinfectant spraying; social service; distribution of compensation


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    ABSTRAKTujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah (1) Untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat Desa, bahwa Desa Wolotopo Timur memiliki potensi yang besar sebagai Desa Eduwisata serta pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif, (2)  Untuk melibatkan generasi pemuda dalam melakukan kegiatan produktif, (3) Pembentukan kelompok Pokdarwis Desa Wolotopo Timur dalam mengoptimalisasi Rencana Eduwisata demi Kesejahteraan Bersama. Metode pengabdian dilakukan dengan pendekatan ABCD (Asset-based Community Development) dengan perencanaan kegiatan, melakukan kunjungan ke tokoh masyarakat (mosalaki), melakukan kunjungan langsung ke lapangan dan melakukan FGD bersama masyarakat desa. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan selama 6 bulan, yakni dari bulan September 2021 hingga Maret 2022 di Desa Wolotopo Timur. Hasil pengabdian ini berupa kegiatan pendampingan pengembangan masyarakat dan pembentukan kelompok Pokdarwis Wolotopo Timur dimana ternyata Desa Wolotopo timur memiliki banyal sekali destinasi wisata yang dapat dijadikan Eduwisata karena desa Wolotopo Timur merupakan desa peninggalan Megalitikums, diantaranya Bhaku, Tubu Musu, Kuburan Batu (megalit), Sa’o Ria dan pemandangan yang indah serta sejarah Desa yang menarik serta pengembangan ekonomi kreatif. Kata kunci: desa wolotopo timur; pendidikan; megalitikum ABSTRACTThe objectives of this service are (1) To increase awareness of the village community, that the Village of East Wolotopo has great potential as an Edutourism Village and the development of the Creative Economy, (2) To involve the youth generation in carrying out productive activities, (3) Establishment of the Wolotopo Village Pokdarwis group Timur in optimizing the Edutourism Plan for the Common Welfare. The service method is carried out using the ABCD (Asset-based Community Development) approach by planning activities, making visits to community leaders (mosalaki), making direct visits to the field and conducting FGDs with village communities. This service activity was carried out for 6 months, namely from September 2021 to March 2022 in East Wolotopo Village. The results of this service are in the form of community development assistance activities and the formation of the East Wolotopo Pokdarwis group where it turns out that the East Wolotopo Village has a lot of tourist destinations that can be used as educational tourism because the East Wolotopo village is a megalithic heritage village, including Bhaku, Tubu Musu, Stone Graves (megaliths), Sa 'o Ria and beautiful scenery and interesting village history and creative economic development. Keywords: east wolotopo village; education; megalithi