44 research outputs found

    Отражение национальных обычаев и традиций в творчестве Гусейна Джавида (на основе трагедии «Мать»)

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    В произведениях художественной литературы обычаи и традиции также находят свое отражение. Мы обратились к пьесе Гусейна Джавида «Мать». Перечислим встречающиеся в данной пьесе обычаи: святость гостя, сообщение доброй вести (мюжде), противостояние кровной мести, верность данному слову и т.д. В статье проводится сравнительный анализ обычаев и традиций, чтобы установить, основываются ли они на национально-генетических или религиозных корнях. Отметим, что при определении национального или религиозного происхождения, давности этих обычаев и традиций мы будем обращались к эпосу «Китаби Деде Коркут» и священной книге «Корану». «Под национальными традициями мы имеем ввиду характерные для того или иного народа и не связанные с религией, уходящие корнями вглубь веков и связанные с последующим национально-общественным развитием традиции». Здесь приводится определение национальной традиции, однако отмечается, что она по происхождению не связана с религией. Если какая-либо традиция приведена в соответствие с исламом или же религия внесла какой-либо обычай или традицию в жизнеустройство какого-то народа, и эта традиция живет веками, ее также можно причислить к национальным традициям. Джавид в своих произведениях на высоком уровне отразил обычаи и традиции нашего народа. Это является лишним показателем, характеризующим моральный облик и мировоззрение драматурга.У художній літературі опис традицій ми зустрічаємо в творах наших поетів та письменників. Безпосередньо у творчості драматурга Джавіда ми звернулися до драми «Мати». Перерахуємо звичаї яки зустрічаються у п'єсі: святість гостей, принести добру звістку, виступати проти кровної помсти, дати слово і пр. В даному творі ми провели порівняльний аналіз на підставі зразків для того, щоб традиції є національно-генетичними або релігійними. Відзначимо, що аналізуючи старовину цих традицій, національність або ж релігійність ми звернулися до епосу «Кітаби-деде- Горгуд» та священної книзі «Коран». «Коли говоримо національна традиція маємо на увазі традиції тієї чи іншої нації, що не мають ніякого відношення за походженням до релігії, пов'язані з ісламськими обрядами з шахськими древніми періодами і наступним національно-суспільним розвитком. Якщо яка- небудь наша традиція утворилася з ісламом або дала нації релігію, звичай і традицію та ця традиція підтримувалася нацією століттями, то її ми можемо охарактеризувати як національну традицію.We meet the description of the traditions in the fiction tradition in the works of the poets and writers. In particular, we used “Mother”tragedy of playwright Javid. Let’s enumerating customs which we meet in the plays: guest’s holiness, giving glad tidings, being opposite to the blood cause, promising and so on. We comporatively analysis based on the samples for knowing that the traditions which used in here either nationalgenetic or religious. It should be noted that, while we analyzing these traditions antiquity, whether national or religious, we used “Dede Korkut” and the holy book “Quran”. when we say national traditions we mean the traditions which belong to this or any other nation, origin that don’t related with religion. Here given the definition of the national tradition, but added that, origin has nothing to do with religion. If some of our customs combined with the Islam, or religion brought custom to the nation, and this custom used for many centuries by this nation, it can be considered as national traditions. Using of the customs and traditions of our people in a high level in his works by Javid is the main feature which characterized writer’s spiritual face and psychology

    Megabank found? Flanks record sea level

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    On Leg 101, the first international voyage for the Ocean Drilling Program, the deep-sea drilling ship JOIOES Resolution (SEDCO/BP 471) left Miami, Fla., on Jan. 31 to investigate the geology of the Bahamas. (Leg 100 tested the Resolution's readiness. See July Geotimes.) Before returning to Miami on March 14, the crew had drilled 19 holes al 11 sites and recovered 46.2% of the cored section (about 1.5 of 3.1 km cored). The scientific party wanted to test conflicting hypotheses about the development of the modern shallow water carbonate banks and intervening deep -water throughs in the Bahamas, and to study the growth patterns of carbonate slopes and their response to sea-level fluctuations. Those objectives (the 'deep ' and the 'shallow') were selected beause recent advances in interpreting the micropaleontology of shallow-water carbonate platforms, coupled with data from previous sedimentological investigations and regional and site-specific seismic surveys, now permit consistent stratigraphic comparisons in the Bahamas

    Lithofacies uncertainty modeling in a siliciclastic reservoir setting by incorporating geological contacts and seismic information

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    Deterministic modeling lonely provides a unique boundary layout, depending on the geological interpretation or interpolation from the hard available data. Changing the interpreter’s attitude or interpolation parameters leads to displacing the location of these borders. In contrary, probabilistic modeling of geological domains such as lithofacies is a critical aspect to providing information to take proper decision in the case of evaluation of oil reservoirs parameters, that is, applicable for quantification of uncertainty along the boundaries. These stochastic modeling manifests itself dramatically beyond this occasion. Conventional approaches of probabilistic modeling (object and pixel-based) mostly suffers from consideration of contact knowledge on the simulated domains. Plurigaussian simulation algorithm, in contrast, allows reproducing the complex transitions among the lithofacies domains and has found wide acceptance for modeling petroleum reservoirs. Stationary assumption for this framework has implications on the homogeneous characterization of the lithofacies. In this case, the proportion is assumed constant and the covariance function as a typical feature of spatial continuity depends only on the Euclidean distances between two points. But, whenever there exists a heterogeneity phenomenon in the region, this assumption does not urge model to generate the desired variability of the underlying proportion of facies over the domain. Geophysical attributes as a secondary variable in this place, plays an important role for generation of the realistic contact relationship between the simulated categories. In this paper, a hierarchical plurigaussian simulation approach is used to construct multiple realizations of lithofacies by incorporating the acoustic impedance as soft data through an oil reservoir in Iran.This research was funded by the National Elites Foundation of Iran in collaboration with research Institute Petroleum of Industry in Iran under the project number of 9265005

    Stratigraphy and Oil: a Review. Part 1: Exploration and Seismic Stratigraphy: Observation and Description

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    This article is the first of a series of two articles which cover all of the author's research activities at IFP since 1972. After four years devoted to the study of the Southwest Pacific margins, he transferred the main focus of his activities to stratigraphy, both seismic and sequence. This series is made up of four chapters summarizing the major results of the work done and emphasizing the studies which had a methodological impact. The chronological order is preserved to underscore the evolution of ideas and methods. This first article has the first three chapters. The first concerns the study of the active margins of the Southwest Pacific with the discovery or clarification of several structural features. This chapter is presented because it addresses the beginnings of seismic stratigraphy. The second deals with the introduction, growth and spread of seismic stratigraphy in France. The third concerns the study of clastic submarine fans with the broad use of seismic-stratigraphic methods, the interactions between the inputs of onshore investigations and those of marine seismic reflection, and the application of flume and tank experiments to the interpretation of gravity deposits. These results were to have a significant impact on the development of sequence stratigraphy. Each of these chapters has an introduction that presents the state of knowledge at the time when the work was undertaken and the challenges faced by the researchers, a section on the work achieved, and another on the main results. The main conclusions are presented at the end of the second article

    Stratigraphy and Oil: a Review - Part 2: Characterization of Reservoirs and Sequence Stratigraphy: Quantification and Modeling

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    This article is the second of a series of two covering all of the author's research activity at IFP since 1972, of which the main focus has been stratigraphy, seismic as well as sequential. This series is composed of four chapters resuming the important results of the work done and stressing those that have a methodological scope. The chronological order is preserved to emphasize the evolution ,of ideas and methods. The first article (Ravenne, 2002) contains the first three chapters. The first chapter of the study of the active margins of the Southwest Pacific already contained the basics of seismic stratigraphy. The second dealed with the introduction, growth and spread of the seismic stratigraphy. The third addressed the ,study of submarine fans with the broad use of the methods of seismic stratigraphy, the interactions between the inputs of onshore studies and marine seismic studies, and the application of channel and tank experiments to the interpretation of gravity deposits. These results had a significant impact on the development of sequential stratigraphy. This second article (fourth chapter) demonstrates the power of sequential stratigraphy for the characterization of oil and gas reservoirs. This period of activity (the longest and which involved the largest number of researchers) resulted in the development of a quantitative geology and the creation of ,methods and software allowing the direct use of geological knowledge. It was marked by the establishment of a real and effective multidisciplinarity. In this chapter, the driving role that IFP played ,in the renewal of sedimentology and stratigraphy in France is emphasized. Each of these chapters contains an introduction presenting the state of knowledge at the time when the work was undertaken and the challenges facing the researchers, a section on the work done, and one of the main results achieved. Prospects for future work concerning research and development that could be undertaken are presented with the main conclusions

    The Montagne de Chalufy turbidite onlap, Eocene-Oligocene turbidite sheet system, Hautes Provence, SE France

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    Apport des expériences en canal à l'interprétation sédimentologique des dépôts de cônes détritiques sous-marins . . .

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    Nous présentons les résultats des expériences réalisées en canal au laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides de Grenoble visant à l'étude des courants turbides et leur apport à la compréhension de l'arrangement et de la constitution des différents éléments observés dans les dépôts d'origine gravitaire généralement rencontrés dans les bassins sédimentaires profonds. La première partie concerne les expériences et montre: 1) la distinction entre courant de densité et bouffée turbide ; 2) les différentes phases d'un écoulement turbide et leur mécanisme : - mise en mouvement de la masse initiale ; - formation d'un mass-flow; - formation d'un débris-flowou d'un grain-flow; - l'importance du ressaut hydraulique ; - la formation d'une bouffée de densité ; - la décélération de la bouffée. La deuxième partie concerne l'interprétation des éléments constitutifs d'une séquence liée à des écoulements turbides telle qu'elle a été observée dans la Série des Grès d'Annotet comprenant notamment les termes suivants : - bancs de grès homogènes ; - barre massive et ses différentes composantes : niveau de grès homogène ; niveau à galets mous - érosion ; niveau à granules ; niveau grano classé ; niveau à figures d'échappement d'eau ; niveau à figures de progradation ; - intercalations argilo-silteuses. Chacun de ces éléments est relié à une phase ou une partie de phase décrite dans la première partie. Nous proposons en même temps que cette interprétation un processus de mise en place des différents éléments et de leur arrangement séquentiel: série strato-croissante très rapide, barre massive et série strato-décroissante progressive. Ce processus est centré sur un épisode catastrophique majeur (séisme ou déstabilisation de pente) responsable de la création de la barre massive. La série strato-croissante est liée aux prémices de cette phase majeure et la série stratotlécroissante à ses répliques. Chaque élé-ment constitutif : banc de grès homogène plus l'intercalation argilo-silteuse suivante, ainsi que la barre massive, représente un écoulement

    Gravitational mass movements and resedimentation in applied and fundamental geology

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    After a description of works dedicated to gravitational deposits and experiments modeling gravitational processes, this paper emphasizes resedimentation aspects. Then the authors review new techniques available for the observation of gravitational phenomena. Different processes involved in these phenomena are listed. New needs in fondamental and applied geology are discussed and the environments where gravitational movements take place are presented. Four examples are mentioned and, finally, the authors pay attention to the remaining problems. / Après une description de travaux consacrés aux dépôts gravitaires et d'expériences de modélisation de processus gravitaires, cet article met en évidence les aspects liés à la ressédimentation. Les auteurs traitent des nouvelles techniques disponibles pour l'observation de phénomènes gravitaires. Différents processus impliqués dans ces phénomènes sont détaillés et les environnements dans lesquels les mouvements gravitaires apparaissent sont présentés. Quatre exemples sont mentionnés et, finalement, les auteurs insistent sur les problèmes qu'il reste à résoudre