45 research outputs found

    Metsät ja hiilivirtoja ohjaava ilmastopolitiikka

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    Overlooking the Obvious during the COVID-19 Pandemic : Dyspnoea with Asymmetric Breath Sounds in a Toddler

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    Background. Paediatric healthcare specialists are concerned about the secondary effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on children. We report a case of acute respiratory distress in a healthy toddler whose healthcare providers were sidetracked from the correct diagnosis by suspicion of COVID-19. Case Presentation. The patient was a 20-month-old healthy boy. In the morning, he had coughed while drinking milk. He was asymptomatic for the day but presented with acute respiratory distress when lying down in the evening. An ambulance was called, and he was taken to a tertiary hospital's paediatric emergency department, where his condition and oxygen saturation fluctuated. He had mildly elevated temperature and petechiae on his trunk, showed asymmetrical radiographic and auscultatory pulmonary findings, and did not tolerate any exertion. Pneumonia was suspected, SARS-CoV-2 was considered as potential causative agent, and the child was admitted to a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. As the patient did not show clear signs of infection or bronchial obstruction, the events were thoroughly rediscussed with the caregiver next morning. It was then found out that the child had also been eating cashew nuts. Multiple pieces of cashew nuts were removed from the left bronchial tree in a bronchoscopy. After the procedure, all symptoms promptly resolved. Foreign body aspiration-an obvious cause of acute respiratory distress in our patient's age group-was overlooked by experienced emergency medical care providers and paediatric critical care physicians due to the slightly unusual presentation, incomplete anamnestic information, and a bias to consider COVID-19 in the current exceptional circumstances. Conclusions. Emergency care providers are instructed to consider all patients with respiratory distress as potential COVID-19 patients. However, the clinical course of COVID-19 infection is usually mild in children. Therefore, alternative causes for serious breathing difficulty are more likely, and all differential diagnoses should be considered in the usual unbiased manner.Peer reviewe

    Russian tourists’ perceptions of authenticity of food based on trust

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    Russians are the largest national group among tourists visiting Finland, even after the recent downturn caused by the economic situation/devaluation of the Ruble. Russian tourists in Finland spend money mainly on food, household goods, sweets and children's clothing. Thus, food is a fundamental element of the holiday experience. Finnish food products are highly valued by Russians, and, therefore, Russian tourists are an interesting target group in order to understand the perceptions of authenticity better in relation to local food as a tourism experience. Moreover, the research focused on this topic has been quite scarce so far. Foods and drinks engage all the senses and have strong connections with place, because we have personal, sensory memories of consuming them in a certain setting. It can be argued that food has an ability to recall emotions and that is why tourists often search for authentic experiences via food products. Furthermore, they buy food e.g. as souvenirs in order to relive the holiday events with family and friends at home. Among Russian tourists also cross-border food tourism is common based on perceptions of high-quality foodstuffs and authenticity of the products in their original environment. The process of forming the perception of an authentic food experience is very sensitive. An essential element in this process is trust, which is founded upon past experiences and knowledge and, at the same time, upon expectations for the future. Further, it is proposed that together with pre-contractual trust, trust in individuals and collective entities plays a role in the process of creating predictability. Thus, tourists’ perceptions of authenticity of local food are argued to relate to their trust in the food chain as a whole as well as in its actors: farmers, processors of food, restaurants, retail and the control system. This study applies qualitative methods to reach a more in-depth understanding of Russian tourists’ relations to local food during their visit to Finland, especially, their trust in its authenticity. The results show that there is an interaction between the three forms of trust and perceived authenticity of local food among Russian tourists. The perceived authenticity and trust, accordingly, seem to be based on a positive image of Finnish food throughout the post-soviet period, the institutional performance of the Finnish food system as well as one’s own and other’s experiences

    Lasten ja nuorten palveluiden yhdenvertainen saavutettavuus : Kansallisen lapsistrategian toimenpiteen 14 raportti

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    Työpaperissa on koottu yhteen lasten, nuorten ja perheiden palveluiden yhdenvertaista saavutettavuutta koskevaa tietoa ja tunnistettu ongelmakohtia. Julkaisu on tuotettu osana kansallisen lapsistrategian toimenpidettä 14, jonka tavoitteena oli kartoittaa palvelujen yhdenvertaisen saavutettavuuden tilannetta lasten, nuorten ja perheiden näkökulmasta. Tietolähteinä on hyödynnetty Terveyden ja hyvinvoinninlaitoksen väestötutkimusaineistoja, perhekeskuksen matalan kynnyksen kohtaamispaikoissa tehtyjä ammattilaisten vertaisarviointeja ja dialogisella menetelmällä nuorten kokemuksista kerättyä aineistosta. Erityisessä fokuksessa ovat yhdenvertaisen saavutettavuuden näkökulmasta haavoittuvammassa asemassa olevat perheet, lapset ja nuoret. Työpaperissa esitettävät tulokset vahvistavat jo aiempaa käsitystä siitä, että niiden perheiden, las-ten ja nuorten tilanteeseen, joiden elämässä on riskitekijöitä syrjäytymiselle tai palveluiden ulkopuolelle jäämiselle olisi kiinnitettävä huomio jo varhaisessa vaiheessa. Toimenpiteitä tulisi kohdentaa kaikille yhdenvertaisesti saavutettavien palveluiden kehittämiseen, erityisesti matalan kynnyksen tukeen ja ennaltaehkäiseviin palveluihin on syytä panostaa. Palveluissa tulee tunnistaa ihmisten moninaiset elämäntilanteet ja tarpeet. Laadukas ja kattava tieto auttaa palvelujärjestelmän kehittäjiä ottamaan paremmin huomioon kaikkien ihmisten oikeuksien toteutumisen, moninaisuuden ja erilaiset lähtökohdat. Tärkeää olisi varmistaa osallisuuden toteutuminen laajasti ja kuulla monipuolisesti perheiden, lasten ja nuorten ääntä, jotta toimet olisivat mahdollisimman yhdenvertaisia ja vaikuttavia

    Integrated ovarian mRNA and miRNA transcriptome profiling characterizes the genetic basis of prolificacy traits in sheep (Ovis aries)

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    Background: The highly prolific breeds of domestic sheep (Ovis aries) are globally valuable genetic resources for sheep industry. Genetic, nutritional and other environmental factors affect prolificacy traits in sheep. To improve our knowledge of the sheep prolificacy traits, we conducted mRNA-miRNA integrated profiling of ovarian tissues from two pure breeds with large (Finnsheep) vs. small (Texel) litter sizes and their F1 crosses, half of which were fed a flushing diet. Results: Among the samples, 16,402 genes (60.6% known ovine genes) were expressed, 79 novel miRNAs were found, and a cluster of miRNAs on chromosome 18 was detected. The majority of the differentially expressed genes between breeds were upregulated in the Texel with low prolificacy, owing to the flushing diet effect, whereas a similar pattern was not detected in the Finnsheep. F1 ewes responded similarly to Finnsheep rather than displaying a performance intermediate between the two pure breeds. Conclusions: The identification and characterization of differentially expressed genes and miRNAs in the ovaries of sheep provided insights into genetic and environmental factors affecting prolificacy traits. The three genes (CST6, MEPE and HBB) that were differentially expressed between the group of Finnsheep and Texel ewes kept in normal diet appeared to be candidate genes of prolificacy traits and will require further validation.Peer reviewe

    Integrated ovarian mRNA and miRNA transcriptome profiling characterizes the genetic basis of prolificacy traits in sheep (Ovis aries)

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    Abstract Background The highly prolific breeds of domestic sheep (Ovis aries) are globally valuable genetic resources for sheep industry. Genetic, nutritional and other environmental factors affect prolificacy traits in sheep. To improve our knowledge of the sheep prolificacy traits, we conducted mRNA-miRNA integrated profiling of ovarian tissues from two pure breeds with large (Finnsheep) vs. small (Texel) litter sizes and their F1 crosses, half of which were fed a flushing diet. Results Among the samples, 16,402 genes (60.6% known ovine genes) were expressed, 79 novel miRNAs were found, and a cluster of miRNAs on chromosome 18 was detected. The majority of the differentially expressed genes between breeds were upregulated in the Texel with low prolificacy, owing to the flushing diet effect, whereas a similar pattern was not detected in the Finnsheep. F1 ewes responded similarly to Finnsheep rather than displaying a performance intermediate between the two pure breeds. Conclusions The identification and characterization of differentially expressed genes and miRNAs in the ovaries of sheep provided insights into genetic and environmental factors affecting prolificacy traits. The three genes (CST6, MEPE and HBB) that were differentially expressed between the group of Finnsheep and Texel ewes kept in normal diet appeared to be candidate genes of prolificacy traits and will require further validation

    Musiikkiretki-projekti : kotouttavaa musiikkitoimintaa maahanmuuttajalapsille

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena on Musiikkiretki-projekti, joka toteutettiin Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun musiikin koulutusohjelmassa keväällä 2011, yhteistyössä Helsingin Kaupungin maahanmuuttoyksikön kanssa. Projektissa oli mukana maahanmuuttajalapsia eri kulttuureista, joille pidettiin yhteensä kuusi työpaja kertaa. Yksi työpaja kesti noin tunnin. Ohjaajina toimi kolme musiikinopiskelijaa ja yksi sosionomiopiskelija. Projekti oli suunnattu maahanmuuttajalapsille, tarkoituksena antaa yhteinen kokemus musiikin parissa ja tuoda esille musiikin harrastusmahdollisuuksia Suomessa. Keskeisimpinä tavoitteina oli tutustuminen toisiin ja hyväksyvän ilmapiirin luominen, sekä yhteisen kielen löytäminen. Monipuolisen musiikkitoiminnan avulla sekä esittelemällä erilaisia musiikin harrastusmahdollisuuksia oli tarkoitus tukea maahanmuuttajalasten kotoutumista ja integraatiota suomalaiseen yhteiskuntaan. Yhdeksi keskeisimmäksi teemaksi projektissa nousi arvostava kohtaaminen. Jokainen ihminen tulisi kohdata omana persoonana eikä vain kulttuurin kautta. Projektissa mukana olleet maahanmuuttajat olivat innostuneita musiikkiharrastuksen aloittamisesta, mutta haasteeksi nousi harrastuksen hintavuus. Opinnäytetyön raportissa tarkastellaan erilaisia Musiikkiretki-projektiin liittyviä teemoja, kuten maahanmuuttajien kotoutumista ja kohtaamista sekä musiikin merkitystä kotoutumiseen. Raportissa kuvataan Musiikkiretki-projektin työpajakerrat ja lopuksi on pohdinta ja päätelmäosiot ja käsitellään projektille asetettujen tavoitteiden saavuttamista. Liitteenä on projektin esite, sanat projektin aikana lauletuista lauluista, ja vinkkejä maahanmuuttajalasten musiikkitoiminnan ohjaamiseen.The Musical Adventure Project was organized by the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in alliance with the City of Helsinki, Department of Immigration in spring 2011. The Project included six 60-minute lessons for immigrant children from different cultures. The project was carried out by three music students and one Social Services student from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. The aim of the project was to develop music activities for immigrants, especially for children, and to inform immigrant families about organized music activities in Finland. The main aims were to get know each other, to wake everybody feel welcome and comfortable and to find a common language through music. The goal was the support the integration of immigrant children into the Finnish society through musical activities. One of the main issues was appreciative interaction between the music tutors and immigrants. We should relate to every person as an individual, not just a member of some culture. The thesis introduces the main themes of the Musical Adventure Project: the integration of immigrants into the Finnish society, interaction, and role of music in the integration process. The thesis reports on the content of the lesson in detail

    Senior citizens living independently in Finland : - Problem-solving in a group as a resource for maintaining independent living

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    In this empirical thesis preventive problem-solving group discussions were planned and organized. The study is based on the idea that prevention of problems can positively af-fect independent living of seniors. Health promotion, independent living of seniors and the use of groups in empirical studies were introduced. The aim of the study was to see if this kind of preventive problem-solving can be seen beneficial by the senior citizens in Finland. Special interest was put in the participants’ own thoughts related to what are the risk factors for maintaining independence. The research questions were the following: What are the risk factors which seniors find to have an effect on independent living of older people? Do the participants see preventive problem-solving in a group beneficial when preventing the loss of independency? Is this kind of problem-solving method suit-able for Finnish seniors? The material was collected from two groups. Qualitative group discussions were conducted in order to get the results. The participants were seniors living in the metropolitan area, aged 65-86 years. Activity theory and concept of successful ageing were chosen for the theoretical frame of reference because both of these concepts concern staying active and adapting the behavior in order to age successfully. Results showed that Finnish seniors find this kind of preventive problem-solving in a group to be beneficial when promoting independent living of seniors. However, a note should be made when thinking about the group size and the age of the participants.Tässä toiminnallisessa opinnäytetyössä suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin ennaltaehkäisevän ongelmanratkaisun ryhmäkeskusteluja. Työ pohjautuu ajatukseen, että ongelmien ennal-taehkäisy voi vaikuttaa positiivisesti senioreiden itsenäiseen elämiseen. Työssä esiteltiin terveyden edistämistä, senioreiden itsenäistä elämistä ja ryhmien käyttämämistä empiiri-sessä tutkimuksessa. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, voiko ennaltaehkäisevä ongelmanrat-kaisu olla hyödyllistä suomalaisten senioreiden mielestä. Osallistujien omat ajatukset itsenäisyyden säilyttämiseen liittyvistä riskeistä olivat erityisen mielenkiinnon alla. Tut-kimuskysymykset olivat seuraavat: Mitkä ovat ne riskit, jotka senioreiden mielestä vai-kuttavat itsenäiseen elämiseen? Onko ennaltaehkäisevä ongelmanratkaisu ryhmässä osal-listujien mielestä hyödyllistä, kun ajatellaan itsenäisyyden säilyttämistä? Onko tämän-kaltainen ongelmanratkaisumenetelmä hyödyllinen suomalaisille senioreille? Materiaali kerättiin kahdesta ryhmästä. Tulosten saamiseksi suoritettiin kvalitatiiviset ryhmäkeskustelut. Osallistujat olivat pääkaupunkiseudulla itsenäisesti asuvia senioreita, iältään 65-86. Toiminnan teoria ja onnistuneen vanhenemisen käsite valittiin teoreettiseksi viitekehykseksi, koska molemmat käsittelevät aktiivisena pysymistä ja käyttäytymisen mukauttamista onnistuneen vanhenemisen saavuttamiseksi. Tulokset osoittivat, että suomalaiset seniorit kokevat tämänkaltaisen ennaltaehkäisevän ongelmanratkaisun ryhmässä hyödylliseksi. Ryhmän koko ja osallistujien iät vaativat kuitenkin erityistä huomiota