58 research outputs found

    Aspects industriels de la gestion de tension et la capacité d'accueil de la génération photovoltaïque dans les réseaux basse tension

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    In this thesis, voltage measurements provided by the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) are used to control an on-load tap changer located at the secondary substation. The thesis presents a practical and a straightforward method of selecting the low voltage customers whose voltage measurements are used as an input to the controller of the on-load tap changer. The developed method takes into account the load and the topology of the network. Furthermore, a simple method of creating synthetic and statistically correct load curves for networks studies is presented. The created methods have been tested by using real data of low voltage networks on a common platform in the power distribution industry leading to encouraging results; a few customers per low voltage network should be monitored in order to achieve accurate voltage measurements.This methodology is further applied to estimate the hosting capacity of photovoltaic power generation in a given low voltage network.In the first part, the evolution of the hosting capacity by using three different types of voltage control; an on-load tap changer of five and nine tap positions and voltage control through photovoltaic power generators, is studied. The study considers two different cases for placing and sizing the photovoltaic generators in a low voltage network. The results of 38 low voltage networks are provided.In the second part, the hosting capacities of 631 low voltage networks, located in a French metropolitan area, are analysed by using an on-load tap changer of five and an on-load tap changer of nine tap positions.The work has been together with Électricité Réseau Distribution France (ERDF), the major French distribution system operator. All studies presented in the thesis are based on the real operational data of the company. Moreover, all studies are implemented on a platform that is widely used in the power distribution industry.As an introductory part to low voltage networks, the thesis provides a general view about the French power system. In addition, the thesis presents a number of selected technologies considering low voltage networks that seem promising in the future.Dans cette thèse, les mesures de tension fournies par l'infrastructure de comptage avancé (Advanced Metering Infrastructure, AMI) sont utilisées pour contrôler un régleur en charge situé à la sous station HTA/BT. La thèse présente une méthode simple permettant de sélectionner les clients basse tension pour lesquels les mesures de tension sont utilisées comme une entrée au contrôleur du régleur en charge. Le procédé mis au point tient compte de la charge et de la topologie du réseau. En outre, une méthode simple pour créer des courbes réalistes et statistiquement correctes pour les études de réseaux est présenté. Les méthodes créées ont été testées en utilisant des données réelles de réseaux basse tension sur un logiciel très utilisé dans le secteur de la distribution d'électricité ont conduit à des résultats encourageants; quelques clients par réseau basse tension doivent être surveillés afin d’estimer avec une grande précision où se situe les extremums de tension sur le réseau.Cette méthodologie est également utilisée pour estimer la capacité d'accueil de génération d'énergie photovoltaïque dans un réseau à basse tension donné.Dans la première partie, l'évolution de la capacité d'accueil en utilisant trois types de contrôle de tension différents; un régleur en charge de cinq et neuf positions et le contrôle de la tension à travers les générateurs photovoltaïques, sont étudiés. L'étude considère deux cas différents pour le placement et le dimensionnement des générateurs photovoltaïques dans un réseau basse tension. Les résultats sur 38 réseaux basse tension sont fournis.Dans la deuxième partie, les capacités d'accueil de 631 réseaux basse tension, situés dans une région métropolitaine française, sont analysés en utilisant un régleur en charge de cinq et neuf positions.Le travail a été réalisé en collaboration avec Électricité Réseau Distribution France (ERDF), le principal opérateur du réseau de distribution français. Toutes les études présentées dans la thèse reposent sur les données réelles de fonctionnement normal. En outre, toutes les études sont mises en œuvre sur un logiciel largement utilisé dans l'industrie de la distribution d'énergie.Comme une partie introductive aux réseaux basse tension, la thèse fournit une vue générale sur le système électrique français. De plus, la thèse présente un certain nombre de technologies sélectionnés en tenant compte des réseaux basse-tension qui semblent prometteurs pour le futur

    Aspects industriels de la gestion de tension et la capacité d'accueil de la génération photovoltaïque dans les réseaux basse tension

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    In this thesis, voltage measurements provided by the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) are used to control an on-load tap changer located at the secondary substation. The thesis presents a practical and a straightforward method of selecting the low voltage customers whose voltage measurements are used as an input to the controller of the on-load tap changer. The developed method takes into account the load and the topology of the network. Furthermore, a simple method of creating synthetic and statistically correct load curves for networks studies is presented. The created methods have been tested by using real data of low voltage networks on a common platform in the power distribution industry leading to encouraging results; a few customers per low voltage network should be monitored in order to achieve accurate voltage measurements.This methodology is further applied to estimate the hosting capacity of photovoltaic power generation in a given low voltage network.In the first part, the evolution of the hosting capacity by using three different types of voltage control; an on-load tap changer of five and nine tap positions and voltage control through photovoltaic power generators, is studied. The study considers two different cases for placing and sizing the photovoltaic generators in a low voltage network. The results of 38 low voltage networks are provided.In the second part, the hosting capacities of 631 low voltage networks, located in a French metropolitan area, are analysed by using an on-load tap changer of five and an on-load tap changer of nine tap positions.The work has been together with Électricité Réseau Distribution France (ERDF), the major French distribution system operator. All studies presented in the thesis are based on the real operational data of the company. Moreover, all studies are implemented on a platform that is widely used in the power distribution industry.As an introductory part to low voltage networks, the thesis provides a general view about the French power system. In addition, the thesis presents a number of selected technologies considering low voltage networks that seem promising in the future.Dans cette thèse, les mesures de tension fournies par l'infrastructure de comptage avancé (Advanced Metering Infrastructure, AMI) sont utilisées pour contrôler un régleur en charge situé à la sous station HTA/BT. La thèse présente une méthode simple permettant de sélectionner les clients basse tension pour lesquels les mesures de tension sont utilisées comme une entrée au contrôleur du régleur en charge. Le procédé mis au point tient compte de la charge et de la topologie du réseau. En outre, une méthode simple pour créer des courbes réalistes et statistiquement correctes pour les études de réseaux est présenté. Les méthodes créées ont été testées en utilisant des données réelles de réseaux basse tension sur un logiciel très utilisé dans le secteur de la distribution d'électricité ont conduit à des résultats encourageants; quelques clients par réseau basse tension doivent être surveillés afin d’estimer avec une grande précision où se situe les extremums de tension sur le réseau.Cette méthodologie est également utilisée pour estimer la capacité d'accueil de génération d'énergie photovoltaïque dans un réseau à basse tension donné.Dans la première partie, l'évolution de la capacité d'accueil en utilisant trois types de contrôle de tension différents; un régleur en charge de cinq et neuf positions et le contrôle de la tension à travers les générateurs photovoltaïques, sont étudiés. L'étude considère deux cas différents pour le placement et le dimensionnement des générateurs photovoltaïques dans un réseau basse tension. Les résultats sur 38 réseaux basse tension sont fournis.Dans la deuxième partie, les capacités d'accueil de 631 réseaux basse tension, situés dans une région métropolitaine française, sont analysés en utilisant un régleur en charge de cinq et neuf positions.Le travail a été réalisé en collaboration avec Électricité Réseau Distribution France (ERDF), le principal opérateur du réseau de distribution français. Toutes les études présentées dans la thèse reposent sur les données réelles de fonctionnement normal. En outre, toutes les études sont mises en œuvre sur un logiciel largement utilisé dans l'industrie de la distribution d'énergie.Comme une partie introductive aux réseaux basse tension, la thèse fournit une vue générale sur le système électrique français. De plus, la thèse présente un certain nombre de technologies sélectionnés en tenant compte des réseaux basse-tension qui semblent prometteurs pour le futur

    Electrical Resonances and Harmonics in a Wind Power Plant

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    Nykyaikaisiin sähköverkkoihin asennetaan kasvavin määrin erilaisia tehoelektroniikkalaitteita, joista osa voidaan luokitella harmonisiksi yliaaltovirtalähteiksi. Tilannetta vakavoittaa se, että sähköverkot sisältävät paljon induktiivisia ja kapasitiivisia osia, jotka luovat pohjan harmonisten yliaaltojen resonansseille. Resonanssit voivat olla uhka sekä sähkönlaadulle että koko sähköverkkojen toiminnalle. Sen lisäksi, että resonanssit on lasketaan perinteisellä taajuusskannausmenetelmällä (frequency scan), työssä käytetään myös uudempaa moodianalyysiin perustuvaa menetelmää (harmonic mode resonance analysis) harmonisten resonanssien tutkimiseen. Teoreettinen osa esittelee näiden kahden menetelmän matemaattisen perustan ja työn soveltavassa näitä menetelmiä sovelletaan agregoidun merituulipuiston laskentamalliin. Sen lisäksi, että tulokset esittelevät syitä harmonisiin yliaaltoresonansseihin tuulipuistossa, ne korostavat moodianalyysimenetelmän mahdollisuuksia sähköverkkojen resonanssien laskemisessa. Tulokset tuovat myös uusia näkökulmia moodianalyysin jatkokehittämiseen resonanssianalyysissa.Modern power networks have a growing number of power electronic devices, some of which can be seen as sources of harmonic currents. Moreover, the electric grids have numerous inductive and capacitive elements forming ideal conditions for harmonic resonances. These resonances, however, are a severe threat to power quality and the function of power systems. For this reason, the resonance analysis is an emerging topic in the field of power systems. In the current study, two analytical methods are used: a frequency scan and harmonic resonance mode analysis. Although the former method is well-known, the latter method is relatively new. The mathematical bases of these two methods are introduced in the theoretical section and then applied in the simulations of an aggregated model of an off shore wind power plant. The work has two principal objectives: to determine the main reasons for harmonic resonances in a wind power plant and to investigate the applicability of the harmonic resonance mode analysis to analyse the resonances. In addition to establishing the resonating elements in a wind power plant, the results reveal the harmonic resonance mode analysis to be a plausible tool for the systematic resonance analysis of power networks. The thesis offers new aspects of developing the modal approach to the resonance studies are provided

    Optimal coordination of electric vehicle charging and photovoltaic power curtailment in unbalanced low voltage networks: An experimental case

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    This study introduces a quadratic programming-based optimisation method to coordinate electric vehicle (EV) charging and photovoltaic (PV) curtailment in unbalanced low voltage (LV) networks. The proposed model is defined as a convex model that guarantees the optimal global solution of the problem avoiding the complexity of non-linear models and surpassing the limitations of local solutions derived from meta-heuristics algorithms reported in the literature. The coordination is carried out through a centralised controller installed at the header of the LV feeder. The objective of the proposed strategy is to minimise the power curtailment of all PV systems and maximise the power delivered to all EVs by optimising at every time step a suitable setpoint for the PV units and the charging rate of each EV connected without surpassing network constraints. A new energy-boundary model is also proposed to meet the energy requirements of all EVs, which is based on a recurrent function that depends on the arrival-and-desired energy states of the vehicle to compute its charging trajectory optimally. The effectiveness of the proposed coordination strategy was successfully proven through three scenarios in a laboratory environment, making use of two commercial EVs and a PV inverter in a Power Hardware-in-the-Loop setup.This work was supported by TECNALIA funding through the 2017 PhD scholarship programme. TECNALIA is a "CERVERA Technology Centre of Excellence" recognised by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. The authors also would like to thank the Basque Government (GISEL research group IT1191‐19) and the UPV/EHU (GISEL research group 18/181) for their support in this work, as well as the TU Dortmund University for allowing the use of its facilities to obtain the results described in this paper. Dr. Kalle Rauma would like to thank the support of the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure through the project Parken und Laden in der Stadt (03EMF0203). The work of Kalle Rauma was also supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme through SENDER project under grant agreement no. 95775

    Short-term load forecasting at electric vehicle charging sites using a multivariate multi-step long short-term memory

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    This study assesses the performance of a multivariate multi-step charging load prediction approach based on the long short-term memory (LSTM) and commercial charging data. The major contribution of this study is to provide a comparison of load prediction between various types of charging sites. Real charging data from shopping centres, residential, public, and workplace charging sites are gathered. Altogether, the data consists of 50,504 charging events measured at 37 different charging sites in Finland between January 2019 and January 2020. A forecast of the aggregated charging load is performed in 15-min resolution for each type of charging site. The second contribution of the work is the extended short-term forecast horizon. A multi-step prediction of either four (i.e., one hour) or 96 (i.e., 24 h) time steps is carried out, enabling a comparison of both horizons. The findings reveal that all charging sites exhibit distinct charging characteristics, which affects the forecasting accuracy and suggests a differentiated analysis of the different charging categories. Furthermore, the results indicate that the forecasting accuracy strongly correlates with the forecast horizon. The 4-time step prediction yields considerably superior results compared with the 96-time step forecast

    Network-adaptive and capacity-efficient electric vehicle charging site

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    The adaptive charging algorithms of today divide the available charging capacity of a charging site between the electric vehicles without knowing how much current each vehicle draws in reality. Thus, they are not able to detect deviations between the current set point at the charging station and the real charging current. This leads to a situation where the charging capacity of the charging site is not used optimally. This paper presents an algorithm including a novel feature, Expected Characteristic Expectation and tested under realistic circumstances. It is demonstrated that the proposed algorithm enhances the adaptability of the charging site, increasing the efficiency of the used network capacity up to about 2 kWh per charging point per day in comparison with the previous benchmark algorithm. The algorithm is able to increase the average monetary benefits of the charging operators by up to around 5.8%, that is 0.6 € per charging point per day. No input, such as departure time, is required from the user. The proposed algorithm has been tested with real electric vehicles and charging stations and is compatible with the IEC 61851 charging standard. The charging algorithm is applicable in practice as it is described in this paper

    Overcoming non-idealities in electric vehicle charging management

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    The inconvenient nature of non-ideal charging characteristics is demonstrated from a power system point of view. A new adaptive charging algorithm that accounts for non-ideal charging characteristics is introduced. The proposed algorithm increases the local network capacity utilization rate and reduces charging times. The first unique element of the charging algorithm is exploitation of the measured charging currents instead of ideal or predefined values. The second novelty is the introduction of a short-term memory called expected charging currents. This makes the algorithm capable of adapting to the unique charging characteristics of each vehicle individually without the necessity to obtain any information from the vehicle or the user. The proposed algorithm caters to various non-idealities, such as phase unbalances or the offset between the current set point and the real charging current but is still relatively simple and computationally light. The algorithm is compatible with charging standard IEC 61851 and is validated under different test cases with commercial electric vehicles

    The Power of Sharing: More Flexible Power System through Mobility-as-a-Service

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    An increasing number of European cities are actively supporting Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) in order to make the personal transportation system more efficient and to increase the liveability of the cities. MaaS provides an opportunity to expand the market for electric vehicles to everyday users. It also helps to create a more seamless connection between electric vehicles and the power system from the technical, as well as from the economic viewpoint. This will help to exploit the potential of electric vehicles in order to increase flexibility in the power system and to avoid technical occurrences, such as overloads. However, there are still some obstacles in harnessing the best symbiosis between MaaS electric vehicle fleets and smart grid solutions. While some of these obstacles are linked to the markets that are not yet fully generated, there are also obstacles linked to different policies that are yet not supporting these new methods of mobility.publishedVersio

    Short-term load forecasting at electric vehicle charging sites using a multivariate multi-step long short-term memory : A case study from Finland

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    This study assesses the performance of a multivariate multi-step charging load prediction approach based on the long short-term memory (LSTM) and commercial charging data. The major contribution of this study is to provide a comparison of load prediction between various types of charging sites. Real charging data from shopping centres, residential, public, and workplace charging sites are gathered. Altogether, the data consists of 50,504 charging events measured at 37 different charging sites in Finland between January 2019 and January 2020. A forecast of the aggregated charging load is performed in 15-min resolution for each type of charging site. The second contribution of the work is the extended short-term forecast horizon. A multi-step prediction of either four (i.e., one hour) or 96 (i.e., 24 h) time steps is carried out, enabling a comparison of both horizons. The findings reveal that all charging sites exhibit distinct charging characteristics, which affects the forecasting accuracy and suggests a differentiated analysis of the different charging categories. Furthermore, the results indicate that the forecasting accuracy strongly correlates with the forecast horizon. The 4-time step prediction yields considerably superior results compared with the 96-time step forecast.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Increasing charging energy at highly congested commercial charging sites through charging control with load balancing functionality

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    It is expected that a notable share of charging sites will face significant congestions in the future, and thus, an effective utilization of the available charging capacity will be highly needed. It has been shown that unbalanced electric vehicle (EV) charging loads may reduce the charging energy, which can lead to a reduced quality of charging service and charging site operator’s profits. To overcome the issue, this paper considers two solutions that allows the charging site to control the phase load balance: phase reconfiguration and a novel phase-specific control. Extensive simulations are carried out to investigate the benefits of the solutions. The results clearly indicate that the control methods have a notable potential in increasing the charging energy and quality of the charging service in highly congested charging sites. According to the simulation results, the phase-specific control leads to up to 5.9% higher revenue whereas the phase reconfiguration increases the revenues by up to 4.1% when compared with the baseline scenario without any load balancing functionality. The results also show that the more congested the charging site is, the higher benefits of the phase-specific control can be seen. Furthermore, the results show that assuming perfectly balanced three-phase loading yields unrealistically high charging energy in the congested charging sites, and thus, it is discouraged to use this assumption in future studies.publishedVersionPeer reviewe