295 research outputs found

    A task-based needs analysis of English language training for the Estonian Defence Forces active service personnel

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    KĂ€esoleva magistritöö eesmĂ€rgiks oli viia lĂ€bi Eesti KaitsevĂ€e tegevvĂ€elaste inglise keele vajaduste analĂŒĂŒs, et koostada erialakeele Ă”ppekavad, mis vastaksid Ă”ppurite vajadustele ja soovidele. Tegemist on esmase uuringuga pikema vajaduste analĂŒĂŒsi projekti raames. Töö koosneb teoreetilisest osast, mis kirjeldab sĂ”jalise inglise keele olemust ja eripĂ€ra ning annab ĂŒlevaate koolitusvajaduse analĂŒĂŒsi meetoditest ning allikatest. Tuginedes teistele olulisematele militaarvaldkonna keelevajaduse analĂŒĂŒsi uuringutele (nt Aho 2003, Lett 2005, Park 2015) viidi kĂ€esolev uurimus lĂ€bi lĂ€htuvalt ĂŒlesandepĂ”hise keelevajaduse analĂŒĂŒsi teooriast (vt Long 2015).http://www.ester.ee/record=b5142530*es

    NeerukivitÔve kahtlusega haige piltdiagnostika

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    Viimase paari aastakĂŒmne tehniline areng on radioloogiliste uuringute nimekirja ja vĂ”imalusi nii laiendanud, et nendes orienteerumine nĂ”uab tĂ”sist pingutust ka radioloogidelt endilt, rÀÀkimata siis raviarstidest. Ja nii mĂ”nigi kord juhtub, et uue meetodiga saadud detailirikka ja atraktiivse kujutise vĂ”imalik reaalne mĂ”ju patsiendi kĂ€situsele jÀÀb selgusetuks ning teatakse vaid, et selle kujutise saamine on jĂ€rjekordselt kulukam. Enamasti on ka nii, et uued meetodid annavad uut ja tĂ€iendavat informatsiooni, vanad aga jÀÀvad endiselt kasutusele. On aga siiski erandeid ning neerukivitĂ”ve haige piltdiagnostiline algoritm on ĂŒks selliseid, kus uus diagnostikameetod on eelnevad peaaegu tĂ€ielikult kĂ”rvale jĂ€tnud. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(7−8):485−49

    Response to Serafim SeppÀlÀ

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    Catharina Raudvere, University of Copenhagen Catharina Raudvere is a professor of the history of religion at the University of Copenhagen and manages its research centre ‘Many Roads in Modernity. South-eastern Europe and its Ottoman Roots’ (modernity.ku.dk). Her publications include the monograph The Book and the Roses. Sufi Women, Visibility and Zikir in Contemporary Istanbul (2002) and the co-edited volumes Religion, Politics, and Turkey’s EU Accession (with Dietrich Jung, 2008), Sufism Today: Heritage and Tradition in the Global Community (with Leif Stenberg2009), and Rethinking the Space for Religion. New Actors in Central and Southeast Europe (with Krzysztof Stala and Trine Stauning- Willert, 2012). Most recently she published Islam: An Introduction (2015) and edited Contested Memories and the Demands of the Past: History Cultures in the Modern Muslim World (2016).A response to Serafim SeppĂ€lÀ’s article ‘The “Temple of Non-Being” at Tsitsernakaberd and remembrance of the Armenian genocide: an interpretation’. Key themes discussed include increasing efforts to convey divergent positions in a conflict when contemporary memorial sites are planned, as well as recent contributions within the academic field of memory studies, placing emphasis on local narrative and agency rather than institutional religious and national frameworks

    Rooms of their own: old rituals in new settings: women between Sufism and Islamic activism in contemporary Istanbul

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    This paper deals with how rituals, deeply rooted in local tradition, can be used to legitimize new forms of activism in complex modern societies. The empirical material comes from fieldwork in Istanbul, where the author has studied a small Muslim women's group. The women have organized their activities in the form of a religious foundation, offering regular prayer meetings and basic religious education to other women in the vicinity. The women's use of the term vakif  comprises both the formal organisation and the meeting place as such. The weekly performance of the repetitive and intense zikir-prayer constitutes the core of activities and the teachings of the leading women and their theology is clearly based on sufi, tasavvuf, thought. They identify themselves as the keepers of sufi traditions, but without any formal connection to any established order, tarikat. Many of the formal aspects of their religious life follow established patterns, but the social and cultural setting in the mega-city of Istanbul is a novelty. From the conditions of modern urban life follows a wider complexity in individual intention and interpretation of the rituals

    The Part of the Whole. Cosmology as an Empirical and Analytical Concept

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    In the study of Old Norse religion, mythology and cosmology are two core concepts frequently used in inter-disciplinary discussions as to the content, changes and spread of the pre-Christian religion in Scandinavia. The article discusses the concept of cosmology in relation to religion and world-view, with examples from picture-stones and from mythological and heroic texts. Cosmology is not a criterion of religion, any more than the occurrence of an explicitly formulated cosmology necessarily implies that the aim in presenting a world-view is exclusively religious. We may be justified in looking closely at a body of material that is to be studies and asking ourselves where its systematicity is formulated: in the researcher’s argumentation, in a compiler like Snorri, or in the emic tradition? And not least, which individual narratives in the local tradition are singled out as cosmological? Hybrid forms are rarely identified by studying cosmologies as doctrinal systems. The representation of world-views can take other forms than systematised accounts, but then they are less easily accessible to research. In a discussion of the concept of cosmology, there may be good reason to ask what motifs in text and image recurring over a long time imply for different interpretations and what their ambivalence means for their analysis today. The as now, there is a wide range of possibilities when it comes to the interpretation of individual expressions. The explanatory value of concepts such as cosmology, or for that matter mythology, is sometimes obscure, since the terms are used to capture a particular type of empirical material rather than to answer an analytical question. Cosmology and mythology thus refer to a certain kind of content in narratives rather than to the normal meaning of the term cosmology, i.e. a coherent doctrine of the universe that takes into consideration both the spatial aspects of the word cosmos and systematic knowledge, logos

    Response to Serafim SeppÀlÀ

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    A response to Serafim SeppĂ€lÀ’s article ‘The “Temple of Non-Being” at Tsitsernakaberd and remembrance of the Armenian genocide: an interpretation’. Key themes discussed include increasing efforts to convey divergent positions in a conflict when contemporary memorial sites are planned, as well as recent contributions within the academic field of memory studies, placing emphasis on local narrative and agency rather than institutional religious and national frameworks

    Parasitism kÔlvatu konkurentsi valguses

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    In frÄn sidan. Elizabeth W. Fernea: En pionjÀr i studiet av muslimsk religiös praxis

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    English abstract: An apparent trend in the study of Islam and Muslims during the last decades is the growing interest in religious everyday life and ritual practice. Sometimes Islamic Studies are said to be too focused on politicization, extremism and migration, but contemporary studies to a growing extent also discuss ”lived religion” and ”vernacular religion” with the ambition to identify how individuals and smaller groups practice and understand their religion. These studies have provided important documentation of practices, methodological and theoretical discussions and a more complex view on texts and the uses of texts. But such an interest has a long history. This article presents one of the pioneers in the study of Muslim piety, Elizabeth Fernea, and points to the importance of early ethnography as a resource for the study of contemporary religion. Fernea's two-year stay in a Shiite small-town in Iraq generated fully-fledged descriptions of everyday piety as well as a unique account of a pilgrim tour to Karbala 1957. Its literary style immediately gave Guests of the Sheik a broad range of readers when it was published in 1965, but it took longer before it was established in academic literature. In her book, Fernea describes religious conditions in Iraq in the 1950s and the conflicts between the lives of the clans and the emerging urban middle class. In comparison to the chaos in Iraq since 2003 and the preceding decades of dictatorship, Fernea's study is a narrative from another Iraq. Svensk resumE: En pĂ„taglig trend i studiet av islam och muslimer under de senaste Ă„rtiondena har varit ett vĂ€xande intresse för religiöst vardagsliv och rituell praxis. Islamstudier skylls ibland för att vara alltför fokuserade pĂ„ politisering, extremism och migration, men samtida studier som inte primĂ€rt behandlat dessa frĂ„gor har i ökad utstrĂ€ckning studerat ”lived religion” och ”vernacular religion”. Dessa perspektiv har genererat betydelsefull dokumentation av praxis, metodologiska och teoretiska diskussioner, samt bidragit till en mer komplex syn pĂ„ text och textbruk. Men intresse för hur mĂ€nniskor praktiserar sin religion och lokala tolkningar har en lĂ„ng historia. Denna artikel presenterar en av pionjĂ€rerna för studiet av muslimsk fromhet, Elizabeth Fernea, och pekar pĂ„ betydelsen av tidigare etnografi som resurs ocksĂ„ för religionsvetenskapens samtida studier. Ferneas tvĂ„Ă„riga vistelse i en shiamuslimsk smĂ„stad i Irak resulterade i skildringar av sĂ„vĂ€l vardagens fromhet som en unik framstĂ€llning av en pilgrimsfĂ€rd till Karbala 1957. Guests of the Sheik fick frĂ„n början en bred lĂ€sekrets nĂ€r boken publicerades 1965, men det dröjde innan den fick en sjĂ€lvklar plats i den akademiska litteraturen. I jĂ€mförelse med det tillstĂ„nd av kaos och vĂ„ld som Irak befinner sig i sedan 2003 och den diktatur som föregick Ă€r Ferneas studie ett vittnesmĂ„l om ett annat Irak, men som ohjĂ€lpligt hör till historien. SpĂ€nningarna mellan klanernas traditionella liv och den begynnande framvĂ€xten av en utbildad urban medelklass Ă€r ett bĂ€rande tema i studien liksom de komplicerade relationerna mellan muslimer och kristna
