124 research outputs found

    The dark kinase STK32A regulates hair cell planar polarity opposite of EMX2 in the developing mouse inner ear.

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    The vestibular maculae of the inner ear contain sensory receptor hair cells that detect linear acceleration and contribute to equilibrioception to coordinate posture and ambulatory movements. These hair cells are divided between two groups, separated by a line of polarity reversal (LPR), with oppositely oriented planar-polarized stereociliary bundles that detect motion in opposite directions. The transcription factor EMX2 is known to establish this planar polarized organization in mouse by regulating the distribution of the transmembrane receptor GPR156 at hair cell boundaries in one group of cells. However, the genes regulated by EMX2 in this context were previously not known. Using mouse as a model, we have identified the serine threonine kinase STK32A as a downstream effector negatively regulated by EMX2

    TMC function, dysfunction, and restoration in mouse vestibular organs

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    Tmc1 and Tmc2 are essential pore-forming subunits of mechanosensory transduction channels localized to the tips of stereovilli in auditory and vestibular hair cells of the inner ear. To investigate expression and function of Tmc1 and Tmc2 in vestibular organs, we used quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), fluorescence in situ hybridization – hairpin chain reaction (FISH-HCR), immunostaining, FM1-43 uptake and we measured vestibular evoked potentials (VsEPs) and vestibular ocular reflexes (VORs). We found that Tmc1 and Tmc2 showed dynamic developmental changes, differences in regional expression patterns, and overall expression levels which differed between the utricle and saccule. These underlying changes contributed to unanticipated phenotypic loss of VsEPs and VORs in Tmc1 KO mice. In contrast, Tmc2 KO mice retained VsEPs despite the loss of the calcium buffering protein calretinin, a characteristic biomarker of mature striolar calyx-only afferents. Lastly, we found that neonatal Tmc1 gene replacement therapy is sufficient to restore VsEP in Tmc1 KO mice for up to six months post-injection

    Medical error in the portuguese press: when patients are part of the news

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    Esta investigação aborda a qualidade da produção noticiosa sobre o erro médico, como um fator essencial na construção do conhecimento público sobre o tema, com o objetivo de compreender que características definem tal produção e até que ponto poderão ser explicadas pela periodicidade e orientação editorial dos jornais; que conceito de erro médico é veiculado pela produção noticiosa sobre o tema; e quais são os protagonistas no discurso jornalístico sobre o erro médico. Foram analisadas as edições de três jornais portugueses, de 2008 a 2011, resultando num corpus de 266 (4,2%) artigos, que foram classificados de acordo com as seguintes variáveis: as fontes de informação citadas (o seu estatuto e especialidade, no caso dos médicos); os temas que são tratados; as características de enquadramento da informação publicada (tom, género jornalístico; e a presença e número de fontes de informação). Pela análise de conteúdo quantitativa, apurou-se que esse tema está em crescimento, essencialmente com notícias de tom negativo e fontes de informação habitualmente identificadas. Não há evidência para afirmar que a periodicidade e a orientação editorial expliquem as variações dessas características, a não ser relativamente ao número de fontes citadas. Vigoram as notícias centradas nos resultados dos erros (mortes ou lesões), provocados por "erros de omissão" e por "erros de comissão", envolvendo uma diversidade de protagonistas: são, tal como acontece na informação sobre saúde em geral, fontes oficiais e especializadas do campo da saúde. Destacam-se os médicos e os juristas e é dado relevo aos pacientes.This research addresses the quality of news production on medical error, as an essential factor in building public knowledge on the subject, in order to understand which characteristics define the news production of medical error and to what extent can they be explained by the periodicity and editorial orientation of the newspaper; which concept of medical error is transmitted by the news production on the subject; and who are the main actors in the journalistic discourse about medical error. The editions of three Portuguese newspapers were analyzed, from 2008 to 2011, resulting in a corpus of 266 (4.2%) articles, which were classified according to the following variables: the sources of information quoted (their status and specialty, in the case of doctors); the issues covered; and characteristic framework of the published information (tone, journalistic style, and the presence and number of information sources). Through quantitative content analysis, it was found that this topic is growing, essentially with negative news and information sources usually being identified. There is no evidence to support that periodicity and editorial orientation explain the variations in these characteristics, except for the number of cited sources. News focused on the results of errors (death or injury), caused by "errors of omission" and "commission errors", prevail, involving a variety of actors: they are, such as it happens in health information, in general, official sources and experts in health. Doctors and lawyers stand out, and special attention is given to patients

    Beyond literacy and numeracy in patient provider communication: Focus groups suggest roles for empowerment, provider attitude and language

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although the number of people living in the United States with limited English proficiency (LEP) is substantial, the impact of language on patients' experience of provider-patient communication has been little explored.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a series of 12 exploratory focus groups in English, Spanish and Cantonese to elicit discussion about patient-provider communication, particularly with respect to the concerns of the health literacy framework, i.e. ability to accurately understand, interpret and apply information given by providers. Within each language, 2 groups had high education and 2 had low education participants to partially account for literacy levels, which cannot be assessed consistently across three languages. Eighty-five (85) adults enrolled in the focus groups. The resulting video tapes were transcribed, translated and analyzed via content analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified 5 themes: 1) language discordant communication; 2) language concordant communication; 3) empowerment; 4) providers' attitudes; 5) issues with the health care system. Despite efforts by facilitators to elicit responses related to cognitive understanding, issues of interpersonal process were more salient, and respondents did not readily separate issues of accurate understanding from their overall narratives of experience with health care and illness. Thematic codes often appeared to be associated with education level, language and/or culture.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our most salient finding was that for most of our participants there was no clear demarcation between literacy and numeracy, language interpretation, health communication, interpersonal relations with their provider and the rest of their experience with the health care system.</p

    Communicating uncertainty - how Australian television reported H1N1 risk in 2009: a content analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Health officials face particular challenges in communicating with the public about emerging infectious diseases of unknown severity such as the 2009 H1N1(swine 'flu) pandemic (pH1N1). Statements intended to create awareness and convey the seriousness of infectious disease threats can draw accusations of scare-mongering, while officials can be accused of complacency if such statements are not made. In these communication contexts, news journalists, often reliant on official sources to understand issues are pivotal in selecting and emphasising aspects of official discourse deemed sufficiently newsworthy to present to the public. This paper presents a case-study of news communication regarding the emergence of pH1N1.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a content analysis of all television news items about pH1N1. We examined news and current affairs items broadcast on 5 free-to-air Sydney television channels between April 25 2009 (the first report) and October 9 (prior to the vaccine release) for statements about <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp> the seriousness of the disease <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B2">2</abbr></abbrgrp> how the public could minimise contagion <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B3">3</abbr></abbrgrp> government responses to emerging information.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>pH1N1 was the leading health story for eight of 24 weeks and was in the top 5 for 20 weeks. 353 news items were identified, yielding 3086 statements for analysis, with 63.4% related to the seriousness of the situation, 12.9% providing advice for viewers and 23.6% involving assurances from government. Coverage focused on infection/mortality rates, the spread of the virus, the need for public calm, the vulnerability of particular groups, direct and indirect advice for viewers, and government reassurances about effective management.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Overall, the reporting of 2009 pH1N1 in Sydney, Australia was generally non-alarmist, while conveying that pH1N1 was potentially serious. Daily infection rate tallies and commentary on changes in the pandemic alert level were seldom contextualised to assist viewers in understanding personal relevance. Suggestions are made about how future reporting of emerging infectious diseases could be enhanced.</p

    Zdravstveno obrazovanje i informiranje koje provode službe medicine rada u Finskoj

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    This article discusses health education and communication in Occupational Health Services (OHS) based on a questionnaire study conducted in Finnish OHS in 2005. The study focused on educational activities carried out by OH professionals and directed at individual employees, work communities and groups, and representatives of client organisations. The questionnaire was sent to 1132 OH professionals - physicians, nurses, physiotherapists and psychologists - working in 130 OHS units, and representing different OHS providers in Finland. 635 respondents (162 physicians, 342 nurses, 96 physiotherapists, 35 psychologists) returned the questionnaire. The overall response rate was 58 %. There were statistically significant differences in educational activities by different professional groups; differences were also related to the length of working experience in OHS. For all OH professionals, individual employees were the primary clients of health education and communication. Education was less often directed at work communities and representatives of client organisations. However, many issues related to health and well-being at work are not within the reach of individual employees. The impact of health education would be more evident if it also reached those organisational stakeholders with discretion in decision-making. Furthermore, OH personnel should pay attention to the social aspect of learning and work more with groups and work communities.U ovome se članku raspravlja o zdravstvenom obrazovanju i informiranju koje provode službe medicine rada, a na temelju istraživanja provedenog među tim službama 2005. U središtu su ispitivanja bile obrazovne aktivnosti medicinara rada usmjerene na radnike kao pojedince, radne zajednice i skupine te predstavnike korisničkih organizacija. Upitnik su dobila 1132 medicinara rada, uključujući liječnike, medicinske sestre, fizioterapeute i psihologe zaposlene u 130 jedinica koje pružaju usluge medicine rada u Finskoj. Ispunjene je upitnike vratilo 635 sudionika (162 liječnika, 342 sestre, 96 fizioterapeuta te 35 psihologa). Ukupni odgovor iznosio je 58 %. Zamijećene su statistički značajne razlike u obrazovnim aktivnostima između pojedinih zanimanja, a one su bile povezane i sa stažem u medicini rada. Svim medicinarima rada pojedinačni radnici primarni su korisnici zdravstvenoga obrazovanja i informiranja. Obrazovanje se rjeđe usmjeravalo na radne zajednice i predstavnike korisničkih organizacija. Međutim, mnoga otvorena pitanja vezana uz zdravlje i dobrobit na radu nisu u nadležnosti pojedinačnih zaposlenika. Utjecaj zdravstvenoga obrazovanja bio bi stoga svrhovitiji kada bi ono obuhvatilo i one strukture koje donose odluke. Osim toga, osoblje medicine rada treba obratiti pozornost na socijalni aspekt učenja te treba više raditi sa skupinama i radnim zajednicama

    Health literacy and public health: A systematic review and integration of definitions and models

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Health literacy concerns the knowledge and competences of persons to meet the complex demands of health in modern society. Although its importance is increasingly recognised, there is no consensus about the definition of health literacy or about its conceptual dimensions, which limits the possibilities for measurement and comparison. The aim of the study is to review definitions and models on health literacy to develop an integrated definition and conceptual model capturing the most comprehensive evidence-based dimensions of health literacy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A systematic literature review was performed to identify definitions and conceptual frameworks of health literacy. A content analysis of the definitions and conceptual frameworks was carried out to identify the central dimensions of health literacy and develop an integrated model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The review resulted in 17 definitions of health literacy and 12 conceptual models. Based on the content analysis, an integrative conceptual model was developed containing 12 dimensions referring to the knowledge, motivation and competencies of accessing, understanding, appraising and applying health-related information within the healthcare, disease prevention and health promotion setting, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Based upon this review, a model is proposed integrating medical and public health views of health literacy. The model can serve as a basis for developing health literacy enhancing interventions and provide a conceptual basis for the development and validation of measurement tools, capturing the different dimensions of health literacy within the healthcare, disease prevention and health promotion settings.</p

    Generic health literacy measurement instruments for children and adolescents:a systematic review of the literature

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    Background Health literacy is an important health promotion concern and recently children and adolescents have been the focus of increased academic attention. To assess the health literacy of this population, researchers have been focussing on developing instruments to measure their health literacy. Compared to the wider availability of instruments for adults, only a few tools are known for younger age groups. The objective of this study is to systematically review the field of generic child and adolescent health literacy measurement instruments that are currently available. Method A systematic literature search was undertaken in five databases (PubMed, CINAHL, PsycNET, ERIC, and FIS) on articles published between January 1990 and July 2015, addressing children and adolescents ?18 years old. Eligible articles were analysed, data was extracted, and synthesised according to review objectives. Results Fifteen generic health literacy measurement instruments for children and adolescents were identified. All, except two, are self-administered instruments. Seven are objective measures (performance-based tests), seven are subjective measures (self-reporting), and one uses a mixed-method measurement. Most instruments applied a broad and multidimensional understanding of health literacy. The instruments were developed in eight different countries, with most tools originating in the United States (n =?6). Among the instruments, 31 different components related to health literacy were identified. Accordingly, the studies exhibit a variety of implicit or explicit conceptual and operational definitions, and most instruments have been used in schools and other educational contexts. While the youngest age group studied was 7-year-old children within a parent-child study, there is only one instrument specifically designed for primary school children and none for early years. Conclusions Despite the reported paucity of health literacy research involving children and adolescents, an unexpected number of health literacy measurement studies in children?s populations was found. Most instruments tend to measure their own specific understanding of health literacy and not all provide sufficient conceptual information. To advance health literacy instruments, a much more standardised approach is necessary including improved reporting on the development and validation processes. Further research is required to improve health literacy instruments for children and adolescents and to provide knowledge to inform effective interventionspublishersversionPeer reviewe