297 research outputs found

    Hak Waris Anak Perempuan Menurut Hukum Adat Samin, Desa Klopoduwur, Kabupaten Blora

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    The samanic society that adheres to Adam's religion that has the principle of honesty, all religions to them equally well. The samin are convinced of a belief in the laws of nature and the law of karma. The people of samin use the title of inheritance instead of inheritance, and in sharing the inheritance of the samin community using the parental system only they do not always know the relationship of blood or the upper generation after the grandparents because they assume that all children are descendants of adam who have rights and obligations same. While the process of dividing the inheritance of the samin community does not distinguish the religion held by its descendants as long as it does not contradict the main points of the teachings of samin, in the division of inheritance as long as the parents are alive to avoid disputes. The author is interested to examine more about the division of inheritance, especially the part of girls in the community of samin, precisely in the village Klopoduwur, Kabupaten Blora. KEYWORDS: Rights of Inheritance, Girls, Samin Custom

    Integrated Classifier: A Tool for Microarray Analysis

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    Microarray technology has been developed and applied in different biological context, especially for the purpose of monitoring the expression levels of thousands of genes simultaneously. In this regard, analysis of such data requires sophisticated computational tools. Hence, we confined ourselves to propose a tool for the analysis of microarray data. For this purpose, a feature selection scheme is integrated with the classical supervised classifiers like Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbor, Decision Tree and Naive Bayes, separately to improve the classification performance, named as Integrated Classifiers. Here feature selection scheme generates bootstrap samples that are used to create diverse and informative features using Principal Component Analysis. Thereafter, such features are multiplied with the original data in order create training and testing data for the classifiers. Final classification results are obtained on test data by computing posterior probability. The performance of the proposed integrated classifiers with respect to their conventional classifiers is demonstrated on 12 microarray datasets. The results show that the integrated classifiers boost the performance up to 25.90% for a dataset, while the average performance gain is 9.74%, over the conventional classifiers. The superiority of the results has also been established through statistical significance test

    Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kayu Putih (Melaleuca Cajuputi Sub SP. Cajuputi) pada Kawasan Hutan Lindung Dusun Malimbu dan Dusun Badung Resort Malimbu Kphl Rinjani Barat

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor karakteristik lahan yang mempengaruhi perbedaan pertumbuhan Kayu Putih di Malimbu dan Badung dan menentukan Kelas kesesuaian lahan Kayu Putih di Malimbu dan Badung. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kawasan hutan lindung Dusun Malimbu dan Badung Resort Malimbu KPHL Rinjani Barat. Parameter yang diukur adalah pertumbuhan Kayu Putih meliputi diameter, tinggi dan volume, serta faktor lingkungan meliputi ketinggian tempat, suhu udara, dan sifat fisika tanah (tekstur tanah, kadar air tanah, kedalaman efektif, bulk density, porositas tanah dan suhu tanah). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ׃ 1). Rata-rata diameter, tinggi, volume dan jumlah tanaman Kayu Putih umur 22 bulan di Badung sebesar 3,33 cm, 3,29 m, 2355,83 cm3 dan 32 tanaman/plot, sedangkan di Malimbu sebesar 1,43 cm, 1,87 m, 241,85 cm3 dan 22 tanaman/plot; 2). Faktor yang berpengaruh nyata pada taraf toleransi 95% (α = 0,05) terhadap diameter Kayu Putih adalah fraksi pasir, suhu tanah, kedalaman efektif dan ketinggian tempat, sedangkan terhadap tinggi Kayu Putih adalah fraksi pasir, bulk density dan kedalaman efektif; 3). Kesesuaian lahan aktual Kayu Putih di Malimbu tergolong Kelas N1r dengan faktor pembatas media perakaran (drainase tanah), sedangkan di Badung tergolong Kelas S3w dan S3wr dengan faktor pembatas ketersediaan air (bulan kering) dan media perakaran (drainase tanah)

    Mechanical properties as printability predictors of Paroxetine-loaded filaments by fused deposition modeling

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    Poster presented at the 80th FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Seville, Spain, 18-22 September 2022N/

    Molecular mechanisms beyond glucose transport in diabetes-related male infertility

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the greatest public health threats in modern societies. Although during a few years it was suggested that DM had no significant effect in male reproductive function, this view has been challenged in recent years. The increasing incidence of DM worldwide will inevitably result in a higher prevalence of this pathology in men of reproductive age and subfertility or infertility associated with DM is expected to dramatically rise in upcoming years. From a clinical perspective, the evaluation of semen parameters, as well as spermatozoa deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) integrity, are often studied due to their direct implications in natural and assisted conception. Nevertheless, recent studies based on the molecular mechanisms beyond glucose transport in testicular cells provide new insights in DM-induced alterations in male reproductive health. Testicular cells have their own glucose sensing machinery that react to hormonal fluctuations and have several mechanisms to counteract hyper- and hypoglycemic events. Moreover, the metabolic cooperation between testicular cells is crucial for normal spermatogenesis. Sertoli cells (SCs), which are the main components of blood–testis barrier, are not only responsible for the physical support of germ cells but also for lactate production that is then metabolized by the developing germ cells. Any alteration in this tied metabolic cooperation may have a dramatic consequence in male fertility potential. Therefore, we present an overview of the clinical significance of DM in the male reproductive health with emphasis on the molecular mechanisms beyond glucose fluctuation and transport in testicular cells


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    The writing is intended to analyze the impact and implementation of the restorative justice restoration in public life, and to analyze the similarities of law enforcement officers' conception to the justice restoration developed in each sub-criminal justice system, the police, the prosecutor, and the Supreme Court. The writing method used by the type or type of research conducted isa descriptive type of research using qualitative research methods. It also employs analysis approaches. Its importance is known about the impact and equality of justice's conception

    A switch from high-fat to normal diet does not restore sperm quality but prevents metabolic syndrome

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    In recent decades, the prevalence of metabolic diseases has concomitantly increased with a decline on fertility rates and sperm quality. High-fat diets (HFD) are seldom considered part of the problem, but the molecular mechanisms underlying its effects on male fertility remain poorly understood. Herein we postulated that HFD alter sperm quality. We evaluated the effects of switching from a HFD to a normal diet in early adulthood on metabolic disease onset, testicular metabolism and sperm quality. Thirty-six male C57BL6/J mice were divided in: a control group fed with standard chow; a group fed with HFD for 200 days; and a group fed with HFD for 60 days and then with standard chow (HFDt). Biometric data and whole-body metabolism were assessed. Epididymal sperm was studied for concentration, motility, viability and morphology. 1H-NMR metabolomics approach was performed on testicular extracts to trace the metabolic changes. Diet switch reduced body weight and fat mass, preventing metabolic syndrome onset. However, sperm viability, motility and morphology were deteriorated by HFD consumption and not restored by diet switch. HFD induced irreversible changes in pyruvate and glutamate metabolism, ethanol degradation and ammonia recycling in testis. Furthermore, HFDt changed purine and cysteine metabolism, urea cycle, and glutathione content. Overall, HFD caused irreversible changes in testicular metabolism even after switching to normal diet. HFD feeding until early adulthood decreases sperm quality, which cannot be restored by diet switch or weight loss, even when development of metabolic syndrome is avoided

    Perceraian dan Akibat Hukumnya terhadap Anak dan Harta Bersama Menurut Hukum Adat Osing di Desa Aliyan, Kecamatan Rogojampi, Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Divorce or dissolution of the marriage means the return of husband and wife into group family own. According to Osing adat law in Aliyan village, Rogojampi, Banyuwangi Regency, the divorce will give the rise to rights and obligations of children and joint property. The community of Osing adat law embraces the system of bilateral kinship which pulls the descendant line of the second parent with regard to the divorce by which children are given the freedom to choose by following the father or the mother. The community of Osing adat law never discriminates on the ground of biological children, legal children, adopted children and stepchildren, and legal position children. In the system of bilateral kinship, with regard to the divorce, the legal position of the property will return to the origin and joint property will be shared equally. Keywords: Divorce, Osing Adat Law, Legal Position, Children and Joint Propert

    Cardiovascular risk profile of high school students: A cross-sectional study

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    INTRODUCTION: Disease prevention should begin in childhood and lifestyles are important risk determinants of cardiovascular disease. Awareness and monitoring of risk is essential in preventive strategies. AIM: To characterize cardiovascular risk and the relationships between certain variables in adolescents. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, 854 adolescent schoolchildren were surveyed, mean age 16.3±0.9 years. Data collection included questionnaires, physical examination, charts for 10-year relative risk of mortality, and biochemical assays. In the statistical analysis continuous variables were studied by the Student's t test and categorical variables by the chi-square test and Fisher's exact test, and each risk factor was entered as a dependent variable in logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Physical activity was insufficient in 81% of students. The daily consumption of soup, salad or vegetables, and fruit was, respectively, 37%, 39% and 21%. A minority (6%) took ≤3 and 77% took ≥5 meals a day. The prevalence of each risk factor was as follows: overweight 16%; smoking 13%; hypertension 11%; impaired glucose metabolism 9%; hypertriglyceridemia 9%; and hypercholesterolemia 5%. Out-of-school physical activity, hypertension and overweight were more prevalent in males (p<0.001). Females had higher levels of cholesterol (p<0.005) and triglycerides (p<0.001). A quarter of the adolescents had a relative risk score for 10-year cardiovascular mortality of ≥2. Overweight showed a positive association with blood pressure, changes in glucose metabolism and triglycerides, and a negative association with number of daily meals. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate the need for action in providing and encouraging healthy choices for adolescents, with an emphasis on behavioral and lifestyle changes aimed at individuals, families and communitie

    Diet during early life defines testicular lipid content and sperm quality in adulthood

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    Childhood obesity is a serious concern associated with ill health later in life. Emerging data suggest that obesity has long-term adverse effects upon male sexual and reproductive health but few studies addressed this issue. We hypothesized that exposure to high-fat diet during early life alters testicular lipid content and metabolism leading to permanent damage to sperm parameters. After weaning (day 21 after birth), 36 male mice were randomly divided into 3 groups and fed with different diet regimen for 200 days: CTRL-standard chow; HFD-high-fat diet (Carbohydrate: 35.7%, Protein: 20.5%, Fat: 36.0%); HFDt-high-fat diet for 60 days then replaced by standard chow. Biometric and metabolic data were monitored. Animals were then sacrificed, and tissues collected. Epididymal sperm parameters and endocrine parameters were evaluated. Testicular metabolites were extracted and characterized by 1H-NMR and GC-MS. Testicular mitochondrial and antioxidant activity were evaluated. Our results show that mice fed with high-fat diet, even if only until early adulthood, had lower sperm viability and motility, and higher incidence of head and tail defects. Although diet reversion with weight loss during adulthood prevents the progression of metabolic syndrome, testicular content in fatty acids is irreversibly affected. Excessive fat intake promoted an over-accumulation of pro-inflammatory n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in testis, which are strongly correlated with negative effects upon sperm quality. Therefore, the adoption of high-fat diets during early life correlates to irreversible changes in testicular lipid content and metabolism, which are related to permanent damage to sperm quality later in life