29 research outputs found


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    Artikel ini mencoba membahas hakikat globalisasi, dan apa hubungannya dengan identitas muslim? Bagaimana islam menyikapi globalisasi? apakah islam mengenal konsep globalisasi?sampai hari ini, belum ditemukan kesepakatan terhadap definisi globalisasi, hal ini dikarenakan terma ini digunakan dalam berbagai bidang. Globalisasi barat berbeda dengan globalitas yang ada dalam islam. Globalitas islam sangat menghargai perbedaan sebagai khazanah kekayaan budaya, adapun globalisasi barat berusaha memaksa nilai-nilai barat atas kebudayaan dan jati diri bangsa lain. Globalisasi barat mengancam eksintesi identitas dan jati diri kelompok lain. Pun demikian, umat islam harus arif dan bijak dalam menghadapi globalisasi ini. Bersikat moderat dalam menghadapi berbagai gempuran pemikiran merupakan sikap yang harus ditunjukkan oleh seorang muslim

    The Effectiveness of Development Planning of Civil Servants Apparatus in Improving Competence in 2019

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    This study examines the effectiveness of the development planning of the state civil apparatus in increasing competence. The research objective is to understand how the planning for the development of the state civil apparatus in increasing competence by the Bener Meriah District Education and Training Personnel Board. The theoretical perspectives used are public administration theory, planning effectiveness theory, state civil servant resource management theory, and competency development. The research method used is qualitative. The results showed that planning for the development of the state civil apparatus in increasing competence by BKPP Bener Meriah Regency is still not effective, this can be seen from the indicators of planning effectiveness according to Cambel JP, including program success, target success, satisfaction with the program, levels of input and output and achievement of goals. all of which are still ineffective. Internal obstacles are due to the lack of budget for the education and training program so that they cannot provide competency development training for ASNs, and external obstacles are due to the lack of interest in ASNs to improve competence due to high training costs and lack of commitment from SKPK leaders in Bener Meriah Regency in motivating ASNs to improve their competence


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    To reach an ideal household (mawaddah warohmah), various preparatory efforts areneeded as early as possible to support the marriage. This preparation must have started since theintroduction process until there is a determination to get to the marriage level. Broadly speaking,preparations that must be required include a prospective husband and wife must be ready ormature physically, mentally (psychologically), socially and sexually. Khitbah in Indonesian isthe same as engagement, engagement or proposal. The word "khitbah" comes from Arabic whichis a masdar form of the word تطخ which means to propose or propose. In the Indonesian IslamicEncyclopedia explained that Khitbah means the proposal or proposal, which is the proposal of aman who wants to marry a woman, whether she is still a girl or already a widow. In this caseproposal can be done by men and women in accordance with the customs that apply to thecommunity or the environment they live. Ibn Hazm has his own minhaj (method) inunderstanding texts, that is, the Zhahiri minhaj which is very different from the school ofworship that is adopted by jumhur. In understanding a text Ibn Hazm took directly from theprovisions of the text al-Qur'an and the hadith, he only looked at what they can see from theoutside only. Not proclaiming the law, not searching for „illat, he eve n said that the text must beunderstood in its final way. Ibn Hazm argues that when preaching a man can see the whole bodyof his future wife without exception. Whether it's aurat or not

    The Implementation of Government Regulation Number 53 Year 2010 Concerning Discipline of Civil Servants in Bener Meriah Regency 2019 in the Education Personnel Board And Bener Meriah District Training

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    This study examines the implementation of Government Regulation No. 53/2010 concerning Civil Servant Discipline. The research objective is to understand how compliance and barriers to civil servants are in implementing these policies. The theoretical perspective used is the theory of public policy implementation according to Anderson. The research method used is a qualitative research method. The results of the study show that the compliance of civil servants in Bener Meriah Regency in 2019 in implementing Government Regulation Number 53 of 2020 concerning Civil Servant Discipline is still not effectively implemented, both in terms of actors implementing policies, the nature of the administrative process, compliance, and the impact of policies. which is implemented. Internal obstacles are caused by the inadequacy of the BKPP Bener Meriah Regency in supervising and evaluating civil servants who violate disciplinary rules, and the low awareness of civil servants in implementing discipline in duty, which is also influenced by the low reward or appreciation for civil servants who have high discipline and lack of discipline. he stressed that the punishment was given to civil servants who had low discipline by the leadership of the SKPK. External obstacles are caused by the lack of decisiveness and lack of supervision from SKPK leaders in following up on civil servants who violate discipline

    Respons Of Islamic Stock Markets To Monetary Policy Empirical Evidence from Indonesia

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    AbstractPurpose - The impact of stock market and capital formation on economic growth in Indonesia for the period of January 2015 – May 2019. This paper examines a long-run equilibrium relation between stock market, capital formation and economic growth and other control variables.Method - This study uses autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model.Result - Findings revealed that none of the models was stationary at level but were all stationary at first difference. There is not a short run significant relationship between stock market, capital formation and economic growth in Indonesia. In the long run, capital formation has a significant positive association on economic growth and a negative non-significant relationship between stock market and economic growth in Indonesia.Implication - This research is useful to know the response of Sharia market to monetary policy instruments in Indonesia so that the Sharia stock market strategy is potentially developing in the future to encourage the achievement of characteristics such as An alternative source of financing and investment for economic actors and able to facilitate risk mitigation needs for market participants and able to drive the efficiency of transactions in the market through the improvement of the quality of stock market infrastructure Sharia.  Originality - The update of this research is response of Sharia stock market response to monetary policy instruments in Indonesia that are researched using ARDL models

    Respons Of Islamic Stock Markets To Monetary Policy Empirical Evidence from Indonesia

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    AbstractPurpose - The impact of stock market and capital formation on economic growth in Indonesia for the period of January 2015 – May 2019. This paper examines a long-run equilibrium relation between stock market, capital formation and economic growth and other control variables.Method - This study uses autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model.Result - Findings revealed that none of the models was stationary at level but were all stationary at first difference. There is not a short run significant relationship between stock market, capital formation and economic growth in Indonesia. In the long run, capital formation has a significant positive association on economic growth and a negative non-significant relationship between stock market and economic growth in Indonesia.Implication - This research is useful to know the response of Sharia market to monetary policy instruments in Indonesia so that the Sharia stock market strategy is potentially developing in the future to encourage the achievement of characteristics such as An alternative source of financing and investment for economic actors and able to facilitate risk mitigation needs for market participants and able to drive the efficiency of transactions in the market through the improvement of the quality of stock market infrastructure Sharia.  Originality - The update of this research is response of Sharia stock market response to monetary policy instruments in Indonesia that are researched using ARDL models


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    This study tries to describe the epistemology of Irfani and formulate the Irfani method in Islamic philosophy.  In this study, the researcher used the literature review method. This study concludes that Irfani means knowledge, where this knowledge is obtained directly through experience (experiment) on religious spiritual reality. Irfani's development is divided into six phases: 1) The nursery phase. 2) Birth phase. 3) Growth phase. 4) Peak phase. 5) The specification phase 6) The decline phase. Irfani's methods andstages: a) The first stage, preparation. b) The second stage, the acceptance stage. c) The third stage, disclosure. Irfani in the perspective of Islamic Philosophy can be seen in the explanation of Muhyiddin ibn 'Arabi, who said Makrifat and this intuitive knowledge are not reached by reason and rational argumentation, but by divine guidance. Surahwardi does not consider that intuitive knowledge (read: irfani knowledge) precedes reasonable knowledge. The preamble of intuitive knowledge is the purification and enlightenment of the soul, which is a prelude to rational discussion, namely the science of logic


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    This paper attempts to examine how fundamental-radical epistemology forms after the return of the power of Taliban in Afghanistan. To arrive at this topic, the author would firstly review the terminology and historical roots of fundamentalism-radicalism,and the factors that caused its emergence and its characteristics. The author uses a historical-phenomenological approach in doing the literature research to write thisarticle. In analyzing obtained data, the author is using descriptive-analytical, historical, and holistic techniques. The results found are: first, the emergence of the understanding of fundamental-radical, which was initially only a political phenomenon, turned out to lead to systemic violence, actual violence, action, and symbolic violence. These are still threatening humanity because of the characteristics of their movements that are unwilling to communicate and attempt dialogue with relevant groups. Second, the factors behind the rise of radicalism are two, namely: socio-political factors and religious-related emotional factors. Third, the epistemology of fundamental-radicals lays only on literal and textual understanding. According to them, the truth lies in the understood sacred text, as it is

    Relative Competence of the Sharia Court: Talaq Divorce Lawsuit and Protection of Women’s Rights

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    This paper examines how the legal protection of women in the event of talaq divorce at the Sharia Court is related to the relative competence of the Sharia Court. This study is significant due to many talaq divorce cases at the Sharia Court filed by husbands not based on the wives’ domiciles. Such practices have been contrary to the principle of civil procedural law, which stipulates that a divorce case filed by the husband must be based on the wife’s domicile. Data were taken from talaq divorce decisions tried by the Banda Aceh Sharia Court, analyzed using the principles of civil procedural law. Findings of the study revealed that the majority of talaq divorce cases tried by the Sharia Court did not have strong legal force, as they were not in line with the principle of actor sequitor forum rei. In general, the decisions of the Banda Aceh Sharia Court in talaq divorce cases were made without the presence of the respondents (wives). Such decisions not only contradicted the principles of civil procedural law, but also had an impact on limited access for women to defend their interests in the courtroom


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    Prostitution is a form of social phenomenon in society. In Indonesia, especially East Java, there is still prostitution on the largest scale in Southeast Asia that has ever existed. Precisely located in an area commonly called Gang Dolly, Surabaya City. Until the leadership of Tri Rismaharini as Mayor of Surabaya City, the settlement of Gang Dolly and the perpetrators of prostitution was successfully disbanded. The purpose of this study is to understand, analyze, and describe how the voting behavior of former residents of Gang Dolly whose livelihood was dissolved by the Mayor of Surabaya City at that time, while the 2019 Elections (DPRD Surabaya City Dapil 4) continued. The case study of this research is the voting behavior of ex-localization residents of Gang Dolly. This study examines how the voting behavior of ex-localized residents of Gang Dolly in the 2019 General Elections (DPRD Surabaya City Dapil 4). This research has a problem formulation as follows: 1). How did the Dolly Gang start to be dissolved by the Mayor of Surabaya? 2). How was the behavior of voters from the exlocalization of Gang Dolly in the 2019 general election (DPRD Surabaya Dapil 4). This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a crisis analysis study of historical facts such as heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. The results of the study stated that the results of the vote recapitulation of the DPRD for the Regional Elections 4 according to the KPU's official website, there were 32,206 people and the original residents of Gang Dolly's ex-localization who used their voting rights in the 2019 Elections (DPRD City of Surabaya Dapil 4). Where, there were 16,731 valid votes and 16,077 people who did not vote in the 2019 General Elections (DPRD Surabaya City Region 4). Keywords: Behavior, Election of Regional Representatives Council 4, ex-localizati