628 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Pengecek Kemiripan Judul Laporan Akhir Berbasis Website

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    Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi yang mewajibkan mahasiswa tingkat akhir untuk membuat laporan akhir sebagai tanda menyelesaikan perkuliahan. Dalam pengajuan judul laporan akhir khususnya pada jurusan Teknik Komputer, maraknya terjadi kesamaan judul antar mahasiswa. Hal tersebut menghambat keputusan terhadap penerimaan judul sehingga dibutuhkan validitas terkait penentuan judul yang akan di gunakan mahasiswa. Membangun aplikasi pengecek kemiripan judul sama halnya dengan menemukan informasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna, karena aplikasi ini merupakan kata kunci informasi untuk menampilkan dokumen yang disebut dengan sistem mencari kembali informasi yang sudah pernah di gunakan. Desain dan database aplikasi ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL. Aplikasi pengecek kemiripan judul laporan akhir menggunakan algoritma Jaccard Similarity. Sistem membandingkan judul yang baru di input dengan judul yang telah ada di database memberikan hasil berupa presentase similarity dari perhitungan Jaccard Similarity, tingkat presentase similarity di pengaruhi oleh nilai perkata yang digunakan dalam proses pengujian


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    Keakuratan prediksi beban listrik akan berdampak pada biaya pembangkitan yang lebih ekonomis. Penggunaan energi listrik pada hari libur nasional, menunjukkan pola beban yang cenderung tidak identik, pola ini berbeda dari pola beban pada hari normal. Hal tersebut kemudian didefinisikan sebagai beban listrik anomali. Dalam skripsi ini, metode hybrid ANN-Swarm Particel bertujuan untuk memperbaiki akurasi dari prediksi beban listrik anomali yang seringkali terjadi pada hari libur nasional. Metode tersebut digunakan untuk memprediksikan kebutuhan listrik per-setengah jam untuk sistem kelistrikan dalam transmisi listrik nasional di indonesia khsusnya Region Jawa Barat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara menguji berbagai nilai learning rate dan input data pembelajaran. Hasil prediksi dari metode ini akan dibandingkan dengan data sesungguhnya yang didapat dari PT.PLN. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode tersebut sangatlah efektif untuk memprediksi beban listrik jangka pendek dalam kondisi beban anomali. Hybrid ANN-Swarm Particle cukup sederhana dan mudah sebagai sebuah perangkat analisis para engineer. Kata kunci : Prediksi beban listrik jangka pendek, beban anomali, Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan, Swarm Particle. Load forecast accuracy will have an impact on the generation cost is more economical.The use of electrical energy by consumers on holiday, show the tendency of the load patterns are not identical, it is different from the pattern of the load on a normal day. It is then defined as a anomalous load. In this paper, the method of hybrid ANN-Swarm Particle proposed to improve the accuracy of anomalous load forecasting that often occur on holidays. The proposed methodology has been used to forecast the half-hourly electricity demand for power systems in the Indonesia National Electricity Market in West Java region. Experiments were conducted by testing various of learning rate and learning data input. Performance of this methodology will be validated with real data from the national of electricity company. The result of observations show that the proposed formula is very effective to short-term load forecasting in the case of anomalous load. Hybrid ANN-Swarm Particle relatively simple and easy as a analysis tool by engineers. Keywords : Short term load forecasting, anomalous load, Artificial Neural Network, Swarm Particle


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Kajian Struktur Sajak dina Kumpulan Puisi Sunda Moderen Nu Nyusuk dina Sukma karya Chyé Rétty Isnéndés pikeun Bahan Ajar Aprésiasi Puisi di SMA Kelas XI”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melengkapi kajian sastra Sunda terutama dalam sajak serta mendeskripsikan struktur sajak dalam kumpulan puisi Sunda modern Nu Nyusuk dina Sukma berdasarkan pada struktur sajak Roman Ingarden yang meliputi lapis suara, lapis makna, lapis objek, lapis dunia, dan lapis metafisik, kemudian menerapkan hasil penelitiannya sebagai salah satu alternatif bahan ajar aprésiasi puisi di SMA Kelas XI. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif. Adapun teknik yang digunakan yaitu teknik mengumpulkan data dan teknik analisis data melalui studi pustaka dan analisis data. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah kumpulan puisi Sunda modéren Nu Nyusuk dina Sukma. Penelitian ini berfokus pada analisis struktur sajak Roman Ingarden yang meliputi lapis suara, lapis makna, lapis objek, lapis dunia, dan lapis metafisik. Hasil analisis sajak ini menghasilkan kesimpulan, dari 20 sajak yang dianalisis strukturnya, terlihat lapis suara yang sering ada dalam setiap sajak yaitu purwakanti mindoan kawit dan maduswara, serta asonansi a dan eu, juga aliterasi ng. Dalam lapis makna, terlihat bahwa bahasa yang dipakai berupa bahasa yang tidak biasa dipakai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari atau bahasa menurut kamus serta sangat memperhatikan diksinya. Dalam lapis objek, terlihat bahwa objek-objek yang disampaikan tidak sama karena disesuaikan dengan tema serta suasana pengarangnya. Dalam lapis dunia, terlihat bahwa ada persamaan dan perbedaan serta ada yang sudah terlihat dan tersirat tergantung bagaimana menginterpretasinya. Dalam lapis metafisik, terlihat bahwa ada yang mengandung sifat sublime, tragis, dan menimbulkan pemikiran pembacanya. Penelitian ini bisa dijadikan alternatif bahan ajar apresiasi puisi di SMA Kelas XI.;--- This research untitled “The Study of Structure Poetry On Association Modern Sundanese Poetry Nu Nyusuk dina Sukma by Chyé Rétty Isnéndés For Teaching materials appreciation of poetry in senior high school Class XI”. The research to complete the study of sundanese literature, especially the rhyme and also to describe structure of association modern sundanese poetry Nu Nyusuk dina Sukma based on Structure of Poetry Roman Ingarden poetry which cover sound, purpose, object, world, and metaphysical, then apply the results of his research as an alternative teaching materials appreciation of poetry in senior high school Class XI. This research used collecting data and data analysis through living study analysis. The data resources of this research taken from association modern sundanese poetry Nu Nyusuk dina Sukma rhyme. The research focused on analyzing Roman Ingarden poetry which cover sound, purpose, object, world, and metaphysical. The result of analyzing this rhyme has a conclusion, there were 20 rhymes which analysed. There would be the sound aspect for every rhyme, there were purwakanti mindoan kawit and maduswara, asonantion a and eu, and also aliterasion ng. the purpose aspect, it can be concluded that the language is unusual in daily life and it is really focused on diction. The object showed that many points were different, because it was depend on theme and the feeling of the writer. The world aspect, there were be differences and identic. The metaphysical aspect, there were found sublime characteristic, tragic, and the idea from the writer. This research can be used an alternative teaching materials appreciation of poetry in senior high school Class XI

    Uji Efek Repellent Ekstrak Daun Zodia (Evodia Suaveolens Scheff) Terhadap Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti

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    Latar Belakang: Demam berdarah dengue (DBD) adalah penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan virus Dengue dan ditularkan oleh nyamuk Aedes aegypti. Pencegahan DBD dengan menggunakan insektisida sintesis yang berfungsi sebagai racun serangga, baik berupa bahan anti nyamuk semprot, anti nyamuk bakar, maupun anti nyamuk lotion untuk menghindari efek negatif dari penggunaan anti nyamuk yang berasal dari bahan-bahan kimia, dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan repellent alami, salah satunya dengan ekstrak daun zodia. Ekstrak daun zodia merupakan tanaman yang berasal dari papua mengandung linalool (46%) dikenal sebagai pengusir (repellent) nyamuk. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui efek repellent ekstrak daun zodia terhadap nyamuk Aedes aegypti dengan konsentrasi 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% dan 25%. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan metode post test only control group design. Sampel menggunakan nyamuk Aedes aegypti sebanyak 25 ekor. Penelitian ini menggunakan kelompok kontrol tidak diolesi ekstrak daun zodia dan dengan menggunakan ekstrak daun zodia konsentrasi 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% dan 25%. Kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan dilakukan empat kali replikasi Hasil: Didapatkan bahwa ekstrak daun zodia mempunyai efek repellent terhadap nyamuk Aedes aegypti secara signifikan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari perbedaan yang bermakna dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000 antara jumlah rata-rata nyamuk yang hinggap pada kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok perlakuan 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% dan 25%. Kesimpulan: Ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara rata-rata nyamuk yang hinggap pada kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok perlakuan dan terbukti bahwa ekstrak daun zodia mempunyai efek repellent yang dioleskan pada lengan terhadap nyamuk Aedes aegypti. Kata Kunci: Nyamuk Aedes aegypti, Repellent, Zodia (Evodia suaveolens Scheff

    The Characteristics of the Letter of Dād and the Miracle of Al-Qur’an

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    Since ancient times, Arabic has been an actively used language. Arabic language is also renowned as the language of Al-Qur’an (Muslim’s holy book). However, it is important to notice that the Arabic language used for communication is certainly different from that used in the Qur’an, which is also called the classical Arabic language (qodîmah). This Qur’anic Arabic has various unique characteristics. This paper elaborates some specificities and uniqueness of Arabic letter Dād that no other languages in this world bear similarities. Thus, it cannot be denied if this language is used to represent the verses of the Qur’an. Although some challenges were later found in pronouncing this letter after the Qur’an is read by all Muslims throughout the world. The letter Dād, found in the 15 order of the Hijaiyah alphabet has a very close relation to the uniqueness of the Qur’anic Arabic. In fact, the existence of this letter seems to answer the mystery of why the al-Qur’an was revealed by using clear Arabic (bi lisânin ‘arobiyyin mubînin). This paper will also discuss the characteristics of Dād and its uniqueness which make the proof of the authenticity of the language, which also explains why the language, among all other languages in the world is chosen to be the language of Al-Qur’an.     Keywords: Arabic, al-qur’an, Hijaiyah, qodîmah, quranic languag

    Analysis Of The Influence Of Company Size, Economic Performance, Leverage, And Foreign Ownership On Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure

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    Purpose: This research aims to analyze the relationship between leverage, profitability, and foreign ownership on the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility in the mining sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). This study was conducted because, nowadays, companies globally are not only oriented toward high performance profits, but also towards social and environmental issues. Methodology: The population of this research was 114 mining companies listed on the IDX during 2013-2015, with purposive sampling techniques resulting in 87 mining companies. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the effect of independent variables (company size, economic performance, leverage, and foreign ownership) on the dependent variable of Corporate Social Responsibility. The Corporate Social Responsibility index was measured using indicators disclosed by companies with the number of indicators set out in the G4 by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Company size was determined by the amount of assets, Economic Performance was defined by return on assets (ROA), leverage was defined by the debt-to-asset ratio (DAR), and Foreign Ownership was defined by the amount of foreign ownership divided by the number of outstanding shares. Findings: The results of this research show that Company Size, Economic Performance, and Foreign Ownership influence the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility, in contrast, Leverage does not influence the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility. Novelty: This research uses a more comprehensive measurement standard for CSR disclosure than previous research, which used the G3 version 3.0 standard with 79 disclosure items. In this research, the G4 version 4.0 standard released by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is used, which has 91 disclosure items Keywords:  Corporate Social Responsibility, Company Size, Economic Performance, Leverage, and Foreign Ownership

    Persepsi Patner Strategis Terhadap Kualitas Layanan (Studi Kasus Pada Jasa Laundry Adi Pratama Palembang)

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    The research is conducted to Evaluate some illustration about the eligibility criteria of a business in SMEs Blessing as a partner of Unit Textile for confection division in the Department of Industry and Trade of South Sumatra, based on the financial aspect. Research methodology is used both of quantitative and qualitative research. This analysis is required at least seen by Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B / C). Factors Considered are the estimated investment, working capital, operating costs, maintenance and revenue forecasts The Data were Analyzed by reviewing the theory developed by R.A Supriyono (2010), Yacob Ibrahim (2009). There are five criterias in evaluating the eligibility of a business. The calculation method by using Reviews those roomates is Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Profitability Index (PI) and Break Even Point (BEP). According to the result of analysis businesseligibility find that; Payback Period can Returned the capital about three years and six months (3.24 years), Net Present Value Obtained in a positive (+) value roomates is Rp.273.597.150, Internal Rate of Return is on 37% and 38%, Profitability Index is 2.28 and Break Even Point is Rp. 106 550 and 21 units. By the value of the results can be concluded that SMEs Thanks as as a partner of Unit Textile for confection division in the Department of Industry and Trade of South Sumatra is eligible established

    Hubungan Kompensasi Terhadap Motivasi Karyawan Pada Politeknik Akamigas Palembang

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    Tulisan ini tentang hubungan antara kompensasi terhadap motivasi karyawan pada politeknik akamigas palembang. Penelitian menggunakan metode non probabiliti sampling dengan pengambilan sampel sebanyak 30 orang karyawan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Adapan hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya hubungan yang erat antara kompensasi terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan, yaitu sebesar 0,997 persen