16 research outputs found

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells differ in their capacity to recognize infected macrophages

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    Containment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection requires T cell recognition of infected macrophages. Mtb has evolved to tolerate, evade, and subvert host immunity. Despite a vigorous and sustained CD8+ T cell response during Mtb infection, CD8+ T cells make limited contribution to protection. Here, we ask whether the ability of Mtb-specific T cells to restrict Mtb growth is related to their capacity to recognize Mtb-infected macrophages. We derived CD8+ T cell lines that recognized the Mtb immunodominant epitope TB10.44-11 and compared them to CD4+ T cell lines that recognized Ag85b240-254 or ESAT63-17. While the CD4+ T cells recognized Mtb-infected macrophages and inhibited Mtb growth in vitro, the TB10.4-specific CD8+ T cells neither recognized Mtb-infected macrophages nor restricted Mtb growth. TB10.4-specific CD8+ T cells recognized macrophages infected with Listeria monocytogenes expressing TB10.4. However, over-expression of TB10.4 in Mtb did not confer recognition by TB10.4-specific CD8+ T cells. CD8+ T cells recognized macrophages pulsed with irradiated Mtb, indicating that macrophages can efficiently cross-present the TB10.4 protein and raising the possibility that viable bacilli might suppress cross-presentation. Importantly, polyclonal CD8+ T cells specific for Mtb antigens other than TB10.4 recognized Mtb-infected macrophages in a MHC-restricted manner. As TB10.4 elicits a dominant CD8+ T cell response that poorly recognizes Mtb-infected macrophages, we propose that TB10.4 acts as a decoy antigen. Moreover, it appears that this response overshadows subdominant CD8+ T cell response that can recognize Mtb-infected macrophages. The ability of Mtb to subvert the CD8+ T cell response may explain why CD8+ T cells make a disproportionately small contribution to host defense compared to CD4+ T cells. The selection of Mtb antigens for vaccines has focused on antigens that generate immunodominant responses. We propose that establishing whether vaccine-elicited, Mtb-specific T cells recognize Mtb-infected macrophages could be a useful criterion for preclinical vaccine development

    Epicardial adipose tissue is related to arterial stiffness and inflammation in patients with cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

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    BACKGROUND: Epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) is an emerging cardio-metabolic risk factor and has been shown to correlate with adverse cardiovascular (CV) outcome; however the underlying pathophysiology of this link is not well understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between EAT and a comprehensive panel of cardiovascular risk biomarkers and pulse wave velocity (PWV) and indexed left ventricular mass (LVMI) in a cohort of patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes compared to controls. METHODS: One hundred forty-five participants (mean age 63.9 ± 8.1 years; 61% male) were evaluated. All patients underwent cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) examination and PWV. EAT measurements from CMR were performed on the 4-chamber view. Blood samples were taken and a range of CV biomarkers was evaluated. RESULTS: EAT measurements were significantly higher in the groups with CVD, with or without T2DM compared to patients without CVD or T2DM (group 1 EAT 15.9 ± 5.5 cm2 vs. group 4 EAT 11.8 ± 4.1 cm2, p = 0.001; group 3 EAT 15.1 ± 4.3 cm2 vs. group 4 EAT 11.8 ± 4.1 cm2, p = 0.024). EAT was independently associated with IL-6 (beta 0.2, p = 0.019). When added to clinical variables, both EAT (beta 0.16, p = 0.035) and IL-6 (beta 0.26, p = 0.003) were independently associated with PWV. EAT was significantly associated with LVMI in a univariable analysis but not when added to significant clinical variables. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with cardio-metabolic disease, EAT was independently associated with PWV. EAT may be associated with CVD risk due to an increase in systemic vascular inflammation. Whether targeting EAT may reduce inflammation and/or cardiovascular risk should be evaluated in prospective studies

    Cysteine Oxidation Reactions Catalyzed by a Mononuclear Non-heme Iron Enzyme (OvoA) in Ovothiol Biosynthesis

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    OvoA in ovothiol biosynthesis is a mononuclear non-heme iron enzyme catalyzing the oxidative coupling between histidine and cysteine. It can also catalyze the oxidative coupling between hercynine and cysteine, yet with a different regio-selectivity. Due to the potential application of this reaction for industrial ergothioneine production, in this study, we systematically characterized OvoA by a combination of three different assays. Our studies revealed that OvoA can also catalyze the oxidation of cysteine to either cysteine sulfinic acid or cystine. Remarkably, these OvoA-catalyzed reactions can be systematically modulated by a slight modification of one of its substrates, histidine

    Contrasting patterns in the small-scale heterogeneity of human helminth infections in urban and rural environments in Brazil.

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    Marked heterogeneity exists in the patterns of parasitic infection between individuals, households and communities. Analysis of parasite distributions within populations is complicated by the fact that parasite distributions are highly aggregated and few studies have explicitly incorporated this distribution when investigating small-scale spatial heterogeneities. This study aimed to quantify the small-scale (within- and between-household) heterogeneity of helminth infection in an area of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, with rural and urban sectors. Parasitological data from a cross-sectional survey of 1,249 individuals aged 0-86 years from 242 households were analysed. Within-household clustering of infection was assessed using random effect logistic regression models and between-household spatial heterogeneity was assessed using a Bayesian negative binomial spatial model. The overall prevalence of hookworm (Necator americanus) was 66.9%, the prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni was 44.9% and the prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides was 48.8%. Statistical analysis indicated significant (within) household and (between household) spatial clustering of hookworm in both rural and urban areas and of S. mansoni in rural areas. There was no evidence of either household or spatial clustering of S. mansoni in urban areas. The spatial correlation of S. mansoni was estimated to reduce by half over a distance of 700 m in the rural area. Rural hookworm had a much smaller half-distance (28 m) and urban hookworm showed an even smaller half-distance (12 m). We suggest that such species-specific differences in patterns of infection by environment are primarily due to variation in exposure and parasite life cycle, although host genetic factors cannot be ruled out

    αv Integrins combine with LC3 and atg5 to regulate Toll-like receptor signalling in B cells

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    Integrin signalling triggers cytoskeletal rearrangements, including endocytosis and exocytosis of integrins and other membrane proteins. In addition to recycling integrins, this trafficking can also regulate intracellular signalling pathways. Here we describe a role for αv integrins in regulating Toll-like receptor (TLR) signalling by modulating intracellular trafficking. We show that deletion of αv or β3 causes increased B-cell responses to TLR stimulation in vitro, and αv-conditional knockout mice have elevated antibody responses to TLR-ligand-associated antigens. αv regulates TLR signalling by promoting recruitment of the autophagy component LC3 (microtubule-associated proteins 1 light chain 3) to TLR-containing endosomes, which is essential for progression from NF-κB to IRF signalling, and ultimately for traffic to lysosomes where signalling is terminated. Disruption of LC3 recruitment leads to prolonged NF-κB signalling and increased B-cell proliferation and antibody production. This work identifies a previously unrecognized role for αv and the autophagy components LC3 and atg5 in regulating TLR signalling and B-cell immunity.Howard Hughes Medical Institut

    Polyclonal CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells from the lungs of Mtb-infected mice recognize infected macrophages.

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    <p>IFNγ production by polyclonal CD4<sup>+</sup> (a) or CD8<sup>+</sup> (b) T cells after co-culture with either MHC-matched (H-2<sup>b</sup>) or MHC-mismatched (H-2<sup>k</sup>), Mtb-infected macrophages. IFNγ production by TB10.4<sub>4−11</sub>-tetramer-depleted (c) or tetramer-enriched (d) polyclonal CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells after co-culture with either MHC-matched (H-2<sup>b</sup>) or MHC-mismatched (H-2<sup>k</sup>), Mtb-infected macrophages. Data is representative of at least 2 experiments. Statistical testing by a two-tailed, unpaired Student’s T test. *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; and ***, p<0.005.</p

    TB10Rg3 CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells do not recognize lung APCs from infected mice.

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    <p>(a-d) T cell proliferation after coculture with lung APC from infected mice, with or without cognate peptide, or uninfected TGPM, based on eFluor450 fluorescence dilution after 72 hours. Representative flow plot (a) and quantification (b) of C7 T cell proliferation. Representative flow plot (c) and quantification (d) of TB10Rg3 T cell proliferation. (e) Bacterial burden in the lung APCs during <i>in vitro</i> culture over the course of the experiment in the absence of T cells. Representative of 4 (TB10Rg3) or 2 (C7) experiments.</p

    TB10.4-specific CD8<sup>+</sup> (TB10Rg3) and Ag85b-specific CD4<sup>+</sup> (P25) T cells both recognize their cognate peptides.

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    <p>(a) Representative histogram of Nur77 expression in P25 T cells after 2 hours of co-culture with macrophages and (b) time course of Nur77 MFI in P25 T cells. (c) Representative histogram of CD69 in P25 T cells after 2 hours of co-culture with macrophages and (d) time course of CD69 MFI in P25 T cells. (e) Representative histogram of Nur77 in TB10Rg3 T cells after 2 hours of co-culture and (f) time course of Nur77 MFI in TB10Rg3 T cells. (g) Representative histogram of CD69 in TB10Rg3 T cells at 2 hours of co-culture with macrophages and (h) time course of CD69 MFI in TB10Rg3 T cells. (i) CD69 MFI and (j) IFNγ production by P25 T cells after 72 hours of co-culture. (k) CD69 MFI and (l) IFNγ production by TB10Rg3 cells after 72 hours of co-culture. MFI, mean fluorescence intensity; mφ, macrophage.</p

    Probing potential mechanisms for lack of recognition by TB10Rg3 T cells.

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    <p>(a-c) EsxH (TB10.4) and its partner EsxG were overexpressed together in H37Rv to determine whether increasing TB10.4 abundance would lead to recognition of infected macrophages (esxGH-OE.Mtb). (a) Tetracycline treatment of esxGH-OE.Mtb in broth culture induces protein expression of EsxH (TB10.4) as measured by western blot. A different strain, fbpB-OE.Mtb, in which fbpB (e.g., Ag85b) is induction by tetracycline, does not result in greater EsxH (TB10.4) expression. Protein signal was normalized to that of GroEL2, a chaperonin protein. (b) Tetracycline treatment of esxGH-OE.Mtb in broth culture induces esxG and esxH, but not fbpB (which encodes for Ag85b) and sigA (which encodes for RNA polymerase factor sigma A), mRNA as measured by qPCR. Fold-induction was normalized to baseline (i.e., uninduced). IFNγ production by (c) P25 or (d) TB10Rg3 T cells after co-culture with macrophages infected with uninduced or induced esxGH-OE.Mtb. (e-h) MHC class I and II expression by Mtb infected-macrophages. Representative histograms (e) and fold-change (f) of MHC class I or representative histograms (g) and fold-change (h) of MHC class II expression on infected cells. (i) P25 and (j) TB10Rg3 production of IFNγ after co-culture with macrophages pulsed with titrated amounts of γ-irradiated (non-viable) H37Rv. Data is representative of 3 experiments. Statistical testing by one-way ANOVA with Dunnett posttest. *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; and ***, p<0.005.</p