824 research outputs found

    Mistrusted Strangers at Home: Czechs, Slovaks, and the Canadian "Enemy Aliens" Registration Issue, 1938-1942

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    Ethnic groups whose homelands had aligned with the Axis powers, had been invaded, annexed, or simply ceased to exist during the Second World War found that their wartime experience in their country of resettlement mirrored events back home. Past historiography has dealt superficially with the experiences of lesser-known ethnic groups in Canada. Hence, Czechs and Slovaks suffered a similar fate to the larger and more visible ethnic groups (Germans, Italians, Japanese, Ukrainians, et al.) deemed to be "enemies" of the state in Canada and can be placed within this scope of Canadian history. With the German annexation of the Sudetenland, and the subsequent invasion of Bohemia-Moravia in March 1939, Czechs and Slovaks were deemed as "enemy aliens" by the Canadian government. A further impediment arose when Slovakia proclaimed its independence and aligned itself with Nazi Germany. The majority of Slovaks in Canada were nationalists and had to mitigate their support for an independent Slovak state. Canadian Czechs and participatory Slovaks ("Czechoslovaks") sought to liberate their homeland. Ultimately, such action promoted the allegiance that the majority of Czechs and Slovaks held for Canada.Des groupes ethniques dont le pays d’origine s’était alignĂ© avec les puissances de l’Axe, avait Ă©tĂ© envahi, annexĂ© ou tout simplement cessĂ© d’exister durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale ont constatĂ© qu’en temps de guerre, leur expĂ©rience dans leur pays de rĂ©installation reflĂ©tait la tournure des Ă©vĂ©nements dans leur pays d’origine. L’historiographie a traitĂ© superficiellement les expĂ©riences des groupes ethniques moins connus au Canada. Ainsi, les TchĂšques et les Slovaques, qui ont subi le mĂȘme sort que les groupes ethniques plus importants et plus visibles (les Allemands, les Italiens, les Japonais, les Ukrainiens et autres) et considĂ©rĂ©s comme des « ennemis » de l’État au Canada, peuvent ĂȘtre inclus dans ce chapitre de l’histoire du Canada. Avec l’annexion des SudĂštes et l’invasion ultĂ©rieure de la BohĂȘme-Moravie en mars 1939 par l’Allemagne, les TchĂšques et les Slovaques ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©clarĂ©s comme des « sujets d’un pays ennemi » par le gouvernement canadien. Un autre obstacle a surgi lorsque la Slovaquie a proclamĂ© son indĂ©pendance et s’est alignĂ©e sur la politique de l’Allemagne nazie. La majoritĂ© des Slovaques qui vivaient au Canada Ă©taient des nationalistes et ont Ă©tĂ© contraints d’attĂ©nuer leur soutien pour un État slovaque indĂ©pendant. Les TchĂšques et les Slovaques « participatifs » canadiens (« TchĂ©coslovaques ») ont oeuvrĂ© pour la libĂ©ration de leur pays d’origine. Enfin de compte, ces actions ont favorisĂ© l’allĂ©geance que la majoritĂ© des TchĂšques et des Slovaques vouaient au Canada

    Forgotten Experiment: Canada’s Resettlement of Palestinian Refugees, 1955-1956

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    In the summer of 1955, the Canadian government took the “bold step” of admitting displaced Palestinian refugees from the Arab-Israeli war of 1948. The government approved the resettlement of 100 skilled workers and their families. Canadian officials believed that alleviating the refugee problem in the Middle East would help in furthering regional stability. The resettlement scheme remained a politically sensitive issue as Arab governments protested against what they perceived as a Zionist plot to remove Palestinians from their ancestral land. For Canada, the admission of Palestinian refugees in 1956 served as an important “experiment” for the future selection and resettlement of non-European refugees.À l’étĂ© 1955, le gouvernement canadien a fait preuve d’audace : il a admis des rĂ©fugiĂ©s palestiniens dĂ©placĂ©s Ă  cause de la guerre arabo-israĂ©lienne de 1948. Le gouvernement a approuvĂ© la relocalisation de 100 travailleurs qualifiĂ©s et de leurs familles. Les autoritĂ©s canadiennes croyaient que d’attĂ©nuer le problĂšme des rĂ©fugiĂ©s au Moyen-Orient contribuerait favoriser la stabilitĂ© rĂ©gionale. Le plan de relocalisation est demeurĂ© une question politiquement dĂ©licate, car les gouvernements arabes ont protestĂ© contre ce qu’ils percevaient comme un complot sioniste visant Ă  chasser les Palestiniens de leur terre ancestrale. Pour le Canada, l’admission de rĂ©fugiĂ©s palestiniens en 1956 a constituĂ© une importante « expĂ©rience » en ce qui a trait Ă  la sĂ©lection future de rĂ©fugiĂ©s non europĂ©ens et Ă  leur relocalisation

    Welcoming the Sick and Afflicted: Canada’s Tubercular Admissions Program, 1959-1960

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    In the 1950s, the United Nations lobbied Canadian officials to help close Europe’s remaining displaced persons camps and resettle “hard core” refugees—individuals who were unsponsored, sick, infirm, or disabled. As part of Canada’s contribution to World Refugee Year (1959-1960), the federal government appeased public demands for a humanitarian response by implementing a special program that brought 325 tubercular refugees and 501 family members to Canada. Despite federal concerns about the financial cost and potential burden on the health care system, the resettlement scheme represented a notable departure from existing immigration policy for unsponsored immigrants with tuberculosis and became an early antecedent to broader reforms in the 1960s.Dans les annĂ©es 1950, les Nations Unies ont fait pression auprĂšs des autoritĂ©s canadiennes pour qu’elles contribuent Ă  la fermeture des camps de personnes dĂ©placĂ©es en Europe et Ă  la rĂ©installation du « noyau dur » des rĂ©fugiĂ©s – des personnes non parrainĂ©es, malades, infirmes ou handicapĂ©es. Dans le cadre de la contribution du Canada Ă  l’AnnĂ©e mondiale des rĂ©fugiĂ©s (1959-1960), le gouvernement fĂ©dĂ©ral a rĂ©pondu aux demandes du public en faveur d’une rĂ©action humanitaire en mettant en place un programme spĂ©cial permettant d’accueillir 325 rĂ©fugiĂ©s tuberculeux et 501 membres de leurs familles au Canada. MalgrĂ© les inquiĂ©tudes des autoritĂ©s fĂ©dĂ©rales au sujet du coĂ»t financier et de l’éventuel fardeau pour le systĂšme de soins de santĂ©, le programme de rĂ©installation reprĂ©sentait un virage notable par rapport Ă  la politique d’immigration Ă  l’égard des immigrants non parrainĂ©s atteints de tuberculose et il a servi de prĂ©curseur aux grandes rĂ©formes des annĂ©es 1960

    Pendekatan Pengambilan Keputusan Campuran Untuk Mengukur Efektifitas Dari Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Implementasi Di Kapal Ropax

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    Menjamin keselamatan penumpang merupakan salah satu kewajiban operator kapal penumpang. Fokus utama pada keselamatan pelayaran adalah perbaikan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan (SMK) di setiap kapal ROPAX (Ro-ro & Passengers). SMK adalah salah satu cara untuk mencapai kepatuhan terhadap peraturan maritim dengan persyaratan operasional di kapal. Fungsi pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk memastikan operasi yang aman pada kapal ROPAX. Faktanya, masih banyak kecelakaan di pelabuhan penyeberangan. Ini menunjukkan bahwa salah satu fungsi pengawasan keamanan di atas kapal belum dilakukan secara optimal.. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi keefektifitas Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan (SMK). Konteks penelitian maritim fokus pada pendekatan pengambilan keputusan campuran dengan mengembangkan penelitian sebelumnya untuk mengukur keefektivitas Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan (SMK) pelaksanaan di ROPAX kapal menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Lokasi penelitian ini berada di pelabuhan penyeberangan otoritas Merak yang memiliki trip kapal feri terbanyak di Indonesia. Pendekatan yang diusulkan viii memungkinkan untuk meninjau praktek SMK menggunakan indikator kinerja utama (KPI) yang telah ditetapkan oleh penelitian sebelumnya berdasarkan perbandingan laporan survei kondisi data kapal beroperasi di pelabuhan penyeberangan otoritas Merak. Temuan utama bahwa DPA audit internal dan penahanan kapal adalah efektifitas yang paling rendah dari implementasi SMK di kapal ROPAX berdasarkan pengambilan keputusan campuran menggunakan kalkulasi metode AHPTOPSIS. DPA harus memiliki pengetahuan implementasi ISM Code di atas kapal. Diperlukan fungsi pengawasan dari regulator untuk memastikan DPA operator pelayaran melakukan evaluasi dan meningkatkan SMK pada seluruh kapal ROPAX mereka. Regulator harus menegakkan hukum atau peringatan kepada operator pelayaran yang tidak melaksanakan ISM Code pada kapal ROPAX mereka. Juga memberikan pelatihan ISM Code untuk DPA operator pelayaran untuk meningkatkan tingkat keselamatan kapal terutama pada kapal ROPAX di Indonesia ==================================================================================================== Ensure safety of passengers is one obligations of operator passenger ship. Main focus on shipping safety is improvement Safety Management System (SMS) in every ROPAX vessel. The SMS is one ways to achieve maritime regulatory compliance with ship operational requirements. Supervisory functions performed by government to ensure safe operations on ROPAX vessels. In fact, there are still many accidents on ferry port authority. This is indicates that one of safety supervisory functions on-board has not done optimally. This research focus to evaluate Safety Management System (SMS) effectiveness. The maritime research context focuses on a hybrid decision-making approach develop previous research to measure effectiveness of Safety Management System (SMS) implementation on ROPAX (Ro-ro & Passengers) vessels using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). The location of this research study on ferry port authority Merak that has highest trip level at Indonesia. The proposed approach enables to review the SMS practice is using the key performance indicators (KPIs) which has been established by previous research based on condition survey reports of comparison ship data was operating in ferry port authority Merak. The main findings that DPA internal audit and ship detention has the lowest effectiveness of SMS vi implementation on ROPAX vessels based on hybrid decisionmaking using AHP-TOPSIS method calculation. DPA should be able to knowledge implementation ISM Code on board. Necessary for supervisory functions from regulator conducted to ensuring DPA shipping operator doing evaluation and improve SMS on their ROPAX vessels. Regulator should giving punishment or warning to shipping operator does not implementation ISM Code on ROPAX vessels. It also giving ISM Code training to DPA shipping operator that to improve ship safety level especially on ROPAX vessel in Indonesi

    Consumer reactions to self-expressive brand display

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    Brand names and other brand elements are often displayed on one’s body or clothes for the purpose of personal value expression. Despite the frequency of such brand displays in the marketplace, we know little about how consumers respond to seeing brands in this fashion. A recent view of consumer brand identification—the concept of brand engagement in self-concept (BESC)—provides a unique perspective from which to explore how consumers react when see-ing brands displayed by others. Across three experiments, we demonstrate a consistent pattern of findings indicating that consumers’ reactions to others ostentatiously displaying brands as means of value expression are strongest for those with high BESC levels and with a high value focus during brand exposure. The research highlights important variations in consumers’ responses to self-expressive brand stimuli associated with others; implications for branding practice and re-search are provided.Brand engagement; self-concept; advertising; brand management

    Population structure at different minor allele frequency levels

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    Inferring population genetic structure from large-scale genotyping of single-nucleotide polymorphisms or variants is an important technique for studying the history and distribution of extant human populations, but it is also a very important tool for adjusting tests of association. However, the structures inferred depend on the minor allele frequency of the variants; this is very important when considering the phenotypic association of rare variants. Using the Genetic Analysis Workshop 18 data set for 142 unrelated individuals, which includes genotypes for many rare variants, we study the following hypothesis: the difference in detected structure is the result of a "scale" effect; that is, rare variants are likely to be shared only locally (smaller scale), while common variants can be spread over longer distances. The result is similar to that of using kernel principal component analysis, as the bandwidth of the kernel is changed. We show how different structures become evident as we consider rare or common variants

    Olemise Ôigus

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    Sisekaitseakadeemia e-vÀljaannehttp://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2518219~S1*es
