12 research outputs found

    Toxicity assessment of nitric acid functionalized with iron oxide nanoparticles and sipeg as a new radiographic contrast media / Rasdin Ridwan

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    Engineered nanoparticles have been extensively explored in various biomedical settings including nanoparticulate imaging agents due to its promising benefits to mankind. Iodine-intolerance patients have caused alarming concerns in searching new contrast media with lower toxicity effect. However, proper potential mechanism of nanoparticles has yet to be fully established despite its early acceptance and emerging usage. By using animal model system, the aim of present study is to assess acute nanotoxicity of 14 nm iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) coated with nitric acid and silane-polyethylene glycol (SiPEG) in comparison to iodine. Eighteen male wistar rats were used in order to explore the underlying toxicity of IONPs in liver tissues. ·OH free radicals were elucidated by using reactive oxygen species (ROS) production assay and western blotting for the presence of p53 protein expression. The results revealed coated IONPs produced higher ROS level compared to iodine, however no statistical significant were observed. It can be hypothesized that higher amount of antioxidant has been produced by rats in iodine group in correlation to combat higher amount of ROS produced before assayed was conducted. Stronger expressions of p53 protein from the coated IONPs group were further observed. Expression of p53 protein suggested initiation of antioxidants production by the protein to ameliorate intracellular ROS production to further achieve normal redox balance in curtailing further damage. The outcomes highlighted that short-term administration of IONPs with different functionalization surfaces may be safe to be applied as radiographic contrast media

    Orde Subgrup Terkecil Yang Memuat Suatu Himpunan Dengan 2 Unsur Dari Suatu Grup Hingga Siklik

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    Misalkan (,∗) sebarang grup dan ⊆ maka subgrup terkecil dari yang memuat adalah irisan dari semua subgrup dari yang memuat dan dinotasikan dengan . Jika = {} maka =, subgrup semacam ini kita kenal sebagai grup siklik dengan pembangun , sehingga orde dari sama dengan orde dari . Pada penelitian ini dilakukan observasi terhadap himpunan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui sifat keanggotaan himpunan dan untuk mengetahui orde dari untuk kasus berorde 2 dan lebih lanjut untuk berorde bila grup hingga siklik dengan memanfaatkan akibat dari Teorema Lagrange


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    ABSTRAK Kemampuan membaca dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana penyampaian pesan atau alat informasi yang bersumber dari tulisan. Namun, hal ini dalam pembelajaran membaca puisi memiliki beberapa kendala bahwa peserta didik kesulitan mwmbaca puisi dengan baik. Permasalahan tersebut disebabkan karena pendidik belum memaksimalkan model pembelajaran dengan metode penggunaan media yang kurang menarik. Menanggapi permasalahan tersebut, peneliti mengembangkan model pembelajaran RADEC berbantuan media TikTok Edukatif dalam pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan, situasi, dan kondisi di sekolah. Metode penelitian dan pengembangan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D). Model penelitian ini terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu: Define (Pendefenisian), Design (Rancangan), Develop (Pengembangan), dan Disseminate (penyebaran). Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas X SMA Lab-School UPI, SMA Kartika XIX-2, dan MAS Darul Fallaah Unismuh. Penetapan subjek tersebut dengan teknik “purposive sampling”. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi, dan angket/kuesioner. Uji kelayakan model divalidasi oleh 8 ahli dengan skor rata-rata 78% kategori layak. Keterpakaian model pembelajaran diperoleh dari respons pendidik dan peserta didik melalui penyebaran angket. Rata-rata tingkat respons guru adalah 57,5% menjawab sangat setuju, peserta didik sebanyak 66% menjawab sangat setuju. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran RADEC berbantuan media TikTok edukatif dalam pembelajaran membaca puisi telah layak dan berhasil diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran, karena membuat pendidik lebih mudah dalam menyampaikan materi, serta membuat peserta didik lebih termotivasi dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Kata Kunci : Model RADEC (Read, Answer, Discuss, Explain, and Create), TikTok, dan Membaca Puisi. ABSTRACT The ability to read can be used as a means of conveying messages or information tools sourced from writing. However, this in learning to read poetry has some obstacles that learners have difficulty reading poetry well. This problem is caused because educators have not maximized the learning model with less interesting methods of using media. In response to these problems, researchers developed a RADEC learning model assisted by Educational TikTok media in learning that suits the needs, situations, and conditions in schools. The research and development method carried out in this study is Research and Development (R&D). This research model consists of four stages, namely: Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The subjects in this study were students of class X SMA Lab-School UPI, SMA Kartika XIX-2, and MAS Darul Fallaah Unismuh. The determination of the subject is by the technique of "purposive sampling". Data collection techniques with interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The feasibility test of the model was validated by 8 experts with an average score of 78% of the viable category. The use of learning models is obtained from the responses of educators and students through the dissemination of questionnaires. The average teacher response rate was 57.5% answered strongly in agreement, 66% of learners answered strongly in agreement. This shows that the RADEC learning model assisted by educational TikTok media in learning to read poetry has been feasible and successfully applied in the learning process, because it makes it easier for educators to deliver material, and makes students more motivated in achieving learning goals. Keywords : RADEC Model (Read, Answer, Discuss, Explain, and Create), TikTok, and Reading Poetry Text


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    ABSTRAK Nova Rasdin, 2021. “Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Mahasiswa Perbankan Syariah dalam Berinvestasi Reksadana Syariah”. Skripsi Program Studi Perbankan Syariah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo. dibimbing oleh Hendra Safri Keberadaan pasar modal di Indonesia merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam pembangunan perekonomian nasional. Indonesia sebagai negara dengan penduduk muslim terbesar di dunia tentunya memiliki potensi yang besar untuk mengembangkan ekonomi dan keuangan syariah. Namun pada kalangan mahasiswa, khususnya mahasiswa muslim banyak yang belum melek investasi reksadana syariah padahal sangat penting melakukan investasi semasa muda untuk menunjang masa depan. Minat berinvestasi reksadana syariah tentu dilandasi berbagai faktor diantaranya adalah pengetahuan dan return. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengetahuan dan return terhadap minat mahasiswa berinvestasi reksadan syariah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Data penelitian ini merupakan data primer yang dikumpulkan melalui metode kuesioner dengan Purposive Sampling dengan jumlah sampel 67 responden yang berasal dari mahasiswa perbankan syariah angkatan 2017. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) variabel pengetahuan (X1) berpengaruh positif terhadap minat mahasiswa berinvestasi reksadana syariah. (2) variabel return (X2) berpengaruh positif terhadap minat mahasiswa berinvestasi reksadana syariah. (3) variabel penegetahuan (X1)dan variabel retrun (X2) berpengaruh positif secara simultan terhadap minat mahasiswa berinvestasi reksadana syariah (4) Pengaruh yang diberikan oleh variabel penegathuan dan return terhadap minat mahasiswa berinvestasi reksadana syariah sebesar 36,4%. Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan,Return, Minat, Reksadana Syaria


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    Berdasarkan pengamatan awal yang dilakukan pada permainan bola voli yang dilakukan siswa SMK, smasih banyak teknik dasar dalam permainan voli yang belum dikuasai dengan benar oleh siswa SMK ini. Olehnya itu, perlu dilakukan pendampingan kepada siswa dalam usaha meningkatkan keterampilanmereka pada permainan bola voli ini.Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah (1) Memberi pembinaan pada siswa SMK khususnya pada cabang olahraga bola voli. (2) Meningkatkan keterampilan Siswa dalam penguasaan teknik dasar dalam permainan bola voli. Waktu pelaksanaan mulai tanggal 6 sampai 25 Februari 2017. Metode pelaksanaan partisipasi aktif dari seluruh siswa.Hasil yang didapatkan adalah (1) Partisipasi siswa dan dukungan pihak sekolah dalam mengikuti program ini cukup baik sehingga program yang dijalankan dapat terselesaikan dengan lancar. (2) Pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa dapat meningkat setelah dilakukan pelatihan mengenai Teknik Dasar Dalam Permaianan Bola Voli. Kata Kunci : Teknik Dasar, Bola Voli, Siswa SM

    Does television viewing make children obese? a review

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    Watching television (TV) is an activity that very common and increasing in children and will lead to the adverse effects on health. This study aim to inform the readers, how TV viewing influences of weighs gain in the children. This data was collected from January 2003 to 2013 used Google scholar and PubMed databases with the published papers only. The articles were limited to English language and focus on the TV viewing, obesity and children as keywords. TV viewing has great influence to the consumption of high-fat foods whereas increase body mass index (BMI) eventually. Those who watch more frequently commercial TV will stimulates food intake and overconsumption, it’s also promote sedentary behavior, less energy expenditure and have high risk to be obesity. TV viewing not just promote sedentary behavior or less energy expenditure but also stimulates food intake, overconsumption, influence food choice and eating occasion in front of the screen, whereas have significant correlation to the obesity in children

    Tok Bali Tiger Prawn Sdn. Bhd. / Ahmad Nashad Zakaria ... [et al.]

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    Type of business that we want to plunge is business partner that is to say livestock (Penaeus Monodon) in the pond with commercial. Main causes why we choose livestock tiger prawn because this business is very clear prospects, which demand for prawn very high in the local market also oversea and it having ability to give a high profit. Members of partnership are agreed to use Tok Bali Tiger Prawn for name of their company. This livestock have operation at Lot 195, Kampung Cherang Ruku, Daerah Semerak, Jajahan Pasir Puteh, and Kelantan. This location is very applicable for livestock tiger prawn and many facilities at there like nearly the road, river, electrical, water supply and telephone. These businesses expect will start on for starting that. We need RM 260 000 for capital contribution from members of partnership is RM 120 000 and balance is loan from Bank Pertanian Malaysia Berhad

    Results of a 3 month treatment with metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus associated with ischaemic heart disease

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    MSEI of Ukraine «Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy«, Poltava the aim of the research was to investigate the effectiveness of mid-term inclusion of Metformin in the complex therapy in patients with diabetes type 2 in combination with IHD for the rational justification of timing, doses of the drug. Materials and methods. 52 man suffering from diabetes type 2 on background of ischaemic heart disease have been observed. An effect of included Metformin at mid-term rate (3 months) was estimated. The blood rates are observed (total cholesterol (TC), HDL-cholesterol, total lipids (TL), triglycerides (TG), β-lipoproteins, glycated hemoglobin, C-peptide) and anti inflammatory markers (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α). Results. In patients with diabetes type 2 on background of ischaemic heart disease during 3 months under the action of metformin significant decrease in body weight, waist circumference, BMI, concentration of total cholesterol, C-peptide and insulin resistance index and cytokines level IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α were observed. Conclusion. The obtained results indicate the purpose of Metformin prescription in patients with diabetes type 2 and IHD in the continuation of 3 months; it is an effective and safe method of treatment of such patients

    Effective bracing system for telecommunication towers

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    Nowadays, towers with four-legged self-supporting system are widely used worldwide for wireless and broadcast communication purpose. However the major concern is the failure of such structure in a disaster since in wireless communication network these kinds of towers play a significant role. Thus, all these tendencies of extreme conditions are considered for designing such towers are of the utmost importance. This study was carried out to determine the effects of different heights of towers at 30 m, 40 m, 50 m, and 60 m as well as different types of bracing systems such as K and Y with respect to the wind load acting on the towers. The wind speeds considered in this study were 33.5 m-1 and 44.0 ms-1. The wind modelling and simulation of the tower was conducted using commercial available software STAAD. ProV8i. The results were compared in terms of displacement and member stress. Based on the result obtained, the displacement of towers with Y bracing system was found lesser than K bracing system approximately 36% while the member stress of the tower with K bracing system was found more than Y bracing system about 56% at wind speed 44.0 ms-1

    Does television viewing make children obese? a review

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    Watching television (TV) is an activity that very common and increasing in children and will lead to the adverse effects on health. This study aim to inform the readers, how TV viewing influences of weighs gain in the children. This data was collected from January 2003 to 2013 used Google scholar and PubMed databases with the published papers only. The articles were limited to English language and focus on the TV viewing, obesity and children as keywords. TV viewing has great influence to the consumption of high-fat foods whereas increase body mass index (BMI) eventually. Those who watch more frequently commercial TV will stimulates food intake and overconsumption, it’s also promote sedentary behavior, less energy expenditure and have high risk to be obesity. TV viewing not just promote sedentary behavior or less energy expenditure but also stimulates food intake, overconsumption, influence food choice and eating occasion in front of the screen, whereas have significant correlation to the obesity in children