79 research outputs found

    Proyecto de recualificación del área del mercado de Xipamanine y reasentamiento de la población afectada (Maputo, Mozambique)

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    "A corazón abierto" plantea la regeneración del centro de barrio, el gran Mercado Xipamanine, Maputo, Mozambique. Mozambique es un país localizado al sudeste de áfrica. El 78% de la población se encuentra en la pobreza y mas de la mitad de la población en pobreza absoluta. Dentro de Maputo, Xamanculo es un barrio que destaca por su actividad comercial . Ahí se localiza el Mercado sobre el que actúa el proyecto. Se trabaja en un solar que incluye un mercado informal, viviendas auto-construidas dispersas, barracas y una terminal de transporte. Se analiza la orografía del terreno, planteando un proyecto en el que se evita el riesgo por inundaciones por lo que se redistribuyen los equipamientos en el solar tratando de aglutinarlos según programa y las circulaciones que generan dejando un espacio vacío en el centro que funciona como espacio público. Se plantea un proyecto por fases llegando a una fusión entre lo formal y lo informal basándose en el planteamiento de aceptar las pre-existencias y que sean generadoras de proyecto

    Multivariate geostatistical analysis of stable isotopes in Portuguese varietal extra virgin olive oils

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    Stable isotope contents of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are known to reflect the geo-climatic conditions under which olives grown. This study aims to unravel the correlation between some of the main geographic variables and the isotopic composition of different Portuguese varietal extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) samples. Thus, the isotopic composition (δ13C, δ18O and δ2H) of 38 EVOO samples from 11 olive varieties from 2 Portuguese regions (Alentejo and Trás-os-Montes) was studied using an elemental analyzer coupled to an isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Multivariate analysis indicated that bulk δ13C, δ2H and δ18O values were enough to significantly (P < 0.05) predict altitude, latitude, longitude, temperature, rainfall, and sea distance. This work showed that the assessment of EVOO isotopic composition give information not only on the geographic origin, but also on the environmental conditions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on bulk isotopic composition of Portuguese EVOOs.This work was funded by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and National Funds through Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under Project “Por3O - Portuguese Olive Oil Omics for traceability and authenticity - PTDC/AGRPRO/2003/2014, and by National Funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology under the Projects UIDB/05183/2020 and UID/AGR/00690/2019. Pedro N. Jiménez-Morillo is acknowledged for statistical assistance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudio descriptivo previo a la implantación de la asignatura "Género y salud" en Enfermería

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    En la última década son más prolíficos los estudios de ciencias de la salud con enfoque de “género”, implementándose asignaturas concretas que desarrollan estos contenidos. En este trabajo pretendemos conocer los rasgos y conocimientos previos asociados por los estudiantes de enfermería a determinadas cuestiones vinculadas con el género. Se ha realizado un estudio de corte cualitativo y descriptivo, transversal y observacional. Tras un proceso de muestreo no probabilístico a conveniencia, se ha conformado una muestra de 50 jóvenes. Las variables categóricas definidas son: tipo de concepto de género, sexo, salud y feminismo. El instrumento para la recogida de datos es una entrevista escrita abierta semiestructurada de 18 ítems, realizándose el análisis de datos con el paquete estadístico Atlas ti 6.0. Los estudiantes del primer curso de enfermería asocian “género” a cuestiones sociales, identidades y valores; asocian el “sexo” a la biología; el concepto de salud, lo definen según la OMS y según Milton Terris, aunque también hay muchos alumnos que hacen una mezcla entre ambas concepciones; y, finalmente, respecto al feminismo, hay ciertos matices de defensa extrema de la mujer, y su relación con el Feminismo de la diferencia

    Intermediate-high risk pulmonary embolism

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    Limited information exists about the prevalence, management, and outcomes of intermediate-high risk patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE). In a prospective cohort study, we evaluated consecutive patients with intermediate-high risk PE at a large, tertiary, academic medical center between January 1, 2015 and March 31, 2019. Adjudicated outcomes included PE-related mortality and a complicated course through 30 days after initiation of PE treatment. Repeat systolic blood pressure (SBP), heart rate (HR), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), and cardiac troponin I (cTnI) measurements, and echocardiography were performed within 48 hours after diagnosis. Among 1,015 normotensive patients with acute PE, 97 (9.6%) had intermediate-high risk PE. A 30-day complicated course and 30-day PE-related mortality occurred in 23 (24%) and 7 patients (7.2%) with intermediate-high risk PE. Seventeen (18%) intermediate-high risk patients received reperfusion therapy. Within 48 hours after initiation of anticoagulation, normalization of SBP, HR, cTnI, BNP, and echocardiography occurred in 82, 86, 78, 72, and 33% of survivors with intermediate-high risk PE who did not receive immediate thrombolysis. A complicated course between day 2 and day 30 after PE diagnosis for the patients who normalized SBP, HR, cTnI, BNP, and echocardiography measured at 48 hours occurred in 2.9, 1.4, 4.5, 3.3, and 14.3%, respectively. Intermediate-high risk PE occurs in approximately one-tenth of patients with acute symptomatic PE, and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Normalization of HR 48 hours after diagnosis might identify a group of patients with a very low risk of deterioration during the first month of follow-up

    La deconstrucción del instinto maternal : una revisión histórica

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    El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar bibliográficamente la construcción del instinto maternal. Pretendemos dar una visión de la temática amplia y abierta, en ningún momento se intenta demostrar una verdad universal, sino las distintas concepciones encontradas a cerca del instinto maternal. Somos conscientes, y aquí lo ponemos de manifiesto, que la visión contemplada tiene en cuenta sólo la posición occidental. Dejando a un lado otras concepciones sobre la maternidad no occidentales. Se trata de demostrar que a lo largo de los siglos contemplados el mito de la maternidad ha sido nutrido de los intereses del sistema social vigente, en casi todos los casos: el sistema social patriarcal. Veremos a lo largo del desarrollo de nuestro análisis, que en todas las épocas y períodos estudiados se contemplan conductas socialmente admitidas, pero a la vez en todas las etapas ha habido posturas disidentes. Éstas no han servido para cuestionar que el maternal no sea un instinto, sino han sido contempladas como excepciones en función de las normas establecidas

    Synthesis and Antioxidant Activity of Alkyl Nitroderivatives of Hydroxytyrosol

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    A series of alkyl nitrohydroxytyrosyl ether derivatives has been synthesized from free hydroxytyrosol (HT), the natural olive oil phenol, in order to increase the assortment of compounds with potential neuroprotective activity in Parkinson’s disease. In this work, the antioxidant activity of these novel compounds has been evaluated using Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP), 2,2′-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS), and Oxygen Radical Scavenging Capacity (ORAC) assays compared to that of nitrohydroxytyrosol (NO2HT) and free HT. New compounds showed variable antioxidant activity depending on the alkyl side chain length; compounds with short chains (2–4 carbon atoms) maintained or even improved the antioxidant activity compared to NO2HT and/or HT, whereas those with longer side chains (6–8 carbon atoms) showed lower activity than NO2HT but higher than HT.Junta de Andalucía P09-AGR-509

    El acompañamiento a los niños y niñas con Autismo desde la Psicomotricidad Relacional

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    Starting from the conceptualisation of Autism Spectrum Disorders, we reflect on what Relational Psychomotricity can contribute, in the light of what neuroscience provides on, the influence that an adequate affective-emotional accompaniment has on development. From this relational experience, through the bodily encounter with the other, the tonic dialogue, the pleasure of movement and play, we psychomotricians try to build a context of interaction with the child, which provides him/her with the tools to discover that the other exists and that he/she exists. Our objective as psychomotor therapists is to generate an internal state of greater well-being in the relationship with the environment, which motivates the child to use tools to favour communication. The child with autism needs to build an image of the body as a unit, as a totality. If he cannot build a total image of himself, if he does not recognise himself, he cannot build an image of the other and identify himself with him.Partiendo de la conceptualización de los Trastornos del Espectro del Autismo, reflexionamos en lo que puede aportar la Psicomotricidad Relacional, a la luz de lo que nos está enseñando la neurociencia, sobre la influencia que tiene en el desarrollo un adecuado acompañamiento afectivo-emocional. A partir de esta experiencia relacional, a través del encuentro corporal con el otro, el diálogo tónico, el placer del movimiento y el juego, los y las psicomotricistas tratan de construir un contexto de interacción con el niño, que le dote de herramientas para descubrir que existe el otro y que existe él. El objetivo del psicomotricista es generar un estado interno de mayor bienestar en la relación con su entorno, que motive al niño a utilizar herramientas para favorecer la comunicación. El niño con autismo necesita construir una imagen del cuerpo como unidad, como totalidad. Si no puede construir una imagen total de sí mismo, si no se reconoce, no puede tampoco construir una imagen del otro e identificarse con él

    Diclofenac for reversal of right ventricular dysfunction in acute normotensive pulmonary embolism: A pilot study

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    Background The inflammatory response associated with acute pulmonary embolism (PE) contributes to the development of right ventricular (RV) dysfunction. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may facilitate the reversal of PE-associated RV dysfunction. Methods We randomly assigned normotensive patients who had acute PE associated with echocardiographic RV dysfunction and normal systemic blood pressure to receive intravenous (IV) diclofenac (two doses of 75 mg in the first 24 h after diagnosis) or IV placebo. All patients received standard anticoagulation with subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) and an oral vitamin K antagonist. RV dysfunction was defined by the presence of, at least, two of the following criteria: i) RV diastolic diameter > 30 mm in the parasternal window; ii) RV diameter > left ventricle diameter in the apical or subcostal space; iii) RV free wall hypokinesis; and iv) estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressure > 30 mm Hg. Persistence of RV dysfunction at 48 h and 7 days after randomization were the primary and secondary efficacy outcomes, respectively. The primary safety outcome was major bleeding within 7 days after randomization. Results Of the 34 patients randomly assigned to diclofenac or placebo, the intention-to-treat analysis showed persistent RV dysfunction at 48 h in 59% (95% confidence interval [CI], 33–82%) of the diclofenac group and in 76% (95% CI, 50–93%) of the placebo group (difference in risk [diclofenac minus standard anticoagulation], − 17 percentage points; 95% CI, − 47 to 17). Similar proportions (35%) of patients in the diclofenac and placebo groups had persistent RV dysfunction at 7 days. Major bleeding occurred in none of patients in the diclofenac group and in 5.9% (95% CI, 0.2–29%) of patient in the placebo group. Conclusions Due to slow recruitment, our study is inconclusive as to a potential benefit of diclofenac over placebo to reverse RV dysfunction in normotensive patients with acute PE

    Effectiveness of a multidisciplinary BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL intervention for non-specific SUBACUTE low back pain in a working population : a cluster randomized clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND: Low back pain (LBP) is a multifactorial condition with individual and societal impact that affects populations globally. Current guidelines for the treatment of LBP recommend pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies. The aim of this study was to compare usual clinical practice with the effectiveness of a biopsychosocial multidisciplinary intervention in reducing disability, severity of pain and improving quality of life in a working population of patients with subacute (2-12 weeks), non-specific LBP. METHODS: Longitudinal cluster randomized clinical trial conducted in 39 Primary Health Care Centres (PHCC) of Barcelona, with patients aged 18-65 years (n = 501; control group = 239; 26 PHCC, intervention group = 262; 13 PHCC). The control group received usual clinical care. The intervention group received usual clinical care plus a biopsychosocial multidisciplinary intervention, which consisted of physiotherapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy and medication. The main outcomes were changes in the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ), and the minimal clinically important differences. Secondary outcomes were changes in the McGill Pain (MGPQ) and Quality of Life (SF-12) questionnaires. Assessment was conducted at baseline, 3 and 12 months. Analysis was by intention-to-treat and analyst-blinded. Multiple imputations were used. RESULTS: Of the 501 enrolled patients, 421 (84%) provided data at 3 months, and 387 (77.2%) at 12 months. Mean age was 46.8 years (SD: 11.5) and 64.7% were women. In the adjusted analysis of the RMDQ outcome, only the intervention group showed significant changes at 3 months (- 1.33 points, p = 0.005) and at 12 months (- 1.11 points, p = 0.027), but minimal clinically important difference were detected in both groups. In the adjusted analysis of the RMDQ outcome, the intervention group improvement more than the control group at 3 months (- 1.33 points, p = 0.005) and at 12 months (- 1.11 points, p = 0.027). The intervention group presented a significant difference. Both groups presented a minimal clinically important difference, but more difference in the intervention group. The intervention group presented significant differences in the MGPQ scales of current pain intensity and VAS scores at 3 months. No statistically significant differences were found in the physical and mental domains of the SF-12. CONCLUSIONS: A multidisciplinary biopsychosocial intervention in a working population with non-specific subacute LBP has a small positive impact on disability, and on the level of pain, mainly at short-term, but no difference on quality of life. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN21392091 (17 oct 2018) (Prospectively registred

    Randomised controlled trial of a prognostic assessment and management pathway to reduce the length of hospital stay in normotensive patients with acute pulmonary embolism

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    [Background] The length of hospital stay (LOS) for acute pulmonary embolism (PE) varies considerably. Whether the upfront use of a PE prognostic assessment and management pathway is effective in reducing the LOS remains unknown.[Methods] We conducted a randomised controlled trial of adults hospitalised for acute PE: patients were assigned either to a prognostic assessment and management pathway involving risk stratification followed by predefined criteria for mobilisation and discharge (intervention group) or to usual care (control group). The primary end-point was LOS. The secondary end-points were the cost of prognostic tests and of hospitalisation, and 30-day clinical outcomes.[Results] Of 500 patients who underwent randomisation, 498 were included in the modified intention-to-treat analysis. The median LOS was 4.0 days (interquartile range (IQR) 3.7–4.2 days) in the intervention group and 6.1 days (IQR 5.7–6.5 days) in the control group (p<0.001). The mean total cost of prognostic tests was EUR 174.76 in the intervention group, compared with EUR 233.12 in the control group (mean difference EUR −58.37, 95% CI EUR −84.34­ to −32.40). The mean total hospitalisation cost per patient was EUR 2085.66 in the intervention group, compared with EUR 3232.97 in the control group (mean difference EUR −1147.31, 95% CI EUR −1414.97­ to −879.65). No significant differences were observed in 30-day readmission (4.0% versus 4.8%), all-cause mortality (2.4% versus 2.0%) or PE-related mortality (0.8% versus 1.2%) rates.[Conclusions] The use of a prognostic assessment and management pathway was effective in reducing the LOS for acute PE.Peer reviewe