112 research outputs found

    A remarkable new species of Agoristenidae (Arachnida, Opiliones) from Córdoba, Colombia

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    A new species of Leiosteninae (Opiliones, Agoristenidae) from the Colombian Caribbean, Avima tuttifrutti sp. nov. García & Pastrana-M., is described and illustrated, based on two males from the montante forests of Tierralta (Córdoba department). The new species differs externally from other species of Avima by having one yellow hump on mesotergal area IV and green coloration on dorsal scutum. SEM images of the penis and a map showing its distribution are offered. This species represents the first record of a harvestman from the department of Córdoba and the eighth species of the subfamily recorded from the country

    Towards the in vivo mechanical characterization of abdominal wall in animal model: application to hernia repair

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    El trabajo presentado en esta tesis se centra en el diseño e implementación de una metodología que permita caracterizar in vivo el comportamiento mecánico pasivo de la pared abdominal. Esta metodología permitiría a los cirujanos disponer de información mecánica relevante sobre un paciente especí co, lo que podría contribuir a mejorar el tratamiento quirúrgico de hernias mediante malla protésica. El tratamiento quirúrgico de hernias consiste en cerrar la debilidad creada en el músculo, ya sea directamente con puntos de sutura o mediante la implantación de una malla protésica. En el caso de la malla, ésta es la responsable de absorber las tensiones a las que el músculo se ve sometido durante el tiempo en el que se produce la regeneración de tejido. Para reducir el riego de aparición de dolor postoperatorio, rotura o rasgadura de tejido o incluso una recidiva, la malla debe mimetizar la respuesta mecánica de la zona de la pared donde vaya a ser colocada, que a su vez puede variar de un paciente a otro en función de su edad, género, índice de masa corporal u otras características físicas. Un mejor conocimiento de las propiedades mecánicas del abdomen en paciente especí co ayudaría al cirujano a determinar qué malla protésica se puede considerar la ideal, mecánicamente hablando. Por todo ello, el trabajo que aquí se presenta plantea una aproximación in vivo para caracterizar la pared abdominal sobre un modelo animal y su posterior implementación en casos de patologías herniarias. En un primer paso, se ha realizado un estudio biomecánico del cierre en línea alba, que ayudase a entender los aspectos mecánicos y biológicos que tienen lugar durante la curación de la herida a corto y largo plazo. A continuación, se han llevado a cabo ensayos mecánicos de in ado sobre la pared, que combinados con el uso de cámaras y técnicas de adquisición de imagen han permitido extraer la respuesta del tejido de una manera no invasiva. Este estudio experimental, se ha llevado a cabo sobre especímenes sanos y otro herniados y reparados con distintas mallas quirúrgicas, lo que ha permitido extrapolar el efecto in vivo que provocan estas mallas. A partir de los datos experimentales también se ha desarrollado un análisis numérico que permitiese caracterizar la respuesta mecánica especí ca de cada espécimen. A este efecto, dicha caracterización se ha tratado como un problema inverso y resuelto primeramente mediante un análisis de super cies de respuesta y después con un algoritmo propio aplicado a modelos hiperelásticos. Finalmente, también se ha reconstruido un modelo de elementos nitos de la cavidad abdominal que permite simular el efecto producido por distintas mallas protésicas así como su alteración respecto al tejido sano


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    Nas últimas décadas o debate acerca da pobreza vem ganhando destaque no cenário global. No Brasil, a pobreza sempre foi um fator de relevância, já que ela atinge parte significativa da população. O presente estudo objetiva analisar a efetividade do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF) através do acompanhamento dos dados das condicionalidades nas áreas da educação e da saúde no período de 2005 a 2014. Metodologicamente a pesquisa classifica-se como qualitativa, a partir do método dedutivo. Realizou-se a análise de dados secundários do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS); do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Agrário (MDS); e de relatórios do Programa das Nações Unidas para o desenvolvimento – Brasil (PNUD-BRASIL). Os resultados indicam que o Programa Bolsa Família melhorou as condições de vida de seus beneficiários através do auxílio financeiro e, principalmente, pelo acesso à educação e a saúde, aumentando os níveis de frequência escolar e acompanhamentos médicos básicos. A melhora nas condições de vida também fica evidente nos resultados do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano do período.

    Antilisterial Effect and Influence on Listeria monocytogenes Gene Expression of Enterocin or Enterococcus faecalis in Sliced Dry-Cured Ham Stored at 7°C.

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    In this study, we focused on the effect of an enterocin or an Enterococcus faecalis strain added onto sliced dry-cured ham that was artificially inoculated with Listeria monocytogenes and stored at 7°C. The population of L. monocytogenes and the expression of five genes were monitored throughout the storage period. A persistent and a nonpersistent strain were tested, and both were influenced by the presence of the enterocin; both populations were reduced by more than 2 Log CFU/g after 14 days compared with the control, noninoculated ham. The presence of E. faecalis, a bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacterium, had a less pronounced effect on the viable counts for both strains. Concerning gene expression, a common trend observed for both strains in the presence of enterocin was the down-regulation of genes tested after 30 min of storage at 7°C. For the remainder of the storage period, the expression fluctuated but was mostly reduced. Similarly, the presence of E. faecalis led to an overall down-regulation of genes. The effect on gene expression of both enterocin and E. faecalis was more pronounced on the nonpersistent L. monocytogenes strain. Although the potential of a bacteriocin and a bacteriocin-producing microorganism to control L. monocytogenes was confirmed, this study highlights that gene expression may be influenced and needs to be evaluated when considering such biopreservation interventions

    Experiencia de uso de ECATHS en Quimica Inorgánica

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    Es objetivo de esta comunicación presentar los resultados de una encuesta en la que se indagó en alumnos ingresantes a carreras de orientación química sobre el uso y la utilidad del espacio virtual Ecaths creado en el año 2012 en la Asignatura Química Inorgánica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (Argentina). A través de los enlaces del Aula, se generó un espacio de interacción virtual como complemento y fortalecimiento de las actividades desarrolladas presencialmente. De acuerdo a las respuestas de los usuarios, ha resultado un medio apropiado para obtener información relevante y actualizada acerca de diferentes cuestiones generales, rever sus errores, manifestar y aclarar dudas, reforzar el estudio domiciliario, además de contribuir a una fluida comunicación en línea entre docentes y alumnos

    Deletion Syndrome 22q11.2: A Systematic Review

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    22q11.2 deletion syndrome (DS 22q11.2) is a rare disease of genetic origin, caused by the loss of the q11.2 region of chromosome 22. It affects one in 4000 live newborns, and among the clinical manifestations that can occur in this syndrome are abnormalities in the parathyroid glands (producing calcium deficits), the palate, the heart and the thymus. It is also known as DiGeorge syndrome or velocardiofacial syndrome, among other names, depending on the clinical presentation of each individual. The main objective of the review was to update information on DS 22q11.2 from publications in the scientific literature. The daily activities of these patients are seriously impaired, due to the impact of the clinical manifestations. Interventions can be performed to improve their social, cognitive and emotional skills, thus increasing their ability to perform different daily activities.Colegio Oficial de Enfermeria de Granada (CODEGRA

    In-situ Mechanical Characterization of Abdominal Muscle Using Stereo Imaging

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    We present a method to characterize in vivo the mechanical behavior of abdominal muscle, using inverse finite element analysis and image processing algorithms to estimate the properties. The aim of this technique is to help surgeon to choose the hernia mesh that better reproduces the mechanical behavior of the healthy muscle

    Deletion Syndrome 22q11.2: A Systematic Review

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    DiGeorge syndrome; Congenital anomalies; Velocardiofacial syndromeSíndrome de DiGeorge; Anomalías congénitas; Síndrome velocardiofacialSíndrome de DiGeorge; Anomalies congènites; Síndrome velocardiofacial22q11.2 deletion syndrome (DS 22q11.2) is a rare disease of genetic origin, caused by the loss of the q11.2 region of chromosome 22. It affects one in 4000 live newborns, and among the clinical manifestations that can occur in this syndrome are abnormalities in the parathyroid glands (producing calcium deficits), the palate, the heart and the thymus. It is also known as DiGeorge syndrome or velocardiofacial syndrome, among other names, depending on the clinical presentation of each individual. The main objective of the review was to update information on DS 22q11.2 from publications in the scientific literature. The daily activities of these patients are seriously impaired, due to the impact of the clinical manifestations. Interventions can be performed to improve their social, cognitive and emotional skills, thus increasing their ability to perform different daily activities

    Quality of Life in the Postpartum Recovery ofWomen Who Practice Hypopressive Exercise: Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Background: Practicing physical exercise is a way of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and it has been demonstrated to provide benefits and improve quality of life after labour. Aim: The objective of this study is to determine if performing a moderate hypopressive exercise program after childbirth improves the HRQoL of women. Materials and Methods: A 12-week randomized clinical trial was carried out. The women in the exercise group followed a training program based on the hypopressive method, which comprises postural and respiratory exercises of moderate intensity. We used the SF-36v2 questionnaire to assess the Health-Related Quality of Life in women. Results: We found statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in general health components, vitality, emotional role, and mental health in the sample group of exercise group of women, who obtained a higher score. We found statistically significant differences in all aspects between the groups. The interaction between time and group affect in general health components, vitality, emotional role and the score of mental components. In all of them, the score was higher at the end of the programme and in the exercise group. Conclusions: The training program with hypopressive physical exercise improves the quality of life after childbirth. According to the guidelines recommended by the ACOG, the hypopressive method is valid for the improvement of HRQoL in women who perform this method at 16 weeks of delivery. Further studies are recommended to start such exercises one week after delivery in postpartum women.Colegio Oficial de Enfermeria de Granada (CODEGRA