377 research outputs found

    El multilingüismo en la TAV: El caso de los filmes de Quentin Tarantino

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    Treball Final de Grau en Traducció i Interpretació. Codi: TI0983. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016El trabajo de investigación que nos ocupa tiene como principal objetivo el de estudiar cómo se traduce el fenómeno del multilingüismo en las versiones dobladas al español de la filmografía de Quentin Tarantino. Partimos de un marco teórico en el que se describe brevemente la traducción audiovisual como variedad de traducción, el doblaje como modalidad preponderante en nuestro país dentro de dicha variedad y finalmente la presencia de una tercera lengua o L3 como problema de traducción, al tiempo que sus posibles soluciones. Tras dicho marco teórico, planteamos un modelo analítico en el que detallamos cada uno de los ejemplos de intervenciones multilingües en los filmes estudiados, así como las técnicas y modalidades de traducción que se han usado para solventar el problema que supone una L3 en un producto audiovisual, tanto en la versión original como en la doblada al español. Tomando como punto de partida estos datos, nos centramos en tratar de descubrir cuáles son las tendencias traductoras que predominan, no solo en la versión original, sino también en su traducción para el doblaje, y cuáles son los factores que las determinan

    Repetibilidad de la paquimetría post-cirugía refractiva corneal obtenida con un sistema de fotografía Scheimpflug

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    La paquimetría, magnitud del grosor corneal, es muy importante en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de ectasias corneales primarias o iatrogénicas. Por ello es obligatorio no solo evaluar la paquimetría en cualquier candidato a cirugía refractiva corneal, sino también conocer la fiabilidad de medida de los instrumentos que la proporcionan. En este estudio hemos hallado la Repetibilidad de la paquimetría central, mínima y medio-periférica del sistema tomográfico Galilei basado en el principio de Scheimpflug, en pacientes fotoablacionados mediante la técnica PRK. Para evaluar la repetibilidad se llevaron a cabo 5 medidas consecutivas realizadas por un mismo operador. Posteriormente, se aplicó el test de análisis de la varianza (ANOVA) con el objetivo de determinar la Repetibilidad (2.77 x desviación estándar intrasujeto). La Repetibilidad máxima para todas las localizaciones fue de 1011m, consecuentemente se puede afirmar que el Galilei es un sistema fiable para evaluar la paquimetría en pacientes fotoablacionados.Grado en Óptica y Optometrí

    Development of expression vectors based on pepino mosaic virus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Plant viruses are useful expression vectors because they can mount systemic infections allowing large amounts of recombinant protein to be produced rapidly in differentiated plant tissues. Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) (genus <it>Potexvirus</it>, family <it>Flexiviridae</it>), a widespread plant virus, is a promising candidate expression vector for plants because of its high level of accumulation in its hosts and the absence of severe infection symptoms. We report here the construction of a stable and efficient expression vector for plants based on PepMV.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Agroinfectious clones were produced from two different PepMV genotypes (European and Chilean), and these were able to initiate typical PepMV infections. We explored several strategies for vector development including coat protein (CP) replacement, duplication of the CP subgenomic promoter (SGP) and the creation of a fusion protein using the foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) 2A catalytic peptide. We found that CP replacement vectors were unable to move systemically and that vectors with duplicated SGPs (even heterologous SGPs) suffered from significant transgene instability. The fusion protein incorporating the FMDV 2A catalytic peptide gave by far the best results, maintaining stability through serial passages and allowing the accumulation of GFP to 0.2-0.4 g per kg of leaf tissue. The possible use of PepMV as a virus-induced gene silencing vector to study gene function was also demonstrated. Protocols for the use of this vector are described.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A stable PepMV vector was generated by expressing the transgene as a CP fusion using the sequence encoding the foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) 2A catalytic peptide to separate them. We have generated a novel tool for the expression of recombinant proteins in plants and for the functional analysis of virus and plant genes. Our experiments have also highlighted virus requirements for replication in single cells as well as intercellular and long-distance movement.</p

    Assessment Using AutoCAD Software of the Preparation of Dentin Walls in Root Canals Produced by 4 Different Endodontic Instrument Systems

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    Objectives. To compare the effectiveness of four instrument systems for preparing oval root canals: manual instrumentation (Step-Back technique), ProTaper Universal, ProTaper Next, and Wave One. Material and Methods. For the purpose of this assessment, 60 teeth extracted for orthodontic or periodontal reasons, specifically canines and premolars with full coronal and root anatomy, were used and 15 samples were assigned to each group. The section of the canals was compared before and after instrumenting and the section of untouched canal wall was measured using AutoCAD software. The data was analysed by means of Shapiro-Wilk, ANOVA, and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Results. In the apical third, 100% of the canals were prepared with all the systems. In the middle third, a p value of 0.5989 in the Kruskal-Wallis test was obtained, which indicates no significant difference between the groups. At the coronal third level, the results obtained revealed that Wave One had a significantly lower mean average than the rest (p<0.05). Conclusions. There are no differences between the various root canal instrument systems in the apical and middle thirds. At the coronal third level, Wave One system showed performance significantly worse than the rest, among which there were no differences

    Lymphangitic Carcinomatosis as a Cause of Malignant Transient Pleural Transudate

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    Although it is generally accepted that a malignant transient pleural transudate may appear during the early stages of lymphatic obstruction, cases demonstrating such probability are rare in literature. A 67-year-old woman was admitted to hospital because a lymphangitic carcinomatosis and a transudative infrapulmonary pleural effusion with a cytology positive for adenocarcinoma. One month later the effusion keeps being positive for adenocarcinoma but exudative in character. Lymphatic obstruction appears as the cause of the initial transudative characteristics of the pleural effusion