94 research outputs found

    Magmatický a vulkanický vývoj vulkanického komplexu Doupovských hor

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    Magmatický a vulkanický vývoj vulkanického komplexu Doupovských hor Abstrakt Vulkanický komplex Doupovských hor (DHVC) se nachází v západní části oherského riftu. Ten probíhá ve směru severovýchod-jihozápad severozápadní částí českého masivu. Oherský rift sleduje variskou suturu mezi saxothuringikem a tepelsko-barrandienskou oblastí. DHVC tvoří alkalické horniny složením a pozicí podobné dalším komplexům kenozoického vnitrodeskového vulkanizmu střední a západní Evropy (CIMACi). Vulkanická aktivita komplexu Doupovských hor začala v nejspodnějším oligocénu a trvala až do spodního miocénu. Vulkanická aktivita byla opakovaně přerušována periodami rozpadu sopečného horstva. Magmatická aktivita trvala zhruba 14 milionů let a vytvořila vulkanický komplex o mocnosti 600-1000 m. Erupční sty rané explozivní aktivita DHVC je klasifikován jako strombolský až subpliniovský a freatomagmatický. Erupce uložily asi 80 m vulkanoklastik. Stáří této počáteční aktivity je datováno paleontologicky do nejspodnějšího oligocénu. Následná vulkanická aktivita byla mnohem klidnější a převažovaly výlevy láv nad pyroklastiky. Růst raného sopečného masivu kulminovala intruzí doupovského intruzivního komplexu před 30-29 miliony let. Intruzi tvoří essexit, foidový mikrosyenit, melteigit, ijolit, urtit a další podobné horniny. Tento raný...The Doupovské hory Volcanic Complex (DHVC) occupies the western part of the northeast- southwest trending Eger Graben in northwestern part of the Bohemian Massif. The Graben follows the older Variscan suture between the Saxothuringian and Teplá-Barrandian Domains. The rocks of the DHVC are alkaline with setting and composition similar to other Cenozoic intraplate volcanic complexes of the Central and Western Europe (CIMACi). The Doupovské hory Volcanic Complex started the activity in the Lowermost Oligocene and lasted until Lower Miocene. The volcanic activity resulting in accumulation of the Doupovské hory Volcanic Complex was several times interrupted by periods of volcanic edifice decay and sector collapses. The magmatic activity lasted for ca. 14 M.y. and built a volcanic complex of total thickness 600-1000 m. The earliest volcanic activity was explosive in style and the eruptions could be classified as Strombolian to Sub-plinian and phreatomagmatic. The eruptions deposited about 80 m of volcaniclastics. This initial activity was dated by paleontology to the Lowermost Oligocene. The volcanic activity subsequently became calmer and lava flows dominated over explosive events. The growth of the early DHVC edifice culminated with intrusions of the Flurbühl intrusive complex by about 30-29 Ma. The...Ústav petrologie a strukturní geologieInstitute of Petrology and Structural GeologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Lipedema: A relatively common disease with extremely common misconceptions

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    Lipedema, or adiposis dolorosa, is a common adipose tissue disorder that is believed to affect nearly 11% of adult women worldwide. It is characterized most commonly by disproportionate adipocyte hypertrophy of the lower extremities, significant tenderness to palpation, and a failure to respond to extreme weight loss modalities. Women with lipedema report a rapid growth of the lipedema subcutaneous adipose tissue in the setting of stress, surgery, and/or hormonal changes. Women with later stages of lipedema have a classic "column leg" appearance, with masses of nodular fat, easy bruising, and pain. Despite this relatively common disease, there are few physicians who are aware of it. As a result, patients are often misdiagnosed with lifestyle-induced obesity, and/or lymphedema, and subjected to unnecessary medical interventions and fat-shaming. Diagnosis is largely clinical and based on criteria initially established in 1951. Treatment of lipedema is effective and includes lymphatic support, such as complete decongestive therapy, and specialized suction lipectomy to spare injury to lymphatic channels and remove the diseased lipedema fat. With an incidence that may affect nearly 1 in 9 adult women, it is important to generate appropriate awareness, conduct additional research, and identify better diagnostic and treatment modalities for lipedema so these women can obtain the care that they need and deserve.Open access journal.This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Application of the liposuction techniques and principles in specific body areas and pathologies

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    The buttocks have been a symbol of attraction, sexuality and eroticism since ancient times and therefore, they have an important role in defining the posterior body contour. More and more people are talking about and understand the meaning and the role that buttocks play in modeling and physical beauty. The three dimensional gluteoplasty (3-DGP) is an innovative technique that allows us to change volume, shape and firmness, not only in the buttocks but also in the adjacent regions such as the thighs and trochanters, becoming an ideal tool to answer the frequent reasons of consultation of our patients about this particular area of the body: ..

    Crandallite-rich beds of the Libkovice Member, Most Basin, Czech Republic : climatic extremes or paleogeographic changes at the onset of the Miocene Climatic Optimum?

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    We describe the occurrence and possible origin of rare beds 1-10cm thick and containing 20-70% of crandallite, a Ca-Al phosphate enriched in Sr and Ba, found within otherwise monotonous clay-rich lacustrine sediments of the Most Basin in the Central-European Neogene Ohře Rift system. The beds were formed at ca. 17.31, 17.06, and 16.88Ma, while the entire suite of monotonous clays of the Libkovice Member was deposited between 17.46 and 16.65Ma. Trace-element and organic geochemistry, Ar-Ar geochronology and C-O-Sr isotope systematics are used to infer their source and processes leading to their formation. The most enigmatic aspect of the formation of the crandallite beds is the removal of a huge amount of phosphorus from its biogenic cycle in the lacustrine system, which was otherwise stable for ca. 0.8My. Formation of detritus-poor crandallite beds could result from some exceptional environmental disruptions that hindered transport of fine clastic material to the basin floor. Silicic volcanic activity in the area of the Pannonian Basin could have triggered this disruption. Crandallite could provide evidence of long-lasting droughts and acidification of the exogenic environment, as they are roughly coeval with the onset of the Miocene Climatic Optimum at ca. 17.0Ma


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    A ecografia ganhou maior aplicabilidade na Dermatologia com o aparecimento de sondas de maior frequência que possibilitam a visualização de lesões localizadas na pele e tecido celular subcutâneo. A ecografia de alta resolução tem-se desenvolvido particularmente na área do melanoma, onde se tem posicionado não só como exame complementar à vigilância clínica, mas também como método de estadiamento ganglionar. Neste âmbito, a ecografia é mais sensível que a palpação ganglionar, mostra-se superior a outros métodos de imagem no diagnóstico precoce da metastização locoregional e, quando realizada preliminarmente em combinação com a citologia de aspiração por agulha fina, pode diminuir o número de biopsias do gânglio sentinela. Actualmente, os estudos disponíveis sugerem que a ecografia tem um papel relevante na avaliação da doença loco-regional, em particular no doente com melanoma de risco intermédio ou elevado.Ultrasonography gained a wider applicability in Dermatology with the emergence of higher frequency probes that allow the visualization of lesions in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. High-resolution ultrasound has developed particularly in the field of malignant melanoma, and has positioned itself not only as an image complement to physical examination, but also as a locoregional staging technique. In fact, ultrasonography is more sensitive than lymph node palpation, it is superior to other imaging techniques when it comes to the early detection of locoregional metastasis and, when performed preliminarily in combination with fine needle aspiration cytology, it may reduce the number of sentinel- -node biopsies. Presently, available studies suggest that ultrasound has a relevant part in the evaluation of locoregional disease, particularly in patients with intermediate or high-risk cutaneous melanoma

    Geologische Untersuchungen an der Neubaustrecke Dresden-Prag: Geologische Untersuchungen an der Eisenbahn-Neubaustrecke Dresden-Prag (2011 - 2020)

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    In der Schriftenreihe werden alle Ergebnisse der geologischen Untersuchungen vorgestellt, die seit 2011 im Umfeld der geplanten Eisenbahnneubaustrecke Dresden-Prag durchgeführt worden sind. Der geplante mindestens 25 km lange, grenzüberschreitende Erzgebirgsbasistunnel durchquert verschiedene Gesteine und komplexe Störungszonen. Untersuchungsschwerpunkt waren die geologischen, tektonischen und hydrogeologischen Verhältnisse im grenznahen Raum des geplanten Trassenkorridos. Die Veröffentlichung richtet sich an Behörden, Institutionen, Ingenieur- und Planungsbüros, die sich mit der Umsetzung der Neubaustrecke beschäftigen sowie an die geologisch interessierte Fachwelt und Öffentlichkeit. Redaktionsschluss: 28.08.202